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The Causes of Korean War - Research Paper Example

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This paper "The Causes of Korean War" focuses on the fact that an armed battle that was fought between the Republic of Korea (backed by United Nations) and the Democratic Republic of Korea supported by the Republic of China with aerial assistance from USSR.  …
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The Causes of Korean War
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The Causes of Korean War The Korean War (1950-1953) was an armed battle that was fought between the Republic of Korea (backed by United Nations) and the Democratic Republic of Korea supported by Republic of China with aerial assistance from USSR. The war started on 25th June 1950 and ended with a peace treaty signed on 27th July 1953 and costed around 1.5 million lives1. The Korean War though primarily a civil war between the southern and northern part of Korea that eventually got two super powers of the world battling in face to face. The world was still afresh of the memories of Second World War and it was untimely to encourage any possibility of another conflict of any significant scale yet the magnitude of the Korean War cannot be ignored by any means and the aforementioned number of casualty of lives illustrates this fact. Each war has its own reasons and origins. This can be single or multidimensional. The Korean War reflects a combination of intra and inter-nation conflicts and therefore, the events responsible for this war deserves especial attention. At the initial stage the paper focuses on the vulnerable history of Korea regarding foreign invasion and domination. Factionalism present in Korean politics that is responsible for lack of integrity and much of internal conflict that eventually lead to the left wing and right wing ideological division of Korean political sphere has been discussed next. After that American response at the wake of growing communist influence; globally and in Asia that initiated a cold war between two super nations and the possible influence of that shaping the war has also been discussed. The sudden withdrawal of American military assistance from Korean peninsula and its associated vulnerability with South Korean defence has been considered substantially as well. As a possible origin of the war the advantages of North Korea over its southern counter part regarding cohesiveness in governance and military resources igniting the war has also been discussed. The adamant and imperialistic North Korean political outlook and a possible contribution from USSR and China in shaping and polishing that urge for their own cause has also been considered. As a whole the present paper focuses on the long run and short run events that lead to the war. The Korean peninsula is historically subject to foreign invasion and eventual domination. The Chinese, Mongols and the Japanese invaded and dominated the Korean peninsula. China has been most successful and Korea was even its hermit kingdom. During the Manchu dynasty China started to suffer from internal disturbances together with foreign invasion especially from the western world. Chinese domination in Korea literally met its end following its war against Japan in 1894. Korea’s helplessness in this situation and lack of decision-making ability follows from its relative smaller size in comparison to those countries surrounding it. After Japan’s victory over China, USSR managed a temporary emergence to guardianship over Korea. Acting as a protector of its independence, USSR indulged in exploitation of Korean resource and domination of the land in the name of protection and that meet its end in 1904 when a sudden Japanese attack resulted in defeat of the USSRn forces in Port Arthur and Inchon. In 1910 Japan annexed Korea and formal abolition of its independence took place. The factionalised nature of Korean internal politics, dubious and confused monarchy together with conflicting international interest on Korean peninsula might be considered as responsible for these outcomes and also laid the seed for later Korean War. Just after the First World War Korean patriotism were divided into two channels; one influenced by the USA “President Woodrow Wilson’s rhetoric about national self determination”2 and the Bolshevik movement in USSR influenced the other. Though both of these movements failed to provide any thing substantial in terms of independence and liberation from Japan mostly owing to their fragmented nature yet the later stringent opposition among these two sets of ideas was bore at the mentioned period. This factionalism that marked the late 19th and early 20th century Korean politics never left their political domain and even after their independence from Japan worked as the primary factor behind the Korean War3. During the Second World War Japan lost his alliance with Britain, USA was against Japan as a part of the Allied force, USSR was reinforced; all these together lead to the Korean liberation from Japan after the fall of Japan in Second World War. USSR’s interest in Korean Peninsula comes from the fact that it shares a common border with the northern part of Korea. Again Korea is vitally poised among China, Japan and USSR that gives it an age over the other places as a launching point against enemy. Similarly fallen in wrong hand it can be a point of headache for the USSR. The first four and half decades of the twentieth century for USSR had gone in reconciliation and combating two devastating wars. However after the fall of Germany it got time to face Korea and