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US Veterans Day - Research Paper Example

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This essay talks about the Veterans Day in the United States. US Veterans Day is celebrated yearly to commemorate the efforts of people who served in the military especially in times of war. The celebration is held in many places across United States…
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US Veterans Day
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US Veterans Day US Veterans Day Everyone likes holiday as it is the day to rest. It can also be called holiday break, short break or even bargain break. It has been affected by socio-economic changes and evolves at the same time as the world changes (Sharma, 2005, pp. 63-64). Usually people spend time to rest during holidays and to commemorate certain important people or events in history or religious beliefs. They are considered as special times to focus on personal development and leisure. Holidays strengthen the tourism industry as they spread their popularity.

Economy, society and culture affect the holiday observance (Richards, 1998, p. 145). Holidays are not always about having fun, but also remembering the people who may have sacrificed their lives for a certain noble cause like the US Veterans Day. US Veterans Day is celebrated yearly to commemorate the efforts of people who served in the military especially in times of war. The celebration is held in many places across United States (Walker, 2010, p. 4). The people being remembered in US Veterans Day are the people who were involved in the Army, Marines, Coast Guards and Air Force during the war.

Both the living and the dead military men are honored in the said event. During November 11 every year Veterans Day is celebrated through flag-raising ceremonies and parades (Brill, 2005). During the same holiday, the families of the Veterans are also commemorated for the sacrifices. The citizens uphold the patriotic value that the Veterans showed by fulfilling the obligations to them and to exhibit the ideals of service and sacrifice (Obama, 2011). Veterans Day is also said to be related to Armistice Day.

Talking about the word armistice, it means that a ceasefire or the halt of violence as a first step to peace talks. In the First World War it happened between the Germans and the Allies as they concluded the war with a peace agreement on November 11, 1918 (Duffy, 2009). Armistice Day is also called as Remembrance which took place at 11am around the world to honor the members of armed forces who died during their duty since World War I. It is also the “anniversary of Germany signing the Armistice agreement on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month in 1918,” (Mitchell, 2011).

The celebration of Armistice Day happened when President Woodrow Wilson proclaimed the commemoration on November 11, 1919 as he stated: To us in America, the reflections of Armistice Day will be filled with solemn pride in the heroism of those who died in the countrys service and with gratitude for the victory, both because of the thing from which it has freed us and because of the opportunity it has given America to show her sympathy with peace and justice in the councils of the nations (US Army Center of Military History).

In line with the commemoration of the end of World War I, bells around the world were rung at exactly 11 a.m. of the 11th day of the 11th month for 35 years. Later on November 11, 1938 the US Congress decided to formally declare it as a National Holiday in their country and called it Armistice Day (Rowley, 2011). The Armistice Day became Veterans Day through Alvin King a shoe repair shop owner who expanded the Armistice Day to commemorate all veterans since he was involved with the American War Troops during the World War II.

Emporia Chamber of Commerce and the Board of Education supported the campaign of King and through the effort of US Representative Ed Rees the bill was approved by the Congress and later on President Dwight Eisenhower signed it (Carter, 2003). References Brill, M. (2005). Veterans Day. USA: Carolrhoda Books. Carter, J. (2003). Where the Veterans Day began. VF Magazine. Retrieved from Duffy, M. (2009). The armistice. Retrieved from http://www.

firstworldwar. com/features/armistice.htm. Obama, B. (2011). Veterans Day 2011: A proclamation. Retrieved from Richards, G. (1998). Time for a Holiday? Social Rights and International Tourism Consumption. Sage Journals, 7(1): 145-160. Rowley, C. (2011). 11/11/11 will be celebrated as originally intended: As Armistice Day! Huffington Post. Retrieved from Mitchell, J. (2011). Armistice Day marked around the world - in pictures.

The guardian. Retrieved from Sharma, K. (2005). Tourism and development. India: Sarup and Sons. Walker, R. (2010). Celebrations in my world: Veterans Day. New York: Crabtree Publishing.

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