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Healing with the Chakra Energy System - Case Study Example

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The paper “Healing with the Chakra Energy System” provides the case study where the client, Jayne Ayers, had difficulty with the laterals in her feet. They were bothering her continuously. As for the presenting condition itself, the following is known about her presenting condition…
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Healing with the Chakra Energy System
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Healing with the Chakra Energy System INTRODUCTION: CASE STUDY #1 The presenting problem in this case study was mainly that the client, Jayne Ayers, had difficulty with the laterals in her feet. They were bothering her continuously. As for the presenting condition itself, the following is known about her presenting condition. The symptoms that she experiences include pain, dizziness, occasional swelling in the feet, and frequent blackouts. The causes of these symptoms could be multiple. For first, Jayne is pregnant, so she may have had difficulty with metastatic balance once she has gotten to her feet. Swelling in the feet may also be caused by, possibly, gestational diabetes. Here are some following lifestyle contributors. Jayne is five months pregnant with her second child. She is a teacher, so she’s often on her feet a lot. She plans to work until the baby comes, unless her doctor prescribes otherwise. She may need bed rest if it’s found out that she is having a multiple birth, as she is rather large even at the five-month point. The condition relates to this client because she has been having pain in her feet for quite awhile now, mainly at the lateral sides of her feet. Conventional treatment options would include making sure that Jayne uses a foot soak regularly—at least once a day in the evening—and possibly take a foot jacuzzi if available to her as a complementary treatment option. Regarding reflexology, a few different parts of her feet may be telling us various things about her health, which shall be mentioned later on with the evaluation. The objectives of this session are to evaluate what Jayne’s biggest problems are, and the expectation is that Jayne will be recommended at least six (6) treatments for her particular situation. The measurable targets that will be concentrated upon are the following. Jayne has an abnormally disproportionate amount of pain, but mainly concentrated on the outside laterals of her feet (especially the right foot). Her sleep pattern is normal, and she has good energy most of the time—but occasionally feels a bit depressed, blue, or lethargic. She takes a lot of naps, and this helps her hormones balance out as she continues to deal with the pregnancy. Jayne is bipolar, so it’s important she gets as much rest as possible and stays on her vegetable form of Lithium. She tracks her symptoms in a diary and keeps detailed records regarding her measurements. According to Reflexology Treatments Now Available, “Reflexology is recommended as a complementary therapy and should not replace medical treatment” (2012, pgh. 1). Jayne will get six treatments, which will be unveiled more in-depth later on, denoting the frequency and period during which she should get them—as well as the result. II. CONSULTATION & SIGNATURE Reflexology Consultation Sheet Date: 3/17/12 Visit number: 1 Client’s name: Jayne Ayers D.O.B.: 2/13/81 Height: 5’6” Weight: 104 kilos Occupation: Spanish Teacher Reason for visit: The client has general foot pain. Marital status: Married / Single / Separated / Divorced / Widowed Number of children: 1 Pregnant: Yes / No If yes, for how long? 5 mos. Cigarettes: Yes / No If yes, how many per day? 1-10/10-20/20-30/30-40/40+ n/a Alcohol: Yes / No If yes how many units on average per week: n/a Medication (including HRT and birth control), Self medication/Vitamins etc.: Other therapies/treatments being undertaken: 1 prenatal vitamin per day, 1 Women’s multivitamin, vegetable form of Lithium Diet: Poor / Average / Good Regular meals: Yes / No Fluid intake: Poor / Average / Good Client tries to drink 1 litre of water per day Food supplements: Yes / No Drinks a vitamin-rich supplemental chocolate drink once per day State of health at present: Generally in good health Major illness: Bipolar Disorder Major operations: N/A Accidents/Injuries/physical handicaps: Car accident/suicide attempt 9 years ago Personality: Very energetic, happy person Energy levels: Fluctuate from day to day Regular exercise: Yes / No. If yes in what form: Client takes a walk outside at least once a day Sleep patterns: Good / Average / Poor # Hrs. Sleep Daily: 8 hrs. Stress: 7/10 Anxiety: 9/10 Depression: 6/10 Glasses: Yes / No Contact Lenses: Yes / No Hearing aid: Yes / No Do you or a close relative suffer from any of the following conditions? Epilepsy Diabetes X Blood pressure X Thrombosis Kidney/Bladder Sinus/Ear Migraine Heart/Chest X Varicose Veins X Allergies X Digestive/Bowel Skin problems X P.M.S. Asthma Cancer X Headaches X Back problems X Arthritis X Regular Periods: Yes / no Date of last period: 10/31/11 Condition of Feet Right Foot Left Foot Colour Good Good Skeletal Condition Lateral inside hurts Lateral inside hurts Muscle Tone/Flexibility Pain throughout middle Normal Flat Foot/High Arch Flat foot Normal Nail & Skin Condition Some fungus on toe Some fungus on toe Hard Skin Build-Up Left side, big toe No skin build-up Temperature Normal Nornal Position of Foot Fall Much pressure on plantar Normal Marks/Injuries Old ankle injury Plantar wort removal scar I, the undersigned agree that the information above is to the best of my knowledge accurate and true and I hereby give my consent to the therapist to carry out Reflexology treatments upon me. Client Signature X_______Jayne Ayers___________________________________ Date: 3/17/12 III. NOTES ABOUT DIAGRAM WITH DETAILS The consultation forms were comprehensive. As one can see from the details of the diagram, most likely what is causing a few of Jayne’s problems might be the following. First of all, her laterals are hurting her, especially on the insides of her sole, and so this might be related to her spine. Her spine, in order to accommodate the growing baby, is having to change position to such a degree that it is becoming more difficult for her to do everyday things. Not only this, but Jayne has to make sure she doesn’t have gestational diabetes, which could be causing the swelling. The frequency of sessions I would recommend are six various ones, all within a two-month period. She should visit at least 3 times per month until her 7th month of pregnancy, unless her symptoms do not persist or are removed. The results will be discussed in a different section. Hopefully she will respond well to treatment. It is so important that at a time like this especially, Jayne feels supported by everyone. IV. CONSULTATION SUMMARY Initial impressions of Jayne, having met her at the consultation, is that she seems to be a very level-headed and even-keel individual. Unlike the stereotypical impression that many people might get when they meet someone bipolar, Jayne is a very logical person who keeps to her regimen of taking her vegetable form of Lithium on a regular basis. From my observations, Jayne was indeed as normal as one could be. Her diet seemed very well-controlled—even though she’s overweight. However, much of her overeating habits have to do with the fact that she works online a lot. So, that is one of her lifestyle choices is that she spends a lot of time on the computer. Family circumstances dictate that she stay at home to work, and this suits her just fine. She works a full-time schedule, but is a stay-at-home Mom. She does volunteer work a few times a year, donating some proceeds from her craft shows to charity. Jayne sews and does other crafty things, and is a very talented artist who likes to display jewelry and other knick-knacks at these craft shows. Having to stand on her feet all time, though, is taking its toll—when she’s not on the computer. Her mannerisms and appearance seem completely normal as can be. Her main issues are the lateral sides of her feet, as well as her plantars, which are giving her some problems. She had to have plantar’s worts removed when she was a young girl, and her plantars pain her a lot lately. This might be due to some problem with her sciatic nerve (shown in green on the chart), as the weight she has gained with the baby is not helping her situation, as she was already overweight when she became pregnant. V. PRESENTING CONDITIONS #1 & #2 Jayne’s presenting conditions deal with her inner laterals as well as both of her plantars. Her dorsals and metatarsals are, interestingly enough, not as affected by her other issues. The therapy that is suggested is that she have at least 6 different treatments in order to remedy the problems—perhaps three apiece would do fine. Conventional treatment that Jayne might also seek is going to her practitioner and making sure that she get tested for gestational diabetes. If that is the cause of the swelling in her feet, she will have to take some diabetes medication