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Atopic Dermatitis: Treatment by Means of Plants - Research Paper Example

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This paper "Atopic Dermatitis: Treatment by Means of Plants" discusses atopic dermatitis as a serious skin ailment which, like any other disease, has two approaches to treatment: medical, that is, traditional, and folklore, that is, with the use of various herbs…
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Atopic Dermatitis: Treatment by Means of Plants
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02 June Atopic Dermatitis: Treatment by Means of Plants Introduction There are a big number of different diseases and ailments which demand special ways of treatment. As the symptoms are unique for each of them, consequently, the treatment will also vary correspondently. The common thing, however, in this regard is that there are two approaches to treatment: standard, that is, by means of traditional medicines and medical techniques, and folklore which usually presupposes use of various natural components, such as plants, to reach the same goals. It is obvious that these approaches may and often do conflict due to different means used: the first one is purely scientific and is based upon the data of experiments and investigations made by the appropriate trained personnel, whereas the second one is based on everyday life experience of people who are amateurs in the sphere of medical treatment and consider natural ways more reliable and harmless. This paper will consider and compare the two mentioned approaches on the example of a skin ailment called atopic dermatitis. Methods This research paper will use such methods of revealing of its topic: study of material sources on the subject matter of the research (standard and folklore treatment of atopic dermatitis), study of medical and scientific evidences of the mentioned case. Hypothesis The hypothesis of the present research paper is that folklore way of treatment of the mentioned disease has the right for existence, though there may be some claims in this regard which should be strictly observed with the subsequent consulting the doctor if necessary. Results The analysis of the mentioned data resources has given the following results which will be described in the following way: a brief description and medical information about the atopic dermatitis, standard approach to its treatment, folklore approach to the same matter, claims related to the latter, discussion of the finding results and conclusion. A Brief Introduction to Atopic Dermatitis Atopic dermatitis has become a significant point of concern from dermatological perspective as it has become prevalent among the other skin ailments. (De Benedetto et al., 2009). From medical point of view it is defined in the following way: “Atopic dermatitis is a common inflammatory skin condition characterized by relapsing eczematous lesions in a typical distribution.” (Tollefson, Bruckner, 2014). The term, as it is obvious from its title, is composed of two words of Greek origin: atopic means strange, and dermatitis is a derivative from the word derma (skin) which defines the condition of the skin inflammation. (Cole, 2014). This skin ailment is of chronic nature. (Tollefson, Bruckner, 2014). The ailment is common for children and affects them to greater extent than the adults: the body of the children aged up to one year may be subjected to harmful affect almost completely. (American Academy of Dermatology, 2015; Tollefson, Bruckner, 2014). “Occasionally, [however], it may persist into adulthood or may actually appear at that time.” (Cole, 2014). The most often time when children get this skin ailment if the period of their first year and during this period the ailment causes appearance of scaly and dry patches on the children’s skin. (American Academy of Dermatology, 2015). Atopic dermatitis is characterized by its intensive itchiness independently of the time and place of its appearance, and rubbing the damages areas of skin exacerbate negative influence of the disease. (American Academy of Dermatology, 2015). “Itching varies but may be intense and scratching hard to resist.” (Cole, 2014). Too intensive scratching of the damaged areas causes darkening and thickening of the skin and may complicate the state of affairs from medical perspective by potential causing of infections of bacterial nature. (Cole, 2014). Atopic dermatitis may be both determined at genetic level and inherited. (Cole, 2014). The ailment, similarly to many others, is characterized mostly with the two periods: flares, or aggravations, when the ailment reaches its worst phase, and remissions, that is, periods when the skin may improve its condition or become entirely clean; in some cases a protracted ailment development is observed with different phases of downs and ups. (Cole, 2014). There are numerous factors which can aggravate the symptoms and the effect of atopic dermatitis, such as cold weather, low level of humidity, skin exposure to detergents and soaps which are too rigid, and allergies occurring on a seasonal basis. As it have been mentioned before, atopic dermatitis can be predetermined on genetic level; in this case, actors of the environment can give impulse for atopic dermatitis symptoms occurrence at any moment of time within the course of life of the patient with the mentioned inherited atopic dermatitis predetermination. (Cole, 2014). The thing that