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The IPv6 Implementation and Its Configuration Plan - Case Study Example

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In the paper "The IPv6 Implementation and Its Configuration Plan" the realization of the latest IP version is proposed. It is supposed upon this protocol, the entire internet infrastructure will be founded. It will allow for the assignment of extra addresses, which would be difficult with IPv4. …
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The IPv6 Implementation and Its Configuration Plan
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? Network Infrastructure and Design Network Infrastructure and Design The IPv6 Implementation and its Configuration Plan Being the latest version of the Internet Protocol, the implementation of the IPv6 has been proposed. The implementation is hoped to serve as the protocol for primary communication and it is upon this protocol that the entire internet infrastructure will be founded. The implementation of the IPv6 will allow for the assignment of extra addresses, a situation which would be difficult with IPv4. Moreover, the choice of IPv6 has been arrived at following the realization that there are a number of compatibility issues while transiting from the IPv4. Thus, the choice has been made for the purpose of eliminating future challenges during the upgrading (Kurose & Ross, 2005). Devices in the internet arrangement will be assigned unique numbers so that they can communicate with the rest of the devices with effectiveness. Devices in the arrangement include mobile gadgets as well as computers. Since this organization is expected to have new devices all the time, the implementation of IPv4 was found to be inappropriate since IPv6 can only accommodate a limited number of devices. The IPv6 will be using addresses of 128-bits, and this will facilitate 2128 addresses, and this number is already exceeding the IPv4 with over 7.9*1028times. This is because the IPv4 utilizes a 32-address bit arrangement which, therefore, provides for just 4,294,967,296 addresses all over the world (Kurose & Ross, 2008). There has been an accelerating deployment of IPv6 since its global launch took place in June 2012. As it has been aforementioned, its main advantage is the enlarged address space. Its addresses are indicated in eight groups that consist of 4-hexadecimal digits. The digits are separated via colons. Since not every network support the dual-stack, the idea behind tunneling will be applied in situations where IPv6 need to communicate with IPv4. This is because of the fact that cable network operators go for tunneling until the foundational equipment is able to support the native dual-stack (Kurose & Ross, 2008). Since not every network has the capacity to support dual-stack, the idea tunneling will be employed if it will be necessary for the IPv4 to communicate with IPv6 and vice versa. The implementation will be accomplished with the realization that most of the current users of the internet infrastructure lack the IPv6 support for dual-stack. This means that it cannot reach the sites using the IPv6 directly. Since the IPv4 infrastructure has to be used to carry the IPv6 packets, tunneling technique must be employed. This technique encapsulates the IPv6 packets in a manner that allows for their transformation via the IPv4 infrastructure. Using that infrastructure will, therefore, necessitate the use of IPv4 as it acts as the link layer that connects to IPv6 (Kurose & Ross, 2008). The IP protocol 41 that indicates that IPv4 packets encapsulate the IPv6 data grams, there will be the need to avoid using routers and other network transmission devices that could block the protocol 41. In situations where the IPv6 data grams have to pass through the inhibiting structures, there will be an implementation of the UDP packets for the purpose of encapsulating them. Other encapsulation strategies, such as Generic Routing Encapsulation and AYIYA will also be employed. The IPv4’s compatibility with the IPv6 is usually a firmware or software issue. In that case, there could be a necessity to replace the older hardware/software since they may not be upgraded. Another reason for opting to implement the IPv6 is the suggestion by the American Registry for the Internet Numbers that every server be ready to serve those clients with IPv6. Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol Options The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol as a network protocol will be utilized in configuring the network devices in a manner that enables them to communicate on the IP network. The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol will be using the GHCP protocol for the purpose of acquiring the configuration information. Such information will be relating to the IP address, the default route, and a single or multiple addresses relating to the DNS server. The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol client will then utilize the information in question for the purpose of configuring the host. Once the configuration has been completed, the host will be in a position to communicate via the internet. The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol server will be maintaining a database that will have IP addresses as well as configuration information and the associated data. Upon its receipt of the data requests from clients, the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol server will be determining which of the available networks will be connected to the DHCP clients. It will then be allocating IP addresses or prefixes that are appropriate to the available clients. Consequently, the configuration information will be sent to the appropriate client so as to facilitate the undertaking of the necessary actions. Once the configuration has been completed, the host will be in a position to communicate over the internet. The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol servers will be maintaining the database of available Internet Protocol addresses as well as the configuration information. Upon the receipt of the request information from the clients, the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol server will be determining the network upon