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Training Needs for Staff in Tesco - Assignment Example

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The paper "Training Needs for Staff in Tesco" explores different learning styles, the importance of transferring learning to the workplace, the contribution of learning styles and theories in designing a learning event, advantages, and disadvantages of the firm's training methods…
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Training Needs for Staff in Tesco
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Contents Contents TASK ONE 2 1 Compare Different Learning Styles 2 2 Role of the Learning Curve and the Importance of Transferring Learning to the Workplace. 3 1.3 Contribution of Learning Styles and Theories When Planning and Designing a Learning Event. 4 2.1 Compare the Training Needs for Staff at Different Levels in Tesco. 6 2.2 Assess The Advantages and Disadvantages of Training Methods Used in an Organization. 6 TASK THREE 9 3.1 Evaluation Using Suitable Techniques. 9 3.2 Evaluation of a Training Event. 9 3.3 Review the Success of the Evaluation Method. 10 TASK FOUR 12 4.1 Explain the Role of Government in Training, Development and Lifelong Learning. 12 4.2 Development of Competency Movement Has Impacted on the Public and Private Sectors. 12 4.3 Contemporary Training Initiatives Introduced By The UK Government Contribute To Human Resource Development. 13 Works Cited 15 TASK ONE 1.1 Compare Different Learning Styles Learning styles are important for the individuals in order to develop their skills and abilities. There are different learning styles which are executed by the people which include the activist, reflector, theorist and pragmatist as per the theory of Honey and Mumford. Every style of learning is different from each other on the basis of their effectiveness as well as characteristics. Theoretically, activists are those individuals who develop their skills and leaning from the activities which take place. The people with the activist learning behaviour usually respond quickly to the changing environment. The activists are people who are open minded and are passionate towards their work as they gain their learning from the practical understanding. On the contrary, the attitude to take risk of the activists might not be suitable for the establishment in few scenarios (Huang and Busby 92-100). Theorists are the people who acquire their knowledge and learning with the assistance of the relevant theories. The people following the theorists’ perspective get their assistance from the varied theoretical underpinning when they are trained systematically. Thus, it can be stated that the training and development must be associated with the theoretical approach to get a better understanding. However, the key issue faced by the theorists is that they might be hesitant towards gaining the practical knowledge as learning (Huang and Busby 92-100). Pragmatists are the people who seek their learning from the theoretical as well as the practical activities in order to develop their skills. It is observed that these people are innovative and use their theoretical knowledge and understanding when conducting practical tasks. These people are more efficient and hence the companies provide learning opportunities to them at large. However, these people require continuous training and development for better understanding (Huang and Busby 92-100). Reflectors are the people who acquire their leanings by observing various activities of themselves along with others. Employees favouring this learning style will be more considerate and cautious while obtaining proper learning of skills and abilities. Correspondingly, businesses might face issues while offering training to these individuals as they are seemed to be a bit time-taking in their learning approach. However, their considerate nature will ensure that they improve themselves in a comprehensive manner overall. These groups of people are supposed to be less participative in comparison with others which might pose certain problem for the business while delivering training and development. This consideration is crucial to develop staff in a commercial organization (Huang and Busby 92-100). 1.2 Role of the Learning Curve and the Importance of Transferring Learning to the Workplace. Learning curve is a graphical representation that illustrates constant learning of the people with regard to achieving maximum knowledge and developing the skills and abilities. The graph is of importance for the employers in the modern context as they are able to describe the learning of the individuals which empowers them to come up with proper training and development for the same. Furthermore, it helps the employers to analyse the cost and labour required for the improvement of an individual employee in the workplace. Consequently, it can be reflected that learning curve portrays the mode or the speed through which people gain knowledge and proper understanding (Collier and McManus 7-16). Figure 1: Learning Curve Graph Source: (Cockeyed, “What is the Learning Curve?”) Transfer of learning is a method in which an individual implements his/her past knowledge or experience when conducting the current activities. It is usually done by any individual owing to their characteristics where they feel encouraged to apply their skills and abilities along with the knowledge attained towards improving their current role. Learning transfer in workplace is considered to be of significance as it creates a positive effect on the employees as they exhibit maximum dedication towards their work by using their past knowledge and learning in their work. Moreover, learning transfer helps to increase the engagement of the people along with aiding them in enhancing their individual performances (Collier and McManus 7-16). 