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Analysis of Frederick Jackson Turners Frontier Thesis - Coursework Example

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This coursework "Analysis of Frederick Jackson Turner’s Frontier Thesis" presents the blacks’ cause for violence that was to oppose the views pushed for by reconstruction. This is because of the whites’ dominance over the blacks and their hideous intentions to carry out the reconstruction process…
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Analysis of Frederick Jackson Turners Frontier Thesis
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Writing Assignment Insert of Chapter one Describe, Haihn’s article, how blacks and white violence illustrates the difference of reconstruction. Answer: Haihn argues that the blacks’ cause for violence was to oppose the views pushed for by reconstruction. This is because of the whites’ dominance over the blacks and their hideous intentions to carry out the reconstruction process unfairly. 2) Describe the kind of violence Lucy McMillan experiences via 1871. How this does illustrates the problem of reconstruction? Answer: Lucy McMillan describes the violence in the southern states of the American continent as an organized effort to liberate African- Americans from the tyrant rule of the whites. The whites had barred most African women from participating in election on account for illiteracy. 4) What kind of tributes does William Howard Day give to President Lincoln? Answer: Day’s description of President Lincoln is that of a liberator who has the true picture for the liberation of his compatriots from slavery in a free and fair way. He asserts that Lincoln would have made the reconstruction process a success in a easier and peaceful manner. Chapter Two 1) Is frontier settlement best understood as the story of competing ethnic, religious and racial groups or is it best understood as the place where capitalism left its mark? Answer: The frontier settlement in the early periods in America can be associated to be inclined towards capitalism other than racial, ethnic, and religious segregation. People saw the frontier zones as long lasting opportunities for economic development and so moved into these regions. 2) Was the west truly the place where Americans were most individualistic, democratic and free, as Turner argued or was it actually riddled with inequalities? Answer: The western zones were regarded as regions dominated by the pioneers whose quest was that for limitless opportunities for development. However it was riddled with inequalities as the movements were races and specific for instance, both the French, the Dutch, the English and other migrants moved and settled in different parts and not together. 3) One of the biggest occurrences of the 1870s was Custer’s last stand. Discuss the reminiscences of the battle. Answer: Custer’s stand was based on the great Sioux war of the 1970s. This led to the destruction of the Chyenne camps by the US troops other than killing thousands of the Indians. His statements led to the ending of this war in a more peaceful way. 4) Why did the commission of Indian affairs recommended severalty? Answer: The commission for the Indian affairs recommended severalty in order to end the war that was becoming too much on their side. As many of the Indians were getting killed a sense of fear gripped the Indians and as a result they recommended severalty as the last resort. 5) What is Frederick Jackson Turner’s frontier thesis? Answer: Turner’s thesis of the frontiers is a description of the gold rush among the capitalist pioneers who raced to the frontier zones for material gain. Turner says in his thesis that the frontier zones attracted more settlements with its varied and seemingly limitless opportunities for development. 6) Do you accept Worster’s thesis that the frontier was the forefront of America’s 19th century capitalism? Answer: It is actually true that the frontier movements led to the onset of capitalism system that is in operation in America today. As the pioneers moved to the frontiers with a view of investing in the resource rich zones led by the capitalist’s view the capitalist spirit further set up as the sole means of property acquisition and gain Chapter Three 1) How did the immigrants cope with the conditions they found in American’s cities? Answer: The immigrants who later came to America during the period of reconstruction found the ground already set and the rebellion at its peak. Most of them did not take sides in the battles. Some of these were business people and entirely did business with the American people without participating in politics. 2) In what ways did workers set terms of their own experience? Answer: The workers in America who were present during the period of the struggle for reconstruction argued that the crimes that were committed during the period were horrible. An account of a black judge been murdered inside the courtroom is a proof of this. 3) What does Lee Chow denounce about prejudice in America? Answer: Lee Chow laments about the racial prejudice that was rising at an alarming rate. Most of the southern states were divided along racial lines especially between the blacks and the whites. Lee denounced this claiming it was unethical and against human rights. 4) In Greene’s poetry, how did music and poetry express immigrant culture? Answer: The immigrants who came into America brought along their cultural practices that included their music and theatrical performances. These greatly expressed their cultural backgrounds for instance, the voodoo music was a preserve for the French and involved their religious practices and ways of worshipping their gods. Chapter Four 1) How could a nation with democratic values fight a colonial war? Answer: The level of democracy in America is known to occupy a high rank in the recent times. However, with the existence of the two party views, political democracy is often pressed underfoot. This was the main cause of the colonial war. 2) What are the many values of imperialism according to Roosevelt? Answer: Roosevelt describes the many benefits of imperialism to include among others the expansion in trade with the colonies, territorial expansion as well as the increase for resources that the ruling state governs. 