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Aspectual Evaluation of IS in Use - Report Example

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This report "Aspectual Evaluation of IS in Use" discusses the application that strives to enhance learning as well as enjoyment on the users’ end. Shir says that in order to facilitate learning, the application incorporates elements of entertainment meant to achieve an aesthetic value on users…
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? Running Head: ASPECTUAL EVALUATION OF IS IN USE Aspectual Evaluation In order to ascertain the ultimate effect and benefits of this system within the target population, we resolved to conduct and aspectual evaluation. According to Block (2009), this multimedia flash presentation is aspectual in nature. It possesses varied elements in terms of complexity and enhanced friendliness towards target users. In the process, this evaluation takes into consideration the diverse and rich multimedia nature of all content forms employed in developing the presentation. Upon acknowledging all forms, it conducts a rational appraisal of both good and bad aspects of the presentation. Shir (2005) agree that aspectual analysis suggest mechanisms through which users can avoid experience with negative aspects while reaping optimal benefits from good characteristics in acknowledging facts about cigarettes. Evaluation employed original responses elicited from the experience of target individuals. These individuals serves as the most appropriate population for ensuring both verbal and non-verbal responses from the use of flash presentation in learning positive and negative effects of cigarette consumption in the society. Sampled individuals who participated in the aspectual analysis were all my friends listed below. i. Ahmed. ii. Alex. iii. Nick. Spatial aspect With respect to spatial aspect, evaluation takes into consideration elements of volume and mass space taken by the entire application. This cigarette application takes approximately 10MB on a computer hard disk memory or internet storage space. According to Sammons (2012), the application requires small to medium display screens to enhance its graphics and interactions. Alex was concerned with the memory size because he could not use a medium flash disk to transfer the application from one computer to another. On the other hand, Ahmed appreciated the fact that wider screens enhanced graphical clarity. He preferred to use a 30 inch flat screen TV to access the application. Nick acknowledges the fact that he could store the medium-sized application in his Gmail account and access it from any place with internet access. Kinematic Aspects Users of this application will be able to navigate through different parts in an easy and convenient manner. The main page contains animated options meant to facilitate interaction between the application and the user. Sammons (2012) assert that interactive animations allow users to move from one scene to another without starting over again. Alex says that the animation saves time by allowing him to move directly to preferred scenes. Ahmed had a negative experience in the aspect of kinematics. The loading page allowed the next page to come up without any effect required. This lack of control in scene movement does not give Ahmed enough time to experience the loading page. On the other hand, Nick appreciates that shortcuts allows easier movement from one scene to another; hence allowing for customized manipulation of the application. Quantitative aspect The quantitative aspect of information contained in the application remains as the main challenge in accessing all materials. As acknowledged earlier, the system uses contents of different forms. According to Joao and Gomes (2010), factual information is presented in text form. On the other hand, visual effects employ the use of animations like the foot stepping on a packet of cigarette. Cumulatively, all scenes take substantial time to experience. Alex says that entire coverage could take an entire afternoon. This means a significant amount of time is spent on the application. According to Ahmed, the small quantity of text, animation and audio content of each scene facilitates convenience with respect to time. Nick had a negative experience on quantity because he could not complete the entire application without going for breaks. Physical aspect Granitzer (2011) say that visual and audio effects on the application elicit physical effects on users. In the loading screen, the application adopts an animated form of a human being with a cigarette in his mouth. As the application finish loading, the cigarette burns out. In addition, interactive animation allows the user to make the foot step on a packet of cigarette. According to Nick, the burning out of cigarette makes him feel like his own mouth will feel the heat. Ahmed says he likes pressing the key hard in an effort to make the foot step harder on the packet of cigarette. With respect to Alex, controlling the music volume in each scene enhances his physical energy throughout the application. Social aspect With respect to social aspects of using this application, users can experience elevated levels of social hitches. Shir (2005) insinuate that users may spend considerable amount of time going through the numerous scenes in a day. As a result, the user may lack time to attend to other social duties relating to family and friends. Nick agrees that he spends more time using the system at the expense of visiting and helping friends. In one instance, Ahmed admitted that he could spend a lot of time interacting with the application through the simulated scenes, and ends up not fulfilling promises to his friends. Alex says that this application allows him to acknowledge harmful facts about cigarettes. As a result, he would discourage anyone with the culture of smoking. Aesthetic aspect This application strives to enhance learning as well as enjoyment on the users’ end. Shir (2005) says that in order to facilitate learning, the application incorporate elements of entertainment meant to achieve an aesthetic value on users. Each scene contains instrumental music with appropriate changes in musical tones. In the process of using the application, one relates information of cigarette with entertainment and its factual data. Alex says