which the DHCP clients are connected. The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol will then be allocated various Internet Protocol addresses and prefixes that are appropriate to the clients. This will then be sending the configuration data that is appropriate for the clients. Because the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol have to work in the correct manner even before the configuration of the clients have been completed, the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol server as well as the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol client have to be connected on a common network link. With regard to larger networks, such an arrangement may not be possible. However, in such large networks, every link is consisted of a single or several Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol relay agents. The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol relay agents will be receiving messages from the clients before forwarding them to the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol relay agents. The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol relay agents will be receiving information from the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol clients before forwarding them to the servers. The servers will be resending responses to the relay agents. The relay agents will then be sending the responses to the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol client, especially on local network links. The servers will typically be granting the Internet Protocol addresses to their clients in a limited time interval. The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol client will be responsible for the renewal of the Internet Protocol addresses before they expire. There will, however, be an option of renewing an interval that is on the verge of expiry. The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol will be used for IPv6. Its compatibility with the IPv4 is an added advantage in that it will present a possibility of the two being utilized together. The details relating to the protocols of IPv6 as well as IPv4 will both be serving similar purposes. This is despite the fact that the details relating to the IPv4 and IPv6 protocols are different even if they happen to be considered to be separate protocols. The hosts that will not be utilizing the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol for configuring addresses will be using it for the purpose of obtaining other forms of configuration information. In fact, the IPv6 hosts will be utilizing stateless auto configuration of addresses. In the few instances where the IPv4 will be utilized, a link-local addressing strategy will be implemented so as to achieve a limited or local connectivity. The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol will be automating the network-parameter assignment as per the network devices. It is from these devices that a single or several Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol severs will be utilized. Even in situations where limited networks will be implemented, the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol will be useful since it will be facilitating the addition of extra machines into the network. After a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol client has been configured, computers and other network devices will be connecting in a manner that facilitates broadcasting of the necessary data and information to the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol servers. The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol will be managing a pool of Internet Protocol addresses as well as information relating to parameters for configuring clients. This information will include default gateways, the domain servers, domain name, and time servers. Upon the receipt of valid requests, the server will be configured in a manner that enables it to assign computers unique IP addresses, leases, among other Internet Protocol configuration parameters. These parameters will include the default gateway information and the subnet mask. The queries will typically be initiated with immediate effect, i.e. after the booting of computers. It will also be necessary that querying is completed prior the clients’ initiation of the Internet Protocol-based communications with various hosts. Upon the disconnection, the Internet Protocol addresses will be returning to the pool, and this arrangement will be making them available to other computers. This means that several computers will be using similar IP addresses within minutes, or even seconds, of each other. As it has been explained above, the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol server will be utilizing the dynamic allocation method while assigning IP-addresses to computers in the network. During the dynamic allocation, the network administrator will be assigning a range of Internet Protocol addresses to Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. Every client computer located on the Local Area Network will be configured in a manner that facilitates the requesting of IP addresses from servers during the initialization process. The requests-and-granting processes will be utilizing the lease concept, and this will be accomplished in a controllable timing period. The allocation of the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol server will facilitate the reclaiming of the IP addresses, especially when they are not renewed. The DNS Design that makes it easy to establish and maintain a common web presence and can still communicate with legacy systems By following a set of basic guidelines, it will be possible to implement a scalable and stable DNS server with ease. During the implementation, scalability and stability will be two of the qualities that the company will be striving for. The company will be striving for simplicity, and this will usher in sanity in the organization. Security will be paramount while configuring the DNS server. In fact, security is paramount in cooperate environments as it is in the setting of the Internet Service Providers. By facilitating the DNS security in the ISP, intruders will be barred from acquiring and interfering with important cooperate information. The