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Key Factors to Maintaining Professional Practices in Computing - Essay Example

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The paper "Key Factors to Maintaining Professional Practices in Computing" would address the following concerns - professional responsibility, codes of ethics and conduct, responsible behaviors when using the computer, professional independence, as well as issues of privacy…
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Key Factors to Maintaining Professional Practices in Computing
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? Key Factors to Maintaining Professional Practise in computing Department Key factors essential to maintaining professional practise in computing today Professional practise The nice thing about standards is that there are so many to choose from. As the world evolves and advances in terms of technology, many institutions and organisations all over the world ought to maintain professionalism in practise. This paper elucidates the key factors that are essential to maintaining professional practise in computing today. Computer users are required to use computers in a way or manner respecting the needs of the other computer users and the society in general. There are practises in computing that are regarded illegal, immoral, and unprofessional. Professional responsibility Experts in the field of computing have moral duties and responsibilities to their customers, their bosses, colleagues, as well as the society in general geared towards achieving or accomplishing their skilled and specialised obligations. In other words, all professionals in the field off computing have from time immemorial guided by a code of ethics that guides them to make their own resolutions when face with moral issues. It is important to consider the fact that professional responsibility in computing is directed by moral values and standards, trustworthiness, morality, impartiality, independence as well as magnanimity (Bott, 2005). In definition, professional responsibilities can be defined as the supplementary or extra obligations that ought to be assumed by computing professionals or computer users in respect to their exceptional and distinctive understanding, talents, and abilities (Baase, 2012). According to Bott (2005), these ought to be also assumed in respect to their relationship and connections between them and other individuals in computing practise, and the faith and hope of the public in general. Therefore, a computing professional is supposed to support, maintain, and defend the standards and principles within the society, diagnose, identify, and follow the set rules and guidelines of professional practise, and as well endorse and encourage individuals of the public in their endeavours. The role of code of ethics A code of ethics is defined as the standards or principles adopted by an institution aimed at helping employees and other stakeholders within that particular institution make a distinction between what is considered wrong and what is right. Codes of ethics in computing acts to help computer users to comprehend the decisions they make. It is of importance for professionals to ensure that computers are used correctly in order to maintain professionalism. The use of computers in many organisations or institutions is subject to a number of guidelines or procedures. These set guidelines and procedures of practise that ought to be followed discourage individuals using computers in their endeavours to avoid any issues that may invade or go against the certification agreements or accords. There are a lot of standards for computer users to choose from and sometimes it might be confusing. In learning institutions for instance, learners using computer technology have to comply with the set guidelines and standards. These are otherwise known as the code of ethics. Any member of the learning institution or any other person affiliated to the learning institution is bound by the code of ethics either legally or morally (Bynum and Rogerson, 2004). There have been cases in the past whereby some people have used another person’s email account deceitfully. Institutions have put it down in their codes of ethics that such behaviours are illegal and anyone found guilty of employing fabricated and deceitful identity can be sentenced to serve time in jail or pay a fine. It is not enough to talk about the factors that helps maintain professional practise in computing today without mentioning the negative effects of computers on children. Computers within the reach of children should be protected with the use of a password. Children can be allowed to play computer games as they have educational benefits but some sites must be restricted. Any computer user must keep in mind the rights of children and also the consequences of allowing children to access certain sites that should otherwise be accessed by adults only. Some of the sites that should be restricted include pornographic sites. Access to social sites by children should be allowed with the supervision of an adult member off the family particularly the parent. Due to the fact that people can access practically anything over the internet, children have fallen prey to child pornography and others have adopted dangerous behaviours that may impact on their health (Bynum and Rogerson, 2004). Therefore, it is of significance for computer users to restrict children from accessing particular sites and electronic information that can impact negatively on their lives. This clearly elucidates the roles of the parents or guardians in maintaining professional practise in computing today. Confidentiality One of the issues associated with computer misuse that is considered essential to maintaining professional practise is confidentiality. In other words, any computer user ought to use his or her computer in such a way that prevents breach of confidentiality. In the modern world, computer hackers have devised novel techniques through which they access other people’s computers illegally or without their knowledge. In learning institutions as well as other internationally recognised organisations, every employee is given a password through which he or she access his or