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Human Resource Planning - Armidale Hospital - Case Study Example

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The paper 'Human Resource Planning - Armidale Hospital " is a good example of a human resources case study. Armidale hospital is a public hospital in Australia that is located in Armidale. The hospital has a bed capacity of more than 86 people and offers many services to the community, and the public at large…
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Title: Human Resource Planning Student’s Name: Instructor’s Name: Course Name and Code: University: Date of Submission: Human Resource Planning Introduction Armidale hospital is a public hospital in Australia that is located in Armidale. The hospital has a bed capacity of more than 86 people and offers many services to the community, and public at large. This means, they have a bigger work force in terms of human resource and therefore, becomes such an important part of management of an organization. This hospital offers services such as child health care, community nursing, community health, coronary care, accident /emergency handling, and day surgery, general and specific dental care, dietetic, the care for the aged, HIV AIDS care. In addition to these, the hospital also is involved in home care, alcohol/drug treatment, maternity services, medical, medical library, mental health, anesthetics, occupational therapy, ophthalmology among other specialized services. In general they are also involved in offering services with regards to outpatient, pediatric, palliative care, pathology, pharmacy, physiotherapy, psychology, psychiatric, rehabilitation, radiology, speech therapy, social work and more other services. This services that pin points the kind of human resource that exist in this hospital, as well as, it points the human resource needs that may be relevant to the hospital. It is evident that Armidale hospital requires such an enormous human resource work force, so as to meet the demands of the community, the patients and employees who work with it. Community services such as community health, community nursing, rehabilitation and to a larger extend the psychology treatment, brings a clear picture of the need to source for qualified and competent human resources that can be able to serve this people well. Therefore, human resource planning automatically becomes an essential tool that can facilitate proper absorption and use of the human resources. Armidale being a large hospital based on the its bed capacity and more so on the services it offers to the community, requires that Human resource planning exercise be handled with all the professionalism and sensitivity. For if this is not done it can lead to heavy costs on the part of the hospital to meet. The costs of the mistakes that can be made resulting from poor human resource planning and by extension, human resource management cab be very costly for the hospital. Therefore, this paper will endeavor to look at the issues of human resource planning that are to be addressed in Armidale hospital. Due to the environmental demands how to forecast demand and supply of labor, and how to source appropriate labor for the hospital. In addition to this, it may also address then need for Human resource planning in Armidale and the benefits of the human resource planning in Armidale hospital (Pynes, 2008 p.45-54). Overview The human resource planning in a field of human resources management that has specialized in all the activities that pertains striking a balance between HR required and the HR acquired in an organization. It can be viewed as a process by which an organization in this case Armidale hospital, determines how it can acquire its desired manpower to achieve its goals and objectives. Therefore, in Armidale hospital Human resource planning is expected to help the organization to have the right kind of people at the right fields or departments of the hospital at the right time to achieve the hospital’s objectives. This process involves forecasting, developing, implementing and controlling. In Armidale hospital, human resource planning based on the medical and community services that they offer may involve these series of activities: 1. Forecasting the future personnel needs of the hospital. This will take shape in terms of giving considerations to the mathematical projections of the hospital, and at times keen observation of the trends of the economy and the developments in the medical field. It may also involve judgment estimates, based on specific future plans of the company. For instance, the openings of more specialized services by the hospital, such as, mental health, anesthetics, occupational therapy, and ophthalmology among other specialized services, may call for more support staff to the existing doctors in the hospital, and this should be put in the plan. 2. Taking an inventory of the current human resources and analysis of how the resources are employed optimally. This may take the form of looking at the doctors employed in Armidale, the nurses, other clinical officers, the hospital administrators and other support staff. Analyzing whether they are optimally employed through optimal use of their services. The findings may bring out the need to either employ more human resources, deploy a number of personnel and at time it may call for change in the operation and human resource policies. All these have to be factored in the planning process. 3. Anticipating manpower problems, by projecting the present resources into the future and making a comparison between the present resources and the forecast requirement, to determine the adequacy of the human resources employed. In Armidale hospital, this may take the form of the hospital’s human resource managers, to look at their present human resources from the specialized personnel i.e. doctors to the general workers and comparing this with the forecast they can make. 4. Finally, the hospital’s human resource planner, should come and plan the necessary programs of recruitment, selection, employment, training, transfer, promotion, motivation and compensation so that future manpower decisions can effectively be arrived at (HRP) issues that Armidale hospital may be facing in today’s current environment The key human resource challenge relates to the need for more specialized personnel in the medical field, who are scarce in the job market. This is due to two main reasons; first employment of these specialized professionals, such as, doctors who are specialized in home care, alcohol/drug treatment, maternity services, medical, medical library, mental health, anesthetics, occupational therapy and ophthalmology among other specialized areas, is very expensive. Most of these professionals are on the move due to their high demand and this makes it a major issue, in human resource planning. The other reasons for specialized personnel in the medical field is that as much as there are so many unemployed people in the job market, there is a shortage of the human resources that have general and specialized ability to carry out the work in the hospital