1.3 Contribution of Learning Styles and Theories When Planning and Designing a Learning Event. Learning styles and theories are an important factor for designing a well-planned training in a workplace. Learning styles exhibit the mean through which people acquire knowledge with maximum effectiveness. The styles of learning are different and people have dissimilar ways of learning as evaluated. A few people acquire knowledge through observation, practical knowledge and a few others by theories, thus the training is organised according to the needs of the people for the learning to be effective. The style will ensure that the money spent will be effective in creating a proper output. Besides, the learning theories are also vital for the development of the training event. In this regard, different people have unlike behaviour; a few have positive and certain others have negative behaviour i.e. their behavioural approach. Also, a few individuals have an attitude of seeking attention, motivation or retention towards the process of learning i.e. social learning theory (Noe 113- 129). Thus, these factors are of significance to develop training and staff development programs on the basis of the behaviours and traits of the people so that the outcome is worthy. Hence, it is evident that the contribution of learning theories and learning styles in the planning and designing of any staff development event is substantial (Noe 113- 129). TASK TWO 2.1 Compare the Training Needs for Staff at Different Levels in Tesco. The training needs differ in every organization because of the different levels of the employees. Subsequently, Tesco PLC is a leading retailer and has various levels of staff with different needs of training. The senior manager and the executive training needs are different on the basis of their experience, job role and expertise. In Tesco, the retail executives require regular on-the-job training for better creativity, adaptability and for increasing their flexibility towards the needs of the customers. In order to have better outcome, training must be provided to the executives to value the need and understand of the customers. The primary need for the executive is that they require skill based training for better result orientation. On the other hand, the senior management must be trained in order to make them competent to analyze the needs of the internal customers. Motivating the employees and resolving their issues can facilitate to have a harmonious working environment. Hence, the need for training is more of problem solving training and also human relation training (Slide Share 2-54). 2.2 Assess The Advantages and Disadvantages of Training Methods Used in an Organization. The training methods used by the organizations such as Tesco are both off-the-job training and on-the-job training. On-the–job training (OJT) is a form of training wherein the employees are trained by observing their colleagues and managers performing the job. The training helps the employees to understand the job and the behavior required for the task to be conducted. It is one of the well planned and systematized methods, which helps in enhancing the skills of the employees and effectiveness. The advantage of OJT is that it is cost effective and provides direct learning to the employees in the workplace. Also, in OJT, the employees get trained while they are working. They nurture their skills by making them qualified and confident. On the contrary, this form of training is disadvantageous as it is not effectual as it only provides skill regarding the job and not about the organizational value (Slide Share 2-33). On the other hand, off-the-job training is executed when the employees are trained separately from the job environment. The training is provided through the use of theoretical books or in training centers. There are various forms of off-the-job training such as the role play and vestibule training. The advantages of this form of training are that it is more practical based, the chances of retention is more and it helps in developing the interpersonal skills as well. Additionally, the learning is effective as an in-depth training is provided and a large set of employees can be trained effectively at a given point of time. Conversely, the disadvantage is that the trainer must be specialized and well skilled. A lack of personal attention on every employee is another disadvantage (Slide Share 2-33). 