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A Multi-Media Welcome Pack Project - Literature review Example

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This literature review "A Multi-Media Welcome Pack Project" discusses the creation of a service or product, which is unique in how it functions and responds to the completion of the intended tasks. Creating a communication pack, that can welcome and aid both committee members and visitors…
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A Multi-Media Welcome Pack Project
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? A Multi- Media Welcome pack project A Multi- Media Welcome pack project The outcome of this report is supposed tooffer an insight in finding a solution to two significant problems. One, it is vital that pertinent information; detailed and informed, is provided on the essentials of a project. Organizations and administrations both require a clear-cut understanding of the basics of project development; methodologies and procedure that is undertaken in order to complete a project. Second, creating a product that has the capacity of not only welcoming both able and disable, but also increasing their chances and abilities of participating in the meetings of BSI, which is monumental. This approach responds to the needs of helping people with a disability to reach certain services just like other normal people. It is a pack that is inclusive, and which satisfies the demands of time and the societal responsibility in helping people with disability feel like part of the larger society without the feelings of alienation and insensitivity to their plight. It will save both time and money, which are extremely significant economic factors. There would be increased inclusion and participation in the meetings of the BSI, which is critical for sharing a broad spectrum of ideas and facts (Westland, 2006). Introduction A project describes the creation of a service or product, which is unique in how it functions and responds to the completion of the intended tasks. Creating a communication pack, that can welcome and aid both committee members and visitors participate in the BSI meeting is unique in itself. This is because; it increases the committee members’ participation alongside visitors, taking into consideration the plight of people with disability most especially when it involves the aspects of decision-making. Some of the key terms ((Westland, 2006; p. 25) that are used in this report include among others ‘project’; which refers to the creation of a service or a product (Lewis, 2000; p. 76) that is unique (Project Management Institute, 2003). ‘Phases (of project)’ describes the life cycle of a project in its development process. ‘Project deliverables’ and ‘schedule’ as used in the project planning to identify the target that the project should deliver and at what periods and intervals respectively. ‘Project communication’ describes the relationship between every project phase and the project itself. Problem Definition This work dwells creation of a Multi-Media welcome pack, which is expected to help both the committee members and visitors of the BSI to attend and participate in meetings with reference to persons with physical, sensory or cognitive impairments. It is through the consideration of increased participation of persons with certain degrees of disabilities or impairment that the Multi-Media welcoming pack is designed. This Multi-media project depends on the successful incorporation of sound, text, animation and video. An authoring tool used helps build the incorporated presentation, in which a flash-based video would require certain programs such as Swish and Macromedia flash or in case of a PowerPoint presentation, a PowerPoint program would be necessary. The use of lash has been identified as the easiest method in developing Multimedia project. Sound clips of the presentation may be directly obtained from the available flash files or mp3 files. A combination of JavaScript, HTML and CSS make DHTML, which used for scripting (Project Management Institute, 2003). As a result, a developer must assemble a number of software applications that would make it not only efficient but also easy for persons with impairments; physical, sensory or cognitive. The presentation channels the intended information in a manner that responds to any diversity more especially the disabled. The workability of this Multimedia welcoming pack may be achieved through a series of applications. Slide shows using Microsoft PowerPoint; recognized as one of the simplest in creating transitions between a number of audio and video elements in the conveyance of the programmed information. This is also crucial given the wide acceptance and use of PowerPoint in creating slideshows (Westland, 2006). A multi-media presentation can also be done through Director or Flash of a web page. An interaction between video, sound and 2D animations enhances the communication process that can be used by a number of people. Apart from PowerPoint slideshows and web-based Multi-media presentation, a simple combination of the only video and sound also may be used to the success of the intended service. The users will listen to and watch the combination of the video or audio clips (Project Management Institute, 2003). A project is completed successfully after undergoing through a set of phases that describe the life cycle. These include an initiation phase, as a phase that deals with the identification of objectives or needs of the project to be created. The needs and objectives of the intended project are documented as recommended by solution options (Westland 2006; p.77). The investigation on the relevance and applicability (Lewis, 2000; p. 76) of the solution options is undertaken through a feasibility study. After the approval of the solution options, which is recommended, the project undergoes an initiation to achieve the approved solutions. The initiation stage is followed by the planning phase, which involves further development of the project solution with an in-depth planning that follows requisite steps in order to meet the objective of the project (James 2000). The team tasked with the development of the project allocates the type of work to be done. The project development team identifies and assembles resources together with the strategies set for the completion of the tasks. The plan must illustrate timeframes, activities, and dependencies. The budget for the project is set in the planning phase, covering all the operational costs in the life cycle of the project. These describe the fundamental components; work identification, schedule preparation and the construction of the budget. This is followed by the identification of any necessary threat that might affect the life of the