Domain Name System will serve as a hierarchically distributed system of naming distributed computers, resources, and services. The Domain Name System will be associating various pieces of information with the domain names that have been assigned to every participating entity. The Domain Name System will be resolving queries that are associated with the names into Internet Protocol addresses. This will be facilitating the allocation of computer devices and services throughout the network. By providing the network wide and distributed redistribution services, the Domain Name System will be essential as it will be enhancing functionality and utility of the Internet. The Domain Name System will be resolving queries for the names in the IP addresses. This will facilitate the locating of computer services and other devices throughout the network. The Domain Name System will, therefore, be an essential item, and one that will be facilitating the internet functionality. The Domain Name System will actually be serving as a phone book that will then be translating the human-friendly hostnames so that they can become Internet Protocol addresses. Unlike the normal phonebook, however, the Domain Name System will be constantly and quickly updated, and these updates will then be distributed in a manner that allowed the location of services on the local area network. The users will be taking advantages of the Domain Name System when reciting the meaningful URLs as well as e-mail addresses. This will be accomplished without the need to know the manner in which computers locate services. The Domain Name System will be distributing the assigning responsibility to IP addresses so that they can assign the domain names before mapping them with each domain. The authoritative name servers will be assigned the responsibility as par their particular domains. This, in turn, will be assigning other authoritative names for the said domains. Such a mechanism will make the Domain Name System fault tolerant and distributed. It will have helped in avoiding the necessity for central registers, and these registers will be continually updated and consulted. The primary responsibility of updating and maintaining the main record of the domains will be shared amongst several registers that will then be competing for domain owners, end users, and businesses. Such domains may be transferred from a register to another irrespective of the time. The Domain Name System will also be specifying the technical functionality that the database will be availing. It will be defining the Domain Name System protocol as a detailed specification that incorporates data structures as well as communication exchanges that are used as a section of the IP suite. The Internet will be maintaining double principal namespaces in the LANs domain hierarchy. Domain Name System will be maintaining the hierarchy of the domain name by providing the translation services. Internet name servers as well as the communication protocol will be implementing the DNS. The Domain Name System name server will be representing a server which will be storing the DNS records. These records will be maintaining the domain name, the address ‘A’ records, the name server records, as well as the mail exchanger records. It will be responding with answers in a manner that facilitates the querying against the database. The DNS name space will be consisted of a set of domain names where each node will be consisted of a one or multiple resource records. Every one of the nodes will be holding information which is associated with domain names. The DNS tree will be sub-dividing into zones that commences with the root zone. In most instances, every DNS zone will be consisted of a single domain. However, there are instances when the zone will be consisted of several domains as well as sub-domains as par the administrative authority that has been delegated to it. The administrative responsibility that is over any one of the zones will be divided through the creation of additional zones. The authority will be delegated for portions of old spaces. Usually, this will be in the nature of sub-domains. The old zone will be ceasing its authoritative control once the new zone has assumed the manipulating power. An Active Directory Design The Domain Name System will be maintained as par the distributed database system. This will be using a client-server model where the nodes of the database will be serving as the name servers. Each one of the domains will be having, at least, an authoritative Domain Name System server that will be in a position to publish information relating to domains and name servers. There will also be an authoritative name server that will be giving answers upon the completion of the configuration. This will, however, be determined by the master-slave arrangement. The authoritative name server will be assuming either the slaver server or the master server position. The master server will be the server that will be storing the master/original copies relating to the zone records. On its part, the slave server will be using an automated mechanism of updating where the DNS protocol will be central in communication with the master. There will, therefore, the necessity of maintaining identical copies in the records relating to the master. Secure and Feasible Routing Solution Success of the business will depend on facilitating the right routing solutions. The smart connection of involving the net and other modular, fixed-port, and multiservice network routers that are being made will facilitate the smart connection and routing for the business. Whether the members of staff prefer operating remotely or from an office setting, the organization need its network to scale in a manner that accommodates the continuous demands of the contemporary connection in the world. Every connection will be reliable, fast, and secure. As a result of this, there will be a development of the net set of network routers that are able to provide the workforce with affordable and diversified networking solutions (Singh, 2010). Accommodations for Remote and Telecommuting Users Network computing facilitates the sharing of files from remote locations. The users will not be required to avail themselves physically into