immediately Korea got its attention4. The interest of USA on Korean Peninsula comes from a changed international policy view of the USA that thrived for higher level of international presence on behalf of the USA authority. Japan’s downfall in Second World War disturbed the balance of power in Asia and a run for power accumulation was about to begin. Pressure from the Chinese government on USA to provide due recognition of the provisional Korean government centred at Chungking generated further concern. The USA officials thought China might be trying to re-establish its position on the Peninsula that it enjoyed before the Sino-Japanese war. USA felt an international trusteeship comprising of China, USA and USSR would be appropriate for Korea to avoid further factionalism led unstable self governance. To overcome the strong British opposition, an inclusion of Great Britain was also considered. However China and Britain favoured an absolute independence for Korea and Stalin never gave anything except oral support to the USA’s plan of international trusteeship. USA officials were also worried about the possibility that Korea holds for USSR in terms of ice free ports and advantageous strategic position in respect of Japan and China. Furthermore in order to ensure USSR assistance in military intervention against Japan at Kurile Islands, southern Sakhalin and some especial facilities in Manchuria was provided to USSR by USA. In order to restore the power balance in the peninsula, USA’s involvement into its affair became increasingly important. A freezing relation between USA and USSR following the Yalta conference was reinforcing these USA concerns. Another possibility was that Stalin might have planned to occupy the Korea by own force. However, when USA offered the distribution of Korea between the USSRs and the USA following the 38th parallel; USSR gave spontaneous approval. The USA’s occupation of the Korean part was bereft of any agreed duration. It only helped to get rid of the enmity that the two super powers namely USA and USSR had against each other for the short run. Moreover such distribution divided Korea into communist and non-communist part injecting polarization in Korean politics and that eventually lead to the Korean War5. The communist dominated Korean national Democratic front started controlling the part above the 38th parallel. Though the front comprised three groups namely the USSR group led by Kim II-sung, the Yanan group dominated by Kim Tu-bong and the Pak Hon-yong led domestic group with mutually conflicting interest and occasional frictions, yet the USSR authority always held the final word and that often in favour of the USSR group. Even after that the factionalism that was still left soon got addressed by initiating a massive migration of more than one million people to the USA zone of Korea and a combination of land and labour reform initiated by the USSR army. The authoritarian governance in the northern part assured a more stable political situation over their southern counter part6. The condition in the USA controlled southern part of the peninsula was far worse than the northern part. The USA authority lacked any experience in authoritarian governance and was subject to stringent opposition from their Korean allies in southern part. Syngman Rhee considered that USA couldn’t think selflessly in favour of Korean interest. Factionalism was vividly present among the allies, different political power groups formed in form of “Rhee and Kim Ku on the far right, Kim Kyu-sik in the centre, Yo Un-hyong on the moderate left, and Pak Hon-yong on the radical left”7 Rhee managed to win substantial majority in 1946 interim assembly election much owing to partisan police but the communists and the moderates did not honour the result. At that point USA officials (Hodge) appointed the moderates in the assembly. This turned Rhee hostile and the end of the USA occupancy in South Korea was inevitable. Even before this threat an ineffective measure by Hodge supposedly to benefit the rural agricultural sector failed. It was purely lack of foresight on behalf of Hodge who lowered the rents from the tenants but failed to initiate a land reform. High rate of inflation, a declining real wage rate together with crop loss owing to flood created an economic anarchy. Soon strikes became a regular phenomenon and civil riots took away several lives of civilians and police alike. The situation became unsuitable for a discussion on unification of the fragmented southern political parts and utter chaos broke off. The weakness of the USA in Southern Korea was taken advantage by the USSR. Many North Koreans who were communist entered the US controlled Southern part and eventually strengthened the communists there. The weakness of USA further got revealed when a fiscal rejuvenation plan of the Southern Korea was dumped in suspicion of USA’s capability for the continuance of the plan at the background of its increasing international responsibilities. The military condition of the Southern part was no better than the economic condition. North Korea was far more equipped mainly owing to USSR’s assistance in terms of arms and ammunitions. South Korea further received a blow regarding military assistance from USA when the USA congress ordered a cut in defence expenditure and following that USA’s military presence in South Korea was reduced. All these together left the Southern part of Korea vulnerable to their more peaceful, well governed, economically superior and better equipped Northern part8. USA and USSR never really managed to consider each other trustable9. 