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Knowledge Management. Chunnel Project FTA Final - Research Paper Example

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The discipline of knowledge management is the study related to such methods along with their influence upon the knowledge as well as operational processing and outcomes. …
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Knowledge Management. Chunnel Project FTA Final
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? Chunnel Project FTA Final Issues That Could Be Resolved With Knowledge Management Knowledge management can be recognized as a collection of methodsthat seeks to alter an organization’s present framework of knowledge processing to improve the work method of the organization along with its outcome. The discipline of knowledge management is the study related to such methods along with their influence upon the knowledge as well as operational processing and outcomes. The above mentioned facet implies that knowledge management does not directly administer, develop and coordinate most knowledge management implications in the organizations, but it tends to influence knowledge implications (Newman & Conrad, 1999). The Chunnel project faced innumerable challenges in its initiation phase. When there is lack of scope then it leads to resource planning, cost estimating as well as budgeting difficulties. Furthermore, the other challenge faced by Chunnel was related to air-conditioning cost as well as formation of Intergovernmental Commission (IGC). The project was bid at US$5.5 billion but it completed at US$14.9 billion. The project took extra US$8.4 billion of funds to complete successfully. It was also noted that the project required additional 19 months to complete. The main reasons behind the delay in the project were the alteration in the decision made by the IGC. It was noted that the decision of IGC to alter the design of the Eurotunnel from 600 mm doors to nearly 700 mm doors deferred the project to 9 months. It was because of the contractual agreement the project was not capable of paying much attention towards teamwork. During the course of the project, it was difficult for the team members to come to a mutually agreeable solution when confronted with material issues because of the incomplete requirements as well as scope changes. Therefore, lack of communication seemed to be one of the significant challenges faced by Chunnel. During the development step, the project faced issues related to lack of investment in team building. Furthermore, project office did not consider previously leant lessons while preparing the project details. The project was making use of new technology and furthermore, it was an underground construction which was considered as a challenging task for the project manager and the workers. The control of the project was in the hands of financing banks as well as construction companies that paid due attention towards the factors of profit maximization as well as risk maximization. However, there was lack of focus upon the task of operations. With the implementation of the knowledge management, Chunnel project could have prevented delays from occurring and thus the project could have been completed on time. If knowledge management was applied carefully in the Chunnel project then the project manager could have been capable of making better decisions. Better decision making can be attained by spending considerably less time on information collection and more upon the creative method. Decision support systems offered by the knowledge management assist the project managers to escalate pertinent information access and thus retain institutional knowledge which results in generating lower cost for conducting the business and also leads to high productivity. The Chunnel project involved huge risks which could have been substantially mitigated with the successful implementation of knowledge management. The various sources of risks can be properly administered via the adoption of knowledge management perspectives. Although most of the companies are dealing with risks, in the absence of knowledge management based views, the efforts might not possess the required reach or even be ineffective to mitigate the risks that they confront. Knowledge management tends to identify numerous causes related to a certain kind of risk event and thus it acts accordingly so that such causes can be minimized. Successful implementation of knowledge management could have improved team collaboration as well as coordination, which could have prevented other issues from occurring at Chunnel project. Collaboration among the members in the right context and in the right situation can lead to good result in the form of better organizational knowledge (Newman & Conrad, 1999). Integrating KM with Engineering, Human Resource and Project Management It has been observed that the Chunnel project involved engineering. Knowledge management applied to the field of civil engineering is an applied research area paying due attention towards the identification, preservation and capture of knowledge as well as experience gained during the Chunnel project development in order to escalate and to enhance reuse in other projects (Dubois & Wilkerson, 2008). Since past few decades, there has been rise in the interest among the companies in knowledge management. Although the researchers have identified the significance of knowledge to organizations in the past, the knowledge-based view of the corporations brought new perspectives to the value related to organizational knowledge by acknowledging it as a resource. It is further offered as much importance as capital is given in the organization. In the globally competitive environment, most of the enterprises want to integrate and thus take