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Health in Saudi Community - Report Example

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This report "Health in Saudi Community" discusses health workers who are necessary to be motivated beforehand prior to addressing the common issues or concerns about health in the Saudi community. It sheds light on the things that are detrimental to the human health of the public…
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Health in Saudi Community
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Introduction Unlike the world before, today it changes and becomes faster every day, but one of the most significant observations for vital consideration aside from this is the actual movement of people, which one could link to the prevailing concern about the public health as a turning point that could demonstrate either the best or worst case scenario. The work at hand correspondingly talks about my own dream in Saudi Arabia, directly and indirectly. It talks about the concepts and ideas I have about the link between public health and other relevant factors that could potentially make it a thing of success in the community, and eventually in the entire human race. So let us begin by understanding some other essential things about this issue. As it could be demonstrated, the idea about “Public Health” includes fitness, obesity, health care, exercises, reading, and so on, helping people to improve their health and lifestyle, both in a form of physical and mental standing. However, the problem is that there is no enough time for the average person’s day to go through it all (Livingston, 2013). People might be too busy with their work, family, other social functions such as raising their kids and other relevant social obligations (Livingston, 2013). On the other hand, whoever has the strong objectives there will be several factors that could support him or her to achieve their own dreams. So let us talk about some of these vital factors. Actually the first factor is in line with how an individual will win at the last part of the challenge to eventually consider making it all throughout his entire destinations. However, as commonly heard, what makes it easy to achieve one’s goals in life is to make them clear so as to exactly know what it is that should to be look forward to, making it easier to continue to take action that are in line with future success (Liam). Furthermore, some people have fear towards failure, but they do not realize that behind every success there must be several times of failing too. Consider for instance how the things we used today have come to be considered as ingenious inventions in the history of the human race, but prior to this moment their inventors had gone through series of past trials and errors, prior to coming up the right ideas. Handle it right. Failure can be the best thing that could ever happen to a person “though it may sometimes feel like the worst”, at the other side (McArdle, 2014). However, it is always good to look at the brighter side always. We must live each day with a sense of purpose and establish our goals that we want to pursue (Tolbert, 2012). I believe that if we keep a certain idea in our mind we will approach this vision until we achieve it. Nothing is hard if we have strong desires even if we confront some difficulties. Dreams inspire ideas that can lead to actions, which transforms dreams into reality (Psy.D, 2011). So, our ambitions are worth all that steps of difficulties, which we must work to be a creative and successful people for our own future, as we assist to establish our country at its best. The vision of our future is not just a small part of our dreams but it is also a big challenge with each day passing by until it could finally be a success. Actually see the life you really want to experience and reinforce the vision as you progress through the challenge (Sari, 2013). So, in each day that we strive and try to do our best, certainly challenges are to be considered the main parts of our vision. Outstanding way of setting goals, listing achievements and bringing order to one’s daily routine are all linked to vision (Sari, 2013). Do not waste another minute what your life could be like, reconnect with the real you and create the life of your dreams today (Sari, 2013). I believe that every single day of challenge is building a real road of our dreams. I see myself living some of these words while continuing my education in U.S. In fact, I have a strong desire to be a leader in my own company in line with public health to help people become aware of the significance of public health. Actually, I’m very interested with any subjects pertaining to health, which eventually shows how I am interested to the idea of public health in the first place. Moreover, I believe that public health is very important especially for my community as whole. However, promoting public health also raises provocative ethical questions about some approaches to improve social outcomes (McCormack, 2006). Even so, the secret of my dream is that I’m willing to change a big part of people’s physical and mental aspects in my home country to change their lifestyle for the better. The community in my home country needs awareness. I believe that if one person begins with a positive and strong step towards change h or she will get a huge amount of followers at the same, at some point, someday. So, I hope to be the person I am dreaming today in the future. Public Health in a Community Company Louis, Akala, Karam (2004) have illustrated that the past situation of public health in Saudi Arabia; the government has acknowledged that one of the main reasons that its public health programs failed in the past was the weakness of public health structures. So many years a go, in Saudi Arabia people were not have enough awareness by public health and how much it is affect on the activity of our community in terms of several fields such as