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Strategic Recommendations on Key HRM Plans and Policies - Example

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The paper "Strategic Recommendations on Key HRM Plans and Policies" is a great example of a report on human resources. International companies and other standard companies need proper management strategies to help them keep up with the evolving environment. The ever-changing environment requires eco-innovative skills to help the organization survive both financially and socially relation part…
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Name Tutor Title: Strategic Recommendations on Key HRM Plans and Policies Institution Date Abstract This paper is going to focus on the Strategic Human Resource role in a multi corporation and its possible contribution in the organization. There will be projection of the HR processes like planning, organizing, staffing, training and development, as well as controlling. More over, the reflection of the company is portrayed through the Human Resource impact on company, employees and customer relation. Most of company’s work is reflected via the policy and training regulation that governs the organization. Despite, some of the policy being valued in the organization setting, they are prone to change as challenges become complex and Human resource management changing scientifically. Table of Contents Abstract 2 Table of Contents 3 Introduction 4 Human Resource management processes 6 Human Resource Management Roles 6 Strategic Management in Solving Interl and External Criticism 7 SWOT Analysis 8 Internal analysis 9 External Analysis 10 Multi-directional magnitude on strategic HRM 11 Strategic HRM planning and policies 12 Summary 15 Conclusion 15 Bibliography 16 Introduction International company and other standard company need proper management strategy to help them keep up with the evolving environment. The ever-changing environment requires eco-innovative skills to help the organization survive both financially and social relation part hence being competitive in the local and international standard. In such competitive environment, the company will require the services of innovative Human Resource Manager, to help develop plans and strategies in HRM department in an innovative, challenging as well as opportunistic contemporary setting. HRM may come up with a SWOT analysis program. This entails the strength of the company, weaknesses of the Team, opportunity available to the company as well as threats, which the organization might face in its operation in a given environment. Despite of increased challenges in HRM department, a great deal of coordination of basic function will be required on the process of executing leadership roles towards meeting the organization goals. A great deal of focus is directed to recruitment, selection as well as training, performance evaluation, professional development, benefits and compensation, health and safety, labor relation and forecasting, in the HR profession. As time goes by, challenge in the organizations become complex hence leading to the HR department advancing its operation in human capital. This process will include, professional nurturing, hiring, retention, as well as other activities that need growth and development of the Teams’ workforce (Kleiman, 2010). In addition the HR will also try to maintain the company diverse workforce in relation to coping with the technology advancement such as increasing work efficiency through incorporating the right human work force as well as trying to track and giving feedbacks on various activities in the company. Company’s will turn to HR professionals for advice towards control of cost benefit hence evading insurers and at the same time maximize on the dependability on wellness project, convenient consumer- oriented insurance options, newly health savings account as well as an advance attempts to minimize expenditure on drugs prescription. Such initiative as well as actions helps develop, challenges in coordination to opportunity directed to HRM. The various challenges in this field helps us indentify the function in HRM as well as the contemporary nature that prepares the current and future learners, leaders and future leaders. Professionals in HRM should be in a position to critically analyze, all subsystems and systems in the organization that lead to efficient control of the human workforce. Evaluation of the system as well as subsystems in relation to human capital upgrading leads to empowerment of individual employee through offering of skills to help the company operate smoothly and efficient in all perspective. Effective and efficient HRM brings out the organization history, current and future success as the department tries’ to rely on the contemporary development as well as challenges facing organizations (Kleiman, 2010). Human Resource management processes Human resources have well developed processes that help to execute the services in the department. Planning entails outlining and defining of goals and standards, rules and procedures, and finally plans and forecasting. The other process, which forms a processing basis, is organization that involves tasks, department, coordination as well as communication and authorization. In addition, staffing as a process will involve recruitment, hiring, compensation, performance evaluation, and correction step, and counseling, performance standard as well as training and