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1a) The text by Charlotte Vaughn about Operationalizing Linguistic Gratuity, shares three structural components with all research papers namely: Introduction, body, and conclusion parts.
1b) This article differs from a research paper because it lacks a table of contents that acts as a guideline. This sentence gives further incites thus breaking off from the obvious information.
3) In the introduction part of this paper, I find the following sentence as the most useful. “Cameron (….) defines several different kinds of research based on relationships between researchers and those they are researching, including ETHICAL RESEARCH, ADVOCACY RESEARCH, and EMPOWERING RESEARCH.” (Wolfram et al 1119). The significance of this sentence lies in the fact that it introduces the reader to modes of research in social linguistics. It further explains the relevance of these types of research to both researchers and the communities being researched.
4) The term “vernacular” is used by Wolfram on p. 1122. It gives the meaning of a form of language used by a certain group of speakers mostly on informal occasions.
5a) The Principle of linguistic gratuity can generally be defined as a duty for the investigators to return linguistic benefits to the communities they have collected linguistic data from.
b) Several examples can be used in applying this principle. One is through video documentaries, whereby a certain community is given a live recording. The other one is museum exhibits where significant certain data are publicized.
c) Another principle that is applied is that of formal curricular programs whereby the individuals get to learn about a certain community in matters of sociolinguistics.
6) Another principle of sociolinguistic engagement is the intrinsic connection between language differences and socio-historical, sociocultural, and regional traditions (p. 1113). The above quotation means that language differences are influenced by certain issues which a community has in common. This includes historical, cultural, and regional traditions shared amongst the individuals. For example, I have realized that immigrants from a certain community tend to speak a variation of vernacular from the members of the same community born or raised in the US.
7. As a group of undergraduate students, the following event can be organized to give something back to a community researched. The project would involve the Tangier community on a tiny island in Virginia. The event would be about a unique cultural practice that would attract tourists and interest groups. The goal of the event would be to create awareness of the community and its unique dialect. This proposal is an example of a valid and reliable description.