project; essential for the mitigation of the risk factors in as far as risk management is concerned (Stevens 2002; p.54). The stakeholders of the project are identified and sought, followed by a communication plan, which provides adequate information that is required. The stakeholders can be kept informed through a well-structured method of delivery. The team should then document a quality plan, which indicates quality targets, control measures, quality assurance and the acceptance plan. The execution of the project should then follow outlining the basic requirements of a project development. The execution phase is a stage in which the project map is set on to be implemented (Westland 2006; p.77). Communication and control are maintained during the execution phase, with a close-knit monitor on the progress of the project, with a view to effect necessary changes while recording variance over time. The execution stage also considers the status report as a tool to establish with the originally expected end- product is being achieved or not. The deliverable of every report is staged against the acceptance criteria and quality assurance (Lewis 2000; p. 167). The last standard phase in the project development is the closure phase. The closeout phase is determined to release the final deliverables to the consumer, terminate the contracts of the suppliers, hand over the project to the business, the documentation of the project, and release the resources of the project before announcing the closure of the project to all relevant stakeholders. During the project development there are numerous lessons learnt that must be outlined for purposes of identifying what was achieved successfully and what failed (James 2000; p. 76). Background and Literature Review The use of technology has not been extensively applied in the provision of services to those with impairments; most especially the cognitive impairment. The need to expound on how the diversification of technology can be applied in welcoming both visitors and committee members to attend and participate in BSI meetings motivated this research (James 2000). The harmonization of technology through multimedia in responding to the inclusion of persons with impairments without the necessity of creating other exceptional services that separately identifies with disabilities but rather an incorporated approach that includes all diversities. This paper considers the development of a project that enhances the attendance of and participation of committee members and visitors as an initiative to expand the organizational use of technology in responding the needs of diversity (Lewis 2000; p. 140). .Numerous researches have indicated an increase in the use of technology in a way that makes operations in organizations much easier and more importantly putting in more effort to respond to the needs of disability (physical, sensory and cognitive impairment). A Multi-Media welcoming pack has to consider a certain level of basic concepts concerning the diversity of the likely disability project (James 2000; p. 76). There is a clear procedure used in the development of these programs in a way that cuts across the creation of Multimedia products. The research aimed at identifying how a project can be launched to achieve improved results. In this case, the group focused on how to create a Multi-Media presentation that responds to the need of persons with impairments of a different nature, but which makes it possible for both committee members and visitors of BSI to attend and participate in the meeting. The goal is to identify the necessary phases that a project must undergo, and the underlying management strategies. A quantitative research method was employed to determine the efficacy and effectiveness of a Multi-Media welcoming pack in as far as the business of the BSI is concerned. The data collection method involved the use of slide questionnaires and interviews (Cleland and Gareis, 2006). Project Management analysis and Design Specifications The group responsible for this result convened a meeting to underline the structural approach towards accomplishing the allocated task. We undertook risk analysis; identifying the potential risk factors with regards to responding effectively to every risk in terms of urgency and importance. SWOT analysis was adopted to be able to evaluate the necessity and relevance of our research about the expected contribution of the possible outcome (James 2000). First, the strength of our research objective is that it deals with an area that in as much as a lot is being done; some missing links that need to be bridged through thorough scientific research exist. It gave us an opportunity to evaluate the application of information technology on the psychological aspects of impairment or disability (Lock, 2007; p.87). Additionally, there is strong evidence linking the impacts of technology in mitigating the sensory, physical and cognitive odds that accompany impairment. As a result, a large number of previous studies are available to enrich our literature review. The weakness was that the Multi-media project we were out to establish was just but a concession of the existing information technological application (Lewis 2000; p 179). This means that it has been widely applied; therefore, there is exceedingly little information that can be deduced to benefit the prevailing application. As a technological application, it is significant in improving the outlook and operational efficiency of an organization. The research emphasized on the necessity to have a complete analysis f-or a software project before beginning to develop it. We visited a number of software experts to be able to understand the responsibility of a software author in relation to that of the project developer. In order to have an in-depth (Lewis, 2000; p. 86) understanding of the process of project development before embarking on our multimedia project for BSI committee members and visitors, we sought to investigate the properties of a good project (Cleland and Gareis 2006). We undertook an analogy to compare the development of a software project to that of other physical constructions. There was little variation as we interviewed the experts. Most of the responses concurred that just like building the house, one needed an appropriate plan that took into consideration the expectations from the project, the likely users, the project’s functionality in relation to achieving the objectives and goals set for it and both the input and output data necessary for the project (Stevens 2002; p.56). We analyzed the experts' opinions, and it was almost a common knowledge that one can only develop an effective project after putting in place a cohesive project plan. The plan has to include a lot of actions and interaction between