nurturing (Michael, 2006). Human Resource Management Roles The identified roles, by the management of Strategic Human Resources are directed towards synchronizing strategies in HR while at the same time practicing business strategy. Therefore, the HR professionals takes a crucial position in strategically partnering in the process of helping the company in realizing business strategy hence performing solid HR practices. In addition, changes as well as transformation of management perform an important task where HR professionals are in a position to deliver positive values to the Team. The professionals in this field have to help in the process of implementation and discovery of changes in the organization in relation to being a activator in the process of protecting transformation of culture (Storey, 2007). Employee management focuses on the daily employees’ needs and expectations in the company hence resulting to the need by the HR to develop motivational factors to the employees with the aim of resulting to the growth of the company through identifying and meeting the needs of the employees. Teams’ administration has to be managed properly by the HR professionals by ensuring that administration processes on rewarding, hiring, evaluating, training, as well as promotion are developed, delivered correctly and efficiently. Despite the fact that the administrative perspective is not much valued in the HR policies or activities like strategic management, it proves to entailing benefit to the organization (Golding, 2010). Strategic Management in Solving Interl and External Criticism In the process of leadership on has to meet criticism despite the fact that you are highly ranked than them at work position. This type of environment requires development of skills to handle negative criticism constructively both internally and externally hence resulting to development of steps to dealing with the challenge. In the first place, the HRM as a leader will have to know him or herself in the process of executing duty. Some employees may be despising the leader due to the age factor, where he might be young and leading aged group of employees (Hamel, 2002). . Therefore, a leader should also be aware of enacting realistic ideas through identifying strengths as well as weaknesses that encourages the basis to handling criticism. Criticism may evolve due to poor leadership that results to negative perception about the leader at question hence prompting the need to identifying solutions. Criticism directed on the post one is entitled to, should not be taken individually for it may entails political malice as well as position competition. Sometimes critics help a leader to know his behavior. Secondly, the leader should be in a position to be free with himself hence resulting to not being conscious of the leader. By taking such a step, the leader can get serious with given responsibility but not get overboard with seriousness to an extent of causing un easiness in the organization (Paauwe, 2009). SWOT Analysis HRM uses this type of framework to develop strategic option deriving a condition analysis, which is utilized by the level in organization department or corporate standard as well as in marketing schedule. The HRM of the organization may opt for this analysis format where there is limited time for implementation of other important complex. SWOT Analysis Chart Situation Analysis Internal Analysis    External Analysis Strengths    Weaknesses Opportunities    Threats Through the internal and external analysis, excess information may be revealed to the HRM, that some of finding may be viewed as irrelevant.HRM may use the model to act as a filter in interpretation hence offering minimal information that reflects manageable important ideas. The analysis views the internal factors as strength as well as weakness in the organization, while the external factors in the Team are as threats or opportunity. A basis can be given on strength as a foundation for developing a competitive advantage, where as weaknesses may blur Teams’ progress. At the end of the organization analyzing the four developments in SWOT analysis, an efficient advantage of company’s’ strength is reflected, weaknesses are rectified, excellent opportunities are banked on, and finally the Tem is in a position to block potential threats which may be devastating (Craig, 2009). Internal analysis Internal environment weakness as well as strengths, is comprehensively reflected by the internal analysis evaluation across the company structure, The HRM will easily scrutinize, the company’s’ image, culture, organization structure, natural resources accessibility, key staff, efficiency in operation, experience curve position, operational capacity, market share, brain alertness, fiscal resources, trade secrets and patents, as well as contracts that are exclusive. Inclusion of SWOT analysis in internal factor of a company helps it to recognize the strength as well as weaknesses in the organization. External Analysis New service or product orientation by the HRM in coordination with sales department helps it to generate advance returns which is projected as opportunity by the SWOT analysis. The changes experience in external environment offers a good basis for development of opportunities that can be utilized by the company. A large portion of external environmental changes may affect the existing product market standard hence being viewed as a threat to the organization development. The product