3) What specifics against imperialism does the American anti- imperialist league isolate? Answer: The American anti- imperialists argued that imperialism should be carried out in a manner that does not cause discrimination in any way. The imperialism in America was based on racial prejudices and segregations and this is majorly what the American anti- imperialists were fighting. 4) How does Twain satirizes “the battle hymn of the republic”? Answer: Twain satirizes the battle on an account that the Americans who fought under the umbrella of God had rejected their God and have turned on one another. He satirizes the God led fight during the wars that had been substituted with the peoples’ lust for money. 5) Describe the Roosevelt Corollary. Answer: Roosevelt corollary refers to the statement in which president Roosevelt asserted that the opposition to the European nations’ intervention in the southern US countries. The corollary, however justified the US intervention under certain conditions. 6) Discuss how Kramer describes America’s takeover of the Philippines. Answer: Kramer’s view of the America’s conquest of the Philippines is rather negative as he views the whole affair as a negative disposition on the part of America. His major concern was the procedure of the America’s conquest of the same that was not ethical and against democracy. He says that the Philippines had not welcomed America’s unjust and inhumane assistance. Chapter Five 1) To what extent was progressivism an expression of the America’s old utopian tendencies and the genuine challenges of the industrial age, and to what extent was it a reaction common to all industrializing nations, regardless of politics? Answer: The America’s progressivism was a reflection of their constant and continued held belief that everything is possible. The industrial age being encompassed with a lot of success is a true belief of success and is a lesson to all industrializing nations to have the same gist in their bid to industrialize. 2) What was the WCTU, and what problems do they say were caused by drinking and smoking? Answer: WCTU stands for Woman’s Christian Temperance Union formed in 1873 in Ohio and Illinois. The group campaigned against the taking of all the alcoholic beverages and smoking asserting their harmful effects such as health effects e.g. poor health, cancer as well as the social problems associated with the same such as domestic violence and family break ups. 3) What is civic housekeeping, according to Jane Adams? Answer: Jane Adams defined civic housekeeping to incorporate women’s recapture of their natural endowment to care for and uphold their families’ healthy living standards. This she argued could help in raising the living conditions of the surrounding people by eliminating certain communicable diseases such as tuberculosis, cholera, Bilharzias among others. 4) Do you agree with Michael McGerr that progressivism was a radical movement? If so, then why? If not, then why? Answer: I agree with McGer’s arguments suggestions that progressivism was a radical movement. Having been propagated by capitalism that was a radical process, progressivism was as well a radical process. Chapter Six 1) How did World War I further the progressivism agenda, and how did the war undermine it? Answer: The World War I furthered the progressivism agenda by enabling America expand her territorial boundary and amass more wealth. On the other hand, the war undermined the progressivism since America used a lot of her wealth during the period of the war lowering her economy. 2) What do you think of Woodrow Wilson’s war time leadership? Was he a hopeless dreamer who bungled the attempt to restore peace, or was he the prescient architect of a new world order? Answer: Woodrow’s main leadership intentions as far as the involvement in the war is concerned were to restore peace. He had the passion of not involving his people into war but at the same time argued that their rights which had been breached by the Germans’ killing of America’s innocent population was worth fighting for in order to restore peace within her boundaries. 3) What do you think of the Espionage Act of 1918? Do you think it was a necessary measure? Answer: The espionage act was not a descent measure for the American government to pass especially given the tough times of public disorders America was facing at that moment. The act undermined the ability of the people to do what the government could not do such as punishing vulgar speeches, through mob justice, that would otherwise cause chaos. Chapter Seven 1) Why was there a great debate in the 1920s about the future? Answer: The debate of the 1920 was about the future of America concerning the divisions of religion and science. It was a bid to look forward to making religion the central focus for the American citizens and to encourage the use of the bible fundamentals in running the affairs of the people as it was during the times of the World War I 2) Would you classify this age as the age of jazz or the age of prohibition? Why? Answer: This age can be classified as the age of jazz. This is because of the successes that were realized in the development of the jazz music and its consequent influence on music to date. The jazz music bloomed during the 1920s and formed the foundation of the music field. 