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Whiteness Concept in Australian Nationalism Story - Term Paper Example

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The paper "Whiteness Concept in Australian Nationalism Story" is well presented and covers many aspects faced by Aborigines thus, is a true story of happenings that transpired during her childhood. The aim of the research is to sunder the relationship of the settler…
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Aboriginal 2 Name Course City and State Professor Date Aboriginal 2 The article is well presented and covers many aspects faced by Aborigines thus, is a true story of happenings that transpired during her childhood. The aim of the research is to sunder the relationship of the settler. Therefore, making of history and naturalizing this with that of the British and Australians in the country. ‘Whiteness’ concept is a significant part of Australian nationalism story. The concept seeks to understand ‘race’ operations, where historians have managed to primarily look towards Indigenous peoples and other groups that comprises of ‘non-white’. The development of the nation of Australia has been shaped profoundly by ‘whiteness’, which is central to the racial regimes. The illustrations presented give readers a clear picture of how the Aborigine of Australia is treated and their views and opinions of life. It clearly states of how they want and the government needs to intervene in order to save them from this situation and restore their freedom rights. For this to be achieved, Australia’s racial past is understood by acknowledging and recognizing whiteness as a ‘race’. This is a crucial step and gives way for many new developments, which facilitates the acquisition of power. Nevertheless, this is not possible to be achieved any time soon because the non-Aboriginals are in control of the systems and other arms in control. It is alarming how one can undergo such ordeals when still young and continue living in the same country. It is clear that “East West home is best”, but at some point an individual gets tired of the same treatment and raises their voice in order to change their present situation. Historicising Whiteness is a common problem that needs publishing for other races to understand and comprehend the importance of not falling into the pit of racism. It is true the article is educative and an ‘eye opener’ to those negligent individuals on current happenings in the society. The article gives an elucidation of how whiteness and race have ‘created’ in effect the geographical, imagined and historical entity of Australia. Other developing countries are conversant with such problems, and it is encouraging for them to read this because they appreciate that developed countries also face similar problems. Developed and developing countries need to work together in eliminating this menace and bring a culture that is all-inclusive and identifies itself with other races. The aspect of identity construction is relevant in such perspectives since it gives a clear definition and point of direction of the author. Therefore, gives the reader a direction to follow and leaves them with an open opinion on the issue raised. The events of the author are real, exemplify the way of living for common Aboriginals, and consequently, relates with world experiences. Ellinghaus, Carey and Boucher, 2009 wrote a book on Re-Orienting Whiteness, which brings Europe, Australia and other historians together with the aim of historicising whiteness construction as a colonial formation. Around the empire routes, an examination of the racial category is emphasized. When the authors talk of transnational focus, they try to bring out both to the fields historical and spatial specificity and as a result, re-orients whiteness frames (150). The weakness with this article is that it gives reference to the experience of only one family yet families face different situations. It is crucial for the author to include the problems affecting others in order to view the solution in an angle that will accommodate the needs of all races. Having a different view of the problem creates awareness and saves dozens of families from encountering repeated problems. This will save time and scarce resources, which contributes to economy building and political stability. The article is well placed in the context of presenting information concerning the Aborigines and thus, readers need to appreciate the efforts of the author in exposing some of the life events encountered during her lifetime. Evidently, the characters are real and thus, no biasness is present, and this calls for management of the white settlers. Stiff competition is faced by Whiteness from all identification forms, mutual respect and long-standing equality ideals. Racism is dominating white settlers relations implies that a strong history of critique, opposition and resistance history. Without a doubt, the article shows how discrimination of the Aboriginals in Australia contributed to the present state of the nation. Yes, they are few in numbers, but have substantially contributed to the enrichment of cultural and social aspects favorable for the development projects in the nation and globe. Construction has been used synonymously to imply the application of white settlers’ interests in attaining equal rights and freedom like non-Aboriginals. Consequently, the article is strong because it gives individuals an insight of how people in Australia treat Aboriginals. As a result, it drives critical information to readers and leaves them educated on current issues affecting the lives and conditions of Aborigines in Australia. At some point, their rights and freedom have been violated, and they are struggling to be at par with the white settlers in order to have an equal share