advantage of the knowledge possessed by their employees so that it can be availed as and when required by them. Moreover, a number of the companies identify the requirement to educate and thus to instruct new employees into the organization quickly because of the scarcity of global resources. Therefore, it is because of this reason that the companies are executing knowledge management so that they can combine and exploit their knowledge assets. Like other sectors, the construction industry or projects such as Chunnel project could successfully implement knowledge management so that they can share knowledge, diffuse best practices and thus offer a quick response to their customers thereby minimizing re-work. It can be mentioned that the three main critical factors through which knowledge can be shared effectively in an organization comprise the comprehension of the advantages offered by knowledge sharing, time and participation along with cooperation from colleagues. With the assistance of knowledge management, Chunnel project could have easily linked people with the communities and thus offered timely solutions so that they could have addressed the project as well as the demand of the customers. It can further be stated that by collaborating web-based technology as well as mind mapping, it becomes easier for the engineers to gain solution to the problem and thus attain the necessary experience from their senior engineers thereby minimizing the time and reducing the cost related to on-the-job training. It is worthy of mentioning the fact that the issues related to communication gap can be effectively resolved if the engineers share their knowledge. This would have assisted in improving construction during the development phase of the Chunnel project. It could have further facilitated in minimizing mistakes that were faced by the project in the past. Furthermore, transferring construction knowledge with the various aspects of project will lead to the attainment of the project related objectives such as cost, quality, safety as well as schedule. It can be stated that learning from experience helps in preventing the occurrence of the scenario of problem-solving from the root i.e. problems that have been solved in the past need not be solved again. There is quite limited number of effective platforms available for helping the engineers to share their knowledge in the construction projects which represents a major loss for the construction industry. Construction site projects such as Chunnel project are characterized by greater complexities, cost intensiveness as well as tight deadlines. Access to knowledge from past and actual projects is of greater significance in such instances. Chunnel project was performed in a construction site which carried out knowledge intensive tasks and thus it generated information of high importance (Dubois & Wilkerson, 2008). The management of the talents as a knowledge management tool is related with the knowledge posed by the employees of a company at various levels. The most significant issues related to the skill management are generally qualifications as well as skills that are significant for manufacturing and surplus in the company. For the purpose of tracking those skills, it has been observed that the companies make use of the business information systems so that they can keep the current profiles possessing the best skills in hand. It can be observed that although skill management is not an IT based approach, it is generally based upon cultural as well as organizational alterations within the company. Knowledge management systems can assist the project management to deter from wasting their precious job time of experts in quite easier tasks and thus assist to assign the most adequate tasks according to the knowledge as well as skills. In the context of Chunnel project, by the implementation of the knowledge management the project manager could have assigned the right personnel to the right task at the right time and thus they could have prevented the delays in the successful completion of the project. Furthermore, by the successful implementation of the knowledge management, the inefficient employees could have been trained in a proper way and their training could have been directed to the correct knowledge based topics (Firestone & McElroy, 2005). There are significant issues related to knowledge management in the context of human resource management. One of the issues has been related to structuring the skill catalogue. Structuring of the skill catalogue is one of the most vital decisions related to how the data needs to be tracked. If the companies are capable of tracking the data as a continuous text then it becomes relatively easier for them to endorse individuals in an adequate way and they are also further capable of revealing their project experience along with personal records in greater details (Lonbgo, 2010). Hence, it becomes crucial for the data tracked to be quite structured and categorized in proper categories. Tracking and judging of the competencies is another challenge of knowledge management in the field of human resource management that Chunnel project could have faced. The issue of tracking the competencies is quite tough and there a quite a few methods to resolve it (Slideshare, 2012). The significance of knowledge management in project based endeavors such as Chunnel project arises from numerous features of the role of knowledge as well as the attributes of the project based organization. The integration of the knowledge management in the project based organization could have improved the core capabilities along with technological platforms and also minimized the development time of the Chunnel project and the project could have been completed in time. By the implementation of the consultants in Chunnel project for other project managers, the knowledge and the skills of consultants who had been successful in performing the numerous tasks associated with project planning as well as execution could have been effectively utilized (Jalote, 2010). 