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Google Map Java Script ( produce a program code) - Assignment Example

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Data being spatially distributed has two components the location data and the value data. In this assignment we consider how Indian population is distributed…
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Google Map Java Script ( produce a program code)
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Distribution of Indian Population in Cities using a Web map Written by Introduction The purpose of this document is to describe the methods used in collecting data and representing them on a Google map. Data being spatially distributed has two components the location data and the value data. In this assignment we consider how Indian population is distributed along the length and breadth of the country by mapping the population in representative cities. In choosing the cities not only the population but it’s geographical location also is considered 2.

Collecting and Classifiying the data2.1 Population data The population data was obtained from,in,. It Contains the 2011 census data. No difficulties were encountered in collecting the data.2.2 Spatial Data The Latitudes and Longitudes of each city was obtained using Google Earth. The data obtained was in degree, minutes, seconds format .This was converted into Decimal form using scientific calculator2.3 Approriatness of the data used My application intended only mapping popuation in cities of India.

The authentic source for such data is Government of India’s census data available at .The last census being only completed recently it suits my application very well .The only preprocessing I had to do was obtaining the data for select cities and rank them according to population.There can be no other dataset better than this2.4 Architecture used The architecture used was the simplest ,as I mapped only the population. It required only a web map with the locations marked and infowindows showing the population and rank.

Next time I would like to put economic data ,religion data ,literacy and education data also .These data will be placed on different maps which can be selected from links ina frame on the web page3 Putting the data on a web map.3.1 Java script and Google map API. The toughest job was finding a java script with Google map API. A map has to be created , markers has to be generated for each location and info windows had to be filled with the data. I found Google map API V2 better suited for the purpose than the V3 as it offered a lot of flexibility with info windows.

I obtained a suitable script at Mikes web pages(Mike Williams 2009) and modified it 3.2 Future work If I had more time I would have incorporated more cities and urban agglomerates and for each city other than population, religion, education and economic data would be included. If possible I would have given provision for searching the map for each kind of dataReferences Mike Williams(2009) Google Maps API Tutorials available at TableName of the CityLatitudeLongitudePopulationPopulation RankMumbai18.845573.033712,478,4471New Delhi28.372577.365011,007,8352Bengaluru12.887377.71398,425,9703Hyderabad17.298778.52696,809,9704Ahamedabad22.867872.65195,570,5855Chennai12.758880.3643 4,681,0876Kolkota2.1777688.79084,486,6797Thiruvanathapuram8.2555677.1618752,4908

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