environment (Hilton, 2010 p.56-63). Technological change and globalization are issues of concern, in human resource planning in the Armidale hospital. This is because technology has come in and has caused major changes in the medical practice. This change may call in for measures, such as, recruitment of new human resources or the training of the current human resources. This means that the human resource planning has to be conscious of the technological advances and respond to them, when there is need, and when the needs are many, then a priority scale has to be designed to handle such cases. The other human resource planning issue that the hospital may face is the need for expansion, in the diversification of programs in the hospital. As evident Armidale hospital is diversified in the services it offers. The services range from community nursing to community health all through the coronary care, accident/emergency handling, day surgery, general and specific dental care, dietetic, the care for the aged and HIV AIDS care among others. However, this is not the limit of the areas it has the capacity to deal with. The human resource planning may also address the need for expansion both in the hospitals services and the bed capacity. The issues of employee turnover in Armidale hospital, is a burning issue of concern in planning of human resource. The context of Armidale being a public hospital, there are a number of staff who get attracted to private hospitals due to maybe better pay, this is an issue of planning. The hospital has also a pool of specialized professionals who may have other interests and this make cause increase in turn over which may need to be addressed. Managing Demand and Supply of Human resources in Amidale Hospital This may be viewed as one of the techniques that are used to forecast the requirement of Human resource planning in the future. Management of the demand and supply of human resources in Armidale, may involve a reconciliation which reveals either shortage or surplus of human resources in the future. This will call for some action plans that will need to be prepared so that to make the situation desirable. In the case of shortage of labor, it may call; for actions such as planning for recruitment, training, and selection exercises. In the event of surpluses, it may call for coming up with schemes such as redeployment, retrenchment, and voluntary retirement schemes. This needs a timely and well organized report and action plan, because of the current legislation, redundancy payments and the human rights awareness that is tagged to the processes of laying off of workers. Management of demand and supply of human resources in the hospital is such a significant aspect in human resource planning of Armidale hospital and any other hospital, as well for the following reasons. Armidale deals with a variety of patients from those with mental, dental, heart and coronary ailments, psychological issues. These are sensitive areas that at one time, should not have a deficit of staff to attend to these patients, these calls for the need for proactive measures towards human resource planning for the hospital. How could you source appropriate labor for Amidale Hospital & Stakeholders Concerns? To source for appropriate labor in Armidale, I would carry the exercise in this manner. First I would set up a recruitment plan that would draft a comprehensive specification for the labor needed. Then I would develop a strategy for the exercise, once the number has been identified. This will be followed by searching of the job seekers and looking at their relevance to the job demands. After this I would screen the recruited potential workers to come up with the needed person(s) based on their competency levels. Finally, I would evaluate the whole process. The major stakeholders involved in the HRP process for Armidale hospital, may include the human resource managers, the Government officials, hospitals administrators and other specialized professionals in the hospital. The main issue that can result in anticipation is the response of projected labor demand and apply, and the impact to the operation of the business. University of New England Introduction The University of England being a learning institution, then its demand relates to the dissemination of knowledge to learners in different fields. The University is made of many schools such as school of arts, education, engineering, statistics and mathematics, medicine and medical studies, and so on. This means, it accommodates much human resources for its day to day functions. In the case of the university of New England, the staff caliber ranges with top staff made of learned professors and experienced administrators, to the middle level workers, such as, administrators, librarians, accountants and so on, to the low level kind of staff such as cleaners, security gate keepers, plumbers and so on. This entails that the process of human resource planning may need a cluster approach, as the need of these resources and the numbers that will be employed, will be different in each level of the University (Shapiro, 2002 p.33-37). (HRP) issues that University of New England may be facing in today’s current environment Information and Information technology The University of New England is majorly faced by the global changes that affect the learning processes. One such change is the change in information and information technology (IT). The advancement of information technology to the processes of learning, has led to change in the methodologies that were used before. Such as classroom or lecture hall method to the use of internet and computer operations in the learning processes. This change is costly as it may involve installation of up-to-date computer software’s, as well as, hardware’. The university has to invest more in newer technologies that would propel it to offer quality services to its students. IT has impacted greatly on the modes of learning. In the past the mode of learning that was known was that of direct access of information either from the teacher or from reading a book. This was the only method that was available for learning process. However, today we have other modes that the learners can learn from a teacher or from other learners. The use of such may need careful HRP exercise, so as to make such programs relevant to the users, as well as, to the learners. For instance through IT; there has been introduction of distance learning programs in many developed and developing countries, this programs are costly to run for they need a dedicated force to carry them out. Actually, effectiveness of such courses in terms of learning is much depended on the instructor. Therefore, how the University takes care of the human resource planning even before the real recruitment of its staff counts a lot. IT has many impacts in the following areas that may relate to human resources planning policies and practices of the University. IT has led to changes in the modes of teaching, the Learners in the university; this is evident in the way that teachers are able to communicate their information to learners in universities