2.3 Use A Systematic Approach To Plan Training Methods Used In An Organization. Systematic Approach to Training (SAT) is a method implemented to manage training programs. SAT is of significance as it ensures that the individuals are ready to work with adequate knowledge. SAT program can be evaluated through the given diagram. Figure: 2 SAT Program Source: (UNODC 3-11) The training method of Tesco is well planned because of its step-by-step process. This approach is effective in order to implement the best training methods and solve the issues to derive the best results. Correspondingly, SAT helps in formulating the training method based on various factors which include human factor, subject area, objective, time along with material and the principles of learning. For instance, for Tesco’s employees, the aspect of attitudinal orientation would require off-the-job training i.e. role play (UNODC 3-11). TASK THREE 3.1 Evaluation Using Suitable Techniques. The evaluation of a laid down training initiative is an important constituent in order to determine the effectiveness of the training and development of the employees in the organization. The evaluation model used for determining the effectiveness can be Kirkpatrick’s Four-Level Training Evaluation Model. The model has four relevant models which include reaction, learning, behavior and results. The reaction stage is the one wherein the effectiveness of the training is measured by analyzing the reaction of the trainees. The learning is the second stage wherein the measurement of the learning is analyzed. This is important to understand the level of understanding of the trainees. The third level is the behavior, which measures the behavioral changes of the trainees due to the training and development. Results are the final stage where the training is evaluated and its effectiveness is measured. Thus, this technique is useful for the evaluation of the training and development to understand the real picture (Mind Tools, “Analyzing Training Effectiveness”). 3.2 Evaluation of a Training Event. The training event of Falconry in Qatar was commendable as it was well managed and organized. It was well planned, well designed and conducted in a cohesive manner. Moreover, the training event was well coordinated and communicated knowledgeable facts in an interesting manner. The training process was effective and people present in the event were content with the training event. Furthermore, the training event was not only conducted through the mean of verbal communication but also with the help of the videos and posters to have a better understanding. The event was planned and coordinated properly in a proper time framework to make it effective. The event was managed and well communicated in a given framework with quality and keeping in view the different behavioral aspects of the people. In other words, it can be stated that the event gathered positive feedback along with rendering valuable insights about the falconry industry in Qatar. 3.3 Review the Success of the Evaluation Method. The evaluation method implemented by the training event was a success as it had every factor required for an event to be a success. The posters were used in the training event to make the program worthy and effective for the people. The event was organized in a coordinated manner and was well designed to make the people feel relaxed. The communication was strong from the introduction of the presentation till the end of the presentation. Besides, the session was made interactive and well-coordinated. The people were greeted with a word of appreciation and the event was managed in proper time frame with quality. The training was conducted in a smooth and effective manner displaying proper knowledge, commitment along with patience. The training event also had a decisive impact owing to the use of visual aids, including the use of videos and eye-catching posters. Furthermore, the presentation was effective as a majority of the people was dressed traditionally demonstrating a strong impact on the audience. Correspondingly, the prime weakness that was witnessed within the training event was related to the resources made available. In this regard, the room that had been chosen was small which limited the amount of visitors that could be entertained at a single point of time. Therefore, the visitors had to wait outside, inside the corridor and subsequently they were taken in the room in groups. Evaluation Sheet Presentation title Falconry in Qatar event Criteria Notes Evidence Of Preparation Posters Visual Aids Videos Were Fast Paced And Good To Watch, Along With The Posters Organized Well Organized With Involvement Of Proper Greeting For The Visitors Articulation Knowledgeable, Informative Portraying Interesting Facts Precision Focused on Falconry Industry of Qatar and a Thoughtful Event Time Management Well Managed Resource Small Sized Room Limited the Comfort Level of the Visitors as They had to Wait Outside in the Corridor for their Turn TASK FOUR 4.1 Explain the Role of Government in Training, Development and Lifelong Learning. Government has a vital role to play in delivering an effective training development program for lifelong learning. It is observed that the government of the United Kingdom encourages lifelong learning of the individuals as it believes the fact that learning does not finish with formal and systematic education but rather it is an endless lifelong process. Moreover, the government eliminates