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Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease - Assignment Example

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The paper "Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease" states that the health sector seeks to induce mechanisms for patients that would ensure they access clean air both indoor and outdoor, as the disease mainly resulting due to different contributing factors such as polluted air and smoking tobacco…
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Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Name: Program: Discipline: Supervisor: Email Q.1 1.1 Explain your research topic in 100-200 words. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is categorized as obstructive lung disease that is identified through having poor air flow that exists for a long term. The symptoms that are connected to COPD are shortness of breath and having sputum in the cough. Other terms used in identifying COPD are chronic bronchitis and emphysema. The major cause of COPD is smoking tobacco whereas factors such as genetics and air pollution contribute at a certain margin. Prevention measures such as reduction to exposure risks factors helps in minimizing chances of getting COPD. It covers decreasing smoking rate and improving the quality of both indoor through enough air flow and outdoor air. 1.2 Identify the main aspects of your topic and list the keywords for each aspect. Include synonyms, alternative terms, plurals, and acronyms where appropriate. A preliminary search of a relevant journal article database can be used to identify these. The Library's Subject Guides also list useful dictionaries and encyclopaedias. Quick guide to completing this question: Read through 1.Define Your Topic and 2. Identify Keywords in Developing a Search Statement in the Online Tutorial. The approach by integrated care management program that is provided to the patient suffering from COPD are essential to the treatment. The management program helps in addressing the hazards and causes of the COPD condition. The main spect is managing the condition and contrling the risks and causes in order to reduce the number of the affected people. The key words for each aspect Mananging COPD condition: The integrated care for the Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease management helps in controling the risks and causing factors. The approach requires the understanding the contributing factors and controling it before the condition appears. The carbon deposit in the human lungs increases the risks of respiratoy function hence making it difficult to breath. The use of abbreviation of the Chronic Obstuctive Pulmonary Disease is COPD that is essential in searching the topic. The abbrevaition serves as the alternative terms that are used in search for jounal articles database. In most stuation, the short form is applied in providing similar meaning during artical retriving from the database. Synonyms provides the alternative terms that are used for management and control of COPD condition. The terms safegurding and protecting COPD cinditions. These terms are essential as they provide wide aspect of the search diversifying understanding on the management and control measures of the condition. The Prural approach is incated while addressing the variety of the conditions and factors influecing COPD. The issue of comparing different factors, it is essential to consider prlural approach that addreses the reaction while managing and controling the condition. 1.3 Convert your list of keywords into a search statement. Use Boolean operators, the asterix * for truncation and double quotes “ “for phrases. Quick guide: Read through 3. Search Operators and 4. The Search Statement in Developing a Search Statement Examples of how you might fill out Aspects 1-3 (below) for topics from three different disciplines: Aspect 1 spider* or arachnid* AND Aspect 2 web or silk or fiber* or fibre* or thread AND Aspect 3 nmr or “nuclear magnetic resonance” Aspect 1 doping or drug* AND Aspect 2 sport* or athlet* AND Aspect 3 biomarker* or “biological marker*” Aspect 1 water or aquatic or aqueous AND Aspect 2 “high performance liquid chromatography” or hplc AND Aspect 3 triazin* or atrazine* IMPORTANT: Only use phrases for terms in common use (eg. “biological marker*”). Do not search using sentences/phrases generally. See the example given in the Search Statements box towards the bottom of the Searching Databases: Too Few Results page Aspect 1 Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease or COPD Aspect 2 Chronic bronchitis or emphysema Aspect 3 (if you have a third aspect to your search) Which operator/s would you use between Aspects 1-3 above? (Select the appropriate Boolean operator using the Bold function in Word) AND OR NOT I will consider using both “AND” and “Or” as Boolean operators. Boolean operator AND would help in narrowing the research topic. This makes the search terms to combine two aspects items during the research. Therefore, it helps in extending records from different dimensions and increasing results that can be useful in the project. On the other hand, Boolean operator OR helps in broadening the search. It is essential in connecting two or more words that have close meaning. This enables the database to retrieve records that have similar terms in relations. Q.2 2.1. List the two Library journal article databases most useful for this topic Refer to the Subject Guide for your discipline for a list of relevant databases. Do not select LibrarySearch as this is not a journal article database listed in the Subject Guides. Quick guide: 1. What is a Database in Searching Databases. Database involves organization and collection of some organized data that are obtained from various aspects that are directed in supporting the research topic. It covers the source of the organized information in a manner of easing process of retrieving data concerning the search. The database system is founded in different user applications that help in choosing and managing terms depending on the topic searched. It system management helps in searching process easier through providing