across the globe, University of England being no exception. Currently, many universities including University of England have adopted the methodology of giving instructions electronically. This means that human resources planners will be forced to slot this aspect in the coming up of their recruitment policies. HRP of the University of New England may be forced to look at prospects of outlining policies directed to recruitment of teaching staff that are information technology compliant (Davilla 2008 p.34). How-forecast labor demand and supply in University of New England. I would still advocate for a number of things to be looked at in forecasting the demand and supply in University of England. There is a need to look at the current number of students verses the current number of lecturers attached to them. This may help in assessing the effectiveness in the learning process and by extension, it’s important for it can give formidable data that can be analyzed when it comes to analysis of the impact of human resources to effectiveness in the learning processes. In addition to these, management of the demand and supply of human resources in University of England may involve are conciliation which reveals either shortage or surplus of the human resources in the future. This will call for some action plans that will need to be prepared so that to make the situation desirable, in form of avoiding both extremes of shortfall in labor, as well as, excesses that may be projected. In the case of shortage of labor in University of England, it may make the human resource planning policy makers to draft out actions such as planning for recruitment, training, retraining, and selection exercises. In the event of surpluses, the human resource planers may call for coming up with schemes such as redeployment, retrenchment, and voluntary retirement schemes. This is such a life touching activity, which needs a timely and well organized report and action plan because of the current legislation, redundancy payments and the human rights awareness that is tagged to the processes of sending off of workers (Davilla, 2008 p.37) Demand and supply of human resources management in a University set up, is such a significant aspect in human resource planning. This is because of the many needs that the University curriculum of the various courses may relate to the human resources in the University. Actually, University of New England being a center for learning, means that its products is service based and is directed by the human resources available. This is the rationale behind the need for proactive measures towards human resource planning for the University. How I would source appropriate labor for University of New England & Stakeholders issues. First, I would ensure that there is effectiveness in the recruitment program through; coming up with a well defined recruitment policy of the University, I may suggest some feasible changes in organizational structure that may facilitate easy sourcing of labor. In addition to these, I would lay down the necessary procedures for recruiting the job seekers, whom have the potential to serve in the University. I would too come up with technique for tapping and utilizing the candidates found. After all these are clear, I would come up with a recruitment plan. The University being a learning institution, I would be interested to get the best employee. Therefore, I would open up the methods of recruitment to be both the direct and indirect ways, so that many get to apply and enough screening is done during the selection time, making only qualified human resources to remain and serve the University. The stakeholders of the University may include but not limited to the lecturers, students, the Government, and the community at large. The community comes in because it is for its interest that Universities exist. Their concerns may be to see proper and transparent human resource planning policies and implementation that is derived towards winning the University to its set goals and objectives. Harvey Norman Introduction Harvey Norman is an Australian based retail chain that has stoked a variety of electronic and electronic appliances. These appliances may include plasma and LCD TVs, computers, cameras, kitchen appliances, laptops, and digital electronic devices. This implies that there human resources may include engineers as well as sales people whom look after their stores. The concerns of the human resources should be attended to through the human resources planning exercise. Harvey Norman Holdings Limited is also a franchisor of several other Australian retail chains that may include Domayne, Ariston Appliances and Space Furniture. It operates in a manner that each department also has its own checkout for its products. The warehouse is shared by the separate franchisees. (HRP) issues that Harvey Norman may be facing in today’s current environment The main issues that it may face include: 1. Competition in its human resources by other sister companies, who are interested in their well trained and experienced personnel. 2. Change in technology that affects the practice of human resources management that has to be addressed through human resources planning. 3. Globalisation and its effect to the consumer behavior as well as the behavior of human resources within the organization. Forecast of labor demand and supply in Harvey Norman For this type of business, the forecast of labor demand and supply may be simplified unlike a service based industry. This is because it would base the demand and supply of labor on the sales output. Where there are more sales, certainly will reveal there is high demand in human resources to meet the demands related to the sales. On the other side, where there is less sales, there may need more human resources through gradual measures so as to avoid losses (Bratton, 2001 p.26). Sourcing for appropriate labor in Harvey Norman & Stakeholders interest This type of business may call in for recruitment of human resources from all the quarters. The source avenues may include graduates in fields that deal with electronics, marketing and sales as well as insurance. Other skilled professionals may also be absorbed through advertisements. Conclusion In conclusion, the process of human resource planning is such an important area in any organization due to the changes that are there in the market trends of products, people and even the structures of how businesses and organizations are run today. Bibliography Bratton, G. 2001, Human resource management: theory and practice. Routledge publishers, Chicago, pp.26. Davilla, D 2008. Best human resource planning practices. Dalton: Taylor & Francis, pp. 34-37. Hilton, M 2010, Enhancing undergraduate learning with information technology. National Academies Press. New York, NY, pp.53-56. Pynes, J 2008, Human Resources Management for Public and Nonprofit Organizations: A Strategic Approach. John Wiley and Sons Publishers, New York, NY, pp.45-54. Shapiro, G 2002, Human resource planning towards equality in the workplace. SAGE Publishers, Chicago, 33-37. Read More
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