marketing level change may influence the growth as well as specification of the product leading to redesigning of products in anticipation of the company maintaining its competitiveness. SWOT analysis used in the external environment may enhanced by focusing on the, customers, trends in markets, competitors, suppliers, social changes, as well as partners in operation. A cluster offered in the, new technology, social changes, economic environment and regulatory and political external environment forms variables in macro-environment, which are addressed as PEST analysis. Summary of external environment is brought about by threats and opportunities realized from SWOT analysis. SWOT profile fromthe final analysis produced helps the Human Resource Manager to form foundation of strategy, goal setting, implementation as well as strategy formulation (Legge, 2004). A SWOT profile offers the best opportunity to alert the HRM of the necessary next solution. Although the analysis helps the HRM in making decision, analysis developed in haste may be oversimplified leading to wrong results. Multi-directional magnitude on strategic HRM Structures forms the basis for strategic HRM and other managers to reach a strategic conclusion due to decision in the large scope of multi-corporation are distributed in the whole of the company structure rather than being localized at top management. The large size of the multi-corporation has been viewed by the HRM as a marauder in performance of the corporations, and some view that their large size helps it have large economic scale, market share as well as large scope of economy. Integration of size, structure and performance leads accompany to have a high bargaining power in the market. In addition, the size being interrelated to associated as well as unassociated divergent operation strategy, with inclusion of structure in a style that coordinates the structure and strategy in HRM consideration with the company decision makers. This will promote the STRATEGIC HRM to propose heavy focus on research and development while considering the future of the company. Therefore, the size and intensity of large firms will prompt HRM to enact ideas in proposal for heavy investment in research. Multi-corporation usually benefit from a broad scale of economy as it is in a position to internalize the achievement attained from massive investment. Size of the company determines Human Resource Management strategy on the fastest method of making decision. This is achieved through various stratified department which leas with the HR office to develop a plan for the individual subsystem to operate. Multi organization ownership incorporate multi corporation auxiliary that own other auxiliary hence increasing the hierarchy of a multi- corporation as well as the scope of formulating plans by the HRM. The multi-corporation delivers a fraction of their profit to the mother company that supports them in case of natural calamity. The head company will formulate the multi-corporation operational policy and the number of branches to open; this ensures continuous flow of capital and product. According to the strategic management, the relationship in diversification with focus on the performance of the company helps in gaining incentives that is utilized on increase of economic scale. Other incentives apart from large economies of scale in multi-corporation is scope of economies, market power and synergies helps increase company’s profitability while at the same time making it easy to pool risk, bankruptcy reduction as well as reduction in competitive market. These are major incentive steps towards diversifying into diversified businesses. A multi corporation that has competitive market strength have the ability to own the existing modern technology, specialized management as well as marketing. The hr may be influenced by other subsidiaries towards utilizing their market power for the company may be in apposition to influence prices, product nature, and quality. Strategic HRM planning and policies These are developments in the organization that help in achieving a given goal though, leadership vision, developing strategic planning, identify strategic planning pitfall, strategic planning and finally having a vision and core values.. In the first place, a leader should enact a strategic working program that reflects the organization mission and vision hence the employees being in apposition to enjoy a lager return than other firms. The HRM has to initiate ways of executing strategic planning in accordance to the organization’s mission and value statements. This will lead the company employees thinking critically in measures to take. Moreover, good leaders posses vision and a dream that they tend to share with the organization fraternity. A visionary leader enables his vision to flow in the workplace through the beliefs, actions, and values of the organization. Alternatively, Human Resource Managers should think critically by developing first strategic planning work. In order to achieve a more convenient method towards strategic planning, the HRM has to be briefed or extract relevant information from brochures’, magazines and other friendly places hence the HRM should invite all the necessary plans towards achieving a vision. The management will always focus on the strategic exploration and thinking. Therefore, a plan should entail incremental and linear plan without the sustaining of status quo as well as developing an entertain-able