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Treating Cellulite and Its Nature - Coursework Example

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This coursework "Treating Cellulite and Its Nature" examine the nature of cellulite for its history and its current effect on women. The examination includes information on treatment with a focus on Decleor Slim Effect Balm as it is used on massage therapy for cellulite. It will be compared to Mesotherapy Stringcision…
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Treating Cellulite and Its Nature
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Treating Cellulite Table of Contents Introduction 4 1 History of Cellulite and the Female Form 4 2. Cellulite 6 2 Social Impact of Cellulite 83. Analysis of Treatments 9 3.1 Decleor Slim Effect Balm 9 3.2 Mesotherapy 12 4. Conclusion 13 Bibliography 15 Appendix 1 17 Table of Figures Figure 1 The Little Fur, Rubens (1638) 5 Figure 2 Example of Cellulite 7 Figure 3 The Formation of Cellulite 8 Figure 4 decleor Baume Slim Effect 10 Treating Cellulite 1. Introduction In a society that has no appreciation for any affect that fat has on the body, the rippling effect of trapped fatty lipids does nothing for the social value of an individual’s body image. Women are more often affected by cellulite, likely because it is suspected that it is connected to retaining energy to be used in reproduction. The use of lymphatic drainage massage after deep tissue massage has some effect on smoothing the skin. Combining this with a product that has specific essential oils can have a greater effect as in the example of Decleor Slim Effect Balm. In comparison to the use of a topical and non-invasive cellulite remedy such as Mesotherapy Stringcision, the massage helps to utilize techniques that are already effective with the balm just enhancing the experience. The following paper will examine the nature of cellulite for its history and its current effect on women. The examination will include information on treatment with a focus on Decleor Slim Effect Balm as it is used on massage therapy for cellulite. It will be compared to Mesotherapy Stringcision, a non-invasive method of dealing with the dimples and ripples associated with cellulite. 1.1 History of Cellulite and the Female Form Cellulite was considered a natural state and was included in the paintings of nudes where women were portrayed as round and voluptuous. Rubens painted women who were riddled with cellulite, their bodies revered for their thickness. The state of having rippled and dimpled body was considered beautiful, suggesting robust health and defining the women as well-fed (See Figure 1). Figure 1 The Little Fur, Rubens (1638) The issue of cellulite did not emerge as a problem until after the 1960s when women’s clothing began to be much more revealing (Bissoon 2005, p. 12). The ‘right’ body type that has been supported by the media is only available to less than 5% of women through their genetic make-up. Small breasts, narrow hips, a taut muscular frame that is not too muscular, and extreme thinness are all aspects of the perfect female form. While the female ideal has gone through many changes, her capacity to be perfect has not changed too dramatically (Markula and Pringle 2006, p. 83). Thus, most women cannot compete against those who fit into the current category thus they live lives that are filled with shame and feelings of inadequacy. Bissoon (2005, p. 10) describes the preoccupation with cellulite being at about 90% of women while Sparavigna et al (2011, p. 305) states that it is between 80 and 90%. Ellison (2004, p. 30) goes on to discuss the introduction of cellulite as a ‘disfiguring problem’ that appeared in 1972 in Vogue magazine, taking what previous to that discussion was considered to be a female attribute that was natural and making it something deviant from natural beauty. The war against cellulite was further expanded when in 1973 Nicole Ronsard released the book Cellulite: Those Lumps, Bumps and Bulges you Couldn’t Lose Before. 2. Cellulite Goldman, Mitchel, Iacci and Leibaschoff (2006, p. 2) discuss cellulite in its capacity to affect most women and that it can appear in preadolescence, adolescence, and adulthood. Cellulite is the alteration of the connective tissue and the adipose tissue, which results in alterations in blood flow and lymphatic functions. It is most often found on the buttocks and thighs. Cellulite is both difficult to combat and visible in most women (see Figure 2). Cellulite is not often found on the legs of women in cultures where they work hard and eat a diet of organic produce with very little meat. Diet, exercise, and living in areas with a lowered level of pollution can help to prevent cellulite. Figure 2 Example of Cellulite There is still a controversy in determining whether or not cellulite is a pathologically definable condition. There are some opinions that cellulite is collected in the body in order to make sure that the body has enough calories to facilitate pregnancy. While lifestyle and in particular, diet has a relational affect on cellulite, it is likely that genetics, reduced microcirculation, inflammatory conditions and hormonal factors may contribute (Misbah et al 2011, p. 305). Figure 3 shows how the oversized fat lobes push up between the connective tissue which holds back a dimple of the skin. Figure 3 The Formation of Cellulite Misbah et al (2011, p. 306) describe cellulite from a metabolic perspective in which the onset of cellulite occurs as the adipocytes are engorged with lipids so that they cluster with a retention of subcutaneous fluids. Inflammation of the connective tissue is combined with degradation of connective fibres. 