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SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN 251’s ASSIGNMENT Use Case Diagram The following use case diagram is organized by subsystem of new Customer Booking system for Outback Tours (OT). New system’s Major Use Cases Use cases glossary Use case nameDescriptionActorscreate bookingThe clerk creates new booking database to enter the information of the customer. Assesses availability of departure and categorise the new entry as tentative until every verification is completed then change status as completed.
The clerk then updates booking information to be assessed by departure head and administration for backup and final authorization. OT Tour ClerkTour RequestCustomer makes confirmation regarding details captured. Can add, delete, modify, or just confirm that everything is properly captured. CustomerConfirming and generating recordsAvail accommodation booking report and generate departure summary with help of departure head. AdministratorCoordinate tour actors Departure head coordinate the resources of departure from driver, customer and others to keep time and save on finances.
Ensure the departure dates and codes, departure name, tour name, tour code, short description, return dates and accommodation types, clients preferences, the maximum number of customers, period, names of tour guides and the drivers, and the vehicle registration numbers are captured accurately Departure head (tour guide)Ticket verificationTicket counter agent assist customer in checking in by verifying their reservation tickets. Show them seats and check luggage. Ticket counter agentVehicle serviceEnsuring that the vehicle is in good condition for tour and confirms check in to verify capacityDriverMaintain systemAs the system is used it requires regular service and maintenance to avoid errors and unnecessary expensesSystem AdministratorAllocate accommodationOnce accommodation summary report has been provided.
Accommodation officer ensures that customers get their respective accommodation preferencesAccommodation headAcquire certification and tour site coordinationLinking the tour site with OT departure to ensure smooth clarification at the site to minimize time wastageTour OrganizerAvail resourcesOnce tour resources have been identified and confirmed the manager ensures that they are available for customers’ useResource ManagerReferencesAlexander, Ian, and Neil Maiden. 2004. Scenarios & use cases stories through the system life-cycle.
Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley., Daryl, and Eamonn Guiney. 2004. Use cases: requirements in context. Boston, Mass: Addison-Wesley.Rosenberg, Doug, and Matt Stephens. 2007. Use case driven object modeling with UML theory and practice. Berkeley, CA: Apress.
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