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Marymount Online Application - Essay Example

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The purpose of the paper "Marymount Online Application" is to help new students who have not had any experience with the Marymount online application. It is intended for students who have not explored the various functions, features, and terminology of the online application software…
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Marymount Online Application
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The sections and topics in this manual are interrelated, therefore, you should read and understand preceding topics and sections consecutively. It is also recommended that you read the manual keenly understanding all the procedures accurately. For better understanding, most procedures have been illustrated using screenshots and pictures alongside their descriptions.Should you have any additional questions and clarifications, the FAQ section answers some of the common questions. New and custom terms unique to this manual have also been defined and explained in the glossary.

Before you can be able to perform many functions in the online application, you must log in to the system. To do so use the following address to open the login web page: Simply click on the link to be able to log in. The following webpage will appear.Type your user name and password on this screen then click login to log in to the system. In case you experience any problems while logging, such as forgetting your password, simply click the “Reset My Marymount Password” link.

Once you login you will be able to access the Main Menu from where you can select the actions you wish to perform. The following screen appears that will allow you to select the appropriate function to perform. After selecting the Schedule of classes option, you begin the process of obtaining the grade for the course  14/SP.You will get a screen with the list of all available courses, their respective descriptions, and specifications including the start and end date.Q. What happens when I experience problems when logging in?

Ans: Simply click on the link “problem logging in”. Q. What if I forgot my user Id or Password?Ans: In case you forget your password, select the link “ Reser My Marymount Password” this will allow you to reset the password and be able to access the system.Q. What should I do if the page is not loading properly?Ans: Remove all firewall settings and ensure all pop-up blockers are off that are hindering you from accessing the page. Q. What should I do if the SUBMIT button on the choice, of course, doesn’t respond?

Ans: You will need to refresh the web page by clicking on the refresh button on your browser. If the same problem occurs, contact the student’s services department.Q. What if the option buttons for selecting the course do not respond?Ans: Rectify this by reloading the page either by clicking the refresh button on the browser or by pressing the F5 key on the keyboard.8. GlossaryBrowser: A program that facilitates the process of viewing websites and webpages on the internet.Button: A control that is clicked to invoke a function of the program.

Functionalities: Actions and functions that the system can perform.Link: A command that when clicked will connect one part of the program to another.Marine: Marymount university portal for students, faculty, and employees.MU ID: Marymount University ID.password: Combination of characters that is used as an authorization to access the system.Screenshot: A copy of the screen copied and resized to show the text and graphics as displayed on the screen.Tab: options available to navigate the system.

User ID: Marymount University student ID that uniquely identifies the student as the user of the system..

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