related terms whereby the researcher carefully selects the correct version. Through typing the search terms in the provided search box, different types of the references appears that are of great help depending on the task being undertaken. The searcher is supposed to choose the favourable reference depending on the task and should consider these references are easily retrieved. In the references appearing in the database, the researcher is supposed to consider choosing the nest and appropriate reference depending on the task. This depends with the information being outsourced. Books, journals and articles publication will be observed and hence choosing the appropriately and considering database outline and description of references. Involvement of the connectors such as AND, OR helps in provision of enhanced search terms. Your subject guide: Health Sciences: Health care (Nursing), COPD. Your selected journal article databases: 1. Google scholar: 2. Library search 2.2 Select two key articles on your topic. Provide a screen capture of the database record for each article. Include title / author / abstract / keywords (keywords are particularly important). Ensure these are fully visible. Indicate which database was used. Ensure the screen captures are from the journal article databases (Scopus, Web of Science etc) not from the full text of the article. 1. [Insert your screen capture for article 1 here] 2. [Insert your screen capture for article 2 here] 2.3 From the subject terms that appear in the database records of articles on your topic, list those that are particularly relevant and which could be used in your search. These may be labelled keywords / index terms / descriptors / controlled terms (eg. In the Scopus record in the example above they are labelled Indexed keywords. Author keywords may also be relevant). For SciFinder include CA Concept Headings. Quick guide to 2.3 and 2.4: If you are new to database searching, view the tutorials that are relevant to you on 2. Getting Started. Even experienced database users should read through 3. Preliminary Searching, 4. Too Many Results and 5. Too Few Results in Searching Databases Pulmonary Disease Breathing complications Management program for COPD Emphysema 2.4 Using the results and keyword information you have obtained so far, improve on your original search to get the best possible coverage of your topic. Explain in detail the searching you have done. You may adapt your search from Q.1 or, if necessary, break it down into more than one search. IMPORTANT: If your best search only retrieves, for example, five references closely related to your topic, what other searching will you do to retrieve relevant references for your thesis bibliography? Healthcare has majorly intensified the breathing complications that results from the lung diseases and enlightening on reducing the causing factor. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease has resulted due to different contributing factors such as polluted air and smoking tobacco. The health care seeks to induce different approached in ensuring the patients conditions are controlled and enlightening public on the appropriate mechanism to deal with the COPD. In achievement of the COPD management, the health sector seeks to induce mechanism to patients that would ensure they access clean air both indoor and outdoor. Ventilations in the crowded room are required in order to ensure people are getting clean air through enhanced circulation. Smoking cigarette should be minimised to reduce the cases of the carbon deposit in the lungs. In the developing nations, smokes resulting from the carbon related source of energy have affected many homesteads. This happens especially when preparing meals and hence having prolonged smoke from firewood. It has been identified carbon deposits in the lungs due to inhaling these smokes for a long period. Give the Boolean statement for each search, the number of results obtained for each search and the database used. Use * for truncation, “ ” for phrases, and ( ) to group alternative terms. If SciFinder is relevant to your discipline, additionally indicate how you adapted your Boolean search statement for SciFinder (e.g. how did you break up the search, use Refine, Analyse, etc.) Boolean statement for my search (Pulmonary disease* or “Chronic complications*” or “management program for COPD*” or “Emphysema*”) These are the results for Boolean statement search from Google scholar 1. Pulmonary Disease had 2,300,000 results 2. Breathing complication had 125,000 results 3. Management program for COPD had 108,000 results 4. Emphysema 365,000 had results Q.3 3.1 Critically analyse one of your two key references. Quick guide: Use the following criteria to assign your evaluation scores below. Relevancy – eg. How effective were the search statement keywords? Does the article completely cover the topic? How useful is it? Currency – eg. How up-to-date is the article? Is there likely to be current information on this topic? Authority – eg. Has the article undergone peer review by a group of subject experts prior to publication? (If in doubt about peer review - also called refereeing - check Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory). What is the impact factor of the journal? How many papers has the first author written in the subject area? What is their H-index? Full reference details of your article: Elena Titova, S. S. (2015). An integrated care management program (ICMP) for patients with severe COPD; mortality, hazards and causes. European Respiratory Journal, pp. 213-358 Evaluation scores (Use Bold to select the number; 1=lowest, 5=highest): Relevancy 1 2 3 4 5 Currency 1 2 3 4 5 Authority 1 2 3 4 5 Journal Impact Factor in JCR Web of Science: Insert screen capture from JCR, eg: Journal Rank in relevant subject Category: Insert screen capture from JCR, eg: Quick guide: What is a Journal Impact Factor? View the flash tutorial ‘The Impact Factor in Journal Citation Reports’ at Working With Your Search Results - Evaluation To look up your journal, select Web of Science. (This database will also appear in your Subject Guide or the Library Databases A-Z listing). Within Web of Science link to