2.1 Social Impact of Cellulite In a study that examined 37 cultures for the importance of physical appearance in attraction, all 37 rated this as the most important factor in the attraction of men to women (Sarwer, Magee and Clark 2004, p. 30). Cellulite is considered an unattractive trait, suggesting everything from a lack of health to age, neither of which are directly associated with the existence of cellulite. Foucault argued that “power becomes less individualized, more functional, more anonymous, but those upon whom it is exercised become more individualized – particularly the ones out of the norm” (Markula and Pringle 2006, p. 83). In other words, in looking for the norm from which to compare everyone else, the media focuses on the unique. Smooth thighs that have no dimples are not the norm, but to see what a leg without cellulite looks like, the media will look for the individual upon whom the public gaze can be focused. Society has been structured to popularize that which is not the norm in order to define what should be attained. This has been the cause of the search for an effective treatment for a condition which is likely a natural state of the female body. 3. Analysis of Treatments 3.1 Decleor Slim Effect Balm Figure 4 decleor Baume Slim Effect .The description for the product being analyzed is found on its page advertising it for sale. It reads “Decleor Slim Effect Balm Now Slim Effect helps create a smoother, firmer, healthier-looking figure. This special formula improves the appearance of orange-peel skin with detoxifying essential oils that boost microcirculation, emulsify fatty deposits and refine overall tone” (Dermstore 2012). The balm makes many claims, the most doubtful being that it will emulsify fatty deposits. A full list of the ingredients can be found in Appendix 1. The balm does have some effective essential oils. Grapefruit essential oil is used as a diuretic, with properties that stimulate the lymphatic system. Sweet Marjoram is used as an anti-bacterial essential oil, with properties that are antiseptic (Price, 2006, p. 150). There is the belief that elemi has properties that stimulate the immune system. It has been used for eczema, psoriasis, and fungus infections (Wilson 2002, p. 67). The effect of these essential oils on the body can be to help in creating inflammation so that lymphatic draining can occur, while promoting good immune response. The overall effect will eventually lead to a smoother appearance across the skin. The use of essential oils, as found in the balm, is facilitated through the oils entering into the body through both the skin and the aroma. The molecular structure of essential oils, especially because of their fat-soluble nature, means that they can penetrate the skin more deeply than other plant based oils. The active chemicals in essential oils are detected through the sense of smell, inciting the limbic system and impacting both the psychological effect and the physiological effect, promoting the body to accept the oil and its properties (Sparavigna 2011, p. 312). One recommended course of therapy with the Decleor Slim Effect Balm is as follows: exfoliation with a seed based preparation, a hot towel rinse of buff, slim effect massage with the Decleor Balm, the use of a mask that is also made by Decleor, a shower, and then the application of Decleor Slim Effect Gel to finish the process. This is known as the Perfect Slim Effect therapy. Measuring the thigh is one of the more common ways in which success is measured, but the circumference of the thigh is not a good measure as even if that decreases, that does not mean the dimpling has gone away. The best course is to take pictures in order to see the difference and to record them over a series of sessions. French (2004, p. 125) describes the treatment by saying that the use of deep tissue massage and myofascial release is effective in creating micro tears within the superficial fascia. The result of creating these tears is to smooth the tissues, making them more flexible. The tissue can then move more freely, making it even smoother from creating the tears and loosening the connections. The slim effect massage is a form of the lymphatic drainage massage. The purpose of this type of massage is to mimic the performance of the lymphatic system. A rhythmic massage of pressing stimulates the lymphatic system with the intention of moving the fluids out of the tissues so they can encouraged through the lymph nodes where they are purified by the lymphocytes. The intention is to detoxify the system. One of the benefits of lymphatic drainage massage is that it promotes the functions of the immune system. In the process, the fluids are moved through the cells, the skin smoothing out from the re-distribution of fluids (French 2004, p. 3). French (2004, p. 125) goes on to state that the result is an inflammatory response, bringing an increase in blood flow. She continues to say that massage does not remove fat cells, but it merely allows the body to increase nutrients and allow the body to heal towards a better state of health. The hope is that the dimpling and puckering of the skin will be smoother due to the draining of the lymphatic capillaries. According to Tuney et al (2010, p. 139) the effect of massage techniques result in a reduction of circumference in the thighs of women with below over weight levels of BMI who had cellulite. An absolute treatment for cellulite does not exist, but remedies are available that have some effect in helping the condition to improve. Most of these remedies include massage, just as the use of Decleor Slim Effect Balm recommends. 