possibly, and of course it would have to be a type of medication that wouldn’t be harmful to the baby. VI. TREATMENT PLAN According to Reflexology Treatment Plan, “Reflexology treatment is done on the feet to heal and balance the natural equilibrium of the body” (2012, pgh. 1). Jayne’s particular treatment plan will include six different elements. Her laterals will be stimulated, thus trying to relieve some of the pressure from her spine. She will also have her plantars stimulated, which will help the sciatic nerve to stop from being pinched. Additionally, the parts of her feet dealing with the major organs—kidneys, heart, lungs, and pancreas—will all be stimulated. Thus, there are six different levels of treatment that will be administered to Jayne. It is recommended that Jayne’s measurements of her feet be taken before and after the treatments to see if her flexibility gets any better in her right foot, the foot that sustained an old sports injury years ago—as mentioned on the intake/consultation sheet. Lifestyle factors that could assist Jayne include the fact that she should start trying to eat healthier instead of focusing on losing weight—that can come after the baby’s born. Instead, she can focus on staying healthy for her weight and remembering to watch her sugar intake. Observations to be made during treatment is how Jayne reacts to certain pressure being applied on certain points of the feet. Her reactions after treatment will be recorded in the following months to come. Aftercare advice will be given in order to help Jayne maximize her potential when she does have to be on her feet. Jayne was pleased with the overall feedback she got as well as what she could expect from treatment. Overall, Jayne is expected to make a full recovery and, that notwithstanding, Jayne is going to benefit greatly from reflexology. VII. SIX COURSE TREATMENT IMPLEMENTATION& DIAGRAM OF TREATED FOOT. As indicated in the consultation, Jayne has to undertake a six course treatment. This will include stimulation and care of the spine, plantars, kidneys, lungs, pancrease and the heart through calculated pressure application on different areas on the foot map. This will be done with keen consideration of the possibility of gestational diabetes. The treatment will take two months as from 3/17/2012 where she is five months pregnant till 8/17/2012 where she will be seven months pregnant. Other complimentary care will focus on weight management during and after pregnancy, pre and post natal nutrition and mental health to help her go through the treatment. In the treatment period, the presence of Jayne’s partner may be required for psychological support and education on home care. The treatments will be based on order of priority to ease pain and will be done in phases. A. PHASE 1- SPINAL STIMULATION Jayne’s spinal chord is adjusting to weight as a result of two stimuli. Weight gain due to lifestyle causes and weight due to the pregnancy. Jayne will gain between 9-12kgs during the pregnancy bringing her total weight to a maximum of 117kgs. The spine is adjusting to Jayne’s weight. This adjustment is a necessary but painful process. Massaging the mid section of the foot regularly will relax the pain. The foot is a sensitive part of the body as indicted by the ticklishness. This is an irritating feeling to many, Jayne included. As such, the massage should address not only the soles of the foot and toes but also the ankles and the rest of the foot. Acupuncture is also recommended. The patient’s stress levels are high during this care and as such, complimentary therapy is advocated. This can be done using scent or music therapy, depending on Jayne’s choice. The spinal adjustment so far has caused pain on the feet. Other target areas are the knees, back and neck. As a preventive and curative measure, the entire spine needs care. Hydrotherapy will be implemented. I recommend weekly hydrotherapy sessions administered at the care centre during the 5month treatment program. This will also take care of all the other organs involved in the reflexology treatment. Jayne can sit in a warm Jacuzzi at home and engage in light swimming-3 to 4 laps per day are enough. This will keep her healthy and fit during and after the treatment and pregnancy. B. PHASE 2- PLANTAR STIMULATION The fascia connector tissue connects the heel to the bone. Jayne has history of tissue removal in this region. The pain experienced from this tissue is due to inflammation. This comes about due to pressure on the heel. The weight on the heels overstretches this tender tissue. The tissue can also be weakened by