3) What is the Japanese problem as outlined by the government of California in 1920? Answer: The Japanese problem as outlined in the 1920 was being given legal citizenship rights including that for voting freely during elections. The results of their quest were however fruitful by the end of the year 1920. 4) Discuss and describe the examinations of William Jennings Bryan by Clarence Darrow in 1925. Answer: Clarence Darrow examines Jennings’ stand on his biblical beliefs. He questions him on how he can deduce the fact that the bible is telling the truth as far as the spiritual facts are concerned. Darrow is an atheist who seems not to believe in the biblical facts and tries to challenge their authority based on Jennings’ understanding of the bible. 5) How does the new KKK define Americanism in 1926? Answer: The KKK, a vigilante group in 1926 gave a new phase for the American impression totally distorting the image of the democratic America. The extra judicial killing and lynching which marked the time was an erosion of the American democracy. 6) Of what import is “petting”? Answer: Petting is an American term used to refer to the act of touching and caressing someone. The term is borrowed from the British slang for petting and is equated with the act of stroking or rocking someone in order to stimulate him or her as one would stroke a pet. Chapter Eight 1) Who was Franklin Delano Roosevelt? Was he a compassionate man of the people who salvaged and strengthened the American system, or a political opportunist who irresponsibly expanded the power of government to the detriment of the society? Answer: Roosevelt can be described as a liberator who tried so much to strengthen the American system. He did this by pushing for the rights of both the Indians and he Africans to be recognized as an independent group in America and their languages be written down as well as be spoken. 2) What were the shortcomings of the new deal? Answer: The new deal was met with strong oppositions from the conservationists. This was because it did not agree with the condemnation of the traditional ceremonies and the Native American church. 3) What do you think were the impact of songs like,” Brother can you spare a dime”? Answer: The song brother can you spare a dime was written during the great depression. It gives an account of the terrible circumstances of unemployment that rocked America during such times. The song acts like a reminder of the tough times in America’s history. 4) Do you agree with Hoover that a limited government is the best? Answer: I agree with Hoover that a limited government is the best. This is because a limited government gives opportunity for the public to intervene where the government cannot help. 5) Who is father Charles Coghlin, and why does he denounce Roosevelt? Answer: Father Charles Coghlin was a Canadian born Catholic priest at Royal Oak in Michigan. He denounced his support for Roosevelt’s new deal when he founded the National Union for Social Justice, which he used to oppose Roosevelt’s capitalistic monetary policies. Chapter Nine 1) How did the war change Americans’ expectations of their nation’s role in the world? Answer: The war led America into spending a lot of money to fight the wars making it economically unstable. This led to rampant unemployment in the country changing the people’s perception of a better future. 2) In what ways did the participation in World War II differ from participation in World War I and what were the consequences of these differences? Answer: America participated in the World War I as isolationists that did not work out since they still felt the need to keep peace in the world. During the World War II, they resolved for their interventionist policy which helped them keep the whole world at peace and provide jobs for the Americans. 3) What was the rape of Nanking? Answer: The rape of Nanking is the violent capture of the Nanking city, the Chinese capital between 1937 -1938. During this time, rape cases were recorded that were carried out by the soldiers and thousands of the Chinese civilians were killed. 4) What are Roosevelt’s four freedoms? Answer: These freedoms included the freedom of speech, freedom of worship, freedom from want and the freedom of fear. These were addressed by Roosevelt on January 6, 1941 in his famous four-freedom speech. 5) What were the effects of family internment on the Japanese American Families? Answer: The internments were done without interfering with the Japanese families. However, some of the interns died in the process leading to family loose. 6) How does Eisenhower describe the concentration camps in 1945? Answer: Eisenhower describes the concentration camps in Germany as horrible regarding what he saw. The men were kept naked in small dark rooms and starved to death or just shot in the head and killed. Chapter Ten 1) Why was there a cold war? Did Russian aggression make conflict inevitable or did the US overreact to the battered Soviet Union’s quest for security? Answer: The cold war was caused by the differences in ideology, economic and political views of the US and the USSR. The US overreacted to the USSR’s quest for security because they didn’t trust communist USSR would not set up democratic governments across Europe. 2) What was the Truman doctrine? Answer: This was the policy statement that was issued by Harry Truman, the US president on March 12, 1947. It stated that the US would intervene in any country threatened by takeover by the USSR. 3) How does McCarthy describe ‘the internal communism menace’ in 1950? Answer: McCarthy describes communism as a threat to the security of the people of America. Because of this, he called upon the beginning of the cold war. 4) Describe how a federal loyalty security program expelled a postal clerk in 1954? Answer: The loyalty security was entitled to Plough off anyone who would not be loyal to the federal government such as the foreigners. This was the reason, which led to the expulsion of the five Japanese from their jobs, among them, a postal clerk. 