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Issue in Child Labour - Essay Example

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Child labour is a global disaster. The United Nations is trying its best to tackle this issue. Governments of many countries are formulating policies that intend to abolish child labour. There are many impacts due to…
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Issue in Child Labour
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Issue in child labour By Executive summary This report is going to cover the issues about child labour. Child labouris a global disaster. The United Nations is trying its best to tackle this issue. Governments of many countries are formulating policies that intend to abolish child labour. There are many impacts due to the poor working conditions of these children. They have to survive through the harsh economic times that force them to participate in the child labour. There are various theories that explain the cause of child labour. Furthermore, there are codes of conduct that explain the required nature of work and prohibit child labour. The paper will cover the various organisations that are trying to prevent child labour. TABLE OF CONTENTS Executive summary...............................................................2 Introduction...........................................................................4 Theories/Concepts.................................................................5 Codes of conduct...................................................................10 Organisations/Businesses.......................................................13 References................................................................................16 Introduction Children who work on a force often undergo through many problems. They have no body or organisation that advocates for their rights. The impacts of working by force are significant. There are many child workers in United Arab Emirates. They work in various fields, especially service delivery. They work for long hours because they have to earn enough money to sustain their lives. Economic situations are because of the children working by force. The worst effect is death. The company exposes the children to harsh working conditions. This paper states and explains the issues concerning child labour. Theories/concepts In understanding the concept of child labour, this paper shall rely on environmental responsibilities of the triple bottom line concept. The concept will look at the profits company generate while involving children in providing labour. Secondly, it will look at the people accounts who involve themselves with child labour. Lastly, it will concentrate with the planet in general. It will be a general view about child labour worldly. Child labour is unacceptable in the world. Children in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, involve their lives in risky jobs. They want to maintain their sustenance. Most of them work in construction companies. The companies have a role in maintaining the environment because they exhaust much waste. The children who work there do not use the specified requirements when working in the companies. They pose their lives to danger. Realisation of profits is the first issue of the bottom line concept. The companies involving themselves in promoting child labour realise great profits. They do not care on the lives and health standards of the children. It is a fact in United Arab Emirates; companies maximise the services of the children, in order to realise great profits (Henriques, 2004, p. 88). No bodies could advocate for the rights of the children. The children often inhale poisonous gases that affect their breathing system. The company could not allocate enough funds that would care for their health concerns. The management could not sacrifice a portion of their profits in improving the production systems that often pollute the environment. Most of these children are foreigners. They have not lived a greater portion of their lives in United Arab Emirates. It is evident that the non-citizens often face discrimination. They cannot receive a good portion of the companys profit. They have to offer services, even on overtime, for them to earn highly. The non-citizens who are children cannot raise an issue like this. They have to be patient for the government to respond to their problems. The waiting would result to overexploitation from the employers. The state of this childrens living environment is filthy. The firms they work for cannot improve their living conditions, exposing the young children to common infections like typhoid and malaria. It would be okay if the companies, which employ these children to put aside a portion of their profits in constructing schools and hospitals for the children. Furthermore, they could support the childrens parents in earning a living. The main cause for this problem is poverty. The poverty situation in United Arab Emirates attracts many children to forced labour. Lack of good leadership from these companies further pushes the children into forced labour. The leaders should not focus their attention on money alone. The health of the young ones is important. Managers have to ensure their companies practises high level of environment conservancy. United Arab Emirates are behind in tightening the rules about child labour. The rich class, who own companies, have influenced the politicians who make laws, thereby reducing the countrys political will. The government sees it as normal for the children to participate in forced labour. They understand the profits improve the gross domestic product. Another part of the triple bottom line concept is the people. They