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Wirelessly Powered Device Cruises the Bloodstream - Case Study Example

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This case study "Wirelessly Powered Device Cruises the Bloodstream" presents the importance of wireless devices in the medical field and their critical attributes regarding the understanding of the various medical problems affecting the arteries and the body organs…
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Wirelessly Powered Device Cruises the Bloodstream By Tahani Alrashedi Aerospace Engineering Khalifa University Submission Date Submitted to Dr. Katherine Lelia Hall Assistant Professor, English Transmittal Letter May 18, 2012 Dr. Katherine Lelia Hall, Assistant Professor, English, School of Aerospace Engineering, Khalifa University. Dear Dr. Katherine: Subject: Report on the Wirelessly Powered Device Cruises the Bloodstream, I am submitting herewith my report entitled; Wirelessly Powered Device Cruises the Bloodstream as partial fulfilment of this course requirement. The main purpose for this report is to outline the relevance of the new device that is wireless and enhanced to flow in the blood stream. The report shows the technical aspect of the device, its components and importance and eventual inclusion in the UAE health care delivery. The discussion well illustrates this and the conclusion recommendations are clear to ascertain and portray the way forward towards the enhancement of the medical field with regard to the device. I hope that the report will merit your approval. Yours faithfully, Tahani Alrashedi. Table of Contents Transmittal Letter 1 Table of Contents 2 Abstract 3 1.0.Introduction 4 1.1.The Wirelessly Powered Device in context 4 2.0.Criteria 5 2.1.Purpose and Clops 6 3.0. Discussion 7 4.0. Recommendations 10 6.0. Reference List 13 7.0. Appendixes 14 Appendix I: Pictures of the microchip. 14 Appendix II: microchip with antenna 14 List of Illustrations Appendix I: Pictures of the microchip. 14 Appendix II: microchip with antenna 14 Abstract Implants are critical ventures in medicine field with respect to solving the cardio and internal muscular problems. Of major interest in this study is the devices planted in the blood vessels that are highly crucial in the evaluation of the effectiveness of the blood vessels and the eventual normal blood flow. Further, their ability to deliver drugs to target internal organs and create solutions to arterial thinning and blood clots will be critically reviewed. This report paper tries to ascertain the importance of the wireless devices in the medicine field and their critical attributes regarding the understanding of the various medical problems affecting the arteries and the body organs. The paper will look into the criteria to this research by outlining the breakthrough made by the new devices. Further, the background information regarding the devices and the implications they can have to the UAE medical field discussed. Finally, having outlined the devices and its critical review, a conclusion showing its viability in UAE will be outlined Key Words: Implants, Magnetic, Wireless, Bloodstream, Device, blood vessels. 1.0. Introduction The development of implants capable of travelling through the bloodstream is a critical invention. It not only requires energy to power its medical functions, but also its propulsion system. According to Myers (2012) the current batteries are not in a position to be installed in a form factor small enough to fit in the blood vessels. The approach to solve the quagmire is to remove the battery and utilize a wireless electromagnetic power delivery, as well as the monitoring system. The essence of this research paper is to evaluate the viability for incorporation of the wirelessly powered device for flowing in the blood system. This is in context to the incorporation in the United Arab Emirates health care delivery. This is achieved by critically looking at the device in context and stating clearly its advantages in comparison to the old devices. The technological advancement on the device is critical to the whole context of this research study. This is in respect to enhancing power reliability efficiency to the gadget under consideration. With overcoming the power challenge, the idea of using implants in the medical field has come out to be a success and efficiency has been improved. 1.1. The Wirelessly Powered Device in context The discovery of radio waves being transmitted effectively in the body fluids and tissues was a great step in the medical field. The development has led to researchers installing self propelled devices capable of moving in the blood stream while being wirelessly powered from outside (parker, 2012). According to MTBE (2012), the device powered wirelessly by radio waves constitute a radio transmitter outside the body sending signals to the body directly to an autonomous apparatus that picks up the signal with an antenna of coiled wire (see appendix II). The magnetic property comes handy in this regard; the transmitter and antenna are magnetically coupled in such a way that any current change in current flow in the transmitter will eventually induce a voltage in the other wire (Quick, 2012). The wireless devices dissipate instant energy inside the human tissue, fading exponentially as they go deeper into the organ and deep into the microscopic cells. Consequently, the antennas cater for sufficient power from waves having low frequency capable to penetrate the tissues of the human body effectively without causing any radioactive damages (Heintz, 2012). 2.0. Criteria The evaluation of the technological advancement with regard to the medical field is critical in the context of this study. The development in technology has established various sectors of service delivery and the medical field has evolved with the dispensation. In respect to this research study, the qualitative analysis has been utilized to ascertain the relevance and effectiveness of the wireless powered device that can flow effectively in the blood vessels. This paper looks into the developments in the field of medicine with respect to understanding various major medical problems like the analysis of blood vessels for clots or blockage, as well as drug delivery. This will be arrived at by qualitatively analysing the breakthroughs made by the engineers of Stanford regarding the medical field. The breakthrough has been well observed with respect to the ability of the new devise to travel effectively through the bloodstream to deliver drugs, perform analysis and even zap blood clots or remove plaque from sclerotic arteries (Myers, 2012). This clearly shows advancements made in the medical technology. This research critically evaluates the new inventions as illustrated most recent headlines concerning medical sciences and technology. The topic on the invention have turned out to be a discussion at all cadres of learning even to the lower grades students showing the level of enthusiasm that has been ensued. The device culminates 50 years of research work, thus spanning a range of documentation regarding the biological concepts with a bias to human organs. 