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Why Fad Diets Do not Work - Research Paper Example

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The author concludes that although many believe that fad diets can lead to fast and long-term weight loss, fad diets are not the best method for serious weight loss. Many people are falsely led to believe that fad diets are actually a solution to their weight loss problems…
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Why Fad Diets Do not Work
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Why Fad Diets Do Not Work Many people are tempted to engage in using fad diets to lose weight. There is much research that suggests that being overweight or obese can have a negative impact on the quality of life of such a person. Studies have indicated that individuals who are overweight or obese are more likely to experience social problems from a reduced level of self-esteem and a lack of their ability to move. These persons may also experience a greater number of challenges in their area of employment and their mental health. One may ask why fad diets are possibly harmful when some of the latest and greatest diets use fad diet techniques in order to lose weight. Besides the fact that fad diets have become so popular and well known, is that they appear to provide significant weight loss results in some cases. As a matter of fact you don’t need to look very far on the World Wide Web to discover many popular diets which promise a solution to over weight problems and an impending weight loss which is more than likely to be rapid weight loss. People turn to fad diets for many reasons; however there can be consequences that are in the end not beneficial to long term weight loss. Why do people turn to fad diets?To add to the wanting to lose weight problem of why exactly people turn to fad diets is that many people are falling short on both time and sleep. They could also be experiencing stressful situations in their lives. When people are living with these factors they may not have the time or the energy that is necessary to prepare meals and participate in adequate exercise routines. People are also enticed by the notion of losing weight rapidly and easily without exerting much of an effort. Many of these diets are so simplistic that they seem appealing just because of this aspect; however after the novelty of the diet wears of, they may become very difficult to follow. Some of today’s popular fad diets include the cabbage soup diet, variations of detox diets, and the grapefruit diet. The problem is that this type of weight loss diet is not usually long lasting or sustainable over the long term for several reasons, and in reality it is actually only a diet which can provide a temporary result.What exactly a fad diet is may mean different things to different individuals who are partaking in the diet strategy. The term, “fad diet” is in itself controversial. According to a, “fad diet is simply a weight loss diet that becomes very popular (often quickly) and then may fall out of favor (sometimes just as quickly)” (Howard & Matus). The site also promotes the idea that just because a diet is considered a fad according to the above definition; it doesn’t mean that the diet doesn’t work or that it is dangerous in any way. The term “fad” mainly refers to its popularity, not its effectiveness (Howard & Matus). However, since fad diets can come and go, that doesn’t indicate long term success. There are several reasons why fad diets are problematic yet appealing. Some of these diets that appear to be trendy are not so clearly a crash type of dieting. They may however offerclaims that have not been approved; they are simply sensationalized diet programs that tend to be popular over a certain time frame and actually seek to make a large amount of money for the inventor in related product sales. Some of these popular diets will assist with losing weight and are suitable from a nutritional point of view but provide information that you could probably have obtained from your healthcare provider likely for free. On the other hand, there are also some approaches to dieting through these fad techniques which are quite complicated to follow and actually require work to undertake. There may also be several consequences of a physical, emotional and psychological nature that are negative for the one who engages in a fad diet practice. Eating is not meant to be complicated and through the imposition of dietary restriction of some or several foods, caloric restriction, deprivation of some types of food, one may feel empty in terms of nutritional well-being and psychologically. It is also possible that one may be more likely to enter into situations of eating disorders, binge eating episodes and feelings of depression as a result of their inability to have a healthy relationship with their food.There is a wide variety of fad diet programs available. When comparing fad diets one may find many options ranging from taking supplements, to eating only vegetables, to eating only protein and many more. It is simple for anyone wanting to lose weight to get drawn into one of these fad diets. In some cases, a fad diet may even be dangerous. When taking supplements or drinking diet shakes that are not regulated, you are not sure exactly what you are taking into your body. The body was meant to receive a full spectrum of nutrients and not exist by such a limited means as typical fad diets provide. Studies done byFrost and Sullivan have indicated that there are functional ingredients in food that help to achieve a high level of health and maintain a balanced diet. These ingredients include omega-3 such as those found in fish and flax seeds, probiotics which can be found in yogurt, natural antioxidants such as vitamin E from nuts and olive oil, proteins and amino acids from soy or meat, and botanical products such as herbs which contain important compounds called phytosterols.The problem in society today is