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Culture and History of Puerto Rico - Article Example

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The article “Culture and History of Puerto Rico” is dedicated to the history of its colonization after the Ortoiroid, Saladoid, Arawak peoples have come. Many tribes and cultures replaced each other over the centuries. The author discusses friendly and warlike influences in-detail…
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Culture and History of Puerto Rico
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Culture and history of Puerto Rico Puerto Rico comprises of chain of islands. History of Puerto Rico commences in between 3000 and 2000 BC, when the Ortoiroid people came in this area. Besides this betwixt 430BC and 1000 AD other clan came in this area, like Saladoid and Arawak Indians. In Puerto Rico, as there were many tribes therefore many cultures merge with each other. There were many other forces besides these tribes that either calmly came in Puerto Rico or came by force, but leaves their strong impact both on the history and culture of the Puerto Rico. These all forces are discussed in-detail in the rest of the paper. But before proceeding further there is a brief description that, what is culture and history and why there is a need to have sound knowledge about the history and culture of the particular area? History is just to know about the past of the human, who belong to some particular area. History is a Greek word and its meaning is, ‘the cognizance comes through probe’. In actuality it can be said that it is a sort of research, in which historian investigates and examines the incidents faced by the humans of some particular area in a chronological manner. They discuss the causes and impacts of these incidences. And when we have know how about the history of some area, then in the perspective of the past facts we can judge the nature of people and many other things. Whereas, the word culture comes from the Latin word cultura originating from the word colere, meaning "to nurture" usually ascribes to imitate of human spryness and the allegorical structures that give such spryness worth and importance. It is believed that the colonization takes place in Puerto Rico when the Ortoiroid people came here. But after then, Ortoiroid culture was oust, when Saladoid people came there with their own culture known as Saladoid culture. After this in the seventh and eleventh centuries, Arawak people came here. In the mean time the Taino culture was developed in the Puerto Rico. Till September 25, 1493, there were 30 to 60thousands Taino people were living in there. They named the island ‘Boriken’ and the impact of their culture is present in the Puerto Rico of that time like the musical instruments they use as asmaracas. Christopher Columbus, who left his country in order to search for a new world, dropped anchor on the coast, named as San Juan Bautista on November 19, 1493. The first colony made in this area was ‘Caparra’ instituted on August 8, 1508 and second colony was instituted in 1511 named as ‘San German’ but later on this name was changed to ‘Puerto Rico’. In these colonies outsider subjugated the Taino people (Pico, 2005). But later on Burgo’s Laws were come forth from Ferdinand II against the punishment given to the Taino people on the issues like pays and work hours. In these bitter conditions the Tainos rebelled against the outsider’s Spanish people, but this hindrance was easily pulverized by the Spanish soldiers. After this many of the Tainos destroyed because of the severe violence committed by the Spanish soldiers and many of the Tainos carried out suicides. Pope Julius II made bishoprics that were under his authority, one was established in Puerto Rico and other two in the Hispaniola. In this era many African slaves were carried there, and one reason is that no there were no more Tainos to do labor job. During this time period, Carib tribe made two assaults on the Spanish soldiers, one in 1514 and the other in 1521 on the coasts Daguao and Macao but both times they were defeated by the Spanish Soldiers (Pico, 2005). European authorities when actualize the power and wealth of this chain of islands, and then they made many assays to snatch this area from the Spanish forces. The attacks were continued during the 16th, 17th and 18th century and in the end it becomes impossible for the Spanish soldiers to gain their full control on the captured areas. During this time period life on the Puerto Rico is totally disturbed and there were indescribable losses. After this land forces were established and besides this, two forts were building because of the financial assistance given by the Mexicans. Sir Francis Drake, officer of an English warship, with 27 war boats and 2500 soldiers loot the San Juan city and there is no one to stop him. And in 1607 the Godspeed and Susan Constant made the first English colony in this area (Pico, 2005). Boudewijn Hendrick along with his Dutch forces assaulted on San Juan. Inhabitants leave the city but Spanish in the command of Governor Juan de Haro defeated the Dutch forces. But before leaving, Dutch set their city on fire. English attacked the San Juan in 1702, but in vain. British again assaulted on San Juan under the command