2.1. Purpose and Clops The main purpose of the assignment is to ascertain the relevance of the device in the medical field and its effectual application in the UAE medical sector. This will see the enhancement of health delivery with regard to the cardio and internal organ analysis and drug delivery. With regard to the microchips, the clops here are the furthering development of treatment and aim at finding significant change to the drug delivery procedures. The information availed here represent the data for validating drug delivery with the need for injections and enhance the management of diverse chronic diseases like osteoporosis where we find therapy adherence as a major problem. This brings out a new era of telemedicine. 2.2. Assumption For purposes of the study report, the following assumptions were made with regard to effectiveness. The wirelessly powered device will be accepted and approved by the World Health Organisation. The various chips to be devised for various procedures will work as the one developed, and discussed here. The device is able to cruise throughout the entire circulatory system. The implants have no side effects and the chances of failure are dismal. The magnetic waves used do not have any long term effects to the human body. 2.3. Limitation The following limitations were encountered in the course of the study with regard to the device under study. Lack of sufficient information regarding the entire research study from the beginning. Failure to connect the effectiveness of engineers and their conceptual medical application. Lack of clear indications to show the diversity of the implants in drug delivery. Insufficient time and resources to effectively study the device and understand the practicability of it. 3.0. Discussion The setbacks that have been experienced in the medicine field owing to the lack of effective measures to investigate on the problems faced or mean to deliver medication effectively to the target tissues. The cardiac medication can be termed to be a sensitive one, and the incorporation of new implants for analysis and drug delivery has brought new light in this field. The biggest obstacle that prevented scientists from deeply evaluating the limitless feasibilities of apparatus regarding electronic implants and inner organ analysis was to do with effective power sources for the propulsion of the micro-miniature implant (Quick, 2012). The power source sought after was supposed to be reliable, and for the whole process of the device movement in the body till it accomplishes its target task. The Stanford engineers, with specific emphasis on Poon’s work; they have made a breakthrough in overcoming the hurdle (Parker, 2012). The evaluations carried out by Ada Poon show that the devices were initially calculated with the notion of the muscles, bones and fats basically being good conductors of electricity (Parker, 2012). On the realisation of the human tissues being bad conductors of electricity but, radio wave scan penetrate effectively challenged Poon to redo the models with human tissues as the type of insulator termed as dielectric. According to Parker (2012) the new mathematical calculations by Poon showed that high frequency signals could travel in human tissues. The development of the prototype of a small, self propelling device (see appendix I) has resulted to a small device powered wirelessly from outside the body. The technology that has incorporated the miniaturization of electronic and automatic devices has been in place though hindered by reliable power source (Myers, 2012). The coming up with a device that does not constitute a battery is a great accomplishment. Looking at the old technology, the likes of pacemaker implants were immovable, and batteries took most of their architectural setup. The space could be utilised for other electronic tools to effectively make the device highly efficient. Apart from the space occupied, there is the regular battery change calling for perennial surgeries that can cause implications or even malfunctioning of the device or even the organ system. The effective developments of the health sector and the embracing of technology present a greater opportunity to the UAE Ministry of Health. The transformation with regard to the delivery of effective services is very critical. On critically analysing the old devices and their setbacks; it imperative to note that the United Arab Emirates medical specialists have every reason to embrace the new technology and improve health care to another level. This is in regard to the improvement of the healthcare delivery in UAE, as well as enhancing the technological expertise embraced in the field (Massey, 2012). With the inclusion of electronic healthcare in UAE, the exploitation of wireless implants will go along the way in the realization of a technological advanced health sector and efficient services to all citizens in UAE. The device does not bring about the ethical issues that have been associated with continued surgeries to change batteries of the old gadgets. Based on the assumptions taken by Poon, (Parker, 2012); she was able to come up with new and profound findings. This is a good lesson to the UAE health sector, as well as the technical researchers on the effectiveness of conducting research studies with goals attached to solve impending hindrances. With this incorporation, the work of neurosurgery will be heightened and enhanced to greater heights. The specialty calls for critical research and effectiveness in the carrying out of the actual treatment. Thus, the realisation of this technology will go along the way in making the effective analysis prior to surgery. With the elimination of battery and the embracing of wireless electromagnetic power transfer, the UAE health sector will find this a great opportunity for venturing with the new devices. The development of two self propelled devices is a considerable achievement. One device developed drives current directly via the fluid come up with a directional force that pushes the device forward. The device has the capacity to flow at a speed of half a centimetre