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Louisiana Historical Sites - Article Example

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Francisville, the Audubon State Historic Site is famous for having the Oakley House. Added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1973, this is where the artist John James Audubon came to spend four months in 1821. He was there to teach the estate’s…
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Louisiana Historical Sites
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Added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1979, the Centenary State Historic Site holds some of the buildings of the College of Louisiana, which opened in 1826 at Jackson. Though it was not a successful college, with only 24 men graduating from it, however, during the Civil War the buildings of the college were used by both factions. The Union soldiers used it as their area headquarters, whereas the Confederate troops used it as a hospital. This site is historically significant because it gives a glimpse into education in the 19th century, as well as the early history of Jackson and its foundation, and, finally, into the medicine practiced during the Civil War.

Established as a military outpost, Fort Jesup, or Cantonment Jesup as it was originally called, operated from 1822 to 1846. The Fort was placed at the Neutral Strip, which was created because of a dispute between Spain and the United States arising out of the Louisiana Purchase – the land in contention was proclaimed a Neutral Strip with no interference or presence of the armed forces of either country. However, Texas was won over by the United States, the fort was rendered unnecessary. Even though only a kitchen remains of the original structure, however, the reconstructed site renders insight into what life was like at the outposts.

As the soldiers there were involved with the American settlers, the visitors can also learn much about how the lands were surveyed, roads built and treaties negotiated during those days. The Locust Grove State Historic Site consists of a cemetery which was owned by the sister of Jefferson Davis, Anna E. Davis Smith, and her family. Some semi-famous people from history are buried here. The daughter of General Zachary Taylor, who was the first commander of Fort Jesup, is also buried here, as is General Eleazer Wheelock Ripley who served in the war of 1812.

The visitors to the site can learn about the cemeteries of 19th

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