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Emergency Room Patient Intake, Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act Training Update - Assignment Example

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The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) was passed by the Congress in the year 1996 emphasizing on several issues concerning with healthcare service quality, security, privacy and other forms of fraudulent conducts in the United States. Primarily, HIPAA…
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Emergency Room Patient Intake, Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act Training Update
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ER Patient Intake and HIPAA Training Up Part The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) was passed by the Congress in theyear 1996 emphasizing on several issues concerning with healthcare service quality, security, privacy and other forms of fraudulent conducts in the United States. Primarily, HIPAA offers planning supports to healthcare providers and employer groups and promotes the use of medical saving accounts (Yale University, 2011). Emergency Room (ER) in the hospital is a unit where large treatment cries of multiple patients can be heard which is separated from one another only by curtains (Health care professional Incorporation, 2008). Very often ER rooms become crowed with the patient’s family members. Eventually, in such circumstances it becomes extremely tough and stressful for the ER staffs to manage and provide necessary treatment facilities to the patients. ER staff frequently deals directly with the individual in crisis (University of California, 2012). The ER staff members are supposed to work in a charged and stressful atmosphere which is further overloaded with numerous sensory stimuli such as rushing of people, ringing of phones and other related activities. Atmosphere inside the emergency room is something that always demands urgency of work and rush. The ER staffs are always busy in treating patients or in rapid disposition of not so serious or extremely serious patients to other rooms in order to make more space for those patients in more critical condition. Moreover, the ER staff members must be able to distinguish patients who have minored illnesses and who have critical illnesses in order to provide treatment on sequential basis (Phipps, 1988). Contextually, the training will be provided to the staffs associated with the ER department of HIPAA. Moreover, the training will be offered to healthcare providers, business associates, professionals dealing with mental health and people making support team in the healthcare information. Training will be provided by the group of experts in the respective field with the use of latest technologies. The training will aim at developing a less stressful environment for augmenting the efficiencies of the ER staffs. The training should also be provided to ER staffs in matter relating as how and when to access Protected Health Information (PHI) as well as how to maintain confidentiality about the pivotal PHI. Part 2 Organization Analysis HIPAA is responsible for providing training to the employees, agents and volunteers of the organizations that constitute a “covered entity” under the Act. The training offered in HIPAA includes its rules, policies, and manipulation of its information systems, along with privacy protections, violation procedures and many more (Northwest Fire District, 2011). HIPAA educational courses served to the staffs focus on the key areas including confidentiality of the patients’ information and its usage. HIPAA also provide computer training to the different groups of the employees for effective management of the patient’s health information. However, even after such efficient training program, ER staffs are unable to render effective service in patients care and in matters related with PHI confidentiality. Hence, it becomes necessary for the HIPAA to develop its training methods and programs, especially those concerning ER staffs. Task Analysis Essentially, the HIPAA training task is designed to train employees towards ensuring careful utilization of patient’s health information. Hence, it can be affirmed that HIPAA aims to provide training to ER staffs in managing the patients’ information according to the norms established with this concern. HIPAA training program is considered as cost effective for the “covered entity” employees with regard to privacy and security requirement under the Act. Personal Analysis The training provided by the HIPAA may change the way in which an individual performs his/her job. After completion of the training phase, employees offered with a position to identify who are liable to access the Protected Health Information (PHI). Furthermore, it generates adequate understanding in relation to information communication between the employees and those patients (University of Miami, 2012). Following the completion of the training program by the ER staff members, the participants shall be able to describe the public health in emergency along with their responsibilities in rendering emergency response and establishing communication roles within the organization linking with the general public (Chauvin, 2011). Notably, the above analyses were based partially on the primary data collected from HIPAA personnel (including the existing trainees and experts) through questionnaires and on secondary data as well, which was collected from various sources including articles, newspapers, reports and journals published by experts and the organization. Furthermore, questionnaires were prepared for analyzing the training need concerning the ER staffs in HIPAA. The valuable information gathered from the respondents was then summarized to draw a valid conclusion in the form of above analysis. Part 3 Theory of Transfer of Training and Training Design Transfer of training is associated with the implementation of skills and knowledge in the practical job circumstances that has been acquired during the training period. It is essential for the trainees to hold the skills that they learn during their training as its outcome shall likely be viewed once those skills and knowledge are implemented in the working environment. The training that HIPAA provides to the employees is to transfer the rules and regulations of HIPAA in essential skills and