the frequent walking up and down that Jayne has on her normal day. The causes are overweight, pregnancy, walking exercise, aging and shoes with poor arch support. Reflexology passively stretches the structure of the foot. This is done on the arch, heel and plantar surfaces where pressure is used to fragment and break the scars formed as tissue healed itself and stimulate the growth of new and healthy tissue. Massages will be administered from the ball to the heel region. At home, Jayne can place ice cubes on the arch of the foot or make circles with a water bottle filled with ice cold water on the foot. This will reduce the pain and enhance blood and lymph circulation. If the pain is severe on the onset, pressure therapy will be halted for ice therapy first. Pain relievers can be prescribed in the event of severe pain and discomfort. C. PHASE 3- CARDIAL REGULATION This complimentary treatment will ensure that Jayne’s heart, arteries, veins, arterioles, venules and capillaries maintain healthy functioning during and after the treatment and pregnancy. Metabolic syndrome that may originate form hypertension, belly fat, high blood sugar and high cholesterol levels may be a causative factor to Jayne’s pain. This will be addressed during her treatment. Her cardiac health seems normal during day one of the treatment. Continual application of pressure during reflexology and the inevitable pregnancy weight gain will soon catch up with her cardiac health. This may cause varicose veins which may hinder positive reflexology results. High blood pressure is a possible complication that needs to be avoided as it can lead to stroke, heart attack or kidney failure. Arrhythmia- irregular heart beat- will have to be controlled during this treatment. Nutritional and physiotherapy during and after the reflexology is recommended. This will aid weight management during the pregnancy term and weigh loss after her child is weaned. Areas of focus for heart reflexology are varied. However, in Jayne’s case, both the physical heart and the chakra are considered. As such regions on the left foot under the metatarsal-phalangeal joint and the phalangeal joint on the great toe will be attended to. D. PHASE 4 –RESPIRATORY REGULATION Jayne’s respiratory functions are normal during her first check up. As reflexology commences, there will be need for more oxygen in her system and a lot of toxins to be excreted. The areas of focus are the balls of the feet, hands and region behind the ear. These areas respond to the lungs, bronchi and bronchioles. Attention for respiratory disorders such as asthma and bronchitis will be considered. Jayne has no history of respiratory disorders but information about her and her partner’s nicotine exposure will be needed. If she is a passive smoker, the partner needs to quit smoking for both their sake. Any smoking should not be done in the house since it also affects their unborn child. Jayne should avoid exposure to cold conditions to avoid chest cold during the treatment program. During reflexology, the focus will be to get Jayne’s breathing deep and more relaxed. The reflexology focus on the ball regions should also address breast reflexes. This is to avoid breast complications such as cancer and impeded lactation and mastitis during breast feeding when the baby comes. Focus should be on the nipple lining near the fourth metatarsal-phalangeal joint. E. PHASE 5 & 6- KIDNEY AND PANCREATIC CHECKUP AND CARE As various organs are often jostled, there is a lot of waste in the blood. Blood pressure will fluctuate during various exercises and pregnancy growth. Jayne’s kidneys will have to be ready for the new and heavy task of cleaning her system. To be addressed during kidney reflexology are the arch region between the big toe and the next toe. Pressure should be applied gently in and out of the region. This may cause pain at the onset but continual pressure and rubbing should relax the pain and discomfort. To check on the normality of kidney functions, Jayne’s urine samples tests will be taken frequently at the beginning and end of each therapy sessions. They will be tested for normal excretory toxins and glucose traits. This will be used to care for the pancreases. VIII. SUMMARY, CONCLUSIONS, REFLECTION, & FEEDBACK The following includes a summary, conclusions, reflection, and feedback regarding Jayne’s consultation. Jayne’s overall assessment of progress has yet to be seen, because her consultation was very recently. Jayne said that, after the consultation, she felt as though a large weight had been lifted from her shoulders—and she’s so glad she