The American Civil War Example | Topics and Free Essays.
The American Civil War Example | Topics and Free Essays.
As some of the U.S states were dependent on slave labor, this tactic crippled the economy of those states. In the end, this group was successful in implement their demand or what they were asking for. The movement was able to rid the slaves in the U.S southern states of the Emancipation Proclamation. It was also the beginning of equality in the U.S and slavery was constitutionally abolished from the United States of America. This movement proved that group effort is always more organized and powerful than individual demands and this is how more and more people demand to end or curb a social evil by working in groups and this is how it has impacted and initiated activism in the U.S society. As an advocate of democracy, I do not like the fact that much of the information that the U.
S government has is concealed from the ordinary people of the United States of America. Although the government is subordinated to the ordinary people of the United States of America, yet they do not share the intelligence with the people of the U.S. As a result, I would like people to join Green PAC. The tactics they can use to pressurize the government is by telling them they will only vote for the party’s representatives if the correct intelligence is shared with them. The other tactic they can use is that they can also elevate their own people and let them run for a seat in the election and once they get into the parliament they will have more power and they can press for the fulfillment of their demands.
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