knowledge that can be effectively applied on the job. Hence, the transfer of training is significantly influenced by the organizational culture and behavior of the peers on the trainees’ decision concerning the implications of their learning (Triage Training Group, 2003). It is thus important to identify the basic expectation of the training while designing, developing and implementing training programs so as to improve the procedure towards the accomplishment of the determined objectives. It is in this context that HIPAA training relies on the interdependent elements and is designed in three phases i.e. pre-training, implementation and post training phase. Initially, the training program has to draw and establish the basic resource requirements needed for providing efficient training to the ER staffs. The established resource requirements then have to be communicated among the different departments which will require the organization to facilitate effective communication plan. It is equally important for the organization to assess the requirements before making final decisions and review the same to minimize errors in the process. Consequentially, the program will require assessing the tools and methods that shall be integrated with the resource requirements for delivering quality training to the perspective trainees. The program will further proceed determining the compliance requirements and estimation of the appropriate degree of compliance needed to accomplish the determined objectives. The following step will intend to identify the cost associated with the program and the resource requirements. It will be necessary to draw integrated architecture for the effective determination of proper resources and fund allocations. After acquiring the resources required and identifying the cost expenditures, the training program will proceed with utmost concern to its determined missions and vision. The program will then aim at analyzing and reviewing the process efficiency conducted and further drawing a valid conclusion in order to make improvements in the ongoing training procedure. The review process will be repeated after the completion of each training phase to find out if any deviation has occurred or if there is any need for improvements to be made within the planned training program. Cost Benefit/ROI Analysis HIPAA’s training cost is observed to be considerably high; nonetheless it can be regarded as manageable for many organizations engaged with rendering ER healthcare facilities. However, in order to bring an improvement in the training procedures and realized the best benefits from the overall cost of HIPAA, its total cost involved may be isolated in three different costs which are as follows: Administrative cost- The cost shall cover the organizational change in processes and the costs needed for the formulation and implementation of the policies. It further includes the follow-up gap analysis costs in order to ensure that the training provided to the ER staffs reflects the best outcomes. Hence, administrative costs may slightly be more than those of the technical and physical costs. Technical Security costs- It involves the costs associated with technology and other necessary systems to ensure safety of PHI from intrusion and privacy violations. The costs are mostly incurred when providing information related training to ER staffs so as to make them acquainted with the latest technology for the effective management and the safety of the PHI. The technical costs are related with acquiring latest technologies for enhancing the training program. The cost will be depending on the training program and its efficiency in delivering training to the trainees. Physical security costs- The cost related to physical security is concerned with ensuring adequate safety of the physical data while imparting the necessary training to the ER Staffs concerning the initiative for PHI safeguard. The training aims at delivering audiences with effective methods with concern to monitoring, accessing and retrieving physical data and thus maintaining effectiveness in protecting PHI (Carnegie Mellon University, 2005). Such costs are associated with the training that acquaints ER staffs with necessary methods in delivering and monitoring vital PHI. Accordingly, the costs are limited to the period to which the training program is being conducted. With respect to the above stated policies, it can be affirmed that the highest Return On Investment (ROI) can be achieved effectively only after combining the human resources, technology, and organizational processes towards an increased healthcare service and training procedures. The training program will thus render the ER staffs to minimize their work stress and substantially increase the capacity of the trainees to apply the practices that they have learnt during the training. The program is further expected assist the participants in providing quality healthcare services; thus, protecting health information from intruders within the boundary established by the HIPAA. The trainees will be able to manage PHI which are in electronic form and will be able to maintain confidentiality of that vital information. Concurrently, it will lead towards an increased patient satisfaction which in turn will contribute to increased monitoring value of the training program. Part 4 State and Support Method of Evaluation It is extremely essential to assess the outcomes of the training programs. The ER staffs or the participants in the training program should be made aware of the mission and the objective of the strategy. Consequentially, following the completion of their training process, the participants should be asked about the impact of the program on their professional understanding in order to gain an in-sight to the efficiency of the entire process. In other words, it is necessary for HIPAA to obtain vital feedback from the participants involved in its training program to enhance and consolidate its training programs (Ajlouni, Athamneh & Jaradat, 2010). Hence, for the effective evaluations of the training program of the HIPAA, it is necessary to define its goals and objectives in such a format that can be measured effectively through statistical means. In general, evaluations method can be either qualitative including (interviews, case studies) or quantitative (including experiments surveys). However, in order to evaluate the