that he could connect music and cigarette smoking taking place in recreational venues. This places the application in its typical context within the users mind. Ahmed reported to enjoy controlling music volume with the use of navigation buttons. He prefers raising volume to achieve more aesthetic effects. According to with Nick, animated interactions like foot stepping on a cigarette lacks its aesthetic value to cigarette smokers. Ethical aspect Within the presentation, employment of ethics and ethical content features in most audio and visual content stimulate ethical concerns on the users’ mind. The loading page starts with a representation of a human figure smoking a cigarette. In this case, a picture or video of a specific person was not used. Granitzer (2011) agrees that this was meant to ensure maintenance of ethical concerns to different users. In the event that a photo of a man loaded at the start page, men would feel misrepresented. Nick says that the foot stepping on the packet keeps develops an ethical picture on a user’s mind because of the negative behavior associated with smoking. With respect to Ahmed, easy manipulation of scenes allows one to jump undesirable content; hence protects exposure to negative content. However, Alex sites the use of instrumental music as secular in nature and violates ethical concerns of religious users Biotic/organic aspect With respect to biotic factors, use of presentation could influence users both in a positive or a negative manner. Joao and Gomes (2010) say in the event that users hold positive opinions on cigarette smoking, the application could propagate development of those opinions. On the other hand, the application develops organic nature of negative feelings through visual effects portraying cigarette smoking from a negative perspective. Alex says that the foot stepping on the packet of cigarette allows him to justify the act of discouraging cigarette smoking. Ahmed held an opinion that cigarette is suitable for use in recreational settings with alcohol. In this case, he says music within the application suggest suitability of cigarette use in appropriate settings. Nick loathes cigarette smoking further when the stick of tobacco burns out of the animation’s mouth at the loading page. Formative aspect Design of user interface allows individuals to operate presentation scenes and decipher meanings from key icons located in the status bars. The home page has options icon which remains in place throughout the application process. Block (2009) say that the loading page allows users to choose an option of turning the music on or off before the application starts. Moreover, other animated features allow users to engage in interactive contact with the application. Nick admits that he usually plays music at the start of the application. This means that the formative option at the loading page proves helpful to Nick. In addition, Ahmed appreciates the formative nature of the application by saying that the volume control icons represent addition and reduction of sound using representation of speakers. Alex is perturbed by the fact that design of navigation allows succeeding screens to start without the user’s command. According to Alex, this feature hinders customized navigation in the loading screen. Economic Messages portrayed within the application adopt principles of economy in its structural arrangements. The main page accumulates all options that can enable users to move from one place to another. According to Block (2009), this reduces the need to include other navigation devices like scroll buttons in order to move from one scene to another. Nick says he likes experiencing the entire application from his laptop. He requires only a laptop with an active touch pad in order to maneuver from one part of the screen to another. According to Ahmed, the size of application within a storage space makes it economical to integrate into electronic tools like computers. Alex says the time spent in using the application takes up substantial time which could be used for more economical purposes. Sensitive/Psychic The cigarette application employs both audio and visual effects in eliciting appropriate feelings from users. According to Lehman (2008), music develops perception of aesthetic value while animated navigation captures users’ attention and enhances feeling of control. Nick says the music makes him excited throughout the application. Alex still remains negative and offended because of the use of secular instrumental music. On the other hand, Ahmed feels a sense of inclusion whenever he controls scenes with visual and audio animated features. Analytical In order to ensure users can distinguish features within the application, numerous distinctive components are used. In the home page, each scene is represented by different icons with unique and distinctive visual effects. Lehman (2008) states that common visual effect used is color variation from one scene to another. Nick had a remarkable experience with the cigarette application in the process of interacting using animations. Each animation had distinctive features from the other ones. Alex likes use of animated representation of a human structure smoking a burning-out cigarette. On the other hand, Ahmed says the use of shouting colors within the application makes it look rather casual and childish. All these features strive to achieve the analytical effect of creating conceptualization within the users’ mind. Juridical All content information used to enhance the aesthetic and educational nature of the application is legitimate and true. Within respective scenes, text information communicates the negative and positive effects of cigarette to users. All these information are valid and can be proven to be compatible with any reliable source of such information. Ahmed double checked all the facts about cigarette to ensure reliability of information and agreed that they were true. On the other hand, Alex says that association of music with cigarette applications fails to consider its truth in recreational settings. Nick agrees that those against cigarette smoking should show their opinions by stepping on cigarette packets as a message for contempt of the habit. Faith Lehman (2008) says that presentation of cigarette messages through electronic application may affect users’ life with respect to