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Can the aesthetic give us insights into the nature of International politics How - Essay Example

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The discussion seeks to answer the question: Can the aesthetic give us insights into the nature of International politics? Upon looking at the links between aesthetics and international politics from a broad perspective, the researchers are able to draw a large number of ethical implications…
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Can the aesthetic give us insights into the nature of International politics How
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Can the aesthetic give us insights into the nature of International politics? Aesthetics is the philosophical branch of inquiry that deals with principles underlying and guiding the work of art, beauty, perception, and appreciation. As a philosophy, aesthetics refers to the study of sensory values. Aesthetics deals more with seeing and sensing the world due to its ability to assume sensory levels and collective agreements regarding a contemporary matter such as international politics and beauty (Young, 2009:3-4). Since aesthetic depends on factors like time and culture, this research paper will seek to assess whether aesthetic us the insights into the nature of international politics. It will resolve to determine, if yes, how it can give those insights. By use of questionnaires, this research found out that, the nature of international relations, world politics, global society, and transitional relations is, even though, sophisticated, an essential aspect of perception. This globe of diplomacies and wars, alliances and treaties, trade and aid, tourism, migration, and immigration composes of one of the largest society in the whole world. The same arena or sphere of empires, states, international organizations, nations, groups and governments as well as individuals is one of the greatest theaters of humans. Cognitively, since the colonization age in the eighteenth century, the nature of international politics and relations encompassed the world. However, due to civilization and contemporary sociology, the globe is experiencing evolution of philosophical terms that political and social analysts are using to assess or determine the nature of international issues including politics (Adorno and Eisler, 2005:31). Since aesthetics is a philosophical branch studying creations, it can help us get insights into international politics since there are created and formed organizations, corporations, and societies internationally. The whole globe is feasible through created worldwide international communication systems regulated by international organizations like International Telecommunication Union, Universal Postal Union, and Intergovernmental Copyright Committee that exercises worldwide connection and integration by means of radio broadcasting, televising material, transferred mails, and books. The world also composes of created global systems of transportation that involves international airlines that operate under the watch of International Civil Aviation Organization. Additionally, the world, through formation, has internationally regulated social norms that encompass a variety of states and international groups’ interaction. All these integral relations show the will of aesthetic in international politics because aesthetic provides a strategic platform for philosophical evaluation of sensory values (Holloway and Beck, 2005:79). As a result, diplomats and signatories are undertaking the policy of creating international value for each other’s potent ability. Aesthetics revolve around our senses and our responses towards objects, ideas, and agreements. Therefore, it is giving us insights into international politics since we can see, hear, and feel the sense of international relations where nations are formalizing many structural expectations, involving written international agreements and contracts or treaties bearing and defining the obligations and rights of the cosigners. The most recent philosophical research shows that, aesthetic is making it possible for us to have insights on international politics since it is presenting us with philosophical beauty of determining the importance of international organization. We can objectively point out that, through aesthetic, the world can see international representation of groups through formalization of balanced capabilities, interests, and members wills (Constantinou and Oliver, 2008:118). By use of this sense, we can understand that, an internationally created group is a point of equilibrium where a balance of values and norms exists. Through interviews, this research established that, aesthetic is giving us insights into international relations due to the fact that aesthetic study has the ability to reflect on matters influencing objectives of different groups. Perhaps, it is not trivia or rather irresponsible to indulge aesthetic in international politics. This is because, currently, the world is undergoing through a series of inhumane activities such as terrorism, war, genocide, climate change, poverty, and above all, financial turmoil. Most political analysts globally are urging nations to consider poetry, painting, and/or music in addressing these vices. Through aesthetic, the world can now afford to get insights regarding lives, livelihoods, and concrete international politics. Aesthetic offers a passionate systematic aspect of understanding international relations through indulging in artistic endeavors. In fact, during destitute times, the world requires aesthetic inspiration in order to find creative and innovative solutions to like conflicts and entrenched political issues (Boxall, 2009:92). As such, aesthetic helps people get insights regarding the nature of international relations. Agreeably, one of the most challenging issues ahead of us consists of legitimizing a greater variety of approaches while researching on international political arena. Therefore, aesthetic is a vital and essential tool to our research since it helps pinpoint the exact nature of international relations and contributions through imagination and creativity. Our interpretative repertoire can probably capture the best native insights into international politics by applying reflective understanding systems that involve technical skills of analysis in the field of social sciences. In so doing, aesthetics help create a more open-ended intensity and height of sensibility regarding international relations. Aesthetics gives us the ability look back and appreciate our emotional nature of political events. As a result, aesthetic enables us to view political dilemmas and conflicts in a new perspective. This is why aesthetic does not only refer to practices of art, but also to painting, music, photography, and poetry (Adorno and Eisler, 2005:18). These practices provide us with insights and understandings of international politics. Aesthetics can help us with insights regarding international politics by reflecting on good reasons that validate the whole register of human points of view and sensations. These human sensations triumph over the wake of