1946 onwards the relation witnessed a sharp deterioration owing to some preceding events. Firstly USA started to consider the growing importance of USSR in Poland, Bulgaria and Romania together with part of Germany as a threat to its global dominance. Secondly USSR was becoming less easy to convince and guide towards USA’s goals. Tension grew to unprecedented level when USSR demanded that they should be given a role to play in defence of Dardanelles in eastern Mediterranean. Further problem picked up following an uprise in Greece that considered to be led by the communists. Retaliatory actions on behalf of USA were also simultaneously into play. USA had already stopped reimbursement of shipments from their occupied parts of Germany to that of USSR occupied zone. It is believed that this ultimately led to the division and creation of a communist and pro-western Germany. USA’s vengeance was also reflected through its four hundred million aid forwarded towards economic and military assistance of Greece and Turkey. Soon the USA secretary of state George C. Marshall planned an economic aid forwarded towards the Western Europe that was exposed to the threat of communist uprising. This proposal is known as Marshall Plan and was manifested behind the veil of economic assistance towards the war-devastated Western Europe. However, in reality the long and cold battle between USA and USSR infamous as Cold War was initiated10. At this juncture a last and final effort was made by the USA officials to reach a truce at Korea with their USSR counterpart. USSR foreign minister Molotov agreed but both the bodies soon found it unmanageable to reach a common consensus much owing to repeated turndown of the trusteeship by Rhee who considered the moment as perfect for setting an independent government in Korea. However Rhee’s reputations as a communist hater also lead to the USA’s neutral behaviour regarding his actions. The USA officials regarded the situation as a deadlock and soon left the matter to the United Nations to solve11. Passing on Korea to the hand of UN also had several motives of USA to serve. First of all Korea was the only country where two great super powers confronted each other without the presence of a third party or shadow fighting. It was considered that it is a battle between USA democratic governance and the authoritarian communist USSR government as the ultimate governance policy. It was also a test of supremacy between two ultimate global super powers. An USA evacuation from Korea without any representative would have indicated a USSR victory that by no means could have been permitted by the USA officials. Even considering their declining and disadvantageous state USA was desperate to manage their existence back at South Korea and UN would have worked as their representative there. Secondly USA was also in hope of a general election back in the entire Korean peninsula and was confident enough that the result would go against the Northern Communist part since it possesses only one third of the entire population. Thirdly USA used to play the major role in UN meetings and a formal recognition of South Korea by an international body like UN would turn things hard for Stalin to directly oppose and unleash the USSR military force directly or indirectly through North Korea against its Southern counter part12. Following a USSR opposition and amidst lots of international opposition and doubts; United Commissions Temporary Commission on Korea (UNTCOK) was entrusted to supervise a general election all over the Korean peninsula and to set up a national assembly. In response to a USSR threat of not allowing UNTCOK in Northern territory; the USA passed a resolution through the Interim Committee of the General Assembly to carry out the election alone in Southern territory with a view to establish a national government. Ending all doubts South Korea entered an election on 10th May 1948 after a final reconciliatory attempt between the South and North and ended up in vain owing to the obstinacy of the North Leaders. Like the interim election of 1946 this time as well Rhee emerged victorious and a constitution for Republic of Korea was drafted. The USSR controlled North Korea followed the same footsteps on 25th August of the same year and that led to the establishment of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea as the Kim II-sung as the leader. It is easily conceivable that a single peninsula with two separate and independent governments with opposing ideology to function was just sitting over a volcano about to be erupted. Successive elections in both part of the peninsula did not ease up things. North Korea maintained its superiority over South Korea. They were reinforced both in terms of defence and attacking capabilities following a formal treaty signed with Moscow. On the other hand successive cut in defence budget and American detest on Rhee gradually eroded the South Korea of vital military assistance coming from USA. Rhee was facing strong opposition in home ground in policy formation and implementation. These led to the revolt in Cheju Island in 1948 and soon touched Yosu and Taegu. The revolt soon swallowed many coastal and hilly areas of South Korea. A counter veiling flow towards communism indulged in actions against national interest much aided by the North Korea; started gaining momentum in Southern Soil. Amidst all these atrocities the USA military troop was withdrawn leaving South Korea almost at the mercy of their Northern Counter part. By middle of June the South Korea was left with only fifteen days of military supply to resist against any invasion. The USA military assistance withdrawal from