are the ones who are around the child labour situation. Management is part of the people. They know they have a role in preventing the spread of child labour. The managers are conducting social injustices. It is their responsibility to ensure the working environment is favourable to all. The children have a right to security. The firms have to protect the children from excessive labour (Banerjee, 2009, p. 99). The children are in the public too. They have forced themselves into labour because of many reasons. Most of them are foreigners who are looking for better living conditions in United Arab Emirates. They experience poor levels of education and often discrimination. They feel the pain of exclusion. In the end, the pressure forces them to labour. According to statistics in United Arab Emirates, a greater portion of the children working population is girls. The girls are vulnerable and an easy target to employees. When they indulge themselves in forced labour, the girls face many implications. The common one is rape. They get sexually transmitted diseases. Furthermore, the working environment is very harsh, stressing the girls. They may experience early periods due to this stress. It will cause health hazards in the future to the girl child. The public in United Arab Emirates still holds a primitive view on the position of girls. Employers who practise child labour still think the girl was born to be a homemaker. Many parents in Dubai do not invest enough resources to the future of the girl child. They are killing the future of that child. The parents believe the destiny of the girl child is to be a wife or work. It results to the child involving herself in forced labour. Nike is one of the companies that rely on the services of girl children. They want to enjoy the low costs of production by using cheap labour (Henriques, 2004, p. 9). The public in United Arab Emirates does not respect the children rights. There are open situations where the companies exploit the children. It has become a culture in United Arab Emirates for the children to involve themselves in child labour. The public often invents simple excuses for the existence of child labour in the country. The United Nations formulated laws and conventions that intend to protect the right of the children. The government is not ensuring the public adheres by the agreement. The government has not established proper schooling system for the children. The children do not gain anything in schools, thereby making them choose to work as an alternative. The public has excluded special and well-structured schools to the rich. Poor children only access shoddy learning. They lose hope of education. The public always enjoy cheap labour. It benefits their company because it boosts their production level. The company achieves maximum profits. It is a disadvantage to the children, because they are the source of labour. The company does not take care of the children personal needs. They do not create a favourable environment for the children to work. It is a requirement for any company to ensure its employees work in a good environment. Most children lose their lives while providing labour in such situations. By creating a favourable environment, the number of deaths shall reduce. It will see an improvement in the general lives of the children. Another part of the triple bottom line concept is the planet. It comprises of the view of the general world. The general world understands with the current economic situations; it is hard for the adults to get employment. The jobs that are not available are not descent to the adults. Firms have to force the children to work for them. They will assist in filling the vacant positions (Henriques, 2004, p. 54). Consumers everywhere in the world want cheap products. They do not want to strain many resources towards acquisition of a product. Children are a cheap source of labour. The firms pay them very low wages. Managers of these firms are aware the children cannot complain. The world growth rate of poverty is high. Poverty remains the major cause of child labour. Many countries are trying to reduce the poverty level, but have not been successful. Example, a country like Malawi depends on the production sector, to facilitate its gross domestic product. Most of the workers in the production sector are children forced into labour. According to statistics, most parents in the world are illiterate. They do not understand the risks their children are going through. The children often experience health related complications due to their nature of work. It is the responsibility of the parents to take care of the childrens health. The problem is that the parents are illiterate and do not understand situations that their children are going through. The world has a culture of forcing the children to learn the family skills. For example, if the fathers occupation is carpentry, he will force his children to follow on his footsteps. The children begin to provide labour at an early age. They will not even appreciate the importance of education. Children following on the working culture are a leading cause of child labour in the planet. It is common that the planet lacks a universal system of primary education. It is a constitutional requirement in every country for a child to have access to education. Lack of a universal system of primary education is hindering this constitutional requirement. The children would not go to school, and their only alternative is to work. They work in harsh conditions with strict supervision and low pay. Furthermore, the planet is behind in providing accessibility to schools. Many children in poverty-stricken countries cannot access schools. There are poor infrastructures, example