training program of HIPAA the most appropriate method will be the combination of both qualitative and quantitative method. The combination of the various methods will enable the HIPAA to focus on its entire aspect of the training program (Association of African Universities, 2012). HIPAA training design can to be evaluated based on the task that was undergoing while designing the training needs. In order to evaluate the effectiveness of the training during the entire training procedure, the most effective method will be obtaining feedback from the trainees and the patients which can be effective in obtaining sufficient knowledge regarding the real outcome from the training. The feedback and regular conversations with the trainees and the patients will further enable to judge the efficiency of the program and thereby provide the organization with the tools that will enhance the training procedure. The information generated from the regular conversations and feedbacks can also be applied in later stages to improve the efficiency of the overall program. Simultaneously, the various methods used for the implementations of the entire training program will also be evaluated on a continuous basis. For instance, to establish resource requirements it is highly essential to frequently update the variables included within every 45 days in order to mitigate errors in terms of irrelevant data gatheration. The program should also review and reassess the communication process executed within the organization involving every relevant department to ER patient intake so as to preserve integrity and time as well as cost efficiency throughout the training procedure. Owing to the fact at times the training process and evaluation process will be executed simultaneously, it is mandatory that assessment process will be quick considering the time taken for rendering training facilities is fixed. Information is further consider to be another vital aspect to determine the efficiency of the training program, the information channelized and the information gather by the trainees throughout the process will be reviewed accessing the interpretations of the participants. Furthermore, the tools and the assessment techniques to be implemented for the evaluation of the training process needs to be checked and rechecked prior to its final implementation. With this concern, the tools can be implemented taking into accounts a small numbers of sample size to identify the reliability as well as the validity of the data gather. This can be regarded as highly crucial because these collected data would be further applied for the betterment of the training procedure. Hypothetical Evaluation Provided The participants are expected to definitely become able to reap the benefit from the training program. The program shall further assist the participants to eliminate the barriers of the transfer of training and perform their tasks in an increasingly efficient manner. With the conclusion of the training program, participants should be able to identify the protected health information of the patients, much efficiently than they used to be prior to the training procedure. They shall also be able to efficiently draw the distinction between the information that can be shared with the patient’s family and those which cannot be shared with any other. Furthermore, the training that they had undergone will enable them to critically evaluate the action of the new staffs with respect to their use as well as disclosure of PHI. Part 5 In order to achieve the goals, it becomes necessary for HIPAA to select the most appropriate methods of training so that the participants can extract the maximum benefits from the training imparted to them and further help them in applying those principles in their daily working environment. Three alternative methods can be analyzed in this regard; namely Handbook, Electronic learning and In-House learning sessions (Health care professional Incorporation, 2008). E-learning E-learning can help the participants to obtain the required skills in order to render higher quality of services in the healthcare sector. It also accelerates the deployment of necessary skills and knowledge in the job hours of the respective participant (IOWA State University, 2012). However, along with the advantages, e-learning also possesses certain disadvantages which are listed as follows: Advantages It reduces travel time along with travel expenses for all the participants rendering services even at remote places The participants can study and gain useful skills and knowledge anywhere provided they have the access to computer and internet facilities It provide participant with self monitored study module which allow them to work at their own peace and capabilities grooming their self-motivational skills It provides flexibility to participants for joining bulletin board threaded discussion at any time which enhances their intellectual and judgmental skills extensively It provides participant with different learning style which further is accommodated with varities of activities It also provides substantial knowledge relating to computer skills that shall help the participant to manage computer based activities effectively Disadvantages The participant may become less motivated It does not uphold any routine structure for learning which may lead the participant confused regarding the courses and other activities More importantly, instructors may not always be online or available while students are studying or when they need instructor advices giving rise to communication gap Slow internet connection may also make the participants frustrated while accessing the course materials In-House Training Sessions From a generalized perspective, In-house training involves the training imparted to the employees in company or the organization premise so as to educate and thus improve the skills of the participants. In-house training proclaims various advantages and disadvantages to both the participants and the imparting organizations (Invest Northern Ireland, 2012). A few of the advantages and disadvantages of the in-house training session are illustrated below; Advantages In house training sessions are relatively cost effective than external training courses The benefits provided by the in-house training session fundamentally include training of staffs at their workplaces with less disruption and considerable