development of the country. Therefore, if people do not know how much is public health very significant from early years they will not involve as it assumes which leads to negative results at the long term. However, one moment may change this world for the better, and that will happen when people in my community decide in a minute to change their lifestyle especially if that power comes from youth. For example, eventually there are a lot of youth have began with awareness campaigns to aware people about the importance of public health while they are divided groups in several fields as one group just talking about sports, the other one talking about diets, disease prevention, acquisition of cultures around the world, and so on. So to achieve leadership in the public health sector and as a leader consider what is needed in healthy institutions, there is a need of community willing to change their environment as this youth groups. Social factors are those that arise from the interaction of individuals or groups within the community (Jones & Bartlett Publishers, 2014). The small activities that which people in Saudi Arabia trying to create it to improve Saudi community has a good power day after day and that will lead to the great results in the near future. The development of health care services in Saudi Arabia has influenced life in the Kingdom and changed the health map of the country in a very positive way (2001). People need to this awareness more than which youth people trying to increase that knowledge to the biggest amount of people and more than that development of health care; actually they need to establish a company, which has strong supports to change this little awareness as a basic element in the Saudi community to take people’s attention about the importance of this subject. In sum, people need to have more aware about how much the physical element very important for their life as whole not only from one side, such as, sports and doing exercise is very helpful to give energy, get on the strongest health, maintain on a body fit, and related with their mental element too while it helps them to think positively with the best way. Therefore, I would manage my own company that which only concern about public health to create a new establishment that which help people to get on a new concern for significant part that not only limit on people’s health care, but also will be one of the strongest factors in our community to develop it in several sides as urbanism, get diversity of cultures, and build a new generation with right orientations. I’m striving to encourage people in my community to apply and believe in this idiom in their life as I do “A sound mind in a sound body”. While the physical factors have a big role that which really affect individually then community. Physical factors include the influences of geography, the environment, community size, and industrial development (Jones & Bartlett Publishers, 2014). The biggest motivation that which motivate me to think about establish a company concerns about public health is the recent years I have observed that careless of public health between people are increased. Actually I’ve found on the Arabic Electronic Newspaper some percentages of that side which I willing to decrease it while 74% of men in Saudi Arabia suffer from obesity and weight gain as compared to over 79% of women; and the average illiteracy among Saudi males was 3.75%, while the average female in the same year 9.92%; also that more than 17% of Saudi society practice reading as activity every two days. Those percentages have surprised me, which gave me that power to help my society from the damage that may happen in the near future according on these percentages. On the other hand, as comparing between my society with other societies that which established after my country but has that good awareness which make them have renaissance more than my country. For instance, the percentage of obesity in Japan 3%, and the illiteracy 0%, while the literacy rate about 90%. Therefor, public health sector is very significant not just for a certain group of people but the utilize refers to the community as whole from many important sides such as people’s activities, behaviors and energies in the community organizing and building in health promotion programming. That is, for community organizing/building and health promotion-programming efforts to be successful people must change their behavior while some of the behaviors that need to change as part of these processes are health-related (Jones & Bartlett Publishers, 2014). From these percentages we will begin with the careless of mental powers in Saudi Arabia. Actually, I am not surprised from these averages because the concerns of Saudi community by reading are not as that much. While the number of public libraries are very low, regardless which are seem deserted. The actual results of that is that the Saudi community in general do not develop the reading element since our childhood which make this community born generation after generation do not attract to the reading. Also, there other assistant factor people whom born in illiteracy family, while they will not give their concerns for how they can improve their selves by reading. Moreover, I believe that the good environment give good people, where one of the biggest mistakes that which the entrepreneurs do it is establish entertainment institutes through build a new café, mall, restaurant, which leading to the consequences of increasing of the obesity. It is necessary of that to establish other ways for people’s entertainment. For instance, parks which include roads to do some exercise, small public library, places to get time of rest with getting fresh breathing. All that will be under my own company to give awareness with new ideas to change people’s lifestyle. One of the most important moves to get intelligent people involved in the entire process is to give them appropriate and good environment, allowing