finally asked someone to help her out regarding the problem with her weight issue. What could definitely be improved, she said, is if the consultation would directly address any concerns that she may have. In sum, what was achieved was that Jayne’s lateral and plantar portions of her foot were stimulated in order to make progress. My personal reflection is that Jayne made some progress in just the short time we were in the consultation where Jayne was given a sampling of what treatments would be like for future coming months. Jayne’s progress, therefore, still has to be measured. As a future reflexologist, looking back on my own performance, I always feel a bit inadequate—or at least I have in the past, and I see that uncertainty begin to change into confidence, as time goes on. Jayne’s success with her treatment plan will have to be more carefully evaluated months down the line when she is in her 7th month of pregnancy and has finished her sixth and final treatment. Lifestyle changes that Jayne can make in order to have a healthy baby include: staying off her feet as much as possible; getting regular exercise; eating healthily; and getting enough sleep at night, the recommended amount being eight hours per day. I. INTRODUCTION: CASE STUDY #2 The presenting condition of the patient, Greta Ledermann, is that she has difficulty with her metatarsals as well as her dorsals. The main pain is in her dorsals, but the weight of her foot primarily comes down on her metatarsals. Ms. Ledermann is well into her 60s, and as a result of having worn pointy high-heeled shoes, she has bunions as well as a host of other foot problems, including fungi growing in her big toe’s toenails and so forth. These are all symptoms of some potential underlying problems. Causes may have something to do with Ms. Ledermann’s upper body, and especially what comes to mind is the heart—which has a lot to do with the pad on the metatarsal area of the foot. Lifestyle contributors may be attributed to Ms. Ledermann’s various activities, such as standing or kneeling on her metatarsals while performing gardening tasks outside. How the condition relates to the client has to do with how Ms. Ledermann utilizes her feet, and to what extent she is able to compensate for having such—at times—extraordinary foot pain. Treatment options include the conventional foot soaks and reflexology massages. Complementary aids that she might also need are to take calcium in order to strengthen her bones—as the flexibility in her feet is variable. The objectives to be reached in treatment are to: 1) increase flexibility; and 2) more importantly, reduce or eliminate pain in the feet. The expectations are that Ms. Ledermann will not experience pain in her feet as time goes on, should she choose to follow the reflexologist’s advice. Measurable targets include the following. Ms. Ledermann’s pain might be managed by taking a pain reliever of some sort, which can be prescribed by a doctor if necessary. Otherwise, she might be able to take an OTC (over-the-counter) medication in order to dull the pain. Ms. Ledermann’s sleeping habits do not seem to be affected. She has good energy, but her hormonal pattern might have been thrown off by post-menopausal issues, so it is expected that she might need to take the blood pressure medication to offset those outbursts that sometimes occur with patients of this gender and age grouping. Ms. Ledermann keeps detailed records about her health. Outcome measures that will be utilized include flexibility and strength tests in order to gauge her bone strength. She will also get six (6) treatments, the frequency, period, and results of which are to be determined at a later time. II. CONSULTATION AND SIGNATURE Reflexology Consultation Sheet Date: 3/18/12 Visit number: 1 Client’s name: Greta Ledermann D.O.B.: 5/5/45 Height: 5’5” Weight: 150 Occupation: Registered Nurse Reason for visit: Marital status: Married / Single / Separated / Divorced / Widowed Number of children: 2 Pregnant: Yes / No If yes, for how long? n/a Cigarettes: Yes / No If yes, how many per day? 1-10/10-20/20-30/30-40/40+ n/a Alcohol: Yes / No If yes how many units on average per week: n/a Medication (including HRT and birth control), Self medication/Vitamins etc.: Other therapies/treatments being undertaken: Blood pressure medication Azor, Lipitor for controlling cholesterol Diet: Poor / Average / Good Regular meals: Yes / No Fluid intake: Poor / Average / Good Food supplements: Yes / No State of health at present: Good health Major illness: n/a Major operations: Double hysterectomy Accidents/Injuries/physical handicaps: Has broken both wrists Personality: Lively, energetic personality Energy levels: Varies Regular exercise: Yes / No. If yes in what form: Light calisthenics, walking, floor exercises and some light aerobics and weight-lifting Sleep patterns: Good / Average / Poor # Hrs. Sleep Daily: 8 Stress: 4/10 Anxiety: 3/10 Depression: 2/10 Glasses: Yes / No NB: Bifocals Contact Lenses: Yes / No Hearing aid: Yes / No Do you or a close relative suffer from any of the following conditions? Epilepsy Diabetes X Blood pressure X Thrombosis Kidney/Bladder Sinus/Ear Migraine Heart/Chest Varicose Veins X Allergies X Digestive/Bowel Skin problems P.M.S. Asthma Cancer X Headaches X Back problems X Arthritis X Regular Periods: Yes / No NB: Post-menopausal Date of last period: 7/12/95 Condition of Feet Right Foot Left Foot Colour Good colour Good colour Skeletal Condition Fragile metatarsal bones Normal Muscle Tone/Flexibility Good flexibility Less flexible Flat Foot/High Arch Flat foot Flat foot Nail & Skin Condition Nails have fungus Nails have fungus Hard Skin Build-Up Bunion on big toe Bunion on big toe Temperature Average Average Position of Foot Fall Metatarsal foot fall Metatarsal foot fall Distinguishing Marks N/A Pronounced veins I, the undersigned agree that the information above is to the best of my knowledge accurate and true and I hereby give my consent to the therapist to carry out Reflexology treatments upon me. Client Signature X______Greta Ledermann_______________________________ Date: 3/18/12 III. NOTES ABOUT DIAGRAM WITH DETAILS The frequency with which Ms. Ledermann will get treatment will also be three treatments per month in a time frame of two months. Hopefully by then, we should be able to measure some of the results and be able to see if working on her dorsals and metatarsals really did make an impact. Since Ms. Ledermann has issues with cholesterol, and since she has a history of diabetes and cancer in the family, it’s important that she get regular check-ups and health screenings. In fact, since Ms. Ledermann had a hysterectomy, she should definitely go every year to get a mammogram, as well as get a colonoscopy and perhaps some other healthy preventative measures in order to ensure that she continues to be happy and healthy in retirement. IV. CONSULTATION SUMMARY The reflexologist is basically at the consultation to help the patient figure out what is wrong—and then diagnose the problem. “The reflexologist does not diagnose in the medical sense but does assess the [situation]…Often information will be given during consultation and during or after treatment which may have a bearing on a particular problem” (Cressy, 2003, pp. 35). This diagnosis is usually followed by a prescribed plan of treatment which will be detailed below in the next section. Since Greta is having issues with the dorsal side of her foot, we know that the dorsal side of the foot corresponds to organs and tissues that are usually visible or external. “[The] [d]orsal aspect of [the] foot…[deals with]…the more surface organs and tissues of the body ([such as the] face, nose, breasts, [and] muscles)” (Pitman and MacKenzie, 2002, pp. 70). Greta also has difficulty with bunions due to the fact that it is part of her metatarsal bone, and they are bothering her. “A bunion is a prominence on the head of the metatarsal bone at its junction with the big toe…Friction from shoes…further aggravates the problem and damages the skin” (Dougans, 1996, pp. 101). Additionally, Greta’s difficulty with her dorsal area denotes other problems, which is evidenced in the fact that she has toe fungus in each of her big toes’ toenails. “In the foot, the meridian runs along the dorsal area and ends in the second toe, as well as internally on the third toe. Problems may be expressed in pains or problems such as toe nailing fungus…” (Dougans, 2006, pp. 97). There is a specific way of handling such problems that are chronic. “When the foot is suffering from a chronic physical condition it needs to be treated by placing one hand over the dorsum and the other hand over the plantar aspect…” (Cross and Charman, 2006, pp. 267). That is an example of one treatment which would be prescribed. A consultation summary with Greta would mainly leave me with the following impressions. First off, Greta is a very active woman even though she’s in her 60s. Her lifestyle is fast-paced, she has a family to care for, and she continues to work as a nurse even though she is formally retired. So, one might be able to say that she is semi-retired. Her emotional and psychological states are stable. Her manner, appearance, and