that people are often ill informed about what actually is a healthy diet and how to achieve natural dietary weight loss while consuming a healthful diet. In 2006, Michael Pollan authored a book entitled, “The Omnivore’s Dilemma”. This book discussed the idea that what we eat determines how we as a species will continue to develop. He believes there are three categories of food that we choose from: industrial food, organic/alternative food and food we grow ourselves. He also discusses the notion that the government affects what we believe is healthy/unhealthy by the food-related policies and recommendations that they create. These concepts relate to the notion of fad diets in that the recommendations that are handed down tell us what we should be eating. Diets are then created based on a person taking what they know about food and developing a plan to lose weight according to what they know. The three areas of food described by Pollan also help to determine what we choose to eat. Fad diets can revolve around each of these areas. Examples would be eating only organic food or food that a person grows in their own garden. If a person believes strongly, especially in the ideas as presented by Pollan, then it would be simple and make sense to choose to partake in a fad diet. In these cases, a person is dieting simply by sticking to their beliefs in terms of what they choose to eat. This concept can then spread as an ideological belief among people until its popularity lends it to become a fad diet. Fad diets have a bad reputation because they can be too limiting and restrictive; however, that is just what many dieters need. Too many choices could cause people to be inclined or unknowingly to make wrong choices in their food selection or just give up all together trying to make beneficial food choices if they are feeling overwhelmed and undereducated in this area. Fad diets provide a structure and there are many to choose from, therefore people can select a diet that they believe will work for them. On the other hand, too little choices lead to too many temptations and then the person fails to follow the dieting plan. In this scenario, it is better to choose a plan with a multitude of choices. Maintaining an interest in losing weight is an issue that many dieters have. Following a specific diet plan can get boring and tedious, but if you believe in the ideas of Pollan, by selecting a diet that fits your personal beliefs, you are more apt to be successful. All in all, the key to weight loss is choosing a diet that you believe in, both in terms of what you like to eat or could at least live with and in terms of your political and social beliefs regarding food. By incorporating both aspects, people are more apt to be successful dieters. Being knowledgeable about your diet and healthful dietary choices is very important for avoiding fad diet mentality. It is critical that consumers are aware of advertising strategies that may not be truthful. A survey conducted by the U.S. Federal Trade Commission in 2004 discovered that almost 40 per cent of ads for weight loss products or plans made one or more statements that were likely to be untruthful. Another 55 per cent made at least one representation that was also more than likely to be untruthful. In some cases media representations even promise results for weight loss that are not possible for humans, physiologically speaking.Dieters should consider the following points and be aware of whether or not the fad diet is able to meet these criteria’s for healthful weight loss and nutrition plans. Safe weight loss generally means that no more than two pounds or one kilograms are lost per week. If diets are claiming to offer a more rapid loss than this, it is likely a fad diet.It is also recommended that dietary practices are offered and followed upon the advice of a nutritional expert, many fad diets are not based on sound nutritional advice or science and research that has conclusively found that the diet is able to produce long lasting weight loss results in a large number of individuals. One should also find out if the plan is going to involve buying a lot of products, specialty foods or supplements. Many fads diets require a person to consume a number of products which may be costly and yet again the results will not be worth the money that has been spent. Finally fad diets often do not follow dietary guidelines that are specified in a given country, and may seek to cut out entire food groups that health experts believe are a healthful part of peoples’ daily diets.Many fad diets make claims that you do not have to change your daily eating habits or daily exercise regimes, whereas health experts have agreed that positive changes towards a healthful lifestyle over a period of time is actually the only reliable and safe method to achieve long lasting weight loss or there may be unhealthful consequences if other means are employed to lose weight. The physical consequences of engaging in these diets can vary depending upon the type of fad diet activity that is engaged in and the amount of time that one is on the diet. A very low dietary caloric intake is usually at a level of approximately 500 calories. A diet such as this is bad for your health and is more than likely only able to produce results for a short period of time. When a person resumes a normal eating pattern, you will most likely put on more weight than you lost. There are physiological reasons for this. In the beginning of many of these diets, the body may actually be losing fluid weight as salt levels are usually lowered and the body responds to a lower caloric intake by flushing the system of excess water. Fad diets that are followed over a longer period of time may also cause a loss in muscle tissue rather than fat tissue alone.It is beneficial to use high intensity exercise for fat loss. “For a given level of energy expenditure, a high intensity training program induces a greater loss of subcutaneous fat compared with a training