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Tesco's Human Resource Management - Research Proposal Example

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This research proposal "Tesco's Human Resource Management" explores the Tesco's managerial strategies. The main goal and objective of the research is to find the relationship of the importance of effective Human Resource Management to achieve organizational goals…
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Tescos Human Resource Management
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Importance of Effective Human Resource Management to achieve Organizational Goals at TESCO Table of Contents Introduction 3 Tesco, Plc 4 Rationale 5 Aims and Objectives 6 Literature Review 7 Conceptual Framework 12 Methodology 13 Data Collection Method 14 Data Analysis 16 Findings 17 Generalization 18 Schedule of Activities 19 Summary 20 References 22 Bibliography 24 Introduction The Human Resource Management (HRM) focuses on the right person for the right job. The discipline has been a traditional trend and was basically meant for short period of time. In due course of internal and external changes in the business, it made the HRM more important, broader and fit for the long run. The technological change, work force change, the environmental change, international competition renders the organization unstable in smooth running. The HRM is developed in many aspects to handle the issues for longer period as well as for shorter period. It involves in many programs for serving the business needs and influencing the business direction, they face increased responsibilities and new challenges (Jackson, & Schuler, 1990). The organization needs to run smoothly to compete and achieve success and it is possible with proper and careful management of human resource. The effective utilization of human resource (HR) tools can help the employees adjust to the changing organization and the environmental changes with the work culture. The organizational goals can be achieved if the work force is energetic, focused, goal oriented, properly planned along with having the right person for the right job among other factors. This entire system can be managed by human work force through aid of different sources. The discipline of human resource plans, organizes, develop strategy and implement them for the achievement of the goals of the organization. The importance of HRM is present in all the organizations at various levels. Only if the HRM is effective, only it is possible for organizations to compete and run smoothly in this unstable environment. It acts effectively by using proper HRP Strategy (Human Resource Planning Strategy) for both long and short term of period. Planning for over all organization for long and short term of period includes various factors which are well dealt in the process of effective HRP for beneficial of the organization and the employees. This proposal deals with various facets of effective human resource management that are practiced at Tesco for the achievement of the organizational goals. Tesco, Plc Headquartered at Cheshunt of Hertfordshire, Tesco is the market leader in the segment of retail and grocery. The company was founded in the year of 1919 in East London by Jack Cohen. The other two segments that the company has been dealing with include telecoms and financial services. Tesco has more than 923 stores employing more than 240000 people in more than 15 international markets. Tesco has more than 702 stores in United Kingdom itself and is the largest food retailer in UK. Tesco is also in the non-food business, mainly in electronics in the global market. Tesco’s International Sourcing was developed to ensure manufacturer to get uniquely differentiated products while maintaining the superior standards in most competitive prices. Tesco employs large number of work force in its operation in various parts of the world. The business is world wide spread and employees are also many for developing the business and has a huge number of national and international consumers and clients (Tesco, 2010). Rationale The traditional role of the human resource department was of more based on paper and was labor intensive. But now it has gone a vast change in the area of its operation. Without effective human resources, it is not possible for any organization to operate efficiently. Most of the HR transaction in today’s world is done in self examine mode on the computer-based internet system. Since, it has observed a sea change; there have also been changes in the industry and organization (I/O) psychology. The I/O psychology has expanded from the psychological test development to other personnel functions. For finding the effective HRM in achievement of organizational goals at Tesco, the qualitative methods need to be implemented. The tools that may be used, interview technique, Delphi model, observation, focused group and normal group technique, could be used for collection of the data and analysis to find the effective of HRM. These tools help in better understanding of the employees’ behavior and decision making. For finding the effectiveness, these tools will serve the purpose. It needs to be structured for making the process run smoothly and true findings are possible which is derived in a generalized form and gets accepted. It has been proven on the empirical studies on how this study has been successful in organization by using the qualitative tools for different findings. The I/O psychologists have used this technique in findings for their research work. Later, the data can be converted into the quantitative data by using the different tools of this method. If quantification is required the data can be easily changed. The mixed approach can be implemented for creating both types of data. Generalization can thus be derived and acceptance is more valid and reliable (Ehigie, & Ehigie, 2005). Aims and Objectives The main goal and objective for the research is to find the relationship of the importance of effective Human Resource Management to achieve organizational goals at Tesco. The main focus is to identify the effectiveness of the HRM in the TESCO and how it helps in achieving the goals. The aim of the proposal will be to focus upon the topic and related data. The company and the agreement between the researches should be followed and no breach of contract should take place. The objective of the proposal will be to follow the systematic approach in the research process so that it becomes easy for the research work to be carried out. Without the systematic approach it is not possible to carry the work of such importance. It will be wastage of time, energy and miss use of the data. Since, the main aim is to get the required data for the analysis and objective is to find the effective relationship of HRM with organizational goals, it is advised to follow the guidelines that have been set up. It will provide the conceptual frame work to carry the research work. This process makes the work done in a way required by the study. The rights of the participant, the rights of the company should be maintained and breach of the rights should not take place in any organisation. Breach of any of the contract can cause any of the variable to get affected and ultimately affects the organizational process. The work done might result in other outcomes. The management’s disclosure contract should be followed, as it refers to the type of data to be collected for the analysis. Also, the contract should be brought into the daylight which has been accepted by the mutual consent of the management and the research team. Literature Review The past research work have shown the importance of the Human Resource Management in the organization. This study will be focused upon the effective HRM in the organization. Wright McMahan rightly observed, “The organization’s poll of human capital can be “leveraged” to provide a source of competitive advantage”. The study conducted by Mark A Huselid of Rutgers University upon the strategic and technical human resource management effectiveness as factors of firm performance gives the view of the effective HRM contribution in achievement of the organizational goals. Mark A Huselid focused upon the impact of overall HRM quality on industry / organizational performance. The major focus was upon the delivery of high-quality technical and strategic HRM activities, which is reflected in the valued firm-level outcome. The HRM effectiveness and firm performance are interdependent. HRM is the department which manages the human capital in the organization. It analyzes the requirement such as the right person for the right job, number of employee required, motivational factor of employee, performance appraisal and incentives management. These variables affect the productivity and hence the human resource management needs to address to such issues. The importance of HRM is felt in every organization. Organizational goals can be achieved only when the people are satisfied with their jobs which come from proper remuneration system, motivational factors like promotion, incentives, corporate gifts and the leadership quality etc. This drives them to work towards achievement of goals. The appropriate practice of HRM will enhance the quality and the performance of the organization. The personnel capabilities of the human resource department and the business related capabilities are the two vital factors for the increase in effectiveness in the overall performance. The modern HRM system is a broad concept with much responsibility and area of operation compared to the traditional HRM. It needs to find the strength of the employees for the making it as a tool for the achievement of the goals. Professional human resource team with leadership quality is one of the factors that inputs in the organization for motivating the employees in the direction as per objectives of the business. It helps in performance of the business. The professional quality of leadership is required for all organizations in performance. The capabilities of the HRD make the team work according to the business needs and objectives. This helps in achievement of the goals, through the capabilities of the HRM (Huselid, & Schuler, 1997). TESCO Corporation is global company, and it has many stores all around the world with huge work force for the company. TESCO apply international human resource management policy and practices. Being a multinational company, it needs to formulate the HRM policy and practice as per the country’s labor acts where the company has its business. Like, they have food stores in UK, Tesco needs to comply with the regulations of the UK labour law and integrate the policy and practice as per the countries law. According to the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD), effective HR practices make an enormous difference to organizational performance (UNI Global Union.2009). There are many factors which come under the practice of the HRM. There is policy regarding the pay structure, recruitment policy, compensation, pensions and health care benefit, working hours, job security, health and safety, workers’ and union rights. There are policy and practices regarding these issues by TESCO. Tesco’s principles and policies regarding the pay state that “We will pay a fair wage reflecting the local markets and conditions. We offer a highly competitive package of pay and benefits to all our staff” (UNI Global Union, 2009). TESCO claims the basic reimbursement for the