5) Why did Eisenhower choose to warn the US of the military industrial complex in 1961? What dangers did he foresee? Answer: Eisenhower warned of the military industrial complex because he wanted America to solve her war problems using diplomacy rather than warfare. The dangers that were coupled with the growth of the military industries were the lack of self control in solving military problems. Chapter Eleven 1) Were the fifties really happy days or is the period best described as an era of psychological, social and political tensions? Answer: 1950s can be described as an era of Psychological, social and political tensions and not happy days. This is due to the eminent cold war that caused psychological tortures, social wrangles and political tensions across the global spheres. 2) Why do the 50s prompt such nostalgia for poodle skirts, sock hops, hula-hoops, stay at home moms, and Fourth of July parades? Answer: The period inflicted fear in the category of the people mentioned above, as they were not among the strongest members in the then society. With the raging wars therefore, the nostalgic condition gripped these people. 3) According to the newspaper survey, are you a conformist or a rebel? What do you think of these distinctions? Answer: I think I am a conformist. This is because the conformists tend to agree or conform with most of the government’s resolutions which I do. 4) What is the problem that has no name? Answer: The problem that has no name was a story written by Betty Friedan in her famous book, the feminine mystique of 1963. He described the problem that had no name as the suburban women’s discontentment with their way of life, as housekeeper or homemakers 5) What do you think of Coontz arguments that families were never the way they were? Answer: Coontz’s description of the American families is a representation of facts that the American families had never achieved the best ideal family life style. He says that the family has instead continued to grow even worse than it used to be. Chapter Twelve 1) In the lingo of the civil rights era, how did the white establishment advance or hinder the cause of democracy? Answer: The white establishment only helped to hinder the cause of democracy. The blacks and other coloured people were denied the rights to participate in the voting process hindering the process of democratic achievements. 2) How does NOW believe equality can be achieved? Is it a conservative vision? Answer: Now believes that equality can be achieved by ensuring gender equality, economic equality, equality of outcome , equality of reason, and equality of results so as to come up with an all round equality perspectives. This is far from the conservative vision. 3) What do you think of the star trek’s use of a multi- racial cast in 1967? Answer: The star trek’s use of the multi- racial cast in 1967 was aimed at uniting the various races of the world under the same lineage. This had the main theme of promoting equality as far as scientific exploration and fictional performances are concerned. Chapter Thirteen 1) Were the 60s a decade of hedonism, or heightened social responsibility? Answer: The 60s were a decade of social responsibility. It is during this period that people discovered their past mistakes and tried to rectify them for a better shaping of the community. The bid to redefine the community arose at this time. 2) Which changes initiated in the 60s are still with us today, and who won the culture war? Answer: The changes that were initiated in the 60s and are still present with use today include among others the need for equality in all perspectives, the quest for unity and an end to racial prejudices. 3) What purpose did the singers have in the counter cultural revolution? Answer: The culture identifies and causes the variations and distinctions that colour the world today. The singers had to counter the erosion of the culture in order to protect cultural diversities of the world. 4) How does Degroot remember the 60s? Answer: Degroot remembers the future by intertwining the various historical events the marked the period. These include the killing J.F Kennedy, China’s Cultural Revolution among others. He uses historical records to unveil the past (the 60s). Chapter Fourteen 1) Regarding the Vietnam War, what other choices might American leader have made, considering the range of international problems we face? Answer: America could have resolved to solve the problem through negotiations in order to avoid going into war. In this way they could have saved the world’s economies and the lives of the people who were killed during the fights. 2) How did the war affect the nation’s people and governments? Answer: The war led to loss of lives of many people who died during the wars. The people therefore lost their friends, relatives and a family member as well as property loss. Likewise, various nations spend a lot of money during the wars putting most countries on the brink of economic collapse. 3) What do you think about a white house that creates an enemies list? Answer: Ideally, the white house as a center for the promotion of peace and unity should not keep an enemies list. This is anti democracy and a hindrance to future developments. In her bid to promote peace around the world, the white house is supposed to generate reconciliatory measures to curb commotions. 4) How does Sam Ervin explain the water gate crisis? Answer: Sam Ervin explains the Watergate scandal as a pre- planned operation that was executed in an orderly manner. The scandal made President Nixon to resign his office as the president in 1974. Read More
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