program of moderate intensity. This is explained by the enhanced effect of lipid utilization after intense exercise“. (Tremblay et al.1994).Muscle and skeletal deterioration may be observed in individuals who do not receive adequate caloric and protein intake. Exercise also plays an important role in the development and maintenance of skeletal and muscle matter. Diets that promise fast and easy weight loss are generally based on eating more of one food category and none of another. This means that you are not eating a well-balanced diet. After a few weeks, if you stick with it so long, you might start to develop dietary deficiencies which can lead to other serious health problems. The body’s metabolism may be put in a position of imbalance that may make weight loss harder in the future. Fad diets may leave one feeling that they are unable to enjoy eating food altogether. One may then begin to crave for food constantly and may cause a person to be unable to adhere to the diet. A person may feel feelings ofirresponsibility, guilt or shame when they eat food and are unable to lose weight. At this point distorted perceptions of their body image and their eating habits may lead to distorted eating patterns such as is seen in people who have anorexia or bulimia eating disorders.Research conducted by Hilde Bruch explains how “true” anorexics deny being too thin and take pride in extreme weight loss that is beyond normal. Many fad diets do not meet standard guidelines for fat content level in the diet. Dietary fat is important and an unrestricted lower fat diet may be an effective approach to weight loss (Lissner et al. 1987). However, sometimes these diets will promote the consumption of unhealthy high fat foods and a lowerlevel of carbohydrates, which if taken for an extended period may have a contribution to diseases such as heart disease. Healthy fats and proteins are also required for the body to function properly and provide a feeling of satiation.Many fad diets are meant for short term however it does not make sense to use something temporary in order to gain a long term result. Several fad diets do not offer a sufficient amount of fruit and vegetables in the dietary structure. Weight loss diet programs are only an answer for the short term. They do not assist a person to make a lasting change in their lifestyle in order to foster a healthy weight. Regardless of what a fad diet company says, these diets will not provide the results that dieter’s desire. The only way in which to achieve a healthy weight loss is to eat a healthfully, exercise on a regular basis and then a loss of body weight will be obtained naturally. Although many believe that fad diets can lead to fast and long-term weight loss, I believe that fad diets are not the best method for serious weight loss. Many people are falsely led to believe that fad diets are actually a solution to their weight loss problems. Marketing and advertising initiatives by the company’s that promote fad diets and related products are responsible for creating these false perceptions in many individuals. Many of the people who choose to partake in fad diets are not knowledgeable about healthful eating and are at the same time unaware of the potentially negative consequences of using fad diet techniques for weight loss. When followed correctly, fad diets can lead to quick weight loss. However that weight loss is seldom maintained and may also have a detrimental impact on the health of the person partaking in the fad diet. Weight loss leads to a boost of self-esteem, increased energy and in many cases, an improvement in overall health, but only if the weight loss can last over time. Another danger of fad diets is that people can become overly preoccupied with their food and weight loss issues and may be vulnerable to falling into some form of distorted body image perception and or eating disorders such as anorexia or bulimia. Using a fad diet to lose weight can have the opposite effect if a person losses weight only to regain it within a few months due to the body trying to rebalance itself metabolically. In the end, fad diets are indeed a poor choice for people to use for healthful and long lasting weight loss. References Bruch, H., (1973). Eating disorders: obesity, anorexia nervosa and the person within. New York. Basic Books. 294-5. Frost & Sullivan: The Health, Diet Foods and Beverages Market. New York, (1987). Howard, Mike &Mizpah Matus. Fad diets. Retrieved from /fad_diets.htm. Lissner L., Levitsky D.A., Strupp B.J., Kalkwarf H.J., Roe D.A. (1987). Dietary fat and the regulation of energy intake in human subjects. Am J ClinNutr, 46, 886-892. Pollan, Michael. (2006). The omnivore’s dilemma. New York: Penguin Group. Howard, Mike &Mizpah Matus. Fad diets. Retrieved from /fad_diets.htm. Tremblay, A., Simoneau, J., Bouchard, C. (1994). Impact of Exercise Intensity on Body Fatness and Skeletal Muscle Metabolism. Metabolism. 43(7): 814-818. You’re standing in line at the grocery store checkout counter, waiting to pay for your potato chips, extra creamy ice cream and frozen chicken wings. Then you see it. A tabloid headline screams, “Lose 15 pounds in a week!” Admit it. Doesn’t your heart skip a beat when you contemplate the possibility of dropping a few pounds without a lot of pain and bother? You know the claims put forward by the fad diet plans are too good to be true. But still, if only… Most of us have been caught up in a grapefruit or cabbage or no-carb diet at one time or another. And those of us who have tried a fad diet know the truth: they are not effective over the long term. And fad diets sometimes cost a lot of money. Even worse, some of these diets, if taken to extremes, can be harmful to your health because they deprive you of essential nutrients. This article tells you: why fad diets are so tempting why they are not a good way to lose weight what to consider if you’re still tempted to try a fad diet Why Fad Diets Tempt Us It’s not surprising that fad diets are so prