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Critical Approaches to Human Resource Management - Coursework Example

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In order to retain the position and ranking of an organization in the market, it is extremely essential to attract and retain the best and experienced employees or human resources within it. This is because; human resource acts as the master key of an organization in this age…
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Critical Approaches to Human Resource Management
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Critical Approaches to Human Resource Management Table of Contents Table of Contents 2 Introduction 3 How to retain human resource? Is It through Training and Development? 3 Discussion 4 What is training? 4 Why training matters in a manufacturing firm? 4 Purpose of training 6 Reasons for employee training 6 Benefits of training to the organization 7 Analysis 9 Is role playing or behavioural modelling training, effective for a manufacturing firm? 9 Do employees training leads to learning and development? 10 Is expenditure over employee training worthy or not? 11 Findings 12 Opinion for evaluating the importance for training in this age 12 Conclusion 13 References 15 Introduction How to retain human resource? Is It through Training and Development? In order to retain the position and ranking of an organization in the market, it is extremely essential to attract and retain the best and experienced employees or human resources within it. This is because; human resource acts as the master key of an organization in this age. As because, it is the human resource, that works as per the policies and strategies of the organization so as to fulfil its objectives and goals in long run. Only then, the dominance and position of the organization, operating in any segment might retain in the market for a longer period of time among other contenders. However, in order to do so, it is quite essential to communicate with them in order to know their inner desires and likings. After knowing the inner desires and feelings, the management of the organization might act accordingly in order to accomplish them. As a result, the performance of the employees might get enhanced that may improve the productivity and total sale of the organization. Other than this, in order to retain the experienced staffs for the loner period of time, implementation of effective training methods is also highly effective in nature. By doing so, the inner skills and talents of the employees might get enhanced that may augment his or her career objectives as well. Moreover, due to the execution of various types of training programs, the level of efficiency of the employees’ increases that may amplify its portfolio in the market among many other rival contenders. Due to execution of varied types of training programs, the level of satisfaction and inner morale of the employees increases that reduces the scope the turnover rate. This essay mainly describes the topic, whether the amounts of revenue spend over training is effective or in-effective (Beardwell & Claydon, 2010, pp. 223-245). After analysing this concept with the help of various approaches of HRM, a final opinion is attained as conclusion. Discussion What is training? The term training is described as the systematic improvement of the knowledge, skills, attitude and behaviour of an individual so as to fulfil the assigned duties and responsibilities in an effective way. Only then, the level of performance and productivity of the employee might get enhanced that may amplify the profit margin of the organization. Due to improvement of the profit margin, the supremacy and brand value of the organization might also be improved significantly as compared to others (Blyton & 2011, pp. 312-324). Furthermore, due to the presentation of varied types of training programs, the level of experiences enhances that helps the organization to develop varied types of inventive products and services. Such type of inventive products and services might prove effective in fulfilling the changed taste and preferences of the customers thereby amplifying their rate of loyalty and reliability over the brand. Due to these above mentioned causes, training acts as the catalyst to improve the prosperity of the employees as well as the organization in the age of high competitive rivalry (Blake & 2011, pp. 256-278). Why training matters in a manufacturing firm? In this age, relationship is one of the most vital concepts. This is because; it is the relationship that helps the employees to coordinate and communicate with one-another so as to accomplish the future goals and objectives (Blyton & Turnbull, 2004, pp. 378-389). However, in order to do so, it is extremely essential to offer more preference to the concept of training. This is because; it is recognised as an integrated approach that reduces the gap within the standard performance and actual performance. However, it might be possible only proper training programs might be implemented. This might prove effective in improving the skills and experiences of the employee that may improve the dominance and position of the organization (Adair, 2010, pp. 123-134) Along with this, due to presentation of effective training programs, the performance of the employees that leads to benchmarking standards that enhances his or her reputation in the organization. As a result of benchmarking standards of performance, the level of conflicts among the management and the employees reduces that amplifies their level of retention. Thus, it might be clearly stated that training is a tactical approach that