them to bring out the best in them concerning their full potential for innovation or creation. One of the most difficult times that a person could experience is when he has new creative ideas, but he cannot easily give it to his community. There are many studies that are good enough, but there are also many of them which cannot give clever ideas about how a person could bring out the best in him. On the other hand, those people when they acquire opportunities like studying abroad have proven their creation by forming new inventions that are not only limited to the benefit of a certain community, but for all the people around the world. So let us talk about motivating the individuals and how exactly they could develop their creative potential in them. The actual interactions between workers and their work environment could determine the level of health worker’s motivation (Franco et al., 2004). There is a complex interaction between health worker and the social environment, for this could have corresponding impact on motivation and performance (Razee et al., 2012). Motivation and performance enhancement programs and strategies are therefore deemed important aspects for vital consideration. After all, health workers for instance are exposed to various aspects in life, most of which is the actual social environment. The actual social environment is immersed in various aspects of life, such social, cultural, political, environmental and so on. For instance, in a health organization, there is a great chance that employees are to be exposed to more meaningful policies that could provide them the opportunity to enhance their skills, and allow them to initiate a more remarkable consideration of their prevailing skills together with their knowledge of something else. In this way, there are being exposed to an environment that is more open to allow them to showcase what they essentially have got. This is the reason, why in many areas in the world today, there is a need to consider motivating the health workers. They are vital parts of the success of the entire community. However, prior to exposing them to a greater heights and allowing them to reveal their full potential for public advantage, there are essential programs that need to be taken into account. One of these includes the idea about how the health sector substantially promotes the idea of reforms and other relevant programs. Health sector reform and public sector health worker motivation have important link together to enhance the motivation and creativity of the health workers (Robyn et al., 2014; Franco, Bennett & Kanfer, 2014). These could give the health workers the opportunity to be guided accordingly and allowing them to be redirected to an essential path that is most acceptable for the society based on its prevailing needs or demands for public health, for instance. At some point, these reforms and other relevant programs could substantially enhance the interest and enthusiasm of the health workers to work hard or showcase their talents and skills even more. At the brighter side of it, interest and enthusiasm of a person towards work are manifestations of intrinsic motivation, according to self-determination theory (Lopes & Chambel, 2014). This is the thing that social psychologists believe in while economists traditionally have in their minds that individual behavior must be motivated exclusively by extrinsic incentives (Serra, Serneels & Barr, 2011). Nonetheless, study reveals that there are financial and non-financial drivers of motivation, which the latter includes personal recognition, personal development and working conditions (Takasugi & Lee, 2012). In other words, people may vary, especially in the things that could substantially motivate them. The intrinsic and extrinsic rewards may be a choice, but one thing that is clear is that people are motivated by something. This is a crucial point of consideration. Whether it is intrinsic or not, monetary or the other way, people need to be motivated, at some point. There are various studies trying to explicate the importance of motivations in ensuring the effective output of an individual, team and eventually the organization. Some of these studies reasonably conclude that it is important to motivate an individual with monetary incentives and others also pointed out those monetary rewards may not matter for as long as there is recognition for what they have done. While reasonably these may have some empirical evidence, it cannot be hidden from our viewpoints that there are some things in us that need to be ignited to enhance our potential. It cannot be denied that financial incentives may be some motivating factors to some volunteer community workers, but it remains a fundamental truth there are also non-financial factors such as the social prestige and positive community feedback (Alam, Tasneem & Oliveras, 2012). In a certain study, it was found that incentives could promote or influence priorities and behaviors (Maslen & Hopkins, 2014). While this remains true, as far as common empirical studies about extrinsic rewards are concerned, some studies also suggest that motivation could go even in the context of understanding the organization’s vision and mission. One study reveals that employees may work harder if they found that their job has the right mission (Fehrler & Kosfeld, 2014). This could also make sense, considering that it is good to work on something that you have a clear perspective on what exactly needs to be done. This is more of a point of view of an organization that remarkably values the concept of ensuring everyone is directed towards its vision. This at some point could be an extrinsic factor, but it goes beyond the concept of monetary rewards. In addition, the other important consideration to ignite the burning passion of health workers is to engage them in the actual process. What this simply means is to allow them to be part of a venue where they can substantially participate