their faith. Negative effects of cigarette may increase one’s dislike and contempt of regular smokers. This may fall contrary to religious faith where one is supposed to consider all people equal whether they have bad or good habits. Alex admits to pity and scorn smokers, and this remains contrary to his faith. On the other hand, Ahmed feels that use of degrading motions like stepping on a packet of cigarette breeds offends regular smokers. On the other hand, Nick acknowledges that this application made him to miss going to religious function; hence influencing his life as a faithful person. Lingual Language use enables users to understand numerous components of the application. In the home page, the options menu remains at all times. According to Shir (2005), these features enable easy understanding of instructions whenever a user wants to perform a certain action. In addition, the main page allows users to change from one language to another. Alex understand the icons used in controlling interactive communications because they contain written text on them. Ahmed says that as a native speaker of English, language use features as a negative aspect in communication with the application. Nick appreciates the use of representative comprising of speaker-shaped icons in indicating volume control options. Aspectual Analysis and Lecture Content With respect to theoretical context, concepts of this aspectual analysis on the use of technology features implicitly within the lecture content. According to Sammons (2012), the storyboard provides a visual representation of all the elements contained within the application. Based on the text and graphical representation of content in a storyboard, one can comprehend how different parts of the application interrelate with each other. Audio and video content within an application serves to facilitate communication and vivid representation of information. Theoretical knowledge from lecture content highlights the use of visual and audio media in capturing audience attention. Based in the aspectual analysis, video and audio components of the application feature as the key factors in enhancing aesthetic value of the project. In this regard, I have learned that videos and audio content promotes quality of applications. The use of color plays the role of creating the necessary contrast between two or more variable. Within the storyboard and application graphics, color variation helps users to develop visible and contrasting perception of the message within the program. In addition, lecture content covers aspects on designing and introducing multimedia on a target segment of users. Design of multimedia contents involves procedural activities meant to ensure inclusion of all requisite components. These components include audio, visual, text and graphical data. Sammons (2012) says that inclusion of all these aspects allows design and creation of a comprehensive multimedia application. On the other hand, I learned that introducing multimedia to users’ population encounters both problems and opportunities. Social and faith aspects may hinder ideal reception of an application within the society. However, a well designed and comprehensive program will receive significant attention; hence presenting substantial opportunities to designers. Indirect Repercussions In this regard, faith is one aspect within the application that will impact family members and other people differently. This application portrays cigarette consumption within the community from a negative perspective. Graphical details in video form allow users to interactively manipulate a foot to step on a cigarette packet. In this case, my family members may develop a profound contempt on cigarette smokers. According to Joao and Gomes (2010), this means that their contemptuous attitude on the habit will spill into affecting other members of the society. Consequently, this will act contrary to their faith where they are required to appreciate and tolerate all members of a given society. Social aspect may present instances where perceptions and habits resulting from the application’s use affect other people indirectly. In the essay, Alex admitted that the application enhances his understanding on the harmful effects of cigarette smoking. As a result, he has grown to dislike and discourage smoking. This means that Alex and any member of my family with a similar attitude will intolerably rebuke smokers. Sammons (2012) says that this will affect their social relationships with those already addicted to cigarette consumption. The last aspect that may affect people indirectly is aesthetic content of the application. Alex and any member of my family may detest music played along scenes within the program. In this case, Alex would always discourage similar music content within his premises. This means that he will even deny his friends or relatives their freedom of listening to instrumental music because of its association with the application. In the long run, this impacts the aesthetic value of other people in the society. Conclusion In conclusion, I learned that multimedia presentations exert varied influence on users. My friend Alex developed significant dislike towards cigarette users and advertisements meant to promote cigarette use. On the other hand, use of friendly features within an application enhances development of interest on the user’s side. However, it would be appropriate to consider the ethical and social aspects of a technological tool in order to minimize the resultant negative effects. Reference List Block, M. R. (2009). Identifying Technological Aspects and Impacts. Pittsburgh: ASQ Quality Press. Granitzer, M. (2011). Multimedia Semantics - The Role of Metadata. New York: Springer Publishing. Joao, M. & Gomes, G. (2010). Behavioral Modeling for Embedded Systems and Technologies: Applications for Design and Implementation. Berlin: IGI Global Snippet. Lehman, M. C. (2008). Creating Dynamic Multimedia Presentations: Using Microsoft PowerPoint. Los Angeles: South-Western College Pub. Sammons, M. (2012). Multimedia presentations on the go: an introduction and buyer's guide. Pittsburgh: Cengage Learning Publishers. Shir, N. (2005). The Syntax of Aspect: Deriving Thematic and Aspectual Interpretation. London: Oxford University Press. Read More
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