the road system (Banerjee, 2009, p. 43). Codes of conduct The report shall highlight the various international codes of conducts that prohibit child labour. Furthermore, it will look into the SA8000 labour standard for multi-national organisations, as well as the ISO 9001 certification. Bodies that formulate these policies are International Labour Organisation and UNICEF, which are universal. They serve all the children in the world. The children always work in life threatening conditions in the factories. The code of conduct does not allow such situation. The code set the age of 14 or 15 as the minimum age of any employee. Persons lower than that age always works in harsh conditions. The code requires companies to use their profits in improving the working conditions. The conditions should respect the health of the employees (OECD, 2013, p. 54). Majority of children participating in forced labour always die. The codes stipulate against children working in conditions that threaten their life. Sometimes the children die because of discrimination and bullying in the place of work. It is against the codes for any multi-national company to practice discriminatory practices in the place of work. Most companies do not ensure they offer equal opportunities for all employees. The management does not understand the children do not have the necessary skills to work. They do not follow this consideration, resulting to children working in harsh conditions. Moreover, the companies pay children low wages. The code requires companies to provide equal opportunities to all employees. Most companies favour the adult employees in terms of wages. The companies should not allow child labour at all. Every company should have principles that promote humanity. The code requires company managers to lead by example. They should not allow hiring of underage children. It will be okay for the companies work with other nongovernmental organisation in denouncing child labour (Organization, 2010, p. 76). There are many impacts of involving children in forced labour. Firstly, they would not enjoy the benefit of education. A good number of these children have their own personal dreams that require education. Involving these children in forced labour shuns their dreams. Secondly, there are injuries due to the working conditions. It is evident the children have not undergone enough training on how to work. The situation causes them to experience injuries. Most children work for extra time. They do not have time for leisure. It results to mental depression. Thirdly, the children may experience sexual violence. Female children are weak and cannot air crucial issues that affect them. Adult workers take advantage of this and rape them. The children may contract sexually transmitted diseases, and they do not have the funds to treat themselves. In the end, their lives will hang at a thread. The codes stipulate that the companies have to commit themselves in preventing sexual violence in their premises. Companies should provide seminars and trainings that discourage child labour. The code stipulates for these seminars. It would assist in solving the problem of child labour. The code further stipulates for companies to set up internal systems that prevent children from working in their departments. It happens to companies that have branches all over the world. The executives of the multinational corporations should lead by example in preventing child labour. They have adequate powers to set up independent commissions that would oversee prohibiting employment of children (Anon., 2006, p. 55). The International Labour Organisation advocates for multinational companies to assist in improving the economy. They should assist the less privileged in the society by providing basic services like education and health facilities. It is evident; poverty is the leading cause of child labour. The companies should consider reducing the level of poverty. Many companies have set up businesses across the globe. They should support the economic situation of the place they are conducting a business (Organization, 1998, p. 76). The ILO demands companies to observe human rights. They have to be in the forefront in preventing social injustices. Involving the children in working in harsh conditions is against human rights. Children are still young, and they do not have the requirements of working in such conditions. Promoting human rights will improve tolerance among the people associating with the company. The management should absorb the children who offer labour, and take them to schools. It would help in improving the levels of life in the society (Organization, 2009, p. 54). SA8000 bans all situations that involve child labour. The code considers a person below 15 years as a child. Such persons should not provide labour. It requires companies not to rely on persons to provide labour. The company should take such children to school until they reach the right age to work (Jonge, 2011, p. 77). The parents have a role in preventing child labour. They should be responsible for the living condition of their children. It would be against the regulations if parents allow their children to provide labour. The government should arrest parents who benefit from child labour. Organisations/Businesses Many organisations participate in child labour. Coca cola is an example of such corporations. They rely on childrens services to harvest the sugarcanes. The management has not claimed responsibility for this. Working in the sugar plantations is a risk to the children. Reports indicate children young as eight years old work in these plantations. Human rights organisations have reported scenes of deadly injuries. Injuries result from snakebites and deep cuts