in the policy making. This at some point allows them to integrate their actual learning experience, in order to remarkably create a certain process or system that is friendly to them. This can create a harmonious working environment for them, allowing them to initiate the things that are the best out of them. This idea is supported by the findings that are elaborately considered by an empirical study. It says that retaining effective community health worker may mean exposing these workers to ethnographic work to engage them in the policy process, helping them shape new standards and developing solutions to complex policy problems linked to community health work (Maes & Kalofonos, 2013). It is therefore important to initiate the right moves prior to enhancing the public health, today and eventually in the future. This is the reason why it is important to motivate the people behind them, especially the public health workers. As discussed, intrinsic or extrinsic rewards may provide certain level of motivation to these characters, but one important thing for consideration is the thought that they really can be motivated. Actually, in my own point of view, public health will serve a big part of my community to change Saudi community for its own interest and the welfare of its people. One of the most other significant parts that which has a big impact in doing so, aside from the other things I have just mentioned earlier is the education. How much awareness there is in public health or either in schools or universities, and so on could make a difference. As observed, all these institutes allow random foods served for children, teenagers, and youth, so there is very neglect with the kind of food concerning their safety and associated health issues. Moreover, there are little physical classes available in the educational institutions which make students less exposed to the significance of sports for both their body and health. For example, when I was studying at the university in my home country I had a break sometimes between classes about three hours, making me feel bored and lazy. The first thing that I wanted to do was get some unhealthy foods instead of going to have some exercise to bring back my energy for my next classes. Perhaps, the best way to execute the goals of public health in schools is simply to provide students with information; to teach them about their physical body and the different things that can go wrong about their entire physical health if things concerning it are not properly taken care of (Gard & Pluim, 2014). My own company will have to consider this as an opportunity to begin correcting or changing some wrong healthy habits of the children or youth, for a healthy generation. Accordingly, if we just stop right here and limit ourselves to think about the several sides taking into account the ideas about wrong habits, behaviors, and so on about the common practices of people in Saudi Arabia on their health, we might not be able to unfathomably think about the associated damages of it in the long-term. What will happen to the idea of good benefits of initiating physical activities if people themselves still behave with their behaviors that are linked to future destruction? First, as observed, the Saudi community is awake all night and getting sleeo in the morning. This might be a not-so healthy part of a lifestyle, and in the long run their must be something more alarming to be reaped out from such behavior. Therefore, if these things will be realized in the future, then they must generate a substantial negative impact on the community. I am sure we do not want to meet people with less energy for their work. We do not want to deal with individuals with poor mental capacity and poor reflection of themselves. We do not want to associate with people with bad moods all day long. We do not want to work with someone who, just at the start of the day is beginning to have a long day. We do not want to see ourselves acting this way. It is therefore important that we are to be aware with these basic facts of life. We need to be educated about the importance of having a good night sleep and sufficient bodily exercise. Sleep is essential for the normal functioning of the human body (Surani & Subramanian, 2011). Also, doing exercises seems almost nonexistent, without knowing the fact that not having sufficient exercise could make people lazy, losing their energy day after day, while this could potentially lead them to the path of obesity year after year. Imagine a society having all these common problems at a time. Such community is in the danger of having its people walking through the path of destruction. Thus, I suggest, people in my home country need to know the concern of public health and things that could potentially harm their health in the long-term. There are some common problems confronting countries around the world. In fact, Saudi community has this kind of problem, “Smoking”. Unfortunately, many people until now do not have strong conviction to believe that this habit is a leading cause of death. The bad thing, smoking habit has been considered as a fashion style in Saudi Arabia, spreading such habit among young generation, between the age of 18 to 30 years old. Actually, there is no law forbidding cigarette to be sold to less than eighteen years old in Saudi Arabia. This allows the incidence of smoking to increase among teenagers, and even to children too due to the absence of significant censorship. I saw a lot of children between 8 to 13 years smoking around their schools, and all of this was behind the actual knowledge of their parents. Smoking is becoming open to baby boomers (Etile & Jones, 2011). Smoking is one of the most dangerous habits that could kill, and is associated with heart disease, hard breathing, and so on (Filion & Luepker, 2013; Ryan et al., 2003). It is also one of the leading causes of some economic problems and environmental damage (Chen et al., 2014; Marti & Schlapfer, 