the offices, and this will actually accommodate telecommuting users. The remote networking software will be allowing people to control and use computer resources away from their offices. The remote software is a section of the suite that consists of other software tools. The network will necessitate the connection between the master and the slave computers. The wireless networks will be established by the use of routers that works in the same manner as in the normal network (Tittel, 2002). With regard to the telecommuting users, it will be possible to access the network resources even when a stakeholder is engaging in other duties. This will enable the employees to proceed with their duties even after the office hours, and they can also address emergencies in case they arise. By accommodating the remote and telecommuting users, it will be possible for all workers to continue with their obligations as a team, and coordinate their activities even when they happen to be working from different locations (Tittel, 2002). File Server Configuration In order to maximize availability, performance, and reliability of the file servers, there will be a design of a one standardized software and hardware configurations. The application of the file server configuration will avail several benefits. Firstly, the users will experience reduced complexity while maintaining and managing the hardware. Instead of the necessity to learn the performance of the hardware tasks that are required for various file servers, the stakeholders will be learning just a single task. The task will facilitate the completion of all the duties that the earlier configurations facilitated (Tittel, 2002). There will also be a reduction of the time required to test and update applications and drivers on file servers. Instead of examining the fixes performance on several hardware configurations, it will be possible to test every update on the file server before their deployment on other servers. It will also be possible to maintain reduced on-site spaces. For instance, it will be possible to utilize a reduced number of disks, thereby reducing complexity as well as costs while providing spaces (Robertazzi, 2012). A Backup and Recovery Plan While creating a plan that backup as well as help a computer network recovers information, there are important factors that need consideration. Such guidelines should ensure that there is no data loss or disconnection of network in the organisation as well as guarantee quick recovery in case those disconnections occur. In doing this, the guidelines should define the condition of the computer that is to be upgraded, to be used in backing up, backing up data before switching to new systems, and the procedure for testing by use of backup files. In addition, those involved in backup process must be known, and it should as well include a timetable for all intervallic backups and intervallic testing of such a backup (Robertazzi, 2012). On the other hand, recovery plan expresses the approach to be used in recovery as well as push back process. This will allow a return to production system to an earlier condition as you may require. Depending on how severe a problem may be some configuration corrections can be done or just make a reverse to the earlier system (Robertazzi, 2012). File Sharing Sharing files in a computer network is helpful as it helps in connecting family members, coworkers’ friends and business partners. Internet has become a major platform for sharing files. File sharing network is a network process of replicating files from one computer to another or a number of them. Most computers are connected through internet. This is because it does not require direct connection to each computer using wires. Again, there is a wide range of computers in the world which are connected though satellites, something that has contributed to an easier sharing of the files online. Files can also be shared through a local area network (LAN). An LAN is where computers are connected through a cable or cables. A cable is connected to a number of computers within a certain radius (Singh, 2010). Group Policies Group policy is used to define a user program or configurations to groups of users of the computer. It is easy to create a specific configuration of desktop for a certain group of computer users. In setting group policies one uses a group policy object (GPO), which relates to an active directory, such as domains, sites or organizational units. Using group policy it easy to specify guidelines through; registry-based policies, security options, installation as well as maintenance options of software, scripts option, and folder redirection. A snap-in group policy may be branched into; computer configuration, and user configuration. Computer configuration helps to set guidelines applicable to a computer, in spite of the person using the computer. These configurations also contain sub-items used for administrative templates, windows settings and software settings. On the other hand, user configuration can be used to make policies friendly to users no matter who uses the computer. They as well contain windows settings, administrative templates and software settings. Generally, by use of group policy snap-in, administrators are able to configure desktop settings of numerous computers at the same time (Singh, 2010). Terminal Services Terminal services enable users to gain access to programs that have installed on terminal servers of to have full access to desktop. Terminal services assist users to make use of a terminal server from a local area network or internet. A terminal server hosts windows-based programs or desktop windows for clients using terminal services. Users may benefit while using terminal server by; running programs, ease in saving files, and helps in use of other network resources. Users gain access to them through use of Remote App or Desktop connections (Robertazzi, 2012). Furthermore, terminal services can be used in configuring settings in new connections, modification of existing settings, and deletion of previous connections. It is easy to configure settings based on pre-connections or the whole server all the same. Terminal service managers are as well important in viewing information as well as