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W 3 Discussion Board: Andrew Jackson - Introduction to Florida History - Essay Example

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With the outbreak of war between the United States and Great Britain Jackson and his Tennessee troops forced the surrender of the British held fortifications at Pensacola and then continued to win…
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W 3 Discussion Board: Andrew Jackson - Introduction to Florida History
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History and Political Science October 12 What role did General Andrew Jackson Old Hickory play against the Spanish and the British? Florida was originally two colonies established by Britain, East and West Florida. With the outbreak of war between the United States and Great Britain Jackson and his Tennessee troops forced the surrender of the British held fortifications at Pensacola and then continued to win a victory over Britain in New Orleans. During this time British and US forces moved through Florida with impunity from areas of Florida claimed by the Spanish.

Jackson continued to do this, seizing the Spanish Fort of Saint Marks after which he marched on Pensacola and demanded the surrender of the Spanish forts. Spain at this time had no choice to but to leave Florida under the best terms they could secure (Gannon, 1993, p27). Jackson became the first military governor of the new us possession. Though he only remained three months ne began the Americanization of Florida.2. What do you think about his participation during this period?His participation during this period was critical as he knew the tribes and was easily able to go in and out of the State among the Spanish owned areas.

He was also a very strong military leader. His actions directly led to the division of Florida into Escambia and St Johns County, provisions for trial by jury, and the establishment of County Courts (Gannon, 1993, p 28).ReferencesGannon, M. (1993). Florida: A short history. Gainesville: University Press of Florida.

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