General Ralph Abercromby along with 7000 soldiers and 64 battleships, besides the fact that in 1797 they were attacked by the French and Spanish forces, but this time again they were defeated by Captain General Don Ramon de Castro. The ‘Royal Decree of Grace’ was issued by the government on August 10, 1815, now outsiders were allowed that they can enter in the Puerto Rico and the seashore is available for the trade purposes. Besides this according to this law anyone who show faithfulness to the Spanish government, free land was given to him from the government. Queen Maria Cristina revoked the business of slaves in the Spanish colonies on June 25, 1853 (Pico, 2005). Many people from Europe come to Puerto Rico impressed by the free land offer and this affected the culture and traditions of the Puerto Rico. After this period Puerto Rican start struggling for their independence, and Spain had no option besides banishing or throwing them into a jail who demands independence. Thousands of people rebelled against Spanish rule and show their protest on September 23, 1868. Rebellion was lead by Manuel Rojas, Mariana Bracetti, Lola Rodriguez de Tio and Mathias Brugman, but this was successfully controlled by the Spanish government. This strong effort by the people was very near to its destination on November 25, 1897, as government was changed on February 9, 1989. United States was ready to invade on the Porte Rico, was not shocking news for the Spanish because they expect it. On July 18, 1898, commander of U.S forces, General Nelson A. Miles gotten order from the government to attack on the Porte Rico and on July 21 General was there at Guanica with 3300 troops. Near the end of August the whole island was under the control of U.S forces and lastly Spain declared its defeat and the Peace compact was signed by both the government on December 10, 1898. And then after the pact Porte Rico was came under the command of U.S army. Many changes were occurred, as currency was changed to U.S dollars, school system was changed and liberty in terms of religious matters and speech was given but that must not be against the government (Pico, 2005). Military government in Porte Rico is dissolved on April 2, 1900, when U.S government passed the Foraker Act. In the lime light of this act civil government was established in Porte Rico. The amendment was made in this act on 1909 which was known as Olmsted Amendment. After a long discussion betwixt the delegation from Porte Rico along with their respected Governor Arthur Yager meet with the U.S president Commissioner Luis Munoz Rivera in Washington and demands that more independence and powers were given to the island government, it was accepted and act was passed on December 5, 1916, known as Jones Act. A severe earthquake and tsunami destroyed many areas of these islands on October 11, 1918. This loss was unbearable and the economy of Porte Rico was again start increasing in 1920s. After this period, by and large good time of Porte Rico was started. On July 4, 1950 the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico was founded by the U.S president Harry S. Truman and now the selected candidates of Puerto Rico can draft their own set of governing principles (Pico, 2005). First book about the history of Puerto Rico was published in the Madrid in 1786. In this book total event from the 1493 when Columbus came here to 1783 was briefly discussed. Besides this, information about the music, dressing and their behaviors is also given in this book. Culture of the Puerto Rico is can be said union of various invaders that came from outside and then ruled. The effect of the other civilizations like Europe, Africa, United States, Caribbean and Latin America, on the civilization of Porte Rico is discussed briefly. If influence of Europe was considered on the Porte Rico culture then foremost is the Spain. Spanish culture left its impacts on the arts, music and even on the official language of the Porte Rico. The Spanish touch was seen in the following type of music, for example decimal, danza and seis and many more (Pico, 2005). Now it is discussed above that Africans came in this area as a slave. Now their interaction with the people and their way of doing and accomplishing work and then after celebrating, all are same just as they do in their country. Their impacts are most prominent on the side of music, dance and also on the recounting of stories. In dance and music la bomba and la plena are the best examples. Besides these nations the tribes near by the Porte Rico also leaves their impacts on the culture of Porte Rico. Along with these neighbors the effects of many Latin American countries were also found in the culture of Porte Rico. The foods that was cooked in the Porte Rico also has the taste of many cultures because outsiders when they came there they cook food in their style and sometime they us the techniques that local people do and then a new taste is formed. United States also leaves everlasting influences on the film and musical industry of the Porte Rico. Film and musical industry are representing the culture of a particular country. WORKCITED Pico, Fernando. History of Puerto Rico: A Panorama of Its People. 1st. Markus Wiener Publishers, 2005. Print. Read More
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