sessions, monitor users, and processes. Again it can be used to perform specific administrative missions, such as logging off, and disconnecting users from their sessions with terminal services (Robertazzi, 2012). Disk Quotas Disk quotas are useful in that they help users utilize all the hard disk space present on a server as well as balance user’s needs in file storage available space as compared to cost that could be incurred in adding more storage. It can be put in place on per-user per-volume basis. Where a user profile surpasses the presumed perimeter, he or she may not be in a position to log off a computer until the sizes of the file are brought down. Its advantage is that where quotas are set on volume, the quotas are valid in respect filing system to that volume. In case they store files on a number of NTFS system file volume, they can thus make a configuration of different quotas for each volume. Again, quotas are chargeable to owners of the files. Thus ownership well outlined even for those operating on many files (Odom, 2004). DFS Distributed file system helps in giving a fast access on networks. It helps in bringing files together on different computers but one under single name. In reference to users they feel themselves operating in one location. Users do not necessarily need to know about physical location of a specific level. They in fact look through a directory system which shares information in a place that look more sensible to administrators and users. An administrator is able to logically arrange information and thus making it easier for users to find it (Kurose & Ross, 2005). Making a High-Availability Site Search engines are programs which are designed to fetch documents from file transfer protocol and the World Wide Web through the application of key words that are supplied by the user. Upon successful fetching, these programs return lists of documents that contain much of the supplied keywords so as to enable the user to choose the most appropriate information. Although the phrase makes a general reference to the category of programs that fetch documents on the web, most users associates it with systems such as Google, Excite, and Alta Vista (Robertazzi, 2012). The engines operate by fetching several documents before arranging them on the basis of the phrases they contain. Arrangement of documents is facilitates by another program which is referred to as an indexer. Every search engine creates indices through a proprietary algorithm, a situation that enables it to present meaningful results to the user. Search engine result pages may contain text and images, as well as other varieties of files (Kurose & Ross, 2005). Administrative Control, Functional Levels, and Trust Configurations Every one of the DNS zones will be assigned unique authoritative name servers. These servers will be installed directly into the name server, NS, records depending on authoritative name servers themselves. The resolvers in the domain name will be determining the most appropriate name servers and ones that would be responsible for those names that facilitate sequences of queries. The process will be entailing the configuration of the network hosts with initial caches. Such hint files will then be updated regularly from reliable sources and by authorized administrators (Robertazzi, 2012). A Local Area Network is defined as an individual network which covers one geographical area. LANs provide various applications and networking services to people who operate in a common managerial structure. These people include those operating in a business environment like the one being implemented in this case, as well as in campuses and other regional organizations (Odom, 2004). This LAN will be administered in a manner that single organizations ought to be managed. The administration controls that regulate the access and security control policies will be enforced, especially on the main network level. The administration of this LAN will be useful to the organization since it will facilitate an equitable utilization of resources. The administration will connect users and devices within the organization in a manner that facilitates growth and development. It will be allowing several forms of communication, including the exchange of corporate training, resource sharing, and the exchange of e-mails (Odom, 2004). The Local Area Network administrator of this client organization will be providing managerial support to the LAN after it has been implemented within this company. The management will involve several functionalities that have to regulate network maintenance. The administrator will also be overseeing the upgrades and enhancements to the LAN. He will also be maintaining the backup systems so that they can be pressed into the service whenever a network failure occurs (Kurose & Ross, 2008). As a section of the regular network maintenance, the administrator will be monitoring the daily activities being carried out on the network. This will be by ensuring that all the resources in the company are being utilized in a manner that is within the standards that are set for the employees’ usage. Often, the administrator will be conducting random testing on a number protocol and programs on the network. This will ensure that every component is working in its reasonable limits. The continuing maintenance in the LAN network will facilitate the tracking of the status that the equipment and software being licensed under the agreements are. This will ensure that the licenses are renewed at an appropriate time period (Tittel, 2002). References Kurose, J. F., & Ross, K. W. (2005). Computer networking: a top-down approach featuring the Internet (3rd ed.). Boston: Pearson/Addison Wesley. Kurose, J. F., & Ross, K. W. (2008). Computer networking: a top-down approach (4th ed.). Boston: Pearson/Addison Wesley. Odom, W. (2004). Computer networking first-step. Indianapolis, Ind.: Cisco Press. Robertazzi, T. G. (2012). Basics of computer networking. New York, NY: Springer. Singh, V. P. (2010). Computer networking course (5th rev. ed.). New Delhi: Computech Publications. Tittel, E. (2002). Schaum's outline of theory and problems of computer networking. New York: McGraw-Hill. Read More
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