human resources as per the parameter set up by the administration. Ultimately, it is under the severe provision of the instruction of the state. Pensions are as per set by the TESCO’s employee advantage coaching guidebook. In poor health pay, Tesco Fresh & Easy employees take delivery of no sick pay, and have got to moreover take voluntary leave or use some of their few days of paid public holiday prerogative if they are not fit (UNI Global Union.2009). The operational hours of TESCO’s main and policy says that “operational hours shall not be extreme. They shall obey with business course of action and nationwide standard where they are present” (UNI Global Union.2009). The organization believes in liberal selection of employment. The reputed retail chain has vouched not to employ any child prohibiting the system of child labour. Also the company is against the compulsory and bonded labour system. TESCO tries to make sure that worker can work “at smallest amount 20 hours” per week. Holidays Fresh & Easy employees have only 60 hours of paid occasion off a year, and this must be worn to cover up both holidays and other contingencies, counting unwell depart, family and other emergencies (UNI Global Union, 2009). TESCO’s job safety chief and policies states that all staff will have a printed agreement of employment, with settled terms and circumstances, counting notice periods on both sides. The contract or agreement requires for the employee as per the law requirement in country vary so as the policy regarding also varies. TESCO’s principal and polices as regards to health and safety clearly states that “We provide a safe functioning location for our employees by minimizing projected risks in the place of work. All human resources take freedom of regular condition and shelter grounding. We contribute suitable dominance for physical condition and safety. We take grounding and development gravely and promise our people ‘a possibility to get on’” (UNI Global Union, 2009). It is observed that Tesco is dedicated to maintenance basic Human Rights and chains in full with the United Nations worldwide statement of Human Rights in adding up to the Global Labour Organization Core Conventions. The organisation treats all persons equally and reasonably. Employees at Tesco have the right to liberty of friendship and that of communal bargaining. The management in Tesco is familiar with the right of the staff to join a documented trade union where it is permissible within nationwide law (UNI Global Union.2009). Tesco abides by the non-discrimination laws of every realm where it operates. It does not categorize unlawfully on any origin (UNI Global Union.2009). The past literature says that the company will not use, or overlook the use of bodily sentence, psychological or corporeal compulsion or vocal mistreatment. Tesco has punitive measures for any associate of staff whose conduct or presentation falls underneath the necessary typical (UNI Global Union.2009). Also this reputed retail chain has official grievance actions through which personnel can raise public and occupational issues. The employees are free to join unions in the countries in which we activate (UNI Global Union.2009). The efficient use of the HRM leads to enhanced performance in the overall view of the organization. This success for accomplishment is subjected to many variables which need to be analyzed. Conceptual Framework Conceptual frame work is developed for the overall development of the project. It is to be developed as per the research’s areas of importance. The objective of the research needs to be identified and framing should be done accordingly. In this research proposal, the area of focus is the importance of effective “Human Resource Management to achieve Organizational goals” (TESCO). So, the framework should be developed as per the objective of the study. The study related is around the organization, and there are many variables which may rise in the study. A proper framing of the variables is required. The problem or the study of the research is needed to be well defined so that the focus is maintained upon the subject rather than other matters. The purpose of the study is to analyze the HRM and finding out the effective use of HRM tools for achieving the goals. The study needs to be focused upon this purpose and act accordingly. There are certain assumptions which need to be disclosed in this frame work. Assumptions taken, if not included, the validity might be questioned. It will be subject to criticism. The hypothesis taken need to be well defined for generalization as it is important to make such statements. The hypothesis and alternative hypothesis should be generated with the purpose of the study. The collection of data methods should be clearly stated. The requirement of the quality of data should be properly defined and the ways of getting them. The capabilities that enhance the effective of HRM should be identified and properly defined. The conceptual frame work will act as a guide line in performing all the function while conducting the study. Methodology The research methodology is a vital step, which provides the systematical way of solving the research problem. The historical data, previously done research upon this topic needs to be analyzed for finding out the similarities in the research work. It will give a better understanding in the concept of formulation of the relationship between the variables taken for the research. The analysis of the documents like any statistical compilations and manipulations, references and abstract guide, content will provide unfathomable understanding in the study. The non-participants’ direct observations need to be defined and analyzed as per the observational behavioral scales, use of the sore