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Do People Really Want to Lose Weight This Way - Assignment Example

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In the paper “Do People Really Want to Lose Weight This Way?” the author focuses on the problem of increasing obesity. With the advancement in medical sciences, many windows are now open, leading to shortcuts. Through surgeries, one can lose weight in days…
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Do People Really Want to Lose Weight This Way
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 Do People Really Want to Lose Weight This Way ? Increasing obesity is alarming and posing great challenge to physicians. Looking smart is a dream of every human, to achieve this goal people invest both financially and physically. With the advancement in medical sciences, many windows are now open, leading to shortcuts. Through surgeries one can lose weight in days, mainly two types of surgery options are practiced; Restrictive and Malabsorptive Surgery ("Types of Weight Loss Surgery" ). Both involve, restricting the size of stomach through surgical intervention, later for individuals trying to lose more weight in shorter time. More progressive and natural way of controlling weight is through healthy diet plan. Choosing wisely and maintaining a balanced relation with food is the recipe of this method. Controlling hunger and lust of taste is the way to achieve goals. Referring as the battle against weight, losing weight through diet is similar as of dinking alcohol. As avoiding alcohol is difficult for a drunker so as the food for a obsessed person. Even after losing weight, obsessed person tends to get attracted for food again (Weight-loss apocalypse : emotional eating rehab through the HCG protocol, P-4). Fats in human body Fat in human body is nothing but excess amount of energy stored, causing more weight and adversely effecting the functioning of other major systems of body. Fats accumulate in the body by taking more input while output or work performed by the body is less. Striking of correct balance between input and output is a key to healthy life. This balance in dependent on many factors to include genetic buildup, environmental and living conditions, psychology and basic physiologic mechanism (Advanced Mediterranean Diet: Lose Weight, Feel Better, Live Longer, P - 17). What are Fats? Question is most pertinent while discussing weight problems. Cholesterol, which we refer in layman as fats. There are two types of cholesterol in human body:  Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and High-density lipoprotein (HDL). The LDL commonly referred as  bad cholesterol because it does not dissolve in the blood resultantly gets stored in the body as it. LDL is major reason of heart diseases because it blocks the blood vessels. At other hand HDL referred as good Cholesterol, dissolvable in blood tends to protect blood vessels to from clotting ("Good vs. Bad Cholesterol") . Weight loss and metabolism What happens in weight loss? Losing weight is to slow down the body metabolism. People try many options to reduce metabolism by pills or by diet, but human body is designed to regain metabolism with faster pace, after diet plan is left. Since long people are trying to lose weight by taking selective healthy diet. Mediterranean diet provides excellent solution to it, because it is low in saturated and high in monounsaturated fats. Beside healthy smart figure, Mediterranean diet is an active guard against heart diseases, diabetes and cancer (The Mediterranean Diet ). More sounding benefit of Mediterranean diet is the taste, eating well without fear of gaining weight is the biggest advantage. Hale and hearty life secrets Burning of more calories than input is a golden rule of healthy life. Researchers have concluded that human body burn more calories, with some specific diet. Which diet is perfect to achieve ultimate goal of losing weight without health risk. Numerous options are available, to eat less fats and less carbohydrate diet or take Mediterranean diet, keeping aside fats and carbohydrates factor. As discussed earlier, fats contain both good and bad cholesterol. Exclusion of fatty foods from diet, means persons is also devoid of good fats (HDL). The HDL promotes weight loss and adds to healthy cardiac function. Analyzing fats and carbohydrates, former contains nine calories per gram of food and later contain four per gram. Hypothetically one can consume more without taking in more calories by reducing fatty foods and consuming more carbohydrate rich food, for example fresh fruits and green vegetables. But diets of such qualities (means fruits and vegetables) are having less filling effect on stomach. To address hunger if highly processed and quick digestible diet is consumed, one can forgo weight losing and tends to gain weight instead. Carbohydrate rich food; for example cakes, rice