10 Step KM Roadmap and Tools for It The roadmap for the successful execution of the knowledge management (KM) strategy is generally categorized into four phases which further comprise ten steps. The four phases of the implementation of the knowledge management strategy are: Infrastructural evaluation Knowledge management system analysis, design and development KM system deployment Impact assessment and performance evaluation It can be mentioned that the 10-step knowledge management road-map will direct the knowledge management implementers in strategizing, creating, designing and executing a knowledge management initiative in Chunnel project. The ten steps as well as the phases in which they appear are demonstrated below (Kipling, 2007). Phase 1: Infrastructural Evaluation Step 1: Analyzing Existing Infrastructure Step 2: Aligning KM and Business Strategy Phase 2: KM System Analysis, Design and Development Step 3: Designing the KM Architecture and Integrating Existing Infrastructure Step 4: Auditing and Analyzing Existing Knowledge Step 5: Designing the KM Team Step 6: Creating the KM Blueprint Step 7: Developing the KM System Phase 3: KM System Deployment Step 8: Deploying Results-Driven Incremental Methodology Step 9: Leadership Issues Phase 4: Metrics for Performance Evaluation Step 10: Impact Assessment of Returns and Performance Step 1: Analyzing the Existing Infrastructure These steps assist in comprehending the components that aid in creating the knowledge management strategy. By evaluating the existing infrastructure, it becomes easier to identify the critical gaps in the infrastructure. In the context of the case study, it can be analyzed and inferred that Chunnel Tunnel faced tremendous challenges such as lack of defined scope and also faced a problem in terms of initial estimates. High risk in the project was one of most significant challenges in the infrastructure (Kipling, 2007). Step 2: Aligning Knowledge Management and Business Strategy It has been analyzed that the Chunnel project faced tremendous challenges because of which it becomes significant to integrate knowledge management into the project. The integration of knowledge management into the project could have assisted in resolving most of the problems faced by the project. However, prior to implementation of knowledge management, it becomes imperative to take approval from the project manager and thus convince him/her on creating new organizational culture and sanctioning the amount in order to create the new system, which could have been one of the difficult tasks (Kipling, 2007). Step 3: Knowledge Management Architecture and Design In order to integrate knowledge management system in the Chunnel project, it is crucial to select the infrastructural component that includes the knowledge management system related architecture. The main infrastructure pieces of the knowledge management related system architecture are policy, process, people and technology. In order to integrate KM, the Chunnel project needs to follow well-practiced regulations and also needs to possess task and outcome based team structures. While inculcating knowledge management in an organization, it becomes crucial to create standards for organizational working. A culture needs to be build that embraces knowledge management properly until and unless the project is over (Kipling, 2007). Step 4: Knowledge Audit and Analysis In any kind of knowledge management project, it becomes important to analyze what an organization already knows and what it needs to know. The project team of Chunnel project needs to audit and thus analyze the existing knowledge. By conducting knowledge audit, the project team of Chunnel project would have been capable of identifying the areas in which the knowledge management could be made available (Kipling, 2007). Step 5: Designing the Knowledge Management Team It is in this step the knowledge management team is designed, build, implemented and deployed in the Chunnel project. It can be pointed out that an effective knowledge management team needs to be a mix of key stakeholders within as well as outside of the organization (Kipling, 2007). Step 6: Creating the Knowledge Management System Blueprint With the assistance of the knowledge management team, a blueprint for the knowledge management needs to be created offering a plan for creating and improving the knowledge management system. The need for scalability, performance and high level of interoperability was significant for Chunnel project to be kept into consideration for the design of the knowledge management architecture (Kipling, 2007). Step 7: Developing the Knowledge Management System It is at this stage when the Chunnel project would build the knowledge management system and thus create a functional system comprising numerous subsystems (Kipling, 2007). Step 8: Pilot Testing and Deployment Using Results-Driven Incremental (RDI) Methodology Projects such as Chunnel project need to take into consideration the actual requirement of its users. Although cross functional teams can be vital in comprehending the difficulties as well as the information bottlenecks, it is quite important to have a reality check (Kipling, 2007). Step 9: Create Leadership and Reward Structure One of the most difficult tasks in implementation of knowledge management implementation is reluctance of the employees towards the usage of the system. While employing the knowledge management system in the Chunnel project, the project sponsor needs to comprehend that new reward structure that could have been