saving of time involved in travelling The in-house training sessions are often designed according to the needs of the organization and the participants Staffs involved in the training procedure may enjoy and feel comfort while studying with their colleagues than with the strangers Disadvantages Organization staffs may not take the training program seriously deciphering high rate of absenteeism It requires additional spaces for training the staff within the organization Employees may hesitate to display their problems before their colleagues and other organizational staffs Source: (Thomson Reuters business, 2012) Handbook Handbook is a comprehensive and detailed work on specific topic which practitioners compile for quick references that are often used as supplement to text book. In matters concerning effective training of ER staffs, handbooks comprise various advantages and disadvantages which are being listed below: Advantages Handbook provides the participants with an organized unit of work It provides the trainees with balanced chronological presentation of information A good handbook is often regarded as an excellent information source for the participants to improve their skills Disadvantages Handbook does not provide the participant with fresh or current teaching materials functioning as a traditional means of education Handbook training method does not take into consideration the background of the trainees or rather the individual requirements of the participants Source: (Pearson Education, Inc., 2012) From the above discussion of the three methods and their related advantages and disadvantages, it will be appropriate for HIPAA to deliver its training efficiently through E-learning or online methods. This method has several benefits over the other two methods. Through online training it will be possible for the HIPAA to involve large numbers of participants in the development process. Eventually, those participants who are functioning in remote areas can also be motivated to the mainstream of efficient training program helping them to improve their skills and knowledge concerning PHI and other activities. However, the factors contributing to HIPAA’s success in terms of training to ER staffs may include process improvement by addressing the gap between the people and the process. Effective training provided by HIPAA to the ER personnel will considerably help them to render quality care for patients only if the training program is designed and imparted effectively and efficiently (Dewyer, Suitt, & Silas Technologies, 2002). References Association of African Universities. (2012). Evaluation of training. Retrieved from Ajlouni, M. M. A., Athamneh, S. M. H., & Jaradat, A. A. (2010). Methods of evaluation: training techniques. International research journal of finance and economics, iss. 37, pp Chauvin, S. W. (2011). Training needs assessment update. Retrieved from Carnegie Mellon University. 2005. Cost of Privacy: A HIPAA perspective. Retrieved from Dewyer, B. A., Suitt, L. T., & Silas Technologies. (2002). ROI from HIPAA through Process Improvement. Retrieved from General Medical Council. (2011). The Trainee Doctor. Retrieved from Health care professional Incorporation. (2012). Survey: HIPAA training methods. Retrieved from Health care professional Incorporation. (2008). HIPAA compliance in the ER. Health Information Compliance Insider, vol. 5, no. 10, pp. 1-8. IOWA State University. (2012). Advantages and disadvantages of e-learning. Retrieved from Invest Northern Ireland, 2012). Low-cost training. Retrieved from Northwest Fire District. (2011). HIPAA training. Retrieved from Phipps, L. (1988). Stress among doctors and nurses in emergency department of a general hospital. Retrieved from Pearson Education, Inc. (2012). Textbooks: advantages and disadvantages. Retrieved from Triage Training Group. (2003). HIPAA training playbook. Retrieved from Thomson Reuters Business. (2012). Informal in-house training - the options. Retrieved from University of California. (2012). HIPAA workforce training. Retrieved from University of Miami. (2012). HIPAA confidentiality and privacy training. Retrieved from Yale University. (2011). Health insurance portability and accountability act. Retrieved from Appendix Part. 2 Questionnaire was being prepared to conduct training need assessment of the HIPAA. The prepared questionnaire is being listed below: 1. Were you satisfied with training procedures? a. Yes b. No c. Partially 2. Did you benefit from the training? a. Yes b. No c. Partially 3. Did training facilitated on all round development of your skill? a. Yes b. No c. Cannot say 4. Improve my skills after training in HIPAA. a. Yes b. No c. No, not at all 5. Would you be interested in working in rural ED TERM? a. Yes b. No c. Unsure 6. How well HIPAA prepares medical trainees in the area of professionalism? a. Satisfactorily b. Exceptionally well c. Poorly 7. Is there a need to update current training system in HIPAA? a. Yes b. No c. Cannot say 8. Do you have suggestion on how the training procedures could be improved? a. No, current system is exceptionally well b. No c. Yes (please specify); _________________ 9. How many days do you feel training should be conducted in a weak? a. Five days b. Four days c. Other (please specify); _______________ 10. How many hours do you think training session per day should be conducted? a. Six hours b. four hours c. less than four hours Part. 3 Lesson Plan and Schedule ID Task Name Duration Start Finish 1. Establish resource requirements 274 days 10/28/12 11/14/13 2. Facilitate communication plan 265 days 10/28/12 10/31/13 3. HIPAA Quick assessment 71 days 11/22/12 8/10/13 4. HIPAA information Management 199 days 12/28/12 9/10/13 5. Identifying the requirements 83 days 1/22/13 5/18/13 6. Assessment tools and methods 18 days 2/8/13 2/27/13 7. Define compliance requirement 10 days 2/18/13 2/28/13 8. Estimate compliance requirements 23 days 3/29/13 3/27/13 9. Identify the cost divisional requirements 22 days 4/2/13 4/24/13 10. Determine integrated Architecture 22 days 4/26/13 4/16/13 11. Conduct cost analysis benefit 22 days 4/26/13 4/16/13 12. Develop implementation of plan 23 days 5/1/13 5/24/13 13. Training and awareness 134 days 5/26/13 10/30/13 14. Analyze the training outcomes 20 days 10/30/13 11/19/13 15. Post implementation review 10 days 11/20/13 12/1/13 Read More
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