individual account. Under the codes of conduct in such organisations, it is illegal and immoral for an employee to access other employees’ accounts without their consent and no employee has the authority to allow any other person to access his or her account. There are employees who may use other people’s accounts to conduct fraud or other illegal activities. Therefore, setting rules and guidelines that restricts the accessibility of certain computerised documents or information considered private and confidential helps to maintain professionalism in computing (Dequenoy, Jones and Blundell, 2008). Dequenoy, Jones and Blundell (2008) posits that one of the fields that require employees to be as discrete as possible is healthcare. Due to the advancement in technology, patients’ medical records and other private and confidential information is electronic or computerised. Therefore, medical practitioners ought to have specific skills and knowledge to avoid breach of patients’ information as these may have negative effects on the part of the patient, the medical practitioner him/herself, as well as the patients’ family members. In healthcare, there are a number of ways that breach of electronic or computerised information can be avoided. Breach of patients’ medical information can be avoided through encrypting all medical records, files, and documents associated or harbouring patients’ information. Any patients’ Information kept on the hospital’s database ought to be kept in form of encrypted documents. In doing so, access to private information by unauthorised characters is rendered next to impossible. In addition, hospitals can establish plans of action that mandates only certain appointed individuals to handle electronic patients’ information as well as any other documents related with the patients. The administration in collaboration with employees can spearhead regular explorations aimed at identifying current methods of breach of information electronically as this would eventually enhance professional practise in computing. Due to the ever evolving and intricate technology, hackers are always coming up with new ways of accessing other people’s information illegally. Understanding or comprehending these novel hacking techniques will enable the healthcare administration to formulate new strategies aimed at countering harmful eventualities (Kizza, 2010). It is also common sense to assert that breach of patients’ medical information can also be prevented through ensuring that medical practitioners do not store medical information on their personal computers and other electronic gadgets. Devising novel ways and techniques aimed towards relaying sensitive medical information to the patient in a manner that elevates the risk of the information falling into third parties helps enhance professional practise in healthcare in regard to the use of computers. Information that should be relayed to the patient n a secure manner electronically includes HIV/AIDS results and other medical results. To understand the importance of maintaining professional practise in computing, it is important to elucidate the potential implications or effects of breach of confidentiality in healthcare as an example. Breach of private medical facts may have negative consequences on health care provider or hospital in terms of finances. If found guilty of having made public private medical information through electronic means by a court of law, a health care organisation can have its license to operate cancelled Piracy It is of importance to further elucidate issues of misuse of computers in order to comprehend the role off codes of ethics in computing. There are rules and guidelines in computing under copyright and intellectual property. In a bid to maintain professionalism, computer users ought to use only the officially permitted software especially the operating system. It is also ethically correct to acquire software through the officially permitted means and the company selling them must also be accredited or certified. It is not professional to copy or pirate other peoples’ software and use them illegally. Professionalism in computing requires a computer user to venerate the scholarly works and originality of other people. This is attributed to the fact that any automated information can easily be replicated or copied. Any desecration and abuse off the code of ethics under intellectual property, privacy, plagiarism, and also illegal admission is considered the basis for commencement of legal proceedings against the violator (Kizza, 2010). Privacy Each and every individual all over the world has the right to privacy. This follows that computer users also have the right to privacy. In order to maintain professionalism in computing today, it is mandatory for computer users to abstain and renounce from reviewing, scrutinising, dissemination, and alteration of any electronic information devoid of authority to do so from the inventor. Any individual with access to information relating to computer users should not divulge or share such information with third parties. People have in the past shared divulged such information to third parties and this information have been used to defraud unsuspecting individuals. A case study conducted to 780,000 individuals by Utah Department of Health focusing on data breach showed that one of every ten individuals whose healthcare information was a victim of fraud. This was done in the year 2010. A subsequent case study conducted by the same department in 2012 showed an increase in the number of individual falling victim to fraud. In this cases study, four of every ten individuals whose healthcare information was breached was a victim off fraud (Walsh, 2013). Results from these case studies showed that fraud happed as a result of failure to manage information technology resources and properties appropriately or properly. Computer competence Kizza (2010) postulates the fact that practically all the fields associated with technology have continued to be competitive over the recent past. For a computer user to maintain professionalism, it is of significance for him or her to acquire the necessary skills, abilities, and knowledge important to uphold computing ethics and standards. Computer competence is