employed in order to motivate the employees to make use of the system (Kipling, 2007). Step 10: Impact Assessment of Knowledge Management This step is quite difficult to implement. The project manager needs to evaluate how effective the knowledge management system is in the successful completion of the project. With the implementation of the knowledge management, if the Chunnel project could have resolved a number of persistent challenges that it faced then in such circumstances it can be revealed that the system has been favorable. Otherwise, it becomes imperative for the project manager to revise the knowledge management process (Kipling, 2007). The knowledge management system blueprint is created as part of the knowledge management strategy execution method. This step would have assisted the project manager with how the Chunnel project could have been capable of completing the project at the stipulated time within the estimated budget (Kipling, 2007). The main tool for the implementation of the 10-step roadmap is the information technology. The project manager would have to implement the information technology so that all the data could be stored through the use of it easily (Kipling, 2007). Recommendations for Leveraging Knowledge Management Most of the companies possess plenty of knowledge however they fail to make use of it in order to manage their businesses. Knowledge is considered to be a critical resource which needs much more attention. Technology is deployed in order to influence knowledge. It would be vital for Chunnel project to implement information technology. The efficient utilization of the information technology in order to communicate knowledge requires an organization to share an interpretive context. If a project manager shares similar knowledge, experience and background then he/she will be capable of effectively communicating knowledge via electronically intervened channels. It is worthy of mentioning that the information technology driven knowledge management strategies may end up hardening knowledge into static, inert information and disregard the importance of tacit knowledge. It can be recommended that Chunnel project could have benefited by a considerable extent with the implementation of the information technology in order to scale up knowledge management projects. In order to apply information technology in knowledge management, the best way would have been the grouping of the two components such as recognition of the limits of information technology. The other component needed to be considered in applying knowledge management in the information technology would also be the awareness of the fact that information technology deployment will not be capable of attaining much if it is not endorsed by a global cultural alteration towards knowledge values. It would have been vital for Chunnel project to implement knowledge management software that comprises a range of software focusing in the way in which the information is collected, stored as well as accessed. The Chunnel project could have easily restored all the significant data related to the project in the information system (Pollock, 2002). However, the significant challenge for leveraging information technology in knowledge management would have been related to privacy of the information. Authorization of the use of the data stored would have been a significant issue for the Chunnel project. The project manager might at times be reluctant to keep the information private. However, it needs to be remembered that lack of transparency of the data could have resulted in delay in the overall process. Therefore, Chunnel project needs to be quite careful regarding the privacy concerns. Security of the data in the information technology is also a major concern because if the data is not secured properly then there is a likelihood of data loss. Hence, the data needs to be secured by means of password. Emerging of upgraded technologies is one of the biggest challenges for any project manager. Use of a new technology without having sufficient training is a cumbersome task, which has been evident in case of Chunnel project. Hence, the project manager needs to train the employees in this regard. Outsourcing and implementation in picking and using of technology is also a challenge for the project manager. When the project managers are not capable of buying the technology themselves, outsourcing becomes imperative. Hence, the project manager at Chunnel project needs to identify if the technology is to be outsourced or not (Pollock, 2002). Each step is required to be developed by focusing upon the facets of cost and time which are among the most crucial aspects for the project. Each step would comprise numerous sub-steps in order to make the process easier. The manager needs to attempt to eliminate the risks by a considerable extent to enhance the efficiency of the project (Pollock, 2002). References Dubois, N., & Wilkerson, T. (2008). Knowledge management: background paper for the development of a knowledge management strategy for public health in Canada. Retrieved from Firestone, J. M., & McElroy, M. W. (2005). Doing Knowledge Management. The Learning Organisation 12 (2), pp. 1-19. Lonbgo, E. C. F. (2010). The knowledge management role in mitigating operational risks. Retrieved from Jalote, P. (2010). Knowledge infrastructure for project management. Retrieved from Kipling, R. (2007). Knowledge management framework for government. Retrieved from Newman, B., & Conrad, K. W. (1999). A framework for characterising knowledge management methods, practices, and technologies. Retrieved from Pollock, N. (2002). Knowledge management and information technology. Retrieved from Slideshare. (2012). The Chunnel Project. Retrieved from Read More
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