enlightenment and provide equally important types of insights. In spite of all this, there is much skepticism towards an aesthetic involvement with international politics, not only form artists, but also from social scientists. Artists fear of different set of issues. They worry because political commitments jeopardize the significance and independence of art by superimposing preconceived and dogmatic influences upon freely flowing innovative and creative activities (Summy, 2007:155). However, since aesthetic as a philosophical study has social responsibility, this research established that, aesthetics’ work have a moral and political purpose. Thus, it gives us realistic insights into international politics. This research explored theoretical innovations regarding why, how, where and what to study in international relations. It found out that, the agency of women representation in international politics is gendered. By use of collected data from a popular culture, the study was able to determine that the political puzzle of motherhood and female agency representation in political violence creates a myth that, motherhood is incompatible with female agency in political violence. Throughout the research process, the view of women’s role in international politics was broad. In international politics, women act as spies, sympathizers, and warriors. The research was also able to find out that, women are mere combatants in international politics and their rarity and symbolic position in international relations make them seem like unconventional figures (Summy, 2007:162). Using methodological framework, this research found it worth noting that, the inclusion of women in international political war depicts a sense of gender representation. With aesthetic, the world is able to get better insights into the true nature of international politics. Nevertheless, women presence in overseas politics receives sentiments that negate their numerous contributions. Globally, there are peacekeeping agencies formed under common understandings and maintained by the member countries. This research noted that, the overall inclusion of women in peacekeeping military units as soldiers, tend to reveal women as victims whilst their contributions to warfare render them invincible. On the other hand, aesthetics shows that the increasing number of women in international crime such as female suicide-bombers is suggesting women’s acceptance to perform tasks traditionally reserved for men (Summy, 2007:168). This rising trend is depicting that women are being used as international agents of political violence. Thereby, aesthetic research can give us insights into international politics. Presumably, aesthetics can give us insights into the nature of international politics because art helps broaden our understanding of contemporary issues relating to international relations such as security challenges. With aesthetics, this research established the 9/11 responses in literary form, music, architecture, and visual arts. Through aesthetics, this research was able to get epistemological insights about the status of art as a way of knowing international political events that may escape state-based forms of security and defense analysis. As such, according to the findings, art could shed new and revealing light into the nature of international relations. For instance, through art, the world became aware of contemporary security challenges that affected other nations such as those of the United States 9/11 events. Aesthetics made it possible to address this fundamental paradox that later became apparent with terrorism attacks on the Pentagon on September 11, 2001 and the World Trade Center (Summy, 2007:172). According to this research finding, aesthetic sources can give us insights into the nature of international relations due to the fact that; aesthetics explains the real situation concerning the international law. For example, the whole world knows about the 9/11 events that occurred in the United States in 2001. Political analysts points out that, that terror attack did not only constitute to breach of international security, but also violated the overall sovereignty. Aesthetics study gave us the insight story and generally made people globally understand how failure of the state’s intelligence apparatus led to shattered deep-seated sense of domestic and international security in the United States. Practically, the terrorist invasion, perhaps more importantly, shattered any sense of understanding between the United States and the accused nations. During the research, this paper documented some data that explains; due to lack of creativity and art, the mandated federal inspectors were unable to capture and put those involved in the terror attack into books. Therefore, policy analysis explains that, the failure was because of lack of artistic creativity; a shortcoming that explains emotional devastation suffered by the Americans many months after the attack (Holloway and Beck, 2005:150-155). Since the world is a vibrant business place, this research found it worth putting across that, aesthetics gives us relevant information regarding international relations concerning the world of business. International relations form an extensive exchange society whereby, bargaining power of international trade, agreements, treaties, student movements, tourism, migration, capital flows, technical aid, exchange rates, and so many other factors dominates the society. Aesthetics studies give us insights into the prospective nature of international relations among the countries of your interest. Therefore, this research put down that, all these activities manifest numerous individual, groups, or state values whereby the inter-trading nations exchange one thing for anther (Constantinou and Oliver, 2008:133). However, according to political scientists, this does not dent the role of coercion in international society or the use of state power. Because the international society has a libertarian political system that governs it, aesthetics study helps us get insights relating to international relations and a better understanding of international laws. Documented evidence shows that, the international law guarantees every state right of independence, sovereignty, as well as equality, which preside over and limit the global government. Despite regulations, the world government exists whereby the United Nations is the executive and legislative core and the International Court of Justice as its judiciary. Moreover, other international governing bodies help ensure facilitation of administrative structure of the world government such as the World Health Organization, International Monetary Fund, and the World Meteorological Organization. Supposedly, this study established that, without aesthetics, international could face many challenges through administration. Nonetheless, by use of agreements and treaties brought about by aesthetics, international relations continue to grow stronger due to the presence of well-stated rules and regulations stipulated by the world government. They include application of economic or aid sanctions (Constantinou and Oliver, 2008:145). A remarkable recent study puts forward that, the