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Dissertation article - Essay Example

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Future of VoIP [Course Supervisor] Security and the future of VoIP Popularity of Voice over Internet Protocol has increased in the recent few years. Increasing trend of adoption of the newly found method of communication by users has motivated great efforts by developers to improve its quality over the past few years…
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Dissertation article
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Quality: The topic chosen in the paper is quite interesting. Studying security threats has always interested to the masses especially after the internet boom in the early 1990s. Protection of personal valuable data is one of the majors reasons for the developing interest in cyber security. Regarding research into earlier work the paper hasn’t identified a lot of previous works by different researchers especially considering the fact that there is so much literature present regarding computer security, vulnerability and cyber threats (Lowe & Byres, 2004).

However the lack of literature can be explained due to the fact that VoIP has only recently gained popularity. In order to obtain maximum information regarding the threats the authors of the paper have conducted vast researches using various books and secondary sources. The paper also uses various case studies of companies that provide security to organizations and personal users using VoIP. The facts stated in the paper are correct and provide an excellent detail of all the threats that is faced by every organization and user making use of VoIP technology.

The authors have also been able to identify and discussed all measures that can be taken against these threats. For future studies the authors of the paper have summarized required efforts into two categories. The first factor that the authors recommend is focusing on the improving the security structure of VoIP services. The second factor that the author points out is the need to set proper standards regarding the security of VoIP systems. Structure of the paper: The paper was very well structured in terms of headings.

The paper started with the abstract where the author explains briefly the purpose of the paper and an overview of what VoIP is. The next section covers the introduction of VoIP technology in detail and provides details of its working. The main body of the article has been divided into two sections. The first section provides a brief introduction of what security is and why is it important to VoIP. After introduction to security the first section then deals with discussing what the potential threats there are to the VoIP system.

The second section then deals with recommendations made by the authors on how to prevent these attacks. The third section of the paper states the conclusion drawn by the authors from their research paper. Conclusion is one of the most vital parts of the research paper. The conclusion sums up all the work of the paper and sheds a light on whether or not the research question was answered (Wallwork, 2011). The last part of the paper covers the reference list and works cited by authors. The paper was written in simple English and could easily be understood by various readers who have slight knowledge regarding the field of computer science.

The flow of the paper was also quite nice different parts of the paper were related to each other. As for the length of the paper the paper was of ten pages which is regarded by many as the average length of research papers (Bing, 1988). Conclusion: The analysis of the paper brought three main factors about the paper into light. For the first factor is that is compared to the literature available on the subject, the authors have not provided enough support to their claims in the paper. Adding more references in a paper increases the credibility of

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