defined as the ability of an individual to execute and complete simple computer assignments effectively. For instance, a computer competent individual is able effectively structure and send emails, conduct research over the internet and other computer based platforms, and also design and format files or documents in the computer. These skills are essential for an individual seeking to uphold expertise in computing. Computer competence goes hand in hand with computer literacy. This in other words means that a computer user must have the skills and abilities to use specific computer based programmes appropriately. In the developed countries such as the US, it is mandatory for an individual seeking employment in a particular organisation to have effective computer skills. Being able to use a computer enables one to avoid common mistakes that may lead to breach of confidentiality of user information as well as private information associated with the company or organisation an individual is working for. In the modern world, there are very many software that an individual can choose to install in his or her computer. This at times confuses consumers as it may be difficult to identify which software is better than the rest. This is why comprehending and acquiring knowledge on computer issues is necessary. Being able to choose the most appropriate software or programme for a personal computer will help a computer user to maintain professionalism in practise (Bott, 2005). Responsible use of computers Being responsible and accountable when using computers is also one of the factors that are essential to maintaining professional practise in computing. Many organisations or institutions requires their employees to act and as well perform their duties and other tasks as may be given to them in a manner that upholds and ensures maintenance of professionalism in computing practise. Practically each and every programme that can be installed in a computer either for personal use or commercial purposes has a licence agreement. These license agreements are important in computing as they mitigate and also prevent people from copying them. Creators of some computer programmes or software put it clearly under their licence agreements that the particular programme can only be installed on only one computer. To ensure that professionalism is upheld in computing, a computer user ought to comply with the licence agreement. It is unprofessional, illegal, and immoral for any individual or computer user to make a copy off a certain computer programme without consent from the proprietor or creator of the programme. It is possible to make a copy without being sacrilegious but it is still considered unethical, illegal, and unprofessional. Therefore, it is the duty of each and every computer user to ensure that s/he complies with the appropriate patent or rights rules and regulations. Individuals using computers also ought to be accountable or responsible for any files or documents that have been installed or stored in their personal computers (Wang, 2012). Further allowing an individual to copy them from your personal computers without the consent of the owner or creator is also considered illegal. Many organisations have connected their computer systems with other systems through available networks. There are also institutions whose work is to manage systems belonging to other companies who are their clients. In such a case, the use of these systems is restricted. These systems or networks must be used only for their intended purposes. Organisations all over the world also only allow their employees to use only a particular network or system. Ina bid to ensure maintenance of professionalism, it is not appropriate for any individual to use any other system or network without the consent of the concerned institutions. Hacking into other organisation’s networks or systems is considered illegal; and must be avoided in order to maintain professionalism in computing. There are people who sometimes attempt to hide their true identity when sending information through the internet. Professionalism in the use of computers requires computer users to desist from such behaviours as if found guilty, one can be sentenced to serve time in jail or otherwise pay a hefty fine. Any person providing and distributing network services should only do so only after acquiring a written agreement or consent for the owners or managers of such networks (Baase, 2012). Connecting personal computers to networks should only be done with the consent of the administrator as dong contrary to that is infringing on other peoples’ privacy. Computers are designed in regard to their intended use. For instance, computers intended to be used in learning institutions are designed in particular designs. In other words, their capacity is restricted and cannot be used for heavy duty or commercial services. Therefore, it is appropriate to only use a computer for only the services that it can handle so as not to affect other people using the system or network in terms of accessibility. A good example in this is a person trying to download huge volumes of data in a low capacity computer. This will ultimately affect the speed other people using the network can access the internet. Access to computers is restricted by the use of passwords. It is important to understand or comprehend the fact that these passwords are considered to be personal and should not be shared with other people. There should also be fines or punishments imposed to any individual acts contrary to these regulations and guidelines. This would be necessary as it would discourage computer users from breaking the ground rules and guidelines or otherwise use the computer for the purpose it was not intended for (Kizza, 2010). For example, learning institutions can impose disciplinary actions against any learner who breaks institutional rules and regulations regarding the use of computers. It is also important for computer users to acquaint themselves appropriately on a regular basis on any updates or novel suggestions in regard to effective use of computers. This is helpful as it guides them in maintaining professionalism in computer use. Professional independence As mentioned earlier on in this paper, the use of