helps in enhancement of the inner motivation and self esteem of the employees resulting in amplification of his performance (Bolton & Houlihan, 2007, pp. 423-434). Source: Purpose of training Training is a technique that is important for the below stated following reasons: Training helps in improvement of the job-related knowledge and skills: it is a concept that helps in amplification of the inner skills and knowledge of the employees that may improve their performances. As a result, the quality of the assigned task might get improved thereby reducing the discrepancies. Due to which, the demand of the products or services of the organization might get improved thereby amplifying its level of supremacy and profitability among others. As a result, the level of switchover costs of the customers might get reduced that may improve its sustainability and competitive advantage (Brown, 2007, pp. 445-456). Development of the career prospects: due to the implementation of varied types of on-job training programs, the career prospects of the employees enhances to a significant extent. This might offer positive impact over the employees that may enhance his or her efficiency and activities of work. Not only this, the level of retention of the employee might get enhanced that is extremely beneficial for an organization in this age of extreme bargaining power (Beck, 2003, pp. 489-512). Therefore, due to these facilities, maximum extent of the organizations desire to offer high attention over training programs rather than any other development. Reasons for employee training Training is a huge concept that not only enhances the inner skills but also improves the strategies of business ethics. As a result, the employees of the organization always tries to offer value-added products and services to its customers at an effective cost so as to retain the ethical nature of the organization. This is because; presentation of value-added products and services might enhance the level of satisfaction of the customers. If the customers become dissatisfied with the quality of the organization then, it may not be possible to retain its image and dominance in the market (Claydon, 2003, pp. 676-686). Similarly, training also presents the ways to tackle the customers in an effective way so that they retain with the brand for longer period of time. However, in order to do so, best customer services need to be offered to the customers. Only then, their queries might get resolved in an effective way that may enhance their reliability and consistency over the brand. Other than this, training presents the ways to share and gather varied types of information among the co-members of the organization. By doing so, the level of knowledge might get enhanced due to diverse workforce that may improve their interpersonal relations (Collings & Wood, 2009, pp. 675-687). This is also extremely essential for an organization to improve its dominance and reputation in the market among many other new entrants. Other than this, due to implementation of varied types of training programs, the level of safety and security of the employees also get enhanced to a significant extent as compared to others. This is quite important for an employee in this age to remain with the organization for longer period of time (Coyle-Shapiro & et. al. 2004, pp. 780-790). Furthermore, training leads to innovation. With the help of training, varied types of inventive techniques and ideas might arise. As a result of these techniques, varied types of inventive product lines and services might be introduced by the experienced staffs resulting in improvement of its profitability. Therefore, due to these causes, training is not expenditure but a benefit that may prove effective in future age. So, varied types of customised or individualised training programs need to be implemented for the betterment of the employees and the organization (Davidson & et. al. 2011, pp. 92-934). Benefits of training to the organization Employee training might offer varied types of benefits and advantages to the organization, these are presented below: Increased job productivity: due to employee training, the level of productivity of the jobs increases. As a result, the level of dominance and supremacy of the employees increases along with amplification of his or her performance related pay systems such as bonuses, incentives etc. Increased employee motivation: the motivation of the employee to perform his or her duties also increases due to the implementation of training program. As a result, the level of dedication and commitment of the employees towards the assigned duties increases. This is extremely essential for an organization to maintain its total flow of productivity so as to retain its position and image among others (Edwards, 1985, pp. 336-342). Improved job satisfaction: due to individualised training programs, the satisfaction rate of the employees towards the assigned job increases. As a result, the performance of the employee increases day by day thereby reducing the rate of defaults or issues (Long, 2012, pp. 512-523). Improvement of financial gain: training leads to improvement of the inner skills and talents that enhances the quality of work. Due to improvement of the quality of product lines leads to improvement of the total sale and profitability of the organization in the market that may reduce the upcoming challenges and threats of the new entrants (Snell & Bohlander, 2010, pp. 169-190). Increased capacity to adopt new technologies: training helps to improve the capability of the employees to get adapted to new type of technologies so as to increase the quantity and quality of production. By