from the sugar cane. It affects the lives of the children because, even after the injury, they still have to work to earn a living. Coca Cola has never allocated funds to cater for these problems. The children use sharp machetes when cutting the sugarcane. They are young and do not know how to operate these machetes. The machetes possess a danger to their lives (Lobe, 2014, p. 1). Using of children by coca cola has drawn many critics from different quarters. It is against international codes, and the management acted swiftly to clean their name. The management of coca cola distanced the company from employing children. They argue that they only purchase sugar from mills. The mills are the ones to be responsible for employing underage children. Adidas is another multinational company that relies on labour from children. The factories that manufacture Adidas goods are employing young children to work. The children work for overtime, and earn poor wages. Some of them experience sexual violence. The children working for Adidas work for 15 hours without rest. It affects their mental health. Furthermore, the children face punishment if they do not work for a minimum of 70 hours a week. The punishments are very harsh because it causes bodily harm and sometimes death. Adidas pay the children a lowly $60 a month despite the company registering high profits in their annual financial reports. The management is not humane because the amount they pay to the children is very low. According to the ILO codes, that amount is below par. Furthermore, the company had illegal deductions from the childrens salaries. Even with these deductions, the company could not still afford to cover medical expenses of the children. Medical difficulties require a person to take a leave. Adidas often punished the children who went on leave due to health problems. It is a high level of exploitation and many people criticised Adidas. The children were young as seven years. Adidas took advantage of their poor background to exploit them. The children manufactured goods over $15 million annually for Adidas (Burke, 2013, p. 3). The management of Adidas protected their company from critics. They argued that the company is not aware of what is going on the production site. Executives say Adidas is a very big company and try to improve the economy of the less privileged countries. That is the reason they have opened factories in third world countries. The countries are so poor that all the population, regardless of age, involve themselves in labour. The company lays the blame to parents who are not responsible for the lives of their children. Victorias secret is another company that promotes child labour. The company majors in the production of cotton. The company has cotton fields in different countries, in Africa. The economy of Africa is very low. It has resulted to children involving themselves in providing labour to cover their costs of living. The children work for long hours without rest. They work on a deadline; hence, they always pick the cottons while in a hurry. The hurry has resulted to serious injuries and health complications to the children. The management of Victorias secret denied these allegations. They argued the company adheres to international rules about child labour. They argue the companys policy is to promote human rights. Experts criticised the management for not observing and following on what to do. The management has not visited African fields. Thus, they do not understand the ground conditions. KYE is another corporation that employs the use of child labour. According to statistics, the company has employed over 1000 children. They work for over 15 hours a day. The children work in harsh conditions and often fall ill. They pay as low as 65 cents an hour. It is below the required wage limit set by ILO. KYE usually subjects their young employees to some military drills. Their working environment is not conducive. The temperatures are near 90 degrees. The security guards in KYE sometimes rape the girls who work there. There is no freedom in the working environment because the management has prohibited talking and music. It is a nightmare for the children working there. Their state of living is poor. They live 15 children per room. Many people criticised the company. The management has never claimed responsibility for using children as labourers. The executive only term their working environment as excellent (Thompson, 2013, p. 2). References Anon., 2006. Child Labour: Socio-economic Demensions. New York: Sarup & Sons. Banerjee, S. B., 2009. Corporate Social Responsibility: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly. Chicago: Edward Elgar Publishing. Burke, J., 2013. Child labour scandal hits Adidas. The Guardian, p. 3. Henriques, A., 2004. The Triple Bottom Line, Does It All Add Up. New York: Earthscan. International Labour Organization, 2010. Application of International Labour Standards 2010 (I). Chicago: International Labour Organization,. Jonge, A. D., 2011. Transnational Corporations and International Law: Accountability in the Global Business Environment. Chicago: Edward Elgar Publishing. Lobe, J., 2014. Coca-Cola Exploiting Child Laborers in El Salvador Sugar Cane Fields. Coke Benefiting From Child Labor in Sugar Cane Fields, p. 1. OECD, 2013. Combating Child Labour: A Review of Policies. New York: OECD Publishing. Organization, I. L., 1998. Child Labour, Part 2. New York: International Labour Organization. Organization, I. L., 2009. Application of International Labour Standards 2009 (II). New York: International Labour Organization. Thompson, G., 2013. 5 Giant Companies Who Use Slave Labor. Business pundit, p. 2. Read More
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