3.2 Mesotherapy Mesotherapy Stringcision is a method that was developed by Dr. Lionel Bissoon. This method involves using a surgical string with which to pull out the dimpled area, freeing it from the attachments that are holding it beneath the skin. There are few reported problems after the procedure and return to normal activity is immediate. Subcision Stringcision may leave a bit more pain after the procedure because it is used on more deeply dimpled areas. The procedures both leave some bruising after they are completed (Bissoon 2005, p. 110). Cellulite approaches are divided into four levels, the first being 0 meaning that there is nothing of any significance to consider for treatment. Level 1 cellulite has a low level of dimpling and benefits best from topical treatment through the use of either massage or treatments that use active ingredients such as caffeine or grapefruit essential oil. Level 2 is the state at which Mesotherapy Stringcision is considered. The dimpling is approached and smoothed out through several sessions of non-invasive resurfacing through breaking the connective tissues and helping them to reform for a more smooth appearance. The belief that level 3 cellulite was almost impossible to treat has been challenged with Subcision Stringcision in which the deeper dimpling is approached more aggressively, the breaking of the connective tissues requiring the physician to break more of the tissues. 4. Conclusion The history of cellulite puts into question whether or not the condition is a medical condition with pathology or just a natural part of being a woman. In current culture, the desire to get rid of cellulite has led to remedies that include the use of massage and natural essential oils such as those seen in Decleor Slim Effects Balm. The use of different essential oils should be used with the understanding that their effects is minimal and more than likely accumulative as the client uses the process to repeatedly invigorate its success. A quick treatment for cellulite requires the bonds under the skin be broken, something that can be done through Dr. Bissoon’s non-invasive surgical remedy that literally pulls the dimple from what is holding it, but it does not cure cellulite, only subverts its affects. In trying to determine the best course of therapy for cellulite, finding the right therapy may take some work and expectations should be for a minimal improvement that might get better over the course of time. There is no specific cure for cellulite, only treatments that can minimize the superficial appearance that comes with the condition. Treating specific dimpling can be accomplished through the therapy of Mesotherapy Stringcision and its more aggressive treatment for deeper dimples, Subcision Stringcision. Treatments that will help to smooth the appearance of the skin include the use of deep tissue massage, followed by lymphatic drainage massage that works to first break down the connective tissues that cause the dimpling, then to encourage the release and purification of toxins through the lymphatic system. The accumulation of toxins is one of the issues that cause cellulite and why it is not seen in cultures that eat fresh produce that is organic and without the pollution of modern life. Bibliography Bissoon, Lionel. (2005). The cellulite cure. Albuquerque, NM: Messo Press. Decleor. (2013). Retrieved from (17 January 2013) Dermstore. (2012) Retrieved from ct_baume+slim+effect+-+draining+massage+balm_27042.htm?gclid=CLqpgI7o- rQCFQWonQodP1YANw (Accessed on 20 January 2012). Ellison, Sheila. (2004). If women ruled the world: How to create the world we want to live in: stories, ideas, and inspiration for change. Maui, Hawaií: Inner Ocean Pub. French, R. M. (2004). Miladys guide to lymph drainage massage. Clifton Park, N.Y: Thomson/Delmar Learning. Goldman, Mitchel P., Iacci, Antonio P., and Leibaschoff, G. (2006). Cellulite: pathophysiology and treatment. London: Taylor and Francis, Inc. Khan, Misbah H., Victory, Frank, Rao, Babar, and Sadick, Neil. Treatment of cellulite. (March 2010). Journal of American Academic Dermatology. 62, 3, 361-370. Markula, Pirkko and Pringle, Richard. (2006). Foucault: Sport and exercise: Power, knowledge and transforming the self. London: Taylor and Francis. Price, L. S. P. (2006). Aromatherapy for health professionals, 3rd ed. Churchill- Livingstone. Sarwer, D., Magee, L., & Clark, V. (2004). Physical appearance and cosmetic medical treatments: Physiological and socio-cultural influences. Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology, 2, 29–39. Sienkiewicz, Monika, Kawalczyk, Edward, and Wasiela, Malgorzata. (August 2012). Recent patents regarding essential oils and the significance of their constituents in human health and treatment. Recent Patents in Anti-Infective Drug Discovery. 7, 2, 133-140. Sparavigna, Adele et al (May/June 2011). Evaluation of anti-cellulite efficacy: A topical cosmetic treatment for cellulite blemishes – a multifunctional formulation. The Journal of Cosmetic Science.62, 305-314. Tunay, V. Bayrakci, et al (February 2010). Effects of mechanical massage, manual lymphatic drainage, connective tissue manipulation, techniques on fat mass in women with cellulite. Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology. 24, 2, 138-142. Wilson, R. (2002). Aromatherapy: Essential oils for vibrant health and beauty. New York: Avery. Appendix 1 Ingredients in Decleor Slim Effect Balm Simmondsia Chinensis (Jojoba) Seed Oil Macadamia Ternifolia Seed Oil Beeswax (Cera Alba) Aleurites Moluccana Seed Oil Butyrospermum Parkii (Shea Butter) Elaeis Guineensis (Palm) Kernel Oil Limonene Citrus Paradisi (Grapefruit) Fruit Extract Dipteryx Odorata Seed Extract Litsea Cubeba Fruit Oil Origanum Majorana Leaf Oil Pelargonium Graveolens Oil Canarium Commune Gum Oil Rosmarinus Officinalis (Rosemary) Leaf Oil Copernicia Cerifera (Carnauba) Wax (Cera Carnauba) Tocopherol Citral Coumarin Benzyl Benzoate Citronellol Geraniol Linalool. Read More
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