body language all appear normal, because she doesn’t really tell other people about this pain, she just grins and bears it. Initially, I can see how strong of a woman that Greta is in a mental sense. She has a fortified mental constitution that would shock a lot of people who are weaker mentally, or more sensitive. Being a wife and mother for about 30 years has also helped her maintain that mental acuity. Her diet and lifestyle are relatively normal; her main issues are just her dorsals and her metatarsals. V. PRESENTING CONDITIONS #1 & #2 The presenting conditions that are facing Ms. Ledermann are twofold: her dorsals as well as her metatarsals both need some tender loving care. It’s a good idea that the first session will focus on her dorsals. The second session will focus on her metatarsals, and the sessions will switch off back and forth between the two until Ms. Ledermann has finished her two months of recommended treatments. It is only at that point that further suggestions can be made about the seriousness of her foot problems. According to Reflexology: Steps to Good Health, “Perhaps, the greatest benefit is reflexology's role as preventative health care” (2012, pgh. 1). If Ms. Ledermann were on any kind of MAOI drugs, she might have seen an interaction between RLS and reflexology. Additionally, her feet, with this treatment, will become more sensitive. According to Reflexology and Restless Leg Syndrome, “the foot will retract when stepping on a sharp object…” (2012, pgh. 1). Ms. Ledermann will go through this series of treatments in order to combat oversensitivity or undersensitivity as well. VI. TREATMENT PLAN The treatment plan for Ms. Ledermann is to go through six different treatment rounds, three of which will focus on her dorsals, and three of which will focus on her metatarsals. They might be various massages, and the overall goal will be for Ms. Ledermann’s pain to be relieved as well as for her to gain back some of the flexibility she has lost in her feet over the years. Measurements will be made in the office. Lifestyle factors to take into account are that perhaps Ms. Ledermann should get orthotically-fitted shoes because she has flat feet. Also, her dorsals directly relate to her having difficulty with toenail fungus, so that should be taken care of—perhaps she should consider getting regular pedicures to prevent problems from happening after she sees a foot doctor in order to have the fungus removed or treated with antibiotics. Ms. Ledermann’s reactions during treatment were relatively normal; she had a few questions but not many. After the first session, she seemed much more relaxed and at ease with herself. Aftercare advice included to ensure that Ms. Ledermann used a foot soak at least once a day in the evening. Feedback from the client was positive. Ms. Ledermann will have to change her nutritional catalogue. At her age, calcium and magnesium rich food are recommended. This will assist in tissue healing and strong bone formation. Vitamin supplements are recommended. To address her bunions, she will have to wear bunion strap for three months. The strap will slowly digest the unwanted tissue and heal the damaged tissue back to normalcy. She has to refrain from wearing pinchy and pointy toe shoes. The recommended heel size is 1.5 to 3 inches. A flat heeled shoe is not recommended during the healing process due to the sudden shift in pressure on the foot. She should exercise regularly. Walking and running is not recommended during reflexology for this patient. This can damage her fiscal tissue. Swimming and hydrotherapy is recommended. Her local gym instructor should adjust her trainings to accommodate her reflexology treatment program. Hot to warm baths, not showers are recommended- this will soak her tissue thus soften them as circulation improves. Reflexology should concentrate on the entire foot to address issues of the heart, kidney, lung, fiscal and spine. The fungal infections come about due to internal and external causes. Internal caused may emanate form poor diet, excretory system failure and cardiac complications. She is recommended to have her doctor partake a full body check up to. Externally, hygiene is in play. The shoes she wears should be treated with and antifungal powder for a week before she wears them- high heeled shoes should be way out of her loft. An antifungal should be applied twice daily after baths. A foot Jacuzzi is recommended for home care. VII. SUMMARY, CONCLUSIONS, REFLECTION, & FEEDBACK An overall assessment of Ms. Ledermann’s progress will be able to be viewed in a few