etcetera results in sudden rise in sugar level. Hence pancreas elicits rapid secretion of insulin in blood streams. The insulin triggers hunger and lust of food. Exponents of Low carbohydrate diet propagates that person who consume heavy dose of carbohydrates get extra calories, hence become obsessed. Strictly controlling carbohydrate intake against proteins and fats is deduced to avert the insulin gush and make person to feel filled for longer. A very important phenomenon needs elaboration, to coup up the deficiency of carbohydrates in the diet, the human body use or dissolves its carbohydrates stores from lever and other body parts. A huge quantity of water of body is also expanded in this way, hence decrease in body mass and weight. Glaring results of swift weight loss, when time passes in couple of days, the process slows down and reverse happens with much faster pace. ("Low fat, low carb, or Mediterranean: Which diet is right for you? - Harvard Health Publications." 1,2 and 3). Heart, a super machine In depth analysis shows that complete avoidance of fatty diet; make the body devoid of good cholesterol too. Heart beside brain is the organ of human body which never relaxes, all the time busy in pumping blood. By concentrating on heart activity one will become astonished, normal heart beat is 72 times per minute (Male), means 72 x 60 minutes x 24 hours x 365 days is equal to 37843200 beats in a calendar year. By seeing this astounding figure, one can understand the hard work done by the super machine. If it stops for even a second, the life is endangered, calling it as heart attack. By taking too high fatty diet, the risks of heart diseases increase manifolds, the minute blood vessel of hearts become clotted by saturated fats. Heart is an organ needs utmost care, this can only be done through consumption of healthy diet meaning by giving good fuel to this super machine. Beside heart fatty diets also impact adversely on vital organs like kidney, liver and bones. Low carbohydrate and low fats diet Low fats and carbohydrates diet plan is not healthy, for extended time. Based on facts that low fat and carbohydrates diet cause no improvements in blood cholesterol or glucose levels, yet it make it worse ("Lahey Clinic | Health Info - Macular degeneration."). The low fats and carbohydrates diet efficiently reduce weight in shorter time, many people do successfully reduce their weight, but at the cost of long term adverse effects. Analyzing the dictum, losing weight at the cost of health risk is not justified, any ways. Scientists have established that low carbohydrates diets, increases the risk of stroke, dementia, and certain cancers. low fat and carbohydrate diet results in reverse metabolism finally hence adding more weight; with much faster pace. ("Low carb vs. low fat...again - In Practice -" ) Mediterranean diet What is the way forward then? Answer rests in Mediterranean diet, because of high contents of good cholesterol in it, means High-density lipoprotein (HDL). The olives and its oil is the base of Mediterranean diet; rich in monounsaturated fats and sea food rich in polyunsaturated fats. The Holy Qurran, holy book of Muslims describe the health benefits of olives as “Allah is the light of the heavens and earth, His light is like a lantern inside which there is a torch contained in a glass jar, the jar is like a bright planet lit by a blessed olive tree, neither eastern or westen, so bright it almost ignites, light upon light". Benefits of Mediterranean diet Olives the very base of Mediterranean diet has numerous health secrets. There are countless health benefits of olives and its oil. It serves as active guard against breast cancer. Positive effect on pancreas hence reduces the risk of diabetes and good for cardiac care. ("Health Benefits of Olive Oil | Oils | Health Benefits."). It offers dynamic care against arthritis. It regulates blood cholesterol levels and assist in weight loss. It enhances metabolism leading to healthy digestion. Finally, it bestow active shield against many forms of cancer. The single most important health benefit of olive oil is lowering of LDL the bad cholesterol. Keeping in view the numerous health benefits of olives, it is imperative for any individual who is some health conscious to include this bounty of God in daily diet plan. The growing obesity in US due to inclination of populous towards junk food rich in bad cholesterol; has forced researcher to find new avenues in food industry. Researchers have conducted many studies in the arena of monounsaturated fats for food labeling in 2003. The sound recommendation came out for an American obsessed person is to consume 13.5 grams (one tablespoon) of olive oil per day. The regular usage of olive oil will discourage weight gain in US population. Several studies have showed that the regular consumer of monounsaturated fat rich olive oil, either maintained their weight or stated losing extra weight. The diet having high contents of monounsaturated fat and low carbohydrates ingredients really results in additional weight loss as compared to a low fat and high carbohydrate diet. Another research showed that when people consume monounsaturated fat in regular diet, they take less food. For assistance, when bread was served with olive oil, people ate 23 % less bread as compared to the serving of bread with butter and saturated fat food. The olive oil is available for human consumption and general use in many forms. The virgin Olive Oil mainly utilized for cooking less acid content. The Extra Virgin Olive Oil is the purest form obtained by cold pressing of the olives. The Pure Olive Oil is the mixture of refined olive oil and virgin oils, it also has acidic contents. Lampante Oil is the last product mainly used as a energy source and not good for cooking purposes. Advantages of monounsaturated fats The most evident advantage of monounsaturated fat concluded after several studies point out that these fats indeed helps in dissolving stored unwanted fats in human body. A research conduct on rats was made public by British Journal of Nutrition in December 2003 describes that monounsaturated fat facilitates the discharge of fat from rats' fat cells. Furthermore, insulin cannot help bad fats from releasing and finally elimination from body. Hence proved that Mediterranean rich in monounsaturated fats facilitates weight loss in the diet in natural way ("Health Benefits of Olive Oil | Oils | Health Benefits”). With taste and satisfaction of filling effect, one can lose weight, more so with long term good effects. Means dream of every obsessed person to eat well without fear of gaining weight can come true. In depth Analysis of Mediterranean diet A comprehensive study published in the Asia-Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition in 2004 focused at monounsaturated fat effectiveness in losing weight in comparison with less fatty diets. The examination of influence of Mediterranean diet on blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels was also elaborately covered in the research (Sadovsky P 2435). The study kept the record of 255 persons for one and a half year. Researchers wrapped up the study having drawn following conclusions. Mediterranean diet was of great help in weight reduction in the short span of three months and long term for fifteen months. Secondly, Mediterranean diet had positively affected HDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels. 155 persons under pathological investigation showed, increased HDL levels by 9.6 percent and triglyceride levels decreased by 31.6 percent. The end massage is the long term health benefits with taste and eating well. Other benefits of traditional Mediterranean diet Only the base of Mediterranean diet, the olives is discussed yet. Many things more are lucrative are in traditional Mediterranean diet style. So let’s see the other prosperous ingredients. Mediterranean diet constitutes natural foods and processed content is negligible, means food of nature without human alteration. Less red meat usage, more reliance on white meat chiefly fish and chicken, having high proteins contents resulting good muscle buildup. More so protein also helps in quick recovery from any injury. Not more than four eggs in a weak week because egg also contain saturated fats, not good for health beside good proteins. Fresh fruit use on daily basis, rich in multi vitamins beneficial for eyes, skin, and major body organs. Seasonal vegetables, mainly rich in vitamins E and B complex, beneficial for skin, nails and hairs. Mediterranean diet has less sugar usage hence avoiding danger of becoming diabetic. Wine in taken in less quantity normally at meals only reducing risk of heart and lever function diseases ("The Traditional Mediterranean Diet."). Dairy products as cheese and yogurt as major components of moderate amounts, because of its richness in calcium and vitamin D, it strengthen the bones and brain tissues. Olive oil as base, as numerous advantages are already covered in earlier portion of essay. Plenty of foods from local flora: vegetables, fruits, beans, potatoes, nuts, seeds and breads. Mediterranean diet has low LDL and high HDL contents beneficial for cardiac health. Logically elevated use of fiber, vitamins, antioxidants and minerals, hence reducing burden on kidneys, that are always engaged in filtering blood from impurities. Usage of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats as a good alternative of saturated fats, many affects covered in earlier portion. Besides losing weight Mediterranean diet offer other prospects of living healthier life. Researchers at the Sahlgrenska Academy have carried out a research on aged people in Sweden. Scientists have used an exclusive study known referred as “H70 study” , meaning by drawing comparison of 70 year olds person of person remained