Assessment of the learning needs of a group
Various techniques would come into play whenever assessing the leaning needs of the parents of the mid- adolescent teens aged between 15 and 17 years. I would make use of informal conversations with the parents once in a while. Striking the conversation would be my initiative. The move would offer me an opportunity to gather an understanding of the knowledge level of the parents. It would further create a great starting point where the parents would be free and willing to take part in the lessons.
Structured interviews would play a critical role in assessing the learning needs of the parents. I would initially seek the consent of the parents and the medical institution to conduct the interviews. I would make clear my intentions to the members of staff and the parents. The structured interviews would play a key role in ensuring that I am able to gather insight into the learning needs of the staff.
The use of a focus group will play a pivotal role in assessing the learning needs of the parents. I would make a random selection of the participants of the focus group. I would make clear my intentions to the group. It is my desire that the group would offer me constructive feedback into a number of aspects regarding the learning needs of the parents to the adolescents aged between 15 and 17 years. The focus group would enable me gather insight into the special learning needs of the group.
I would make use of self-administered questionnaires in the attempt to gather insight into the learning needs of the parents. The questionnaires would be a great source of understanding the cultural needs of the patients as well as their preferred leaning styles.
I would make use of observation long before having time for the lesson. I would make an effort to observe the demeanor of the parents. The move would be inspired by the desire to gather insight into health status of the parents. The observations may be coupled up with tests whenever necessary.
Brainstorming sessions with my fellow practitioners would also be a great source of information regarding the learning needs with of the parents. I would aspire to seek the insight into some of the expectations whenever preparing for the lesson from the fellow colleagues who have in the recent past conducted such activities. The brainstorming sessions would inform me greatly on aspects relating to cultural considerations, preferred learning styles, and possibly on the special learning needs. I would factor the information gathered when preparing for the lesson.
I would make an effort to go through the available documentation so as to get insight into the leaning needs of the patients. I will aspire to get hands on with any available documentation such as reports regarding health promotion campaigns from within the medical institution I work. The move would offer me insight into what to expect whenever delivering the lesson to the parents.
Leaner objectives
It is my desire that upon successful completion of the lesson. The parents would be able to conduct a number of things. I hope that they would be able to understand the different stages of development. I also hope they would be able to the influence of the adolescent’s families on the behavior of the teenagers. They may understand the parental issues, and the peer group issues. I also anticipate to ensure the parents have an understanding of the things that the adolescent values (Smith & Anderson, 2014). I hope to impact on the transformation of the relationship between the adolescents and their families regarding shifting power within the family. I also hope the parents would be at a position to evaluate the differing patterns of behavior which affects the sexuality of the adolescents. I hope to impact on the understanding of teenage suicide, depression and drug use. I finally hope the parents would gather understanding of the anti-social behaviors likely to be depicted by their adolescent children and how best to handle the issues.
Teaching plan
I anticipate to come up with a brief introduction pertaining how to offer the best care to the adolescents aged between 15 and 17 years. I would make use of case methods in delivering the lesson. I would welcome discussions among the parents (Noller & Callan, 2015). I would further offer an option for parents who a distant to join us through a live webinar session. It is my desire that I would be able to cover the following;
A number of evaluation techniques would be critical in assessing the impact of the lesson among the parents. I anticipate to make use of a quiz after the lesson where best scores would walk away with prizes and giveaways. I also hope to administer a questionnaire to gauge the effectiveness of the lesson. I also hope to hold informal discussions with the parents in the attempt to gather insight into the effectiveness of the lesson (Tomlinson, 2014). I may conduct structured interviews with portions of the parents so as to evaluate the effectiveness of the lesson. A follow up study of the adolescents who depicted care needs of the items discussed would also be an evaluation technique.
Various techniques would come into play whenever assessing the leaning needs of the parents of the mid- adolescent teens aged between 15 and 17 years. Structured interviews would play a critical role in assessing the learning needs of the parents. The use of a focus group will also play a pivotal role in assessing the learning needs of the parents. It is my desire that upon successful completion of the lesson. The parents would be able to conduct a number of things. I hope that they would be able to understand the different stages of development. I also hope they would be able to the influence of the adolescent’s families on the behavior of the teenagers.
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