in a second. This is critical in the sense that it will ease and allow the directional flow of the micro-chip along the blood vessels to the intended target organ. The second type switches current back and forth via a wire loop to generate a switching motion (Parker, 2012). The motion is critical and avails the energy that ensures the chip is in motion through the system of blood flow. With the enhanced frequencies of the device, there is the realization that optimal frequency for wireless magnetic powering is close to a gigahertz, this is a hundred times higher than was prior thought (Myers, 2012). This invention has brought about a large possibility for considerable strides in the world of medical sciences. This brings out a promising future to the realisation of healing of people. This brings out the perspective that doctors will get the ability to attend to more patients effectively and offer sufficient services to facilitate healing. This will be realised with minimal time than what was initially taken and essentially lead to more people getting the services. Convenience in regard to the doctor and the patient will be enhanced with the doctor easily detecting the problem in the interior of the body with ease and efficiency. It is critical to state that the journey of medical success has been boosted with clear and success bearing ventures. This is in regard to the once scientifically improbable has surfaced as a major breakthrough in the medical field. It is evident that the medical hurdles along the realisation of success and major breakthroughs can be overcome with research studies and outright findings geared towards bringing more future successes in the scientific field. The discovery gives access to other inventions, as well as discoveries that would later on make giant steps in the field of medical science and technology. The UAE authorities are capable of backing the inclusion of this technology in the national health sector and the regional sectors (Massey, 2012). This will be a milestone achievement not only, to the federal and national government, but also to the larger region of the Middle East. 4.0. Recommendations The medical field is one sector that is core to the welfare of the whole society. The technological development by Ada Poon and her team of engineers from Stanford clearly shows the breakthrough research can achieve amid the magnitude of time taken. In respect to this, this creates a doorway to other research studies based on this successful undertaking. The development measures regarding the UAE medical field are also very critical in this study. In regard to the development and findings of Ada Poon and her team, every medical field is bound to utilize the findings for greater achievements. Therefore, the following recommendations are highly crucial with regard to the embracing of the medical technology of utilizing the wireless powered device in the UAE medical sector. Initiate research studies to ascertain the utilisation and affordability of the device in United Arab Emirates. To extensively enhance the institution of higher learning and medical research institutions to embrace the idea of Stanford and come up with research studies to improve UAE medical sector. Encourage the quick incorporation of this technology in the medical field by getting approval from World Health Organisation. Support financially the development towards the overall achievement of the effective realisation of the new technology in the medical field. 5.0. Conclusions The new invention of a wireless powered device for flowing in the blood vessel is a major breakthrough in the medical field with regard to analysis of diseases like the iliac artery, delivery of drugs and with no batteries that would wear out or increase surface area and the elimination of cables in power provision. This new invention improves the services of the devices that had found much importance in the medical field like the heart probes, chemical and pressure sensors, cochlear implants, drug pumps and the pacemakers. The advantage of the new invention brought about by Poon is its ability to cruise in the blood stream in the quest to deliver drugs, conduct internal organs analysis, and dissolve blood clots or remove plaque from sclerotic arteries (Heintz, 2012). Further, it brings out the concept of research development on the same, as Poon states, “there is considerable room for improvement to realise the full inclusion of the devices in real application, in the medical field (MTBE, 2012). Nevertheless, for the first time in decades, the probability of realising success in this context has come very close. The Ministry of Health in UAE has the advantage of utilising the new technology with regard to effectively improving the health care delivery. With its effectiveness, the new invention cannot be ignored. With the national government having the capacity to ascertain the effectiveness of the technology by incorporating the services of specialists’ in the medical field in UAE, there is no reason to ignore. With the ever changing global technology, there is a critical need to assess and realize that proceed of the marvellous works of Ada Poon and the reputable Stanford School of engineering. The detection of major problems emanating from the internal organs is now a reality. Owing to this initial breakthrough in the current generation after fifty years of research study, there is a greater need for further research without hesitation towards the overall realisation of profound revelations in the field of medicine. This is in line with coming up with more solutions to medical problems that have faced the world. 6.0. Reference List Heintz, L. (2012). Self-propelled Robots are ready to enter your bloodstream. [Online] Accessed on May 16, 2012 from Massey, J. (2012) E-Health in the UAE: Benefits of a national framework. [Online] Accessed on May 16, 2012 MTBE (2012). Wireless self-propelled chip swims through blood vessels. Wireless self- propelled chip swims through blood vessels. [Online] Accessed on May 16, 2012 from Myers, A. (2012). Swimming through the blood stream: Stanford engineers create wireless, self propelled medical device. Standard University. [Online] Accessed on May 16, 2012 from Parker, W. (2012). Wireless breakthrough in self-propelled implantable medical devices. [Online] Accessed on May 16, 2012 from Quick, D. (2012). Wireless powered medical implant propels itself through the bloodstream. [Online] Accessed on May 16, 2012 from 7.0. Appendixes Appendix I: Pictures of the microchip. Appendix II: microchip with antenna Read More
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