planning section, which cause hum our in the presentation hence reducing the rigid part of it. Achievement can be reflected through the development of new ideas, exploring the developed ideas as well as designing them with a sense of style. Thinking as a step in strategy leads to wider area coverage with views from different perspective, brainstorming of the necessary questions and answers hence giving the Team a wider coverage in their thinking capacity. After taking most of the consideration in account through strategic segment as well as the tactical section. This is as a result of a tools in decision making based on preferred method are used to define execution of plan strategically, and this is done through development of various section. As well as, entailing heavy pondering on brainstormed ideas to come up with questions directed to the society. The human resource plans tries to associate the ideologies of the Teams management as well as strategy. Moreover, the HR department tries to entrench belief on the importance e of the general target of the organization hence value addition in the process is added. Human resource department comprises members that requires to learn to think and at the same time act strategically in the process of task execution. The HR department helps the employee to know to achieve organization goals that one should target to result in profit increment. The HR should be in a position to train the employees by equipping them with the right skills to help in operating new technology as well as handling new product (Beardwell & Claydon, 2010). Never the less, HR and trainers should be in a position to teach its employees to respect a client or visitors privacy as well as install discipline to its to the employee , whereby lack of discipline may lead to disciplinary measures by the HR. The HR and the relevant authority should be in a position to develop and create awareness through sample development strateg6y, and the company via the HR should use familiar terms while appointing new members to fill a vacancy at work. Never the less, compensation strategy should link you to the strategic organization business objectives, as well as observance of Human Resource law that is used as a tool by the HR in training while at the same time engage employees. A well balance industrial relation policy helps the employee to have a nice mutual bonding hence employees are motivated towards company development (Beardwell & Claydon, 2010). Summary The multi national company that has diversified subsystem helps it to achieve efficient flow of good services, as well as cash flow efficiency. Therefore, such multi corporation s should be in a position to implement Human resource views like investing in research and projects that will help the company know its strength and weaknesses, opportunity and threats as selected in the SWOT analysis. Strategic Human Resource implementation of the analysis is required where there is no time to implement complex procedures. However, hasty implementation of the same analysis is prone to being poorly developed. The Hr are has function like planning, organizing, staffing, training and offering leadership style. This farther strengthened by their role in planning and policy development (Beardwell & Claydon, 2010). Conclusion Most company rely on the services offered by the strategic management towards improving the structure, man power as well as identifying new opportunities and threats. This factor in multi cooperation has led to the company relying on its size, large economy of scale as well as large scope of operation. This gives the large company a chance to alter the prices of the market. However, this measure in HR cannot be sufficient to improve the company without involving STRATEGIC Human resource planning and policy enhancement. All the factors in Human Resource Management cannot be successful with out the whole organization will to support the policies and the company as well (Beardwell & Claydon, 2010). Bibliography Beardwell, J. & Claydon, T. 2010. Human Resource Management a Contemporary Approach, FT Prentice Hall Craig, S. (2009). Merrill Bonus Case Widens as Deal Struggles. Wall Street Journal. Golding, N., 2010, Strategic Human Resource Management. London: Kogan Page. Gladwell, M., 2000, The Tipping Point. New York: Little Brown Hamel, G. 2002, Leading the Revolution, New York: Penguin Books Kleiman, L. S. 2010.Management and Executive Development. Reference for Business: Encyclopedia of Business Kotter, J. P. & Dan S. Cohen. 2002. The Heart of Change. Boston: Harvard Business School Publishing. Legge, K. 2004. Human Resource Management: Rhetorics and Realities (Anniversary ed.). Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. Michael, A. 2006. A Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice (10th ed.). London: Kogan Page. Moncrieff, J. Is strategy making a difference? Long Range Planning Review, vol 32, no2, pp273–276. Nag, R.; Hambrick, D. C. Chen, M.-J, What is strategic management, really? Inductive derivation of a consensus definition of the field. Strategic Management Journal. Volume 28, Issue 9, pages 935–955, September 2007 Storey, J. 2007. "What is strategic HRM?" in Storey, J. (2007) Human Resource Management: A Critical Text, New York: Thompson Paauwe, J. 2009. 'HRM and Performance: Achievement, Methodological Issues and Prospects' Journal of Management Studies, 46 (1) Read More
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