doing so, the amount of time devoted to produce the products also reduces thereby increasing the efficiency of the employees (Russell, 1971, pp. 256-278). Reduced employee turnover: the rate of employee turnover also reduces to a significant extent thereby amplifying the equity and distinctiveness of the organization. Enhances risk management: training program also increases the level of awareness over sexual harassment and diverse workforces within an organization, by doing so, the rate of security and safety of the jobs enhances resulting in amplification of the rate of retention. Thus, it might be clearly evaluated that expenditure on training is directly related with the productivity and profitability of the organization. Moreover, training also leads to retention of the employees for a longer period that may improve its sustainability and competitive position. Analysis Is role playing or behavioural modelling training, effective for a manufacturing firm? Yes, this type of training method is quite essential for a manufacturing firm. This is because; it mainly offers high attention over human relations, emotions and issues. If the employees within a manufacturing firm fail to understand the inner desires and emotions of others, then they may not work in a coordinated way. Moreover, if the employees fail to maintain coordination and communication among themselves, then they may not offer qualitative products. As a result, the level of dominance and reputation of the organization may not be retained in the market for long time (Saks & et. al. 2010, pp. 423-434). Furthermore, if the behavioural modelling training method is not implemented within a manufacturing firm, then it may not come up with the changed behavioural attitudes or tastes of the customers. As a result, the organization may not retain its loyal customers thereby declining its brand value and image in the market. Therefore, from these causes, it might be revealed that role playing technique is essential for a manufacturing firm. Do employees training leads to learning and development? Yes, training is a concept that leads to constant changes in the behaviours and talents of the employees. This takes place mainly due to intake of varied types of knowledge and facts that may amplify the experiences and awareness of the employees. Learning and development of the employees is essential in order to implement those information and facts at the time of improvement of the quality of the products and services. As a result, such type of learning enhances the motivation and inner morale of the employees that may improve their commitment and devotion towards work. Due to which, the accuracy of work might be increased, which is extremely essential for an organization to reduce the defaults. In addition, due to improvement of the skills, the level of performance of the employees might also be increased that may amplify the inner strengths thereby reducing the weaknesses to a significant way (Schneier, 1994, pp. 442-454). Along with this, such type of learned information is properly communicated among the co-members so as to make it effective in aspects. Only then, the prosperity and distinctiveness of the organization might get enhanced to a significant extent that may amplify its efficiency and efficacy of the employees. Such type of reinforcement or improvement takes place only to achieve the rewards or performance related pay systems such as bonuses. Therefore, it might be clearly revealed that the improvement of the performance of the employees is directly related with its consequences or reinforcements Apart from this, as per the expectancy theory, motivation for learning new things arises only to the desire to achieve desired performance or outcome. However, in order to achieve the desired outcome, the requisite efforts are offered by the employee. Hence, it might be avowed that, effort or motive is directly related with the outcome and therefore in order to achieve the desired outcome, required performance need to be presented (Wong, 2000, pp. 712-723). Source: (Swart & et. al., 2012) Thus, training acts as the catalyst that enhances the motivation of the employees to perform effectively among others. Is expenditure over employee training worthy or not? In this age, training plays vital role for the employees of an organization. This is because; by implementing varied types of training programs, the inner knowledge and talents of the employees might be enhanced. Such type of improvement of the talents is important so as to introduce inventive products and services. Only then, the organization might easily cope up with the changing taste and preferences of the customers. As a result, the organization might become successful in attracting a wide range of customers of varying lifestyles and income groups towards the brand that may improve its profitability in the market. Furthermore, due to implementation of the training programs, the level of communication among the employees also gets improved. As a result of which, the level of interpersonal relationship among the employees increases that improves the rate of sharing of knowledge and information. However, due to improvement of interpersonal relations, the level of coordination and cooperation among the employee’s increases to a considerable extent that may increase efficiencies and effectiveness. On the other hand, if an organization fails to maintain the programs of training for its employees, then it may not retain its image in the market. This is because; due to lack of training programs, the inner morale and satisfaction of the employees declines resulting in amplification of the rate of attrition (Wong, 