technology has continued to evolve and new creations in computer technology are surfacing each and every day. This has contributed to the increasing number of people using computers globally. Due to the easy access to the internet, computer users have found it easier to connect, socialise, make new friends, and do business particularly advertising and selling properties through the internet. People can also share whatever information and research to the internet with the intention of educating others or informing them concerning a particular issue. However, some societies and religious restrict people in terms of what information is morally right and what information is morally wrong. This in other words can be referred to standards that must be met in particular religions or communities. Due to the diversity of groups and communities accessing the internet for information, no single community of group off individuals have the right to decide what king of information is acceptable and tolerable on the internet. There are some cases whereby accessibility to the internet has been restricted by certain governments in the past. Unless information been discouraged is a threat to national security, no institution or body should restrict people to access the internet (Bott, 2005). These principles, rules, and guidelines in the use of computers are reliant on the purpose the computer is being used for. For example, the standards to be followed in terms of computer usage in a learning institution are different from the standards to be followed in a bank. This is why some of these standards may be confusing to computer users. The individuals mandated to design and implement these standards puts into consideration organisational objectives and goals. This means that codes of ethics differ in regard to the kind, mission, and objectives of an organisation (Bott, 2005). Considering these issues is important in ensuring and as well maintaining professional practise in computing today. Conclusion In conclusion, there are a number of key factors that are considered essential in maintaining professional practise in computing today. Some of these include professional responsibility, codes of ethics and conduct, responsible behaviours when using the computer, professional independence, as well as issues of privacy. In terms of professional responsibility, a computer user is ought to support, maintain, and defend the values and morals of the society. Computer users are also supposed to establish, classify, and abide by the set rules and guidelines of professional practise, and as well endorse and encourage individuals of the public in their endeavours. Each and every organisation or institution has its own code of ethics and conduct. In order to maintain professional practise in computing today, employees and other individuals with access to the institutions computer system must abide with its code of ethics. Codes of ethics are set standards and principles that are established within an organisation in order to control and guide employees’ decisions. Another factor that helps maintain professional practise in computing today is the maintenance of confidentiality. It is important to posit that some institutions especially health institutions have client’s information that must be kept private and confidential. Any employee or individual with access to such information must treat it with the discretion it deserves. This is attributed to the fact that breach of private information such as patients HIV/AIDS status may lead to discrimination and stigmatisation. Personal information such as bank account details and Social Security numbers may be used by fraudsters or thieves to access people’s money without their consent. It is also good to respect other people’s innovations and creation. Therefore, computer users should keep away from pirating computer programmes and software illegally. Such behaviours are considered illegal, immoral, and also unprofessional. In order to uphold and sustain professionalism in computing today, it is important for computer users to refrain themselves from swotting, analysing, propagation, and modification of any electronic information without consent from the inventor. Any individual with access to information associated with other computer users as well as members off the public should not disclose, reveal or share such information with third parties as this may be used as the basis for fraud and it also infringes on other people’s privacy. Being competent in regard to computer skills and knowledge is of benefit as it helps computer users to acct and conducts their activities without affecting other members of the society. Other factors that help maintain professional practise in computing today include complying with licence agreements, desisting from using other peoples or organisation’s networks or systems without their consent, protecting personal information using a password, restricting accessibility of pornographic sites by children, and using the computer only for its intended use and capacity. Computer professional mandate with making technological decisions should work independently as collaborating with some organisational bodies may impact on the quality and type of information posted to the internet. For instance, the government may prevent administrators of certain sites to post particular information that may affect the nation in general. References Baase, S. (2012). A Gift of Fire, Social, Legal and Ethical Issues for Computing, 4th edition. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. Bott, F. (2005). Professional Issues in Information Technology. London: British Informatics Society. Bynum, T. W., & Rogerson, S. (2004). Computer Ethics and Professional Responsibility. London: John Wiley & Sons Duquenoy P., Jones S., Blundell B., (2008), Ethical, Legal and Professional Issues in Computing. Andover: Middlesex University Press Kizza, J. M. (2010). Ethical and Social Issues in the Information Age, 4th ed. London: Springer Verlag. Walsh, B. (2013). Case Study: Breach increases risk of fraud. Retrieved from Wang, J. (2012) Societal Impacts on Information Systems Development and Applications. US: Idea Group. Read More
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