various barriers that are associated with the training and development aspects. The government has come up with various integrating learning programs in order to deliver opportunity to the individuals to help them in re-developing their abilities and competencies through the ongoing learning process for both personal and professional development (Briddon 1-18). The government has also initiated a Continuing Professional Development (CPD) program for the learning process to be continuous. The government not only offers assistance for workplace training but also initiates the development of educational infrastructure with the support of the social partners. Hence, in this context, it can be reflected that the governmental agencies are arising with programs for skill assessment, vocational training, professional training and high quality educations for the lifelong learning process of the people. Consequently, the role of government towards training, development and lifelong learning of people is apparent and transparent by a considerable extent (Briddon 1-18). 4.2 Development of Competency Movement Has Impacted on the Public and Private Sectors. The competency movement is better known as the competence movement. This is an approach through which the organizational competencies and skills are analyzed towards the development of the employees and their core competencies with regard to the work they are allotted to. This movement is predominant in the European region, the UK and the US with various public along with private sectors. For instance, In Poland, a study was conducted which stated that the managements of a few companies were not careful regarding the training and development of their employees (Horton 1-18). With the help of the competency movement, the business will be able to realize the key strengths and weaknesses regarding the management of the employees and other aspects to emerge with a set of well-developed plans for the effective working in both the sectors. This movement also facilitates to reveal the true picture in respect of the competency of the employees in front of the employer. This supports the organization to develop a proper training and development program for the people. Moreover, with the help of a set of good competency movement practices countries gain a considerable growth in their economic condition (Horton 1-18). 4.3 Contemporary Training Initiatives Introduced By The UK Government Contribute To Human Resource Development. The UK government plays a vital role towards assuring proper training and development of employees along with lifelong learning country-wide. This role of the government further creates a positive environment towards the development and improvement of human resources in organizations. In terms of a key contemporary training initiative, lifelong learning in the UK has guaranteed the growth of individuals even after the accomplishment of formal education. The attitude of the government towards the learning and development of the employees is remarkable as it not only comprises full as well as part time training in work related activities but also entails training to the unemployed people of the country for prosperity in order to acquire skills (British Council, “Lifelong Learning Strategies”). In this regard, it can be stated that the government of England and Wales has emerged with the strategy of “World Class Skills” wherein individuals are offered training. In order to build a prosperous, knowledgeable and effective workforce in organizations throughout the country this initiative had been taken (British Council, “Lifelong Learning Strategies”). The main intention of education and training by the government has been to create and develop skills, innovative abilities to think and a learning attitude among the people so that they are able to offer better services in their professional activities. These measures of the government have a direct effect towards the human resources development of the organizations. Works Cited “Lifelong Learning Strategies.” British Council. n.d. Web. 06 Apr. 2014. Briddon, Kelly. ‘The Lifelong Learning Sector.” Chapter 1 (2012): 1-18. Print. Collier, Kate, and McManus, Jacqui. “Bridging the Gap: The Use of Learning Partnerships to Enhance Workplace Learning.” Asia-Pacific Journal of Cooperative Education 6.2 (2005): 7- 16. Print. “What is the Learning Curve?” Cockeyed. 2008. Web. 11 Apr. 2014. Horton, Sylvia. “Competency Management in the British Central Government.” University of Portsmouth (2010): 1-18. Print. Huang, Rong, and Busby, Graham. ‘Activist, Pragmatist, Reflector or Theorist? In Search of Postgraduate Learning Styles in Tourism and Hospitality Education.” Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport and Tourism Education 6.2 (2007): 92-100. Print. “Analyzing Training Effectiveness.” Mind Tools.2014. Web. 06 Apr. 2014. Noe, Raymond. A. Employee Training & Development 4E. India: Tata McGraw-Hill Education. 2008. Print. Slide Share. “Methods of Training.” Training (2010): 2-33. Print. Slide Share. “Training and Development at TESCO.” Tesco (2013): 2-54. Print. UNODC. “Systematic Approach to Training.” Chapter 2 (n.d.): 3-11. Print. Read More
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