Journal Citation Reports from the top navigation bar. Select an option : Search for a specific journal At Journal Summary List open the linked Abbreviated Journal Title. The Impact Factor will display in the top row. Select the Journal Ranking box to view the journal’s rank in various disciplines. First Author H-index via Web of Science Core Collection: List any steps you needed to take to correctly identify your author – eg. Selecting Research Area/s, Organization/s, checking for ResearcherID etc. (This is particularly important if the author has a common name.) Quick guide: What is the H index? View the flash tutorial ‘WEB OF SCIENCE: Citation Reports & H index’ at Working With Your Search Results - Evaluation The H-index is basically an index used to measure citation impact and the productivity of any published scientific or scholarly published work. The index is mostly based on the most cited number of citations in other publications across board Step by Step instructions for Web of Science: Within Web of Science Core Collection change Basic Search to Author search Enter Author Name details If your Author name is an Asian name enter the full name eg. Shin, Jae-Sun in the Last Name / Family Name field and leave the Initial(s) field blank. You can also select Research Domain and Organization but sometimes it is easier to specify these once your results list is displaying. There will be options listed down the left hand side of the results list. Select Create Citation Report (top right hand corner of the page) to view the H index. Note that only the papers appearing above the yellow H index cut off line need to be by your author to generate a correct H index. To remove papers that do not appear to be by your author check the box next to the paper and select Go. If you are still having problems due to a common name try the ResearcherID option. What is ResearcherID? Follow the links at Working With Your Search Results - Evaluation When the journal article results are displaying after an Author search, select the Record Sets tab instead. An author entry associated with a Researcher ID will have the link View Profile at Select this author entry (i.e. within Web of Science, do not follow the link to and click on View Records. Select Create Citation Report (top right hand corner of the page) to view the H index. 3.2 Referring to the criteria explain why your article is a key reference in your area of interest (100-200 words). Elena Titova, S. S. (2015). An integrated care management program (ICMP) for patients with severe COPD; mortality, hazards and causes. European Respiratory Journal, pp. 213-358 The article is essential in expressing the integrated care that helps in management of the patients having COPD. There are various issues that are required and hence made possible by having the background information regarding the disease. The article has provided statistics that are experienced in the COPD situation and hence providing form background to understand the severe damage caused by the disease. The integrated care is a result of the management program that seeks to express and address the causing factor and risks involved. Some of the management processes are reduction of smoking tobacco and having clean air hence staying in well ventilated rooms. Therefore, the article is helpful in understanding the Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease hazards and causing factors and hence their management. 3.3 Using either Web of Science, Scopus or SciFinder, check your key article for Citing References. How many times has your article been cited by other articles? Also insert a screen capture from your database, eg: Quick guide: What are Citing References? Read through Searching Databases: 6. Cited Reference Searching Q.4 4.1 Theses Find a thesis relevant to your research that you can use as background information. Quick guide: Searching Databases: 7. Other databases. There is a Thesis information box on this page. More in-depth information is available in the Thesis guide. If you have difficulty finding something relevant try Dissertations and Theses Full Text (Proquest) which is a large database of US theses. IMPORTANT: Check that your thesis is a thesis. Not everything appearing in the RMIT Research Repository or Trove is a thesis. Details of postgraduate thesis: The thesis for postgraduate is, “Integrated management and care for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease patients.” Thesis database/catalogue used to locate the thesis: The database for this thesis was about students doing research about COPD causes and management Explain how the thesis is relevant to your own research question. (50-100 words) Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease is a severe condition that affects people living in poor ventilated room and hence inhaling polluted air. Other causing factor is smoking tobacco and hence causing carbon deposits in lungs. The major consideration in health care is managing the patients experiencing COPD conditions. Therefore, the study seeks to explain the integrated management and care that are supposed to be provided to such patients in order to provide prolonged life. 4.2 Books and Patents Locate either a book or a patent relevant to your research in some way. To locate a book use either LibrarySearch to search RMIT Library or use Libraries Australia Quick guide: In some Subject Guides there is a list of book subject headings under the Books tab that may be useful. If there are no subject headings in your Subject Guide, or they are too broad, search LibrarySearch using keywords instead. To find a patent relevant to your work use the Patents sources listed in your Subject Guide or check the Patents guide. (Note: if your Subject Guide does not have a Patents tab then patents may not be relevant to you). Quick guide: When searching the United States Patent and Trademark Office, select Advanced Search and limit your keywords to the title and abstract of the patent by using this format: ttl,abst/((tumor$ or anticancer) and (marine or sponge)) (Note: $ replaces * ) Details of book or patent: This book is about shows hot to assess human respiratory process and addressing can be safe