2000, pp. 221-234). Therefore, due to these above mentioned reasons, it might be stated that the revenue spend over the implementation of training programs is extremely essential for an organization in this age of competitiveness. Findings Opinion for evaluating the importance for training in this age In order to improve the productivity and profit margin of the organization, constant enhancement of the inner skills of the employees is essential. By doing so, the employees might become able to present varied types of innovative products that may increase the demand and position of the organization. Apart from this, with the help of training needs, the employees might become efficient in making their own decisions at the time of any sort of discrepancy. By doing so, varied types of issues gets easily reduced thereby enhancing the rate of retention within the organization. Due to which, the organization might become able to attain varied types of ideas and suggestions from the experienced employees at the time of financial downturn that may prove effective in amplifying its image and distinctiveness in the market among others (Edwards, 1985, pp. 823-834). Moreover, varied types of information also help in improvement of the inner strengths and opportunities of the organization and the junior employees thereby reducing its weaknesses. In addition, training leads to better performance that enhances the scope to attain rewards or promotions. Therefore, such type of rewards helps in fulfilment of the primary as well as the tertiary needs of the employees thereby improving their motivation and dedication towards the assigned tasks. Hence the importance of training is presented in a glance Organization Employee Improvement of productivity Primary and tertiary need satisfaction Improvement of profitability Motivation towards work Improvement of image Enhancement of knowledge Improvement of reliability Improvement of performance Improvement of position Improvement of efficiency Thus, in order to retain all these above mentioned benefits, the management need to offer individualised training programs to the employees so as to satisfy their needs and desires. Conclusion Conclusively, it might be depicted after analysing the entire facts and information presented in the above paragraphs that, training acts as the corner stone of an organization. It is the training that helps an organization and its employees to remain u-dated with varied types of changes. Along with this, training helps the employees of an organization to amplify their inner skills so as to present varied types of value-added products so as to satisfy the alternating desires of the customers so that, the organization might retain the customers for longer period of time as compared to other rival players of the market. Apart from this, presentation of inventive products and services might help to retain the uniqueness and distinctiveness of the organization thereby reducing the threats of substitute products or new entrants. Moreover, due to the implementation of varied types of training needs such as on-the job training, role play etc helps in improvement of the performance and commitment of the employees that may amplify their performance related rewards. In addition, due to the presentation of varied types of training programs, the level of information and k knowledge gets easily shared among all that proves quite effective for junior members of the organization. Moreover, training also enhances the behavioural attitudes of the employees that amplify the scope of decision-making capacities. As a result, the rate of interpersonal conflicts reduces and coordination increases within all the employees. This may prove effective for any organization, operating in the segment of manufacturing to amplify its dominance and position in the market. References Adair, J. 2010. Effective Motivation: How to Get the Best Results From Everyone. New York: Cengage Learning. Beardwell, .J. & Claydon, T. 2010. Human Resource Management. London: Sage. Beck, R, C. 2003. Motivation: Theories And Principles, 4/e. New York: Cengage Learning. Blake, S. & 2011. A Practical Approach to Alternative Dispute Resolution. London: Oxford. Blyton, P. & 2011. Reassessing the Employment Relationship. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. (see chapters 3, 5 and 15). Blyton, P. & Turnbull, P. 2004 The Dynamics of Employee Relations, 3rd edition. London: Sage. Bolton S & Houlihan, M. 2007. Searching for the Human in Human Resource Management. New York: Palgrave. (see chapters 7, 11, and 14). Brown, L, V. 2007. Psychology of Motivation. London: Springer. Claydon, T. 2003. Introduction to the Employment Relationship. London: Sage. Collings, D & Wood, G 2009. Human Resource management: a critical approach. London Routledge. (see chapters 2,4, 6, and 11). Coyle-Shapiro & et. al. 2004. The Employment Relationship. New York: Oxford University Press. Davidson, J, P. & et. al. 2011. Motivation. London: Sage. Edwards, P. 1985. ‘The Myth of the Macho Manager’, Personnel Management. New Long, R. 2012. Motivation. London: Springer. Russell, I, L. 1971. Motivation. London: Sage. Saks, M. A. & et. al. 2010. Managing Performance Through Training and Development. London: Sage. Schneier, C. E. 1994. The Training and Development Sourcebook. New York: Springer. Snell, A. S. & Bohlander, W. G. 2010. Managing Human Resources, 16th Edition. New York: Cengage Learning. Swart, J. & et. al., 2012. Human Resource Development - Page 79. New York: Cengage Learning. Wong, R. 2000. Motivation: A Biobehavioural Approach. New York: Cengage Learning. Read More
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