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Network management Number: Lecturer: This paper discusses the lessons learned from the ial on firewall ial. The ial discusses firewall tutorial for Cisco 3725. Two routers running simultaneously are used to demonstrate firewalls configurations. There are two terms that are succinctly defined in Cisco routers. Inbound refers to traffic into the router while outbound refers to traffic out of the router. For example application of ACL on inbound traffic at the internal router on fa/00 implies that traffic going into the client network is affected.
On the other hand application of ACL on outbound traffic means those that are into the router and not into the client’s network.The process of setting up a router includes setting up internal and external router configs. The hostname and fa00 interface must be set up on both internal and external routers. The configuration process allows a number of activities on the router such as denying access to a specific IP address, adding a password or securing virtual terminal lines. For instance, we can deny access to 12.12.12.
15 to prevent it from accessing internal network, the configuration is as follows (Anonymous, 2012):conf t: access list 1-100 deny/permit The number “” represents the IP address to be blocked in the internal network. In the internal router configuration interface, the following line of code is inputted: Internal (Config) #access-list 1 deny Internal (Config) #int fa0/0 Internal (Config) #ip access-group 1 inThis code denies access to traffic from to the inbound router.
This description is for a simple firewall setup. However, there are complicated scenarios which encompass complex configurations. They are referred as extended access control list and are demonstrated in another tutorial (Anonymous, 2012). In summary, this tutorial has introduced access control list in Cisco IOS firewall. It is applicable to configuration of Intrusion Detection Systems to detect and prevent unwanted IP addresses in a network. ReferencesAnonymous. (2012). Cisco Access Control List .
Retrieved 2015, from YouTube:
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