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Me, Governor My life in the rough and tumble world of politics by Richard J Codey review - Book Report/Review Example

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[Subject] Book Review This paper aims to critically scrutinize the book authored by Richard J. Codey in addition to comprehending the state and government politics in New Jersey. “Me, Governor? My life in the rough and tumble world of New Jersey politics” is a distinguished literary work in the field of politics…
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Me, Governor My life in the rough and tumble world of politics by Richard J Codey book review
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He already knew that his life was going to entirely revolutionized and this proved significantly true in later years. In this book he has shared his outlook on the typical political setting of New Jersey while discussing different personnel who have been associated to the government service since a considerable time period. He had the opportunity of moving along with different administrative officials for more than three decades however, knowing someone from distance and working with the same individual is entirely different according to Codey’s experiences (Codey).

Richard J. Codey has epitomized his memories in this book which gives a burnished, cordial and conversant stance of New Jersey Politics. For Codey, becoming the governor of New Jersey was not an easy task. Although it seemed like winning hundreds of hearts and gaining a fortuity of true public service but for him it turned out to be utterly exigent. James McGreevey, who was the ex-governor of the state before Codey took hold of the political matters, was an intellectual person and a sound politician however, he was involved in some homosexual relationship which brought an end to his political career (Codey).

He had to resign from his position due to the damage caused by his personal life activities. This overall situation brought serious consequences in the political setting of New Jersey which even affected the Sopranos home state. Therefore when Codey joined in things were not really gracious for him as political associations had already undergone a serious trauma recently. But Codey proved to be an exceptional political leader who not only restored the former trend of superior politics rather he also introduced decorum in political settings.

Contrary to McGreevey, Codey was a profound man who was having a triumphant family life rather than distorted relationships (Egelberg). Apart from reviewing the past and present political structures author has also presented the influence of his family life over his career. He has conversed about his love affair, development of a lively family, interest in sports, filthy side of politics which is usually overlooked, his experiences as state senate president and his future career after resigning from this post (Codey).

The book presents immense information to the students and people interested in politics as it studies the subject from different aspects related to senators and governors. Moreover the information is presented in such an amusing way that it gives the insight knowledge of politics in New Jersey with a complete experience of pleasurable reading. Understanding the State and Government Politics After reading and critically analyzing the content of the book I have understood the state and government politics particular in New Jersey.

In the past few years United States of America has swiftly turned into a suburb nation and New Jersey is the most flagrant example of this transformation taking place throughout the country (Barbara Salmore). Hence it is now significant for the overall population to keep track of political, economic and social changes occurring in this particular state. For instance, suburbanites are so influential in the state that the candidate-centered elections are actually decided by them and they are primarily responsible to carry out all

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