of resources. This is very difficult for them to achieve and they need to sacrifice most of their family time in order to have a bright future. This is a common norm for many members of the society and who value family ethics. The aborigines are also strong willed and ensured that they acquire their rights as citizens of Australia. The mother is a good example because she fights to the end and eventually obtains her certificate, which makes her ensure that her family are treated with respect. Racial discrimination is apparent in most parts of the world, but with knowledge and wisdom, we are at a better position of doing away with this problem. The article has showed the relationship between gender, whiteness and women as important facets to be uncovered in the giving meaning of whiteness in relation to ‘other’ races only and the attributes given to power and privilege. It is vital for people to familiarize with current racial issues facing the globe and thus, strategies for eliminating this are in progress. Sociologists are trying hard to eliminate the menace of racial discrimination and identity in order to integrate different races in the society and abandon the old ways of fore fathers. Many philosophers research whiteness as a topic widely and the majority of them agree with the ideas moreover, problems faced by Aborigines. Philosophers want societies to embrace other races and reduce the advancement of racism in the community because it disintegrates the society. The author of the article has a vivid memory and thus, it is true to say that, memory is an identity that is more central to both collective and personal. The most growing preoccupation is history and is an important realm for the culture industry of media and arts. According to politicians, national identity and the nature of nations are intrinsic and history has become an object of desire because it has immense political, economic and cultural value (Attwood 2005, 3). This is because history secures the future and becomes a subject of contestation thus, is controversial. This fact is evident in Australians societies, in reference to race matters, with regard to history of aboriginal people. In this article, the primary subjects given emphasis are the white Australian descendants and Aboriginal people. The article gives an overview on women’s history, which engages with settler colonialism history and whiteness studies. Many negative things ascribed to the Aborigines like they being savages, few, wandering over land while creating nothing and no law existed among their population among others. Above all, Aborigines and Aboriginality historic representation are given utmost importance with reference to their right to the country and their power to rule people. The notion of Aboriginal people not having any place in the progressive and modern nation is a historical theory that deemed this group of people ancient and a race that is dying (Attwood 2005, 15). From another perspective, the past of the Aboriginal people is significant because national heritage ideal championed by Whitlamite nationalists advocated for the incorporation of ‘deep time into the national culture’ (Attwood 2005, 23). The article addresses intertwined problems of national identity and rights of Aboriginal, which shows the connection between them and the land of Australia (Attwood 2005, 25). Around the globe, racism is one of the fraught issues. Race relations has caused friction and upsurge of racism. This is because of the rub faced by different races in the world and is more acute with the displaced people of the indigenous group in Australia. The problem here is the ‘settler society’ and not the Aborigines and urges Australians to embrace aboriginality (Greer 2004, 100). This argument gives emphasis to not only the Australian nation, but also the unequal people relations existing between different races in the world. Greer 2004 book displays many aspects portrayed in the article and shows the issues presented to Aboriginal people with humor and thus, is an exciting and interesting book to read. The aspects addressed in the article are relevant to current issues in communities and thus, this is a step towards eliminating discrimination among other race members. Racism needs to be abolished around the globe because it affects the GDP, which reflects on the living standards of individuals. If the government had given a chance to her mother to acquire a certificate, many issues faced by the family would have been eliminated. This would reduce the tension existing between the Whitefellas and Aboriginals (Greer 2004, 120). Common issues can be resolved by accepting the indigenous group of people and thus, they should look back at their history and engage in constructive dialogue that will build their state and not destroy them in totality. The Aboriginals need to be embraced and given their due respect and rights because they are human beings. It is evident that the article revolves around the young girl’s upbringing, but reflects on common problems faced by other members of her race. Authors have given different meanings to the term ‘whiteness’, as a transnational process of racialization, which exceeds boundaries containment fixed on the nation and identity. Contemporary context concentrate more on the concept of whiteness and on historical events of how it was shaped and formed. The visions of the concept in the 20th century examined the medical and scientific aspects and what it meant being white in Australia. These concepts have vividly helped in shaping the racial agenda of the nation (Warwick 2002, 1). Transnational perspective is important since I t has contributed significantly to the work of colonial encounters in whiteness historical trajectories. Cultural studies sociologists and practitioners examine whiteness place