shall be mentioned in the course of the ailment study is its cause, and the one which causes atopic dermatitis still remains unknown. (Cole, 2014). The thing that contributes to the ailment progress is excessive sensitivity of the patient’s skin and his or her often itching practice, which is referred to the potential basis of the skin ailment by the physicians. The possible reason for the disease emergence is the combination of the above mentioned hereditary predetermination and the factors of the environment that may lead to such ailment occurrence. (Cole, 2014). “Evidence suggests that the disease is associated with other so-called atopic disorders such as hay fever (seasonal allergies) and asthma, which many people with atopic dermatitis also have.” (Cole, 2014). It is, however, necessary to mention that one particular disease is not always the reason which causes the other one, moreover, the relations of multiple diseases shall be investigated separately from the skin ailment, but there is a possibility of interaction of several disorders. The point of concern in terms of the factors which may cause the mentioned skin ailment is the potential weakness of the innate immune system of the patients which usually has mild form. These patients may be presupposed to foot disease of fungal nature and infections caused by staphylococcus combined with their ability to disseminate infections of herpes to skin. There is also a suggestion that emotional condition including stresses and breakdowns can aggravate the ailment, however, they are, obviously, not related to the major reasons for atopic dermatitis emergence. (Cole, 2014). The symptoms of the mentioned skin ailment include red, itchy and dry skin. The areas which are exposed to the ailment attacks are arms folds, knees backs, hands, face and wrists. It does not necessarily mean that the other parts of human body are unaffected by the skin disease: rashes under the ears and on any other body parts may be also observed, though not as frequent as the previously mentioned ones. (Cole, 2014). This information about the disease makes it possible to briefly consider the treatment ways and to suggest a protocol which will use scientific evidences for assessment of the claims regarding such folklore way of treatment as herbs. Traditional Atopic Dermatitis Treatment As this way is not the main focus of the study, it will be considered briefly. People suffering from atopic dermatitis do not need emergency treatment, as a rule, but in case of aggravation of their condition and flares becoming acute due to, for example, infection or eczema it is quite possible to visit the emergency department. (Kim, 2014). Moisturization is one of the main techniques applied for atopic dermatitis treatment. Baths of lukewarm lasting for five minutes and the subsequent moisturizer application, for example, white petrolatum, is a beneficial means of treatment. This technique is used for skin moisturization and hydration complemented by the addition of oils for emulsifying; the baths taking should be frequent. The mentioned application of oil prevents the water from evaporation. The adults are recommended to do this procedure one to two times a day, whereas the children can quite bear three baths for the same period of time. (Kim, 2014). The skin ailment is also treated by means of medicines. The mainstream in this regard is the use to topical steroids. “Ointment bases are preferred, particularly in dry environments.” (Kim, 2014). 1 per cent powder of hydrocortisone based on an ointment makes the primary therapy with its application twice a day on the damaged areas of skin. For the purpose of prevention of acute flares development a 1,25 per cent solution of hydrocortisone in acid mantle is used on a longer than daily basis. (Kim, 2014). The use of immunomodulators is also practiced. It is reported that this is one of the most effective ways of treatment and there is little absorption when applying it. (Kim, 2014). Folklore Plant Treatment of Atopic Dermatitis This section will explore the practice of treatment of the above mentioned skin ailment and will test the scientific claims related to it. As the mentioned skin ailment is also referred to as eczema, which means from Greek ‘to boil something over’, the principle of treatment with the use of herbs is boiling the damaged areas with the medicine prepared from the plants. (Dallmeier, 2013). There are many plants which provide useful materials for medicines making, and this chapter will consider the most effective ones. Aloe vera is a universal and powerful enough first-aid means used for different purposes, including various skin ailments. (Hobbs, Gardner, 2013). This is a generally recognized plant which is difficult to be erroneously taken for any other one. “Aloe is a multiple-leaved succulent, and those thick, fleshy, green leaves are the main attraction”. (Hobbs, Gardner, 2013). There are various forms of application of this plant to treat the damaged body parts: salves, creams, gels; the most effective form, however, is a gel made of the leaf bottom during its squeezing or a juice which is drained from the leaf freshly. The gel is very useful in terms of skin treatment due to its high contain of polysaccharides and glycoproteins which facilitate new tissue production. The gel also positively acts on the dry skin which is another benefit in terms of the mentioned skin ailment treatment. (Hobbs, Gardner, 2013). The picture of this plant is