South Korea on one hand was the result of declining military budget of USA, their inability to lead an occupied area with experience and in a well governed state, a detest with Rhee’s gradually increasing never to adjust attitude and on the other hand decreasing priority of Korean peninsula in USA’s foreign and defence policy. The declining importance of South Korea to USA policy makers was apparent from the speech of Secretary of State Dean Acheson delivered in National Press Club on 12th January 1950. Acheson nullified any imminent threat of invasion of South Korea from their Northern counter part and regarded economic assistance with democratic promotion as a superior mean over military help. He also mentioned USA’s inability to guarantee against military invasion to any place beyond Japan, Ryukyus and Philippines in the Western Pacific. USA also regarded Taiwan over Korea as a far more important strategic place where USA’s assistance is needed13,14. However the withdrawal of military assistance of USA from South Korea resulted in its immediate weakening and a strategically disadvantageous position against North Korea and that also paved the way for a North Korean invasion of the South Korea15. The USSR showed a much more matured and patient set of actions while dealing with the situation. First of all they postponed any direct confrontation with USA till they got read of the nuclear misbalance with USA and any direct involvement came into action on their part after the final withdrawal of the USA troops from the Korean peninsula16. They equipped their pawn with heavy artillery, tanks and basic aerial offensives. Furthermore China following their communist brotherhood with the North Koreans and as a return of the past deed when they got help from the North Korea in their struggle against Jiang Jieshi; joined the USSR and North Korea alliance17,18 However a pseudo desire for Taiwan also worked behind this decision of joining the war and a possible USSR influence cannot also be ignored.19 All these created a prolific military misbalance in Korean peninsula with a stronger North against a feeble South and left South Korea to fall prey of their Northern counterpart; the manifestation of the same was initiated with the Korean War. Conclusion: The above discussion on Korean War clearly reveals the fact that The Korean War was the result of a culmination of historical, national and international events. The importance of these events in paving the war might be of varying weights and that would definitely differ among experts and scholars. It is apparent that Korea historically was subject to several invasions by external forces and its fragmented internal politics together with a weak monarchy had paved the way for such invasions. Its small size compared to the landmasses it is surrounded with together with its strategically important positioning that turns it into a launching pad against China, Japan or USSR had also been another reason why it got entangled between these nations on more than one occasion. The conflicting interests of the USA and USSR and the relentless competition in terms of power between them before and during the cold war created an international ambience for such a conflict and at the end of the day it is their prawns that engaged in a bloody war. Also the sudden withdrawal of the military assistance of USA towards South Korea exposed itself to the opportunist North Korea. A significant positive catalyst to this war was Acheson’s speech that redefined USA’s international interest giving Taiwan and Japan far more interest than the Korean peninsula20,21. Following this speech the USSR realized that USA from now on would have far less interest than before on the Korean mainland that would eventually lead to less hindrance in case of any USSR led annexation of South Korea. On the other China felt disturbed over the USA’s concern regarding Taiwan and was planning an attack on Taiwan that met with a possible disapproval from Stalin. Considering China’s relative weaker position against USSR it became an easy medium of the will of USSR and Joined the Korean War22,23. Following this strategic set up, after the Acheson’s speech the USSR gave the necessary permission to the communist led North Korean government to unleash their military aggression over their Southern part and fulfil their dream of dominance in the name of unification. However, it is also apparent that the non adjusting nature of communist led North Korean politics together with their thrive for superiority where inferiors have no other way but of submission left them as easy prawn to the larger powers with same ideology. References 1. Goncharov, Sergei N., Lewis, John W. and Xue Litai. Uncertain Partners, Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1993. 2. Jian, Chen, China’s Road to the Korean War, New York: Columbia University Press, 1994. 3. Junker, Detlef, The United States and Germany in the Era of the Cold War, 1945-1990: A Handbook, volume 2, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004. 4. Podvig, Pavel, Bukharin, Oleg and Frank von Hippel. Russian Strategic Nuclear Forces, Massachusetts: MIT Press, 2004. 5. Stanley, Elizabeth A. Paths to Peace. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2009. 6. Stueck, William, The Korean War: An International History, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1995. 7. Stueck, William “The Korean War”, in The Cambridge history of the cold war. Volume 1. origins, edited by Melvyn P. Leffler & Odd Arne Westad. 266-287. Cambridge: Cambridge university press, 2010 Read More
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