months. However, until that time, the good points of the consultation can still be reflected upon. What could really be improved, in my opinion, would be that the client have an information session about reflexology before they actually have a session. Ms. Ledermann didn’t ask too many questions, but there are a lot of clients who do, and it’s just not productive to the session, really. Questions are time-wasters. Of course, it is recommended that Ms. Ledermann see a foot doctor or podiatry specialist in order to have her fungus removed or treated, so it doesn’t spread. Additionally, the client’s feedback was positive, which is always good. A few conclusions I drew from this case study was that I must learn how to adapt to the varying issues that are faced by different people at particular stages in their lives. Certain generations have health issues to deal with that we wouldn’t dream of today. Lifestyle changes that would help Ms. Ledermann’s progress would include a regular regimen of taking care of her feet so that the rest of her body is calm and relaxed and healthy as well. BIBLIOGRAPHY Cressy, S. (2003). Reflexology. US: Heinemann. Cross, J.R. & Charman, R. (2006). Healing with the chakra energy system. US: North Atlantic Books. Dougans, I. (1996). The complete illustrated guide to reflexology. US: Barnes & Noble Books. Dougans, I. (2006). The new reflexology. US: Da Capo Press. Pitman, V. & MacKenzie, K. (2002). Reflexology: a practical approach. US: Nelson Thornes. Printable foot reflexology chart. (2012). [Online]. . Reflexology and restless leg syndrome. (2012). [Online]. . Reflexology: steps to good health. (2012). [Online]. . Reflexology treatment plan. (2012). [Online]. . Reflexology treatments now available. (2012). [Online]. . Read More
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The benefits and harmful of plastic

One of the renewable energy sources that are finding large application and attraction in the modern times is directly and largely dependent upon the usage of plastic.... It is the solar energy systems and solar panels.... The bulk of it is the plastic material used which is not only cheap in price, but light in weight and rightly suited to the usage for solar panels and other material used in the solar energy....
4 Pages (1000 words) Essay

Guide for School Facility Appraisal

I have held for a very long time the notion that a school only requires basic needs such as furniture, which includes a few chairs and some benches just enough to start teaching in some buildings; a notion that was far being correct.... My reading of the Guide for school Facility… I have realized that the very first and foremost responsibility of every school is to ensure safety and security for students, staff and visitors and that other facilities such as the needed equipments That even though such facilities in schools provide some form of comfort, the perfect environment that guarantees the acquisition of knowledge, which is the fundamental purpose of every institution of learning, can only be ensured when security is assured....
6 Pages (1500 words) Essay

The Creation and Human Nature

The writer of the following essay seeks to elaborate on the topic of the creation of life.... Specifically, the essay presents a critical response to the professional theological perspective of Sallie McFague.... The essay will argue both materialist and spiritualist points of view.... hellip; Every human being, at some time or the other in life, contemplates the nature, the creation, on the Creator, on human life, and on his or her own existence....
8 Pages (2000 words) Essay

Housing Systems Planning

 The purpose of this memorandum is to review and analyze the current housing system and planning in the US to determine the factors that adversely affect the housing situation of the many lower-income families in the country.... Despite the new system's implementation, it was still noted in 2007 that approximately 1....
5 Pages (1250 words) Essay

Powers and Responsibilities of the GLA and the Mayor

The policies aimed at combating climate change as well as those dealing with energy all aim at the reduction of the contribution the city is making to the problem of global warming.... In the paper “Powers and Responsibilities of the GLA and the Mayor” the author discusses the powers over the local authorities of Greater London, which are similar or equal to those given to the City of London Corporation, and the same as those of the local authorities in the boroughs of London....
10 Pages (2500 words) Essay
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