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The Effects of the Technological Solution the Business - Assignment Example

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The paper "The Effects of the Technological Solution the Business" states that hotels have different websites to suit people living in different locations around the globe. The website of the Hiltons group of hotels gives the customer a chance to give comments on the services provided. …
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The Effects of the Technological Solution the Business
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Hometown deli is a restaurant started in the year 1952 as a family business. The joint provides fast food such as tea, coffee, soups, and salads. The food provided there requires less time to be prepared and it attracts many customers. The place has grown as time passes by and the management needs to improve the services provided in the joint to improve the turn up of customers and to improve the turnover of the business. By this, a project was started to come up with measures that would be used in the upgrading of the place. In this stage, one of the projects a case study was conducted and it came to the revelation that the information technology of the place should be improved to meet the objectives of the management.
This paper will explain how a technology solution suggested in the case study in stage one will improve the process; come up with a specific technology solution and the effects of the technological solution on the business.
Proposed solution
The proposed system in which the restaurant will work is when the introduction of a new technological system will depend if the customer had made an earlier reservation order through the restaurant's website or not. If the customer had made one, he will find his or her table reserved and a waiter waiting for the customer’s arrival. The customer will provide the order number, which he obtained from the website after making the reservation. The waiter will signal the number to the counter where it will be instantly transmitted to the kitchen monitor to ensure the order is ready. If the customer had not made a reservation on the website he will undergo go almost the same process but instead of giving the order number to the waiter, the customer will make the order and the waiter notes them down on the I- pad. The chosen process will work effectively with good and reliable technology in because it will reduce the movement of the waiters going to the counter to present orders requested by the customer. Furthermore, the process will be fast compared to the old process because within a minute the kitchen would have received an order from a certain customer.
Hardware and software requirements
The Deli management should ensure each table has at most two I-pads which the customer will use to make orders. The I-pads should contain software that would be easy to use for those who are computer illiterates and the level of speed in the I-pads should be high. The management should consider making the joint a Wi-Fi hot spot. The hot spot may attract more customers who want to do their office work outside of the office and the customers would feel more independent while making their orders on their laptops and I-pads.
The proposed solution will require at least a well and advanced computer gadget like I-pads as a major hardware component in the project. The network or the server of the location of Deli would be a consideration in implementing the solution. The software to be installed in the communication gadgets should be easy to use. The number of gadgets to be bought will depend on the carrying capacity of the place. It is important to note that the kitchen should contain a big monitor to receive the orders from the counter. The staff should be computer literate to ensure smooth flow of the system.
Impacts of the proposed solution
1. Less time used in making an order
2. Less workforce required which will be a benefit to the management due to the reduction of wages accrued
3. Attraction of high numbers of customers
4. Less confusion while presenting orders, especially among the waiters Read More
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