attached below for visual instance: Source: Herbal Remedies Advise, 2015. Chamomile is another very popular plant used for the purpose of atopic dermatitis treatment, and its popularity is caused by its useful features: antiseptic, anti-inflammatory (which is namely the thing needed for atopic dermatitis treatment), anti-fungal and anti-bacterial. Chamomile is one of several plants which have been clinically trialed to clarify its efficiency in terms of skin ailments treatment. German scientists made the greatest contribution in this regard, and the 60 per cent efficiency of the 0,25 per cent hydrocortisone was proved. Chamomile-based ointment showed positive results in dermatitis treatment. (Dallmeier, 2013). This plant looks like this: Source: Herbal Remedies Advise, 2015. Calendula is a plant properties of which have presupposed its being a number two universal remedy for skin treatment after the above mentioned aloe vera. Main benefit it provides is its inflammatory action. In terms of eczema, or dermatitis, treatment, it also offers bactericide, skin-healing effect. This plant has not been chosen for particular analysis of efficiency as the above mentioned chamomile, but one research has proved that calendula application reduces dermatitis occurrence with the patients suffering from cancer. (Dallmeier, 2013). The picture of the plant is attached: Source: Herbal Remedies Advise, 2015. Dandelion has also proved its efficiency when applied for dermatitis treatment. “Dandelion sap, otherwise known as dandelion milk, is used in treating skin diseases caused by microbial or fungal infection.” (Dallmeier, 2013). The flowers of this plant provide a big amount of lecithin – a chemical substance which is a very active moisturizer, and its roots rich in inulin also positively acts in terms of the skin moisturizing, precisely, preserving the moisture on the skin. It is necessary to mention, however, that no studies have been conducted yet aimed at proving its efficiency for atopic dermatitis treatment leaving practical application being the only reliable source of real information. (Dallmeier, 2013). Dandelion looks the following way: Source: Herbal Remedies Advise, 2015. Lavender is another species of the flora application of which is useful for the purpose of atopic dermatitis treatment. Its main properties include anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and anti-fungal, and this list can be continued by other less significant but not less useful features of the plant. Lavender is a stimulator for the skin regeneration – it promotes growth of cells. Inflammation reduction is the main feature which makes this plant useful in terms of eczema treatment. (Dallmeier, 2013). Nettle is the plant which has been used for treatment of eczema for hundreds of years and is still successfully applied for the same purpose. “It is anti-inflammatory, astringent, bactericidal, healing, mildly deodorant and stimulating”. Dallmeier, 2013). Similarly to the above mentioned plants, anti-inflammatory property of nettle is the main means of eczema treatment and the accompanying symptoms such as itchiness and pain in the damaged skin areas. There has been no scientific research conducted on this plant and its efficiency in terms of eczema treatment, but theoretical framework of the scientific outcomes from practical use of nettle suggests that this could be quite possible. (Dallmeier, 2013). This plant looks quite usual because of its wide spread: Source: Herbal Remedies Advise, 2015. Althea officinalis, or marsh mallow, is one more plant which properties meet the requirements to the plants used for eczema treatment: its main effect is anti-irritating and anti-inflammatory, and the mucilage of the plant is capable of creating a soothing substance similar to gel which is useful to apply to the damaged skin areas. (Dallmeier, 2013). It is now known whether any clinical or scientific researches has been made for the same purpose as the previously mentioned plants, but practical use from its application is at least an evidence of its hypothetical efficiency. Marsh mallow is depicted on the picture below: Source: Herbal Remedies Advise, 2015. Discussion The above mentioned theoretical and practical information from the research findings give opportunity to identify the most important points and to summarize upon the natural and herbal treatment of the skin ailment under investigation, as well as to create a protocol regarding claims about the latter way of this disease treatment. Atopic dermatitis is the skin ailment which is chronic and damages skin making it red, itchy and dry. Such skin condition may vary between such forms as mild and severe and demonstrates features of fluctuation on a seasonal basis or even during the day. The fact that aggravates this ailment is itchiness which may cause infections of bacterial nature. This skin condition is primarily aimed at children, however, there are cases when adults are also subjected to this skin ailment. The thing that prevents the science and medicine from more effective treatment of this skin damage is that there is no clear reason found which causes its emergence. There is, however, evidence that hereditary predetermination complemented by the environmental factors may be potential causes of atopic dermatitis. It is also suggested that stresses and nervous breakdowns, as well as any other negative emotional influence, exacerbate the development of the ailment, though they are not reasons