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EISA: Capturing the Current State Relative to a Given Business Process - Essay Example

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To assess your ability to: Organize the major components of the current state of enterprise information system architecture for an organization, in terms of business processes that it supports Organize the detailed components of the current state of enterprise information system architecture for an organization, in terms of a specific business process that it supports Course Project—EISA: The EISA diagram is very important in analyzing the business process in the company…
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EISA: Capturing the Current State Relative to a Given Business Process
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To assess your ability Organize the major components of the current of enterprise information system architecture for an organization, interms of business processes that it supports Organize the detailed components of the current state of enterprise information system architecture for an organization, in terms of a specific business process that it supports Course Project—EISA: The EISA diagram is very important in analyzing the business process in the company. Some of the main contributions it has made to the company include the ability of the organization to analyze the production trends in the company and develop proactive measures of dealing with the problems.

It is also important in determining the optimal process and procedures that the organization can follow to leverage its competitive advantages and realize its productivity. The organization also relies on the EISA diagram to map the pathway to sustainability, profitability and optimality. However, the current EISA has a number of limitations on the general productivity and efficiency and profitability because of the inherent weaknesses and limitations it has on the marketing processes. Reporting Structure The company’s reporting structure is marked by numerous levels that hinder immediate execution of financial plans.

The financial planning and execution structure of the company is laborious and bureaucratic making the release of funds and execution of the planned marketing activities in the company very slow. This interferes with the timelines and the bottom lines of its activities. Marketing Gap The pillar of the organization in question is operational excellence, however, this has been so hard to meet considering the fact the process model in use is not optimized for excellence. Some of the factors that contribute to this limitation include the decision making model used within the company and the performance evaluation system.

The company in the service sectors is experiencing problems with the decision structure. The company is mostly composed of a poor decision structure in which only the upper echelon personnel (C-level), who are not in touch with the line managers and middle level members, make the decisions. In all organization, the middle level managers are the only people with facts on the marketing system and are always in constant contact with the customers. All the queries and customer complaints pass through them and they are the people who operationalize the plans developed within the company.

Therefore, main decision team should be integrated with the midlevel managers and customer focused team to ensure that the decision made within the company take into consideration the input of the low cadre managers. Additional the company needs to leverage its business synergy to fit the strategic fit that will enable it to achieve the objective of operational excellence. Operational Excellence The company process of determining and assembling the right input (resources) and converting it to the output that the customers want makes it the most optimal process in the industry.

The production process is very efficient with minimal resource wastes and time lags despite the slow decision process. Once the company has made decision, the execution process is often very fast. Reduction of Cost of IT and the General Complexity The current enterprise information system architecture is very useful in reducing the general, complexity within the organization, it details the reporting structure and the way the cost of information technology in the organization can be reduced thereby contributing to the final cost reduction strategy by the company.

It also provides newer ways for re-purpose in addition to re-use as it helps the organization to link its process to the new technologies and skill. While this is true, it has one weakness as it relies so much on IT. However, this is overridden by the fact that the architecture is closely connected to the business needs and strategies. The main challenge may lie in the extension of the integration to all the aspects of the organization and its process across all the complex and multi-partner enterprise.

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