the stakeholders of the project and the team developing the project (Cleland and Gareis 2006). A good approach to project planning involves reviewing certain steps. Step one; looks at the project goals. Goals describe meeting the specifications and requirements of the stakeholders; those who are either directly or indirectly influenced by the project. In the first instance, the process begins by identifying the stakeholders with a keen observation on those indirectly influenced by the project. The stakeholders may be the sponsors of the project, the project output users, the clients who receive the deliverables, and both the project manager and the team (Stevens 2002; p.56). In as far as our project is concerned we opted to interview the committee members of the BSI and those who were likely (Lewis, 2000; p. 92) to be influenced by the project in order (Lock 2007; p78) to understand the needs of the stakeholders for purposes of prioritizing the needs. We then set to design goals for the project that included responding to the needs of the members or visitors with impairments of any sort (Lock 2007; p62). We then recorded the goals within the project plan alongside thee stakeholder expectation. Secondly, the project has numerous deliverables that entail the expected output of the project, in order to meet (Lock 2007; p78) the set goals and objectives. Taking into account the estimated delivery dates, we added the deliverables within the project plan. Step three; is an analysis of the project schedule that organizes project tasks against the estimated period of delivery (Lewis 2000; p 143). We sought to understand how the multimedia welcoming pack could be organized to respond to the timely schedule of the meeting concerning attendance and subsequent notices. We used the Microsoft project to design the project schedule. Step four; is a support plan, which identified through a peer review of articles based on the same facts. The possible support plan includes the human resource plan, risk management plan, communication plan that emphasizes on the progress report (Stevens 2002). We also visited software experts to help in the development of appropriate specifications for the project. Our specifications targeted the commands that would be easily identified by the communication discourses of the impaired users. Product Evaluation Using the plan we developed after an extensive research, we developed a multimedia presentation that was able to help the committee members and visitors to attend and participate in the BSI meetings (Gantt, 1974). The project was seen as an appropriate move to increase the operations of the organization alongside responding to the needs of persons with impairments. Our interviews and the rigid questionnaires we used provided us with an insight on the creation of the specifications in a way that can be used. The stakeholders embraced the project as a good feature in enhancing organizational communication (Lock 2007; p78). Presentation of the Evaluation Results Gant Chart on Network Diagram Represents critical path Represent slack; connection to non-critical activities Non-working days The above diagram indicates the implementation of the project through a two-month schedule indicating both the critical and non-critical paths. The project implementation should be methodically undertaken in order to achieve complete execution of the project objectives and goals (Gantt, 1974). Results and Discussion During the research, we found out that a project demands a lot of effort in order to create it. A project’s basic concepts depend entirely on the expected output and the role it is expected to perform, how it is supposed to influence on the lives of the potential users. There is a basic framework on how a project should be delivered. A plan is just as necessary in a project like in other physical constructions. It provides the layout on design, schedule, budget as well as specifications (Stevens 2002). A plan also helps to identify the stakeholders of a project in a manner (Stevens, 2002; p. 34) that helps to prioritize the schedule of the needs and requirements. The predictions on the Multimedia welcoming pack we created indicates an improved organizational communication if the presentation would increase the attendance and participation of both visitors and the committee members. We also found out that it is imperative to engage a sample of stakeholders during the process of the project development to eliminate cases of missing links that may affect the output of a product or a service delivered through a project (Gantt, 1974). Product’s General Functionality the Multi-media Welcoming Pack is designed with specifications and commands that inform all the committee members of an instruction from the organization’s administration. In case of a scheduled meeting, the members will get to know of it. As a result, there is increased attendance and participation in the meeting. It is also used to notify any visitor on the list of the meetings that concern their interests. As explained in the design, the Multi-media project is designed with slides integrated with texts, sound and video. It is highly effective most especially in handling persons with impairments of cognitive, physical or sensory nature (Lock, 2007; p.87). Conclusion The project is an effort to use and apply technology in deriving solutions for many of the organizational challenges. Response to time and leadership accountability alongside the issues that concern disability all informed the brainchild of this research. A project is required to develop a unique product that has unique specifications in responding to exceptional circumstances. In order to develop a Multi-Media welcoming pack, we had to adhere to the general framework of developing a product. Designing a project plan was essential, in order to develop a plan successfully. References Cleland, D. & Gareis R. (2006). Global Project Management Handbook. "Chapter 1: "The evolution of project management". McGraw-Hill Professional. Gantt, H.L. (1974). Work, Wages and Profit, published by The Engineering Magazine, New York: Republished as Work, Wages and Profits, Easton, Pennsylvania, Hive Publishing Company. Lewis, J. P. (2000). The project manager's desk reference: a comprehensive guide to project planning, scheduling, evaluation, and systems. p.185 Lock, D. (2007) Project Management (9th ed.) Gower Publishing, Ltd., 2007. Project Management Institute (2003). A Guide to the Project Management Body Of Knowledge (3rd ed. ed.). Project Management Institute. Stevens M., (2002). Project Management Pathways. Association for Project Management. APM Publishing Limited, 2002. Westland (2006). The Project Management Lifecycle, Kogan Page Limited. Read More
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