of it themselves. (Herbal Remedies Advise, 2015). Treatment of atopic dermatitis follows the pattern of any disease treatment from the present moment perspective: there are two approaches to the way it is healed, these include traditional (with the use of medicines) and folklore (natural and herbal). There is, however, a suggestion that herbs treatment may only be helpful in terms of the symptoms suppressing, while the standard approach is the best one. (Herbal Remedies Advise, 2015). This is a point of concern and a reason for taking the effects of the both mentioned ways into consideration, which will give opportunity to react to the mentioned claim regarding herbal treatment. This will be done in the form of the following table: Plant Efficiency Features Practical evidence Scientific evidence 1) Aloe vera high contain of polysaccharides and glycoproteins which facilitate new tissue production (Hobbs, Gardner, 2013) Frequently used for atopic dermatitis treatment, positive results (Dallmeier, 2013) According to the research, anti-inflammatory action of the plant has been proved (Dallmeier, 2013) 2) Chamomile antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal and anti-bacterial (Dallmeier, 2013) Frequently used for atopic dermatitis treatment, positive results (Dallmeier, 2013) German scientists made the greatest contribution in this regard, and the 60 per cent efficiency of the 0,25 per cent hydrocortisone was proved. Chamomile-based ointment showed positive results in dermatitis treatment. (Dallmeier, 2013) 3) Calendula inflammatory bactericide, skin-healing (Dallmeier, 2013) Frequently used for atopic dermatitis treatment, positive results (Dallmeier, 2013) research has proved that calendula application reduces dermatitis occurrence with the patients suffering from cancer. (Dallmeier, 2013) 4) Dandelion big amount of lecithin and inulin (Dallmeier, 2013) Frequently used for atopic dermatitis treatment, positive results (Dallmeier, 2013) no studies have been conducted yet (Dallmeier, 2013)* 5) Lavender anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and anti-fungal (Dallmeier, 2013) Frequently used for atopic dermatitis treatment, positive results (Dallmeier, 2013) Scientifically proved efficiency of atopic dermatitis treatment (University of Maryland, 2013) 6) Nettle “…anti-inflammatory, astringent, bactericidal, healing, mildly deodorant and stimulating”. (Dallmeier, 2013) Frequently used for atopic dermatitis treatment, positive results (Dallmeier, 2013) no scientific research conducted on this plant (Dallmeier, 2013)* 7) Marsh mallow anti-irritating and anti-inflammatory, soothing (Dallmeier, 2013) Frequently used for atopic dermatitis treatment, positive results (Dallmeier, 2013) It is now known whether any clinical or scientific researches has been made (Dallmeier, 2013)* The table makes it possible to draw such a conclusion about the claim which is related to inefficiency of the herbal way of treatment: three plants marked with asterisk have no scientific evidence of the effect they have in terms of atopic dermatitis treatment, however, they have practical evidence of effective treatment which is an outcome of their application for medical purposes. It is preferable that all the plants considered have scientifically grounded evidences, but it is also possible to state that the ones having no such evidences are at least not harmful and can potentially be applied on practice; moreover, this gives the basis, the subject matter and the problem for further scientific and clinical researches in this sphere. Conclusion The above mentioned information leads to the following conclusions. Atopic dermatitis is a serious skin ailment which, as any other disease, has two approaches to treatment: medical, that is, traditional, and folklore, that is, with the use of various herbs. There are herbs positive effect of eczema treatment of which has been scientifically proved, such as aloe vera, chamomile, calendula, lavender, and those having only practical evidence of their efficiency without any scientific ground. This does not necessarily mean that the latter are ineffective or only symptoms suppressing because practice shows that results of this treatment are as positive as with the use of standard treatment approach. Treatment with the use of plants is also reasonably referred to as more safe because they do not contain chemical components typical of medicine, and this has been proved by personal experience of the researcher: when using aloe vera, the effect has been the same as from pills taking, but the latter has influenced liver due to its necessity to cope with the pharmaceutical loading. Works Cited American Academy of Dermatology. Atopic Dermatitis. 2015. Web. 02 June 2015. Cole, G. Atopic Dermatitis (cont.). 2014. Web. 02 June 2015. Dallmeier, L. 20 Best Skincare Herbs for Treating Eczema. 2013. Web. 02 June 2015. De Benedetto, A., Agnihothri, R., McGirt. L., Bankova, L., Beck, L. Atopic Dermatitis: A Disease Caused by Innate Immune Defects? 2009. Web. 02 June 2015. Herbal Remedies Advise. Atopic Dermatitis. 2015. Web. 02 June 2015. Hobbs, C., Gardner, L. Grow It, Heat It – Natural and Effective Herbal Remedies from Your Garden or Windowsill. 2013. Emmaus: Rodale Books. Print. Tollefson, M., Bruckner, A. Atopic Dermatitis: Skin-Directed Management. 2014. Web. 02 June 2015. University of Maryland. Lavender. 2013. Web. 02 June 2015. Read More
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