from some COPD by staying healthy free from smoking tobacco and the immunity will be strong. Explain how the content of the book or patent assists you with your research. (50-100 words) The book provides more information in regard to Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and hence improving understanding on the management and protective approach. The condition has been experienced by many patients and hence identification of the symptoms is the basic and foundation to treatment process. There are great information provided by this book as it gives some of the causing factor and how they can be avoided, managed and treated. Finally, the COPD is a lifestyle condition and hence requires adjusting our life in order to live safe. 4.3 Staying Current Plan a current awareness strategy to keep your research up-to-date and to stay aware of developments in your field. List at least three different options that you are using to stay current. Give details in terms of your own topic. Quick guide: Working With Your Search Results: Staying Current Step by Step instructions for saving a search in Web of Science Core Collection: To save a search you have done in Web of Science as a search alert, select Search History - Save History/Create Alert. After registering, provide a SEARCH HISTORY NAME and tick EMAIL ALERTS, then make a selection at Alert type, E-mail format and E-mail frequency. To see what you have set up, select My Tools on the Search page. If it says Alerting Status: Off, click on the Activate tab. Note the expiry date of your alert. Step by Step instructions for saving a search in Scopus: To save a search you have done in Scopus as a search alert, select Set Alert which appears at the top of the page when the search results are displaying. Select My Alerts to view what you have set up, and to delete if necessary Depending on increasing quest of research in medical and health care field, the changes are experienced within a short period. In order to avoid being left behind due to lack of updated information, I will ensure being in touch to the developing researches to equip with the information. The process of enlightening with the current happening would contribute even predicting on the future occurrences depending on the changes being achieved through innovation and technology. Therefore, reading articles and books relating to the study would be the best ideal strategy that provides relation of the issues happening in the public domain and channels to the knowledge being acquired. Q.5 5.1 Compile a bibliography in Microsoft Word using the two journal article references found in Q.2 and the thesis and book/patent reference from Q.4. Present your four references in the Harvarded6v9 style (not EndNote’s Harvard). Quick guide: It is not necessary to use EndNote referencing software to complete this question. A Library Guide to the Harvarded6v9 style (referred to simply as Harvard) is available at the Referencing guides page and an example bibliography is also provided below. However EndNote software is extremely valuable to Masters by Research and PhD students as it automatically generates bibliographies. Check with your supervisor if you are not sure of its value to you. To get started with EndNote go to Working With Your Search Results: Referencing Software. Watch the training videos listed in the Online Tutorials box. Download the EndNote software to your computer via the link in the Download EndNote box. Via the same link, download the Harvarded6v9 EndNote style and save it to your EndNote styles folder, c:/program files/endnote/styles (Do not use the version of Harvard that comes with the EndNote software. EndNote’s Harvard presents author names in capitals which is not the style you require). Download and work through EndNote X7 Exercise 1.doc and EndNote X7 Exercise 2.doc available in the EndNote Step by Step box. For further assistance, contact your Liaison Librarian. Bibliography Harvard Style Goreb, C. J. 2000, ‘How well do we care for patients with end stage chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)? A comparison of palliative care and quality of life in COPD and lung cancer,’Healthcare Journal, pp.12-134. Nici, L., & ZuWallack, R. L. 2012, Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease : co-morbidities and systemic consequences. New York: Humana Press. Shimberg, E. 2003, Coping with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease / Understanding, Treating, and Living With Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. New York: St. Martin's Griffin. Siafakas, P. V. 1995, ‘Optimal assessment and management of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)’, European Respiratory Journal, 1398-1407. Spiro, S. G. 2004, ‘Q & A color review of respiratory medicine,’ New York : Thieme. Titova, E. 2015, ‘An integrated care management program (ICMP) for patients with severe COPD; mortality, hazards and causes’, European Respiratory Journal, pp. 213-358. APA Style Goreb, C. J. (2000). How well do we care for patients with end stage chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)? A comparison of palliative care and quality of life in COPD and lung cancer. Healthcare Journal, pp.12-134. Nici, L., & ZuWallack, R. L. (2012). Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease : co-morbidities and systemic consequences. New York: Humana Press, pp 14-44 Shimberg, E. (2003). Coping with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease / Understanding, Treating, and Living With Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. New York: St. Martin's Griffin, pp. 32-86 Siafakas, P. V. (1995). Optimal assessment and management of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). European Respiratory Journal, 1398-1407. Spiro, S. (2004). Q & A color review of respiratory medicine. New York: Thieme, pp.12-56. Titova, E. (2015). An integrated care management program (ICMP) for patients with severe COPD; mortality, hazards and causes. European Respiratory Journal, pp.213-358. Read More
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Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 Words.
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