study of aesthetics is transforming the way most people view international politics. This is because, aesthetics values discussion and imagination modes that involve thoughts, speech, and living about diplomacy. Aesthetics study is providing a chance to incorporate art and foreign policy in order to achieve standard realm of international relations. The world is full of different religions. Every religion has diverse beliefs, doctrines, and laws. In order to keep up to the speed with the globe, aesthetics study is vital since it has remarkable contribution to the study of theology internationally. Through inclusion of aesthetics, people get legitimate creativity and imagination of theological studies hence attaining distinctive and diverse forms of reasoning (Finney, 2006:69-70). As a result, art provides a definite understanding of how others view different religions, which in turn gives you an insight of the true nature of international relations since religion, can be a success or barrier in foreign diplomacy. In addition, art is more than just an illustration of something. Art is an interpretative and constructive tool. It gives meaning of different expressions, works, and sayings regarding foreign understanding of religions. Therefore, aesthetics can give us a clear insight into the nature of international relations regarding religions and believes. Since politicians and other big bosses always wants to protect their personal interests, they have, therefore, routinely ghettoized and considered aesthetics as a minority interest in international relations. As such, they continue to ignore largely the inclusion of art in the field of international diplomacy. However, such a description would have been appropriate and accurate a decade ago. This is because, nowadays, aesthetics has wide volume of ability and techniques to capture the current dynamism due to the high quality engagement of literature, photography, music, art, and film into both domestic and international politics (Adorno and Eisler, 2005:62). This intense engagement of aesthetics into matters regarding diplomacy has become an important and consequently well-recognized section of foreign relations scholarship. A large number of leading academe journals that include International Studies Quarterly, Review of International Studies, Alternatives, Millennium, The Peace Review and The Third World Quarterly, publish articles and special issues involving aesthetics. Practically, some of the senior disciplinary and elementary scholars, precisely from the United Kingdom, either engage aesthetic themes or acknowledge their importance and the role they play in international relations. Despite the fact that aesthetics contribution into international politics is growing more visible and scholarly important, the prevailing approaches applied in view of understanding and dealing with conflicts pay little attention to art and literature. These approaches revolve around social scientific conventions so much and for very long to an extent that they see aesthetic sources politically irrelevant. Furthermore, presence of prevailing realist ideologies in both theory and practice of foreign diplomacy serves as a good example. Realism is becoming very entrenched into international politics such that, we no longer recognize the vital role played by aesthetics sources in foreign diplomacy (Weiss and Neugroschel, 2005:25). When I say realism, I do not only mean that the positions involved with the realist school of international politics or relations, but also the fundamental assumption that people are able to understand and represent the world politics realities free of their personal values and assumptions. However, aesthetics can gives us the insight into international relations through policymakers and diplomats who are open-minded and give us facts about the true nature of the world politics the way they are but not the way people wish or want them to be. According to social scientists, human beings are herd animals. They often take the path of least linguistic resistance. Supposedly, since aesthetics research sources provide us with linguistic tools such as literature, music, and poetry, aesthetics has the ability to give us insights into the true nature of international relations. With these linguistic tools, this research paper puts down that aesthetics helps people understand abstract realist concept like balance of power, real international politics, security dilemma, and national interests. Once people rehearse and understand these abstract realist concepts, they are able to draw clear and intelligible standard objectives that contribute to a particular system of shared meanings that channel our thinking towards a particular direction. The entire system of thought embodies inherent subjective political judgments that enable us to avoid making assumptions regarding international politics. Aesthetics study is a highly sophisticated and diverse body of knowledge and literature that help conceptualize international politics (Boxall, 2009:187). Aesthetics provides a complex but certainly necessary and stereotypical sketch of insights that compel contingent interpretations of international politics. As such, we are able to get the true nature of international relations despite prevailing political assumptions. In conclusion, upon looking at the links between aesthetics and international politics from such a broad perspective, we are able to draw a large number of ethical implications. In fact, we can clearly see aesthetics and international politics as intertwined since aesthetics is always enlightening and promote necessary and good causes. In addition, all political approaches and positions ranging from good to bad, progressive to regressive have aesthetics sense. However, political scientists always fear that art and literature might mislead the world due to aesthetics’ beauty, which can turn us astray. This is because, aesthetics’ beauty promotes seduction that has the ability to disguise a vision of the world that inherently or coherently dangerous and perhaps evil. Nonetheless, this research paper has explained and analyzed whether aesthetics can give us insights into the nature of international politics and how that occurs. Bibliography Adorno, T. and Eisler, H. 2005. Composing for the films. New York: Continuum International Publishing Group. Boxall, P., 2009. Since Beckett: contemporary writing in the wake of modernism. New York: Continuum International Publishing Group. Constantinou, C. and Oliver, P., 2008. Cultures and Politics of Global Communication. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Finney, G., 2006. Visual culture in twentieth-century Germany: text as spectacle. Indiana: Indiana University Press. Holloway, D. and Beck, J., 2005. American visual cultures. New York: Continuum International Publishing Group. Summy, R., 2007. Nonviolence: An Alternative for Defeating Global Terror(ism). New York: Nova Publishers. Weiss, P. and Neugroschel, J., 2005. The aesthetics of resistance, Volume 1. Durham: Duke University Press. Young, J., 2009. Aesthetics: Aesthetic theory. New York: McGraw Hill Professional. Read More
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