cards etc, which ever is required as per the study. The participant observation needs to be analyzed through the interactional recording which will provide valid evidence in the work. Mass observation can be done using the interview technique through focused and non-focused group for mass reaction. The study can also be done through telephone survey as a follow up for the questioner method. Data Collection Method The study to be conducted is about finding the effectiveness of the HRM in performance of the organization. The proposed way of collecting the data would be by observation technique, through personal interviews or telephonic interviews, mailing of questionnaires, or through the scheduled method. TESCO is a global company and using the observation technique would be costly and much time consuming. The information in this method, needs to be collected through past observations and future intentions or attitude of the respondent. Which needs lot of time and in between any new variables may rise up causing the study to change its course with more expense involvement. TESCO has employees from over the world, the personal interview technique can be done but if it done only through few focused group. It will not consume much time and cost. As one to one interview is better but the company being world wide spread, it is better to focus upon few groups in each country with certain selected stores. The mailing of questionnaires is a suitable technique for the data collection. A complete structure needs to be formulated and then send it to the respondent through mail and get back the data. The problem is that many respondents do not respond to such questionnaires. So, the telephonic interview along with the mailing of questionnaires needs to be done. The telephonic interview will act as a feed back to carry the research work smoothly. In this method, both structured as well as non-structured questionnaires can be utilized for more information in finding out the causes. The questions should not be of ambiguous in nature or unrepresentative in nature as the person not responding may belong to a particular class, resulting in the whole class going unrepresented. For the reliability of the questionnaires, the same questions should be sent to the same respondent after a span of time. If the reply is same in nature, it is said to be reliable. If the answers are contradictory in nature than the data collected is subject to be unreliable. Since, TESCO’s respondents i.e. employees are scattered over a large area and the research are wide enough, it would be better to use the questionnaire method for collection of the data. This will reduce the expenditure of the research work. By this method large sample can be drawn and all group of people can be easily be covered and contacted. It is also possible to gather information at regular intervals. This method places lesser stress upon the respondent for direct response, it gives the respondent more time to respond properly. Data Analysis The data can be analyzed only after it has gone through a definite process. The first step involved is that of editing of the data. The method is aimed to get facts from the data and complete the information pool. The biasness in the data should be checked. Then, the data needs to be organized in categories, and assigning different symbols to this categories. They need to be under the homogenous group for the purpose of convenient interpretation. The content of the data comprise the factor for the effective utilization of the HRM and its affect on the performance. The causes and the effects need proper analysis in grouping them differently and then finding the relationship. The raw record to get converted into data this process is necessary. So, that scientific approach can be done in processing the data. The next step is to post the data from the questionnaires on an intermediary material in a summarized form. There are various techniques available for the transcription, and any of the apt method can be used. After the successful completion of all these steps, the data is ready for the analysis. The data are divided down into smaller pieces and subsequently rearranged to get a meaning full interpretation. The data needs to be presented in a tabular and in graphical form for making the data more accessible. Once the data is graphically represented, derivation from such data becomes easy. It gives a systematical approach in derivation. This is the most important step in the whole research, extra concern should be taken while processing the data. Errors need to be identified in the process as it is likely for errors to occur. This error misleads in data analysis and wrong interpretation is generated. So, the errors need to be detected and the causes of the errors are to be verified i.e. the variable which is the cause of this error. The errors will occur but it needs to be calculated scientifically for reducing the errors. Reduction in errors is possible in case where error is to occur. It will help in having a true statement of data for analysis and misleading information will be limited in the study. Findings The analyzed data needs to be interpreted for the findings of the study done in TESCO. The data would provide the information of importance of effective of HRM and it’s the achievement of organizational goals in TESCO. For these two types of data, once analyzed, we can interpret the data by deriving relation between the two variables. This will prove the effectiveness of HRM in achievement of the organizational goals. The two sets are to be compared and logical derivation is needed, so the best way to interpret the data is through logical relationship. The interpretation is possible, when it has followed some essentials of interpretation. The