in the contemporary politic body, in the United States and Europe. The interest of all these scholars, including historians, is subjects making and institutions and structures formation. They have worked closely with theorists of race and critiques of criticism that asserts to the central location, and not the epiphenomenal of social, race formation. The article covers areas of work that questions subjects’ performance in daily life, film, academic corpus and literature. The deployment ‘nationality’ by Lenin worked well in preserving the integrity of territories. In his strategy, he aimed at displacing the order of races and practices organized by empires. Marxist and Lenin argue on imperialism, which creates a privileged layer for the working-class group of individuals. To them, whiteness study should be a tool that incorporates the nature of capitalism’s effect on individuals in the global market. Otherwise, it will be a self-congratulatory gazing navel, which contributes to almost nothing in the maintenance of peace in the political and social arena. In addition, other theories emerge during the research of the raised issues, and it is important for individual scholars to appreciate the effort of other practitioners. It is vital to consider how whiteness developed in Australia to the extent of Aboriginals discriminating themselves from others. Therefore, this calls for interrogation and assimilation, which empowers Aboriginals in fighting for their rights and freedoms. Preserving the culture of the nation is important because it gives a succint picture of how people value and cherish the values and norms of their society. Consequently, it is important for individuals to foster good working relations in the society that improves on the wages of their members and offers them a better life. The CRT movement (critical race theory) is an activists collection and interested scholars in transforming and studying power, racism and race relationship. A study of civil rights and ethnic discourses considers this by placing them on a broader perspective, which includes history, self-interest, feelings, economics and unconscious issues. For political scientists, they ponder on strategic voting while ethnic studies include a unit of critical race theories because it tries to understand social situations of individuals. Additionally, it tries changing in order to ascertain how societal organizers are able to deal with lines of racial and hierarchies. They also try to transform the whole situation. Furthermore, the article gives clear presentations of whiteness how it is important to historicize the whole idea. By considering, what the Aborigines go through in trying to remain competitive and respected members of the society, the author leaves readers wondering of ways and means of avoiding a repeat of the same in future. It is high time for people and government institutions to embrace change in their leadership because it embeds in the current system of leading by design. Gaining competitive advantage in leadership styles is necessary because it ensures that one is leading and evoking trust among followers. For this to happen individuals are educated and familiar with upcoming conferences and symposiums, that unites global leaders. This aspect is important because they meet and share ideas and suggestions on how to improve their leadership tactics. In conclusion, the article results in unfrozen whiteness since whiteness, as a concept, is viewed as an assembly of local phenomenon embedded complexly on socioeconomics, psychic and socio-cultural interrelations. It is a process and not a ‘thing’. By talking about whiteness, recentering risk process has been established, but it cannot be avoided. Because it perpetuates an asymmetry that marred critical analyses of cultural practice and racial formation., For most of the part in the article, critical investigation on the emergence of whiteness is evident as it directly relates to racism critique and order of racial focus on subordination positions. In my arguments, I would argue that the article lacks much meaning and efficacy outside broad context. Conversely, critical review of whiteness is vital concomitants that engage racial subordination. This implies that the article lacks information that substantiates the situations of other people from different races and thus, research needs to be conducted on other individuals’ opinions on whiteness. Aboriginals need to accept their minority, but should stand firm in ensuring that this groups of people are not made extinct from the face of the earth. History is a significant part in building the future and thus, aborigines need to cultivate on their historical events because it will lead to their freedom at some point in time. References List Aileen, M 1997, White, New York: Routledge. Aileen, M, Maryrose, C and Fiona, N 2008, Introduction: virtue and transnational whiteness, in Transnational whiteness matters, Lanham: Lexington Books, x. Aileen, M 2004, Whitening Race: Essays In Social And Cultural Criticism, Aboriginal Studies Press, Attwood, B 2005, Telling the Truth About Aboriginal History, Allen & Unwin, Carey, J and McLisky, C 2009, Creating White Australia, Sydney University Press. Ellinghaus, K, Carey, J and Boucher, L 2009, Re-Orienting Whiteness, Palgrave Macmillan, Frankenberg, R 1993, White Women, Race Matters: The Social Construction of Whiteness, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. Greer, G 2004, Whitefella Jump Up: The Shortest Way to Nationhood, Profile Books. Stefancic, J and Delgado, R 2001, Critical Race Theory: An Introduction, New York: NYU Press. Warwick, A 2002, The cultivation of whiteness: science, health and racial destiny in Australia, Melbourne: Melbourne University Press. Read More
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