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Tool Evaluation / Review - Assignment Example

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A summary of the key features of the app and your overall impression. A paragraph identifying the target audience for the app. Do you think the app was created for purely altruistic reasons or did the creator(s) intend to make money and if so, how?
Mix by Camera 360 is a…
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Tool Evaluation / Review
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ID Android Apps Review of the apps evaluated: Mix by Camera 360 and Grabble the Fashion Finder 2. A summary of the key features of the app and your overall impression. A paragraph identifying the target audience for the app. Do you think the app was created for purely altruistic reasons or did the creator(s) intend to make money and if so, how?Mix by Camera 360 is a do-it-yourself photo editing app, launched on September 3, 2014, by PinGuo Inc. (Pin Guo Inc. 2014). The target audience is everyone that has some interest in photo retouching.

There are very few apps in the market that are made for purely altruistic reasons. 3. A list of positive characteristics (e.g. high-quality graphics, fun, indispensable tool)It gives a dSLR like experience with the field depth. It also offers non-linear and nondestructive workflow with over 100 handpicked filters and over 40 original textures. 4. A list of negative characteristics (e.g. force close, slow, confusing menu titles)There are a few drawbacks to this app. When a user posts a picture to Instagram, it is always cropped to square.

Also, while working with a picture the quality remains good but a saved project is a different story. 5. How will this app genuinely impact society in the future?This app is very good, but it is far from revolutionary. It will not have a huge impact on the society. There are already plenty of apps like that in the market. The only impact will be the follower companies. 6. Read other reviews, the short ones on the Google Play site, for the app. What is the general tone and average ranking of the other reviews?

Do you agree with them or not? Explain your reasoning.The general tone of reviews is positive. The have downloaded it almost 7000 times, with over 4000 users giving it 5-star rating. It has an average of 4.3 out of a score of 5. I agree with the reviews the app is very useful. Name of the apps evaluated: Grabble: The Fashion Finder A summary of the key features of the app and your overall impression. A paragraph identifying the target audience for the app. Do you think the app was created for purely altruistic reasons or did the creator(s) intend to make money and if so, how?

Grabble: The Fashion Finder by the company Grabble is an app for the general audience. It was launched on August 21, 2014, (Grabble, 2014). It is a very useful app as it does not let people get stuck on fashion ideas. It is hard to decide if it is for altruistic reasons or for money. 3. A list of positive characteristics (e.g. high-quality graphics, fun, indispensable tool)The users can browse millions of garments from famous clothing stores like Topshop, Urban Outfitters, ASOS etc. 4. A list of negative characteristics (e.g. force close, slow, confusing menu titles)There is hardly anything wrong with this app.

The users love it. It delivers exactly what it is supposed to. 5. How will this app genuinely impact society in the future?The app will create a trend where better and faster apps with more features will hit the market. Probably one could see themselves virtually trying out different clothes to see how those garments look on their bodies. 6. Read other reviews, the short ones on the Google Play site, for the app. What is the general tone and average ranking of the other reviews? Do you agree with them or not?

Explain your reasoning.So far it has been a favorite among its users. It has an average ranking of 4.8 out of 5. It has a beautiful design, and the collection is amazing. The general tone is very positive. I agree with the reviews as it gives what it is supposed to. ReferencesGrabble. "Grabble: The Fashion Finder." Google Play. N.p., 21 Aug. 2014. Web. 07 Sept. 2014. . Pin Guo Inc. "MIX by Camera360." Google Play. N.p., 3 Sept. 2014. Web. 07 Sept. 2014. .

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