purely on Mediterranean diet through out his life with others. The study has been successfully carried out for more than 40 years. One of the most glaring difference which figures out is, 20 percent higher chance of living longer than others ( "Mediterranean diet gives longer life" ). Living healthier is better than living long, an old aged man with several diseases, is always in more pain for him and for his well wishers. To avoid old age problems, one must consume healthy fruit from early age. True recipe of healthy life The true recipe of healthy life is Mediterranean diet coupled with physical activity. There are numerous advantages of work out, the pros increases manifolds if one eat Mediterranean diet with regular physical activity. Including cardiac muscle, all body muscles goes under stress in workout, hence accelerated rate of burning unwanted fats is achieved; while the body correct metabolism is regulated by Mediterranean diet. Thus avoiding major health risks by building strong immune system that’s ready to fight back diseases. The example of a car running all the day on good fuel and engine oil means longer engine life; is a perfect match of a body doing physical activity with Mediterranean diet. Both physical activity and Mediterranean diet promises reduction of LDL, the bad fats and increase of HDL, the good fats. Also they assure reduction in arterial pressure, insulin resistance and burning from abdomen. Result is healthy, diseases free and longer life. The key to healthy life is striking a perfect balance between eating well and physical activity. Way forward Having gone through a deliberate discussion of losing weight, we can draw salient conclusions. The balance between input and out is most significant aspect of healthy life. Low fats and low carbohydrates diet can achieve short term objectives of losing weight. But a person specially having tendency to gaining weight can regain weight, with must faster pace. For a permanent solution to obesity, one must adopt a healthier life pattern. Mediterranean diet plan coupled with physical activity can only be the long term permanent solution. When researchers had acknowledged the Mediterranean Diet, they were able to draw comparison, the perils of developing cardiac and other abnormalities in populous that did and didn't adopt the Mediterranean diet. In these researches conducted by scientists around the globe, estimations and judgments of dietetic and nutritional compliance were generally made by tallying and comparing the virtual quantities of food substances eaten by those taking part, against the amounts listed in the 'ideal template. Researcher found that Mediterranean Diet, increases longevity, reduced chances of getting pray of cardiac diseases, in correct systolic and diastolic readings, high LDL levels and many more. Obesity is the major cause of many diseases, through this natural diet this menace can be tackled in innate way. Adoption of low cholesterol and low fats diet is a shortcut, thereby endangering long term health. Work Cited Alleman, Gayle Povis. "Health Benefits of Olive Oil | Oils | Health Benefits." Natural & Organic Health: Food Benefits, Directory, Nutritional Value. N.p., n.d. Web. 5 Dec. 2012. Cloutier, Marissa, and Eve Adamson. The Mediterranean Diet. New York: Avon, 2004. Print. "Good vs. Bad Cholesterol." N.p., n.d. Web. 3 Dec. 2012. "Health Benefits of Olive Oil | Oils | Health Benefits." Natural & Organic Health: Food Benefits, Directory, Nutritional Value. N.p., n.d. Web. 5 Dec. 2012. KRISTER, SVAHN. "Mediterranean diet gives longer life." Startsida | Den hälsovetenskapliga fakulteten - Sahlgrenska akademin, Göteborgs universitet. University of Gothenburg, Sweden, 19 Dec. 2011. Web. 5 Dec. 2012. . "Lahey Clinic | Health Info - Macular degeneration." Lahey Clinic | Home. N.p., n.d. Web. 4 Dec. 2012. "Low fat, low carb, or Mediterranean: Which diet is right for you? - Harvard Health Publications." Health Information and Medical Information - Harvard Health Publications. N.p., n.d. Web. 4 Dec. 2012. "Low carb vs. low fat...again - In Practice -" - Boston, MA news, breaking news, sports, video. N.p., n.d. Web. 4 Dec. 2012. Parker, Steven P. Advanced Mediterranean Diet: Lose Weight, Feel Better, Live Longer. Gilbert, Ariz: Vanguard Press, 2007. Print. Steve, Parker. "The Traditional Mediterranean Diet." Learn about weight loss with the Mediterranean diet. The Advanced Mediterranean Diet, n.d. Web. 5 Dec. 2012. . Sadovsky, Richard. "Increasing Low Levels of High-Density Lipoprotein." American Family Physician;6/15/2001, Vol. 63 Issue 12,. June 2001: 2435. Web. "Types of Weight Loss Surgery." WebMD - Better information. Better health. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Nov. 2012. Woodall, Robin P. Weight-loss Apocalypse: Emotional Eating Rehab Through the Hcg Protocol. S.l.: Authorhouse, 2011. Print. Read More
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