2014). Moreover, the most hurtful truth is that few are aware that smoking in the public place could lead to harm people who do not smoke too, as far as health issues about the secondhand smoke is concerned (Chen et al., 2014). Personally, I am non-smoker and really when I go to some cafés at my home country I feel disturbed and cannot stay for a long time because of smoke smell. As heard, one of the reasons for smoking is escape from tension, anxiety, hard time, and so on. I am aware that in my own company people know that smoking might ease their stress. Such is an alternative for them to get rid of their negative energy, but little they know that easing their anxiety might be addressed by exercise, which must last at least three hours weekly instead of smoking. They could also explore their talents that could make them feel happy or go with essentially productive hobby. Finally, another one most common problem in Saudi Arabia is the poor services that people living in villages are poor. There is no enough access to services for the entire people, so they only have small clinics that are not even equipped with necessary instruments. For instance, a couple years ago I went with my family to visit relatives who live in the village. When my leg was accidentally burned by boiling water, there was no good hospital or even just a clinic to serve me immediately, forcing me to find my own medicines from the pharmacy. There are eventually several towns that need necessary health services, allowing many people to care less about the negative impact of insufficient health services. On the other hand, most social services, including education, health services, utilities, etc., are provided free (Mufti, 2000). However, the absence of this feature in some parts of the Arab community leads many people choose private hospital instead because of the long waiting list and late appointments that may take several months and even years sometimes in public social services. The crowded appointments make a lot of people go to the private hospitals, even if many people could not even afford to pay for surgeries because of the high costs. Accordingly, the Saudi Community does not have that much of knowledge by insurance, considering that there are even few to none at all who are engaged in the business of health insurance. For example, I have trained in the health insurance company while I have worked on the customers’ insurance cards, which amazed me and made me observed the low number of customers. Therefore, people need companies that could serve them basic or common concerns about their body health. In a nutshell, health workers are necessarily to be motivated beforehand prior to addressing the common issues or concerns about health in Saudi community. Nonetheless, it is of most important viewpoint to consider changing the things that are detrimental to the human health of the public. The health practitioners have important thing to do. Education might be the most basic thing to do, but it requires substantial motivation on the part of the health workers to engage in that perspective. References Alam, K., Tasneem, S., & Oiveras, E. (2012). Performance of female volunteer community health workers in Dhaka urban slums. Social Science & Medicine, 75(3), 511-515. Chen, J. M., Hwang, B. F., Chen, Y. C., & Lee, Y. L. (2014). Active smoking, environmental tobacco smoke and bronchitic symptoms among adolescents in Taiwan: A prospective cohort study. Preventive Medicine, 65, 116-121. Etile, F., & Jones, A. M. Schooling and smoking among the baby boomers – An evaluation of the impact of educational expansion in France. Journal of Health Economics, 30(4), 811-831. Fehrler, S., & Kosfeld, M. (2014). Pro-social missions and worker motivation: An experimental study. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 100, 99-110. Filion, K. B., & Luepker, R. V. (2013). Cigarette Smoking and Cardiovascular Disease: Lessons from Framingham. Global Heart, 8(1), 34-41. Franco, L. M., Bennett, S., & Kanfer, R. (2002). Health sector reform and public sector health worker motivation: a conceptual framework. Social Science & Medicine, 54(8), 1255-1266. Franco, L. M., Bennett, S., Kanfer, R., & Stubblebine, P. (2004). Determinants and consequences of health worker motivation in hospitals in Jordan and Georgia. Social Science & Medicine, 58(2), 343-355. Lopes, S., & Chambel, M. J. (2014). Motivations of temporary agency workers and context free well-being: Work engagement as a mediator. Tekhne, 12(1), 38-47. Maes, K., & Kalofonos, I. (2013). Becoming and remaining community health workers: Perspectives from Ethiopia and Mozambique. Social Science & Medicine, 87, 52-59. Marti, J., & Schlapfer, J. (2014). The economic impact of Swiss smoking bans on the hospitality sector. Economics Letters, 124(1), 136-139. Maslen, S., Hopkins, A. (2014). Do incentives work? A qualitative study of managers’ motivations in hazardous industries. Safety Science, 70, 419-428. Razee, H., Whittaker, M., Jayasuriya, R., Yap, L., & Brentnall, L. (2012). Listening to the rural health workers in Papua New Guinea – The social factors that influence their motivation to work, 75(5), 828-835. Ryan, W. R., Ley, C., Allan, R. N., & Keighley, M. R. B. (2003). Patients with Crohn’s Disease are unaware of the risks that smoking has on their disease. Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery, 7(5), 706-711. Serra, D., Serneels, P., & Barr, A. (2011). Intrinsic motivations and the non-profit health sector: Evidence from Ethiopia. Personality and Individual Differences, 51(3), 309-314. Sie, A., & Sauerborn, R. (2014). Provider payment methods and health worker motivation in community-based health insurance: A mixed-methods study. Social Science & Medicine, 108, 223-236. Takasugi, T., & Lee, A. C. K. (2012). Why do community health workers volunteer? A qualitative study in Kenya. Public Health, 126(10), 839-845. Read More
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