pre-requisites of interpretation and analysis are the availability of accurate and reliable data. For this study, the questionnaires are used but it should check the reliability and also measure the errors. The data collected should be sufficient and reliable, for the achievement of the objective of the analysis and interpretation. The information provided by TESCO should have consistency for accurate results. While interpretation of the data (findings), some precautions should be taken for proper findings The problem should be viewed in a broader perspective for avoiding the inadequate grasp of the problem. The relevance of various aspects should be given importance and not neglected, as every variable is important in the study. The limitation to the study may be of different types, need to be addressed and rectified if possible. Misinterpretation of the factors and the data should be taken good care of. Generalization Generalization is possible when it confirm the validity and reliability both externally as well as internally. For derivation of the study, generalization should be used. The data should be confirmed with the external and internal validity and reliability for getting it accepted. Generalization will provide a thesis for better understanding of the effective utilization of HRM in performance of the organization. The statements made needs to be made in a reported form (thesis). The report needs to be drafted roughly for the information to be drawn. After this, it needs to be arranged and second draft needs to be formed; once the structuring is done it becomes simple for making this the way it should be. After this bibliography needs to be prepared, so it completes the project. It prepares the project outline for final revision. Lastly, a final report needs to be drafted which will be the thesis (Jackson, 1995.) Schedule of Activities The overall process of the study needs to be scheduled. The activities need to be assigned with responsibility. The process and the people involved in the study needs to be properly planned. The person responsible for the data collection, data analysis, questionnaires structuring, mailing etc should be assigned with responsibility. The structuring of the process is vital as it will guide in the entire study. The schedule should be followed for better performance and result within the time frame. The cost should be budgeted and the study conducted should be within the budget. Individual error should be checked and measured for error free data analysis. The amount of work to be done along with the designated person and within the time frame needs to be mentioned for better understanding. It provides a framework within which every team member works accordingly to the task assigned. It should essentially be systematic in nature which helps in smooth running of the process of the study. Summary It can be said without doubt that though the topic ‘the importance of effective Human Resource Management to achieve Organizational goals at Tesco’ is relevant to the present time, yet the entire process is expected to be is very time consuming and costly. As TESCO is world wide company employing people of different parts of the world, the data collection technique is bound to be lengthy and expensive. The techniques and the tools used for the study analyzed in the paper are needed to be well framed, systematic and the approach should be scientific. It will act as guidance for completion of the study within the time frame. Any misleading information will be easily rectified and diversification can be taken towards the study. The process of collection of the data and analysis needs to be developed in scientific way, to minimize error or terminated such error. Proper framing of the questionnaires is important for getting the required data otherwise it will reduce to only quality data which is necessary for analysis. The validity and reliability should be checked in every step so that no wrong interpretation takes place and generalization can be accepted. The assumption of the study needs to be clarified and stated for the general purpose or it might be subjected to criticism. The aim and objectives of the study should be in an appropriate form so that no confusion takes place. Focus should be clear to the subject matter for enhanced result. Proper guidance may be received from the company or from the research team or both should be able to provide with a knowledgeable and experienced person to carry out the work. The guide will prepare the framework of the study to make it easy and convenient to conduct the dissertation. With the active support from the guide, it is expected the relationship derived should be logical and stated in easy format for enhanced understanding. References Borgatti, P. S. & Molin, J. L., 2005. Toward ethical guidelines for network research in organizations. Department of Organization Studies. [Online] Available at: [Accessed on 23,July 2010] Ehigie, B. O., & Ehigie, R. I., 2005. Applying qualitative methods in organizations: A note for industrial/organizational psychologists. [Online] Available at: Jackson, S. E. & Schuler, R. S., 1990. Human Resource Planning Challenges for Industrial/Organizational Psychologists [Online] Available at: [Accessed on 23,July 2010] Huselid, A. M. & Schuler, S. R., 1997. Technical And Strategic Human Resource Management Effectiveness As Determinants Of Firm Performance. [Online] Available at: [Accessed on 23,July 2010] Jackson, E. 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HR Roles Effectiveness and HR Contributions Effectiveness: Comparing Evidence from HR and Line Managers. International Journal of Business Management. University Sains Malaysia. Read More
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