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Health and Safety Issues in Hofmann and Wintech Engineering - Term Paper Example

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As two of the most competitive engineering company in the global engineering industry, the purpose of this paper is to identify the rules and guidelines set by Hofmann and Wintech Engineering in preventing the negative health consequences of fire and noise pollution.
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Health and Safety Issues in Hofmann and Wintech Engineering
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Health and Safety Issues in Hofmann and Wintech Engineering & Number Total Number of Words: 2,156 Executive Summary Incidence of fire and noise pollution can lead to loss of life and serious physical danger respectively. As two of the most competitive engineering company in the global engineering industry, the purpose of this report is to identify the rules and guidelines set by Hofmann and Wintech Engineering in preventing the negative health consequences of fire and noise pollution. This report covers not only the negative health and safety consequences of fire and noise pollution to employees. In line with this, environmental safety practices such as the provision of training on hazard prevention and safe operating procedures particularly on fire prevention and management procedures and occupational noise prevention and reduction program were tackled in details. The reason behind the need to strengthen the performance of its workplace inspection team was also covered in this report. To effectively manage the incidence of fire, it is important to maintain a safe working environment by making fire exits available and easily accessible. Other than the installation of fire prevention equipments, the use of early warning signs and devices like self-luminous or electroluminescent ‘exit’ signs in emergency exits and the provision of necessary trainings and easy access to medical facilities and first-aid kit are highly encouraged. To ensure that each employee do not suffer from a permanent hearing loss, HR managers of engineering companies should strictly implement the use of hearing protector and limit employees work to 8 hours per day. Measuring and recording noise level pollution should also be conducted on a regular basis. Table of Contents Executive Summary ……………………………………………………………. 2 Table of Contents ……………………………………………………………….. 3 I. Introduction ………………………………………………………………. 4 a. Thesis Statement ……………………………………………... 4 b. Report Objective and Target Audiences ……………………. 4 c. About Hofmann and Wintech Engineering ………………… 4 d. Scope and Limitations ………………………………………… 5 II. Work Environment Safety Practices Adapted by Hofmann Engineering ………………………………………………….. 6 a. Provision of Training on Hazard Prevention and Safe Operating Procedures ………………………………….. 6 a.1 Fire Prevention and Management Procedures … 6 a.2 Occupational Noise Prevention and Reduction Program ……………………………….. 7 b. Strengthening Its Workplace Inspection Team ……………. 9 III. Conclusion ………………………………………………………………. 10 IV. Recommendations ……………………………………………………... 11 Reference List ………………………………………………………………… 13 - 14 Appendix I – Audiometer Used at Hofmann Engineering ………………... 15 Introduction Thesis Statement Fire prevention and noise reduction safety program implemented by Hofmann and Wintech Engineering. Report Objective and Target Audiences With the purpose of gathering useful information on how an engineering company can effectively implement and practice work environment safety, the target audiences for this study include the engineering students and workers who are currently employed in an engineering company. Since a portion of the engineering students may consider working for an engineering companies like Hofmann and Wintech, this report will be useful in terms of increasing the students’ and workers’ knowledge on how they can protect themselves from work-related injuries and accidents. About Hofmann and Wintech Engineering Established back in 1955 by Gordon Hofmann, Hofmann Engineering grew as one of the largest U.S.-based companies that specialize in the manufacturing of night vision support gadgets, aircraft lighting, and photonic test equipments (Hofmann Engineering 2010a). The company expanded its business not only within the aerospace industry but also in gearing, mining equipments, mills and kilns, wind turbine, high tension fasteners, slew bearings, oil/gas valves and pumps, and portable machine tools (Hofmann Engineering 2010c). Aside from many years of specializing in aircraft lighting and night vision device (NVD) test (Hofmann Engineering 2010b), the company expanded the scope of its business by offering its services related to spectral testing, calibration of lamps and standards, and repair of photometric equipments (Hofmann Engineering 2010a). Established in 1985, Wintech Engineering remained focused on designing and manufacturing computer controlled contour foam cutters (Wintech 2010). Today, the company is selling software and profiling machines for foam industry throughout the global market. Upon analyzing the history of both companies, the success of Hofmann and Wintech was partly due to its outstanding human resource management. Other than providing its employees with proper technical training and personal development, the company also gives equal importance to its employees’ safety at work (Hofmann Engineering 2010d; Wintech 2010b). As part of Hofmann and Wintech’s health and safety practices, this report will provide strategic ways on how we can keep employers, visitors, and the general public safe from fire and noise pollution. Scope and Limitations The scope of this report will include information gathered from the site visited combined with some online academic research focusing particularly on work environment safety issues related to fire prevention and management procedures as well as the occupational noise prevention and reduction program. Since the efforts made by workplace inspection team matters in terms of strengthening the company’s workplace environmental control system, ways on how the company strengthens its workplace inspection team will be included in this report. The topic on health and safety issues applicable to an engineering site is very broad. In line with this, the report is limited in addressing specific health and safety issues related to fire fighters or 911. Likewise, this report is also limited in discussing ways on how employees who encountered hearing loss due to work environment could settle an agreement with the company. Work Environment Safety Practices Adapted by Hofmann and Wintech Engineering Over the past few years, Hofmann and Wintech remained focused on continuously increasing the companies’ safety standards by making its employees understand, be aware, and be responsible not only for their own safety but also for the safety of other people. In line with this, Hofmann Engineering is using the KIS safety system in work safety operating procedures related to fire prevention and management procedures and noise pollution reduction program. Provision of Training on Hazard Prevention and Safe Operating Procedures Fire Prevention and Management Procedures Fire is one of the most dangerous hazards in a work environment. Malfunctions in electrical equipments or mishandling of flammable substances like compressed gasses, flammable spray and combustible materials are among the potential risk for fire. These hazards can lead not only to loss of life but also physical injuries on employees, damages on properties and workplace environment. In compliance with In compliance with Section 5(a)(1) of OSHA Standards on safety and health standards1, both companies have been maintaining a safe working environment by making fire exits available and easily accessible. The use of early warning signs and devices is part of the common strategies used in saving employees’ lives during emergency cases. Therefore, equipments like fire sprinklers, fire alarms, self-luminous or electroluminescent exit signs, fire hose reels, portable fire extinguishers on selected locations, and exit lighting were properly installed all over the workplace (OHS Reps @ Work 2010). To prevent the incidence of fire, employees at Hofmann and Wintech Engineering were trained regarding the proper handling and storage procedures of hazardous materials which could anytime lead to fire. Employees were also taught the proper way to control these hazards by teaching them the ways in which these materials could ignite, how to use fire protection equipments, rules for the use of emergency warning and intercommunication systems within the work environment, the use of fire hose reels, and fire blankets in case another person is burning on fire (OHS Reps @ Work 2010). In response to fire situation, employees at Hofmann and Wintech Engineering were trained on how they can manage fire and emergency situations. Staffs were instructed to keep the exit routes free from obstructions like explosive materials and any form of decorations. Since evacuation practices can lead to a long-term benefit in case fire emergency, employees are mandated to participate in the annual fire and emergency drill. Occupational Noise Prevention and Reduction Program Occupational noise is one of the most common factors that could result to the development of a permanent hearing loss (Bryne and Reeves 2008; Carpernter, et al. 1971). Exposure to noise between the range brackets of 71 to 90 dB can lead to severe hearing loss (Bauman 2003). To protect Hofmann and Wintech’s employees from preventable hearing loss, both companies provide its employees with hearing protector which can lessen the workers’ exposure to TWA of 85 decibels (dB). (See Table I – Hearing Classification Threshold below) Table I – Hearing Classification Threshold Hearing Threshold Classification Decibels (dB) Normal hearing Slight hearing loss Mild hearing loss Moderate hearing loss Moderately severe loss Severe hearing loss Profound hearing loss Deaf -10 to 15 16 to 25 26 to 40 41 to 55 56 to 70 71 to 90 91 to 120 Below 120 Source: Bauman 2003 As part of complying with the Occupational Safety and Health Standards on noise reduction policy, employers are required to place employees in a hearing conservation program each time an employee has been exposed to an average noise levels of 85 dB or more within the usual 8-hour per day work (United States Department of Labor 2010b). In line with this, the hearing conservation program allows employers to record the length of time and noise level pollution each employee has been exposed in the workplace environment. Individuals who had been exposed to noise level more than the Action Level will be pulled out from the work environment for a specific period of time. Noise pollution within each work environment is measured using an audiometer dosimeter, and sound level meter (United States Department of Labor 2010b). To ensure that the hearing protector supplied to employees is effective in preventing hearing loss, both companies adapted the Noise Reduction Rating (NRR) which was initially developed by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) (United States Department of Labor 2010b). (See Appendix I – Audiometer Used at Hofmann Engineering on page 15) Strengthening Its Workplace Inspection Team As part of regularly checking the implementation of with fire as well as noise reduction safety measures, both companies’ workplace inspection team regularly checks for employees’ compliance to these guidelines. The team also checks for the safety of using the available electrical equipments. The best way to avoid legal problems related to incompliance and negligence is to strengthen the competency and effectiveness of the companies’ workplace inspection team. Other than regularly testing employees’ compliance to fire and noise environment reduction practices, the workplace inspection team of both companies exerts extra effort in reporting and documenting the incidence of non-conformances which is an important component of developing their resolution plan. The use of key performance indicators (KPIs) increases the accuracy of the workplace inspection team’s report and analysis needed in taking a future improvement action plan (Pinto November/December 2006). Unlike the case of Wintech Engineering, Hofmann Engineering introduces a new safety format which integrates the use of KPIs. Specifically Hofmann’s workplace inspection team strongly believes that the integration of KPIs could increase the validity of their report (Hofmann Engineering News. 1st Ed. 2007). Conclusion Because of the financial and economic consequences of workplace accidents, more people realize the importance of Safety and Health care. By providing its employees with proper training on fire management and noise reduction program, it is safe to conclude that Hofmann and Wintech Engineering has been successful in exerting necessary effort to effectively minimize work-related physical injuries and workplace accidents related to fire and occupational noise. Among the work environment safety practices that was adapted by Hofmann and Wintech Engineering includes the provision of training on hazard prevention and safe operating procedures particularly on fire prevention and management procedures and occupational noise prevention and reduction program. As part of strengthening the performance of their workplace inspection team, it is important to constantly upgrade the measuring and monitoring strategies used by each company’s workplace inspection team. By continuously improving the work environment safety programs at Hofmann and Wintech Engineering, both companies will be able to successfully prevent future incidence of physical injuries related to fire and occupational noise. Recommendations Since fire incidence is one of the most dangerous hazards in engineering work environment, the following recommendations will be provided to minimize the risk of fire down to zero percent: Maintain a safe working environment by making fire exits available and easily accessible. Use of early warning signs and devices like self-luminous or electroluminescent ‘exit’ signs in emergency exits. Install fire prevention equipments like fire sprinklers, fire alarms, fire hose reels, and portable fire extinguishers on selected locations. Provide training on the following issues: 1. How to handle and store hazardous materials that can lead to fire; 2. How each hazardous material could ignite; 3. How to use fire equipments; 4. The rules for the use of emergency warning and intercommunication systems within the work environment; and 5. The proper use of fire hose reels and fire blankets in case any of Hofmann’s employees is caught on fire. Provide easy access to medical facility and equipments like first-aid kit. Conduct an annual fire drill to ensure each employee is reminded on how to react in case of fire. To ensure that each employee does not suffer from a permanent hearing loss, the following recommendations should be followed: Limit work to 8 hours each day to avoid overstressing employees. Strictly implement the use of hearing protector when necessary. Place employee on a hearing conservation program upon exposure to average noise level of 85dB or more. Using audiometer, dosimeter, and sound level meter, measure and record noise pollution level in each work environment regularly. To strengthen the ability of workplace inspection team in terms of preventing work-related hazards and accidents due to fire and occupational noise, the team should regularly check and ensure that each employee comply with the fire and noise reduction safety measures. In line with this, the team should check for any signs of electrical malfunctioning. The use of KPIs is also highly recommended when inspecting incidence for non-conformances. *** End *** Reference List Bauman, Neil. "Center for Hearing Loss Help." Hearing Loss—Decibels or Percent? February 2003. (accessed May 21, 2010). Bryne, D.C., and E.R. Reeves. "Analysis of Nonstandard Noise Dosimeter Microphone Positions." Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, 2008: 5(3):197 - 209. Carpernter, P., A. Cohen, H. Jones, J. Anticaglia, and E. Carroll. A Study of Noise and Hearing at the Gamble Brothers Furniture Company. Report No. SR-33, 44 pages, 11 references, NIOSH, U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, 1971. "Hoffman Engineering." Company Profile. 2010a. (accessed May 20, 2010). "Hoffman Engineering." Services. 2010b. (accessed May 21, 2010). "Hoffman Engineering." Sitemap. 2010c. (accessed May 21, 2010). "Hoffman Engineering." Hoffmann Apprenticeships. 2010d. (accessed May 21, 2010). "Hofmann Engineering News. 1st Ed." A Safety Milestone: 400 days without any lost time injuries. 2007. (accessed May 21, 2010). "Micro Audiometrics." 2010. (accessed May 21, 2010). "OHS Reps @ Work." Fire & Emergency Evacuation. 2010. (accessed May 21, 2010). Pinto, Walter F. "Fixed Equipment Reliability Assuring Excellence. Part 2 of 2." Inspectioneering Journal, November/December 2006: 9 - 19. "United States Department of Labor." Safety and Health Programs. OSHA Standards. 2010a. (accessed May 21, 2010). "United States Department of Labor." 1910.95 App B - Methods for estimating the adequacy of hearing protector attenuation. 2010b. (accessed May 21, 2010). "Wintech." Wintech Today. 2010. (accessed May 22, 2010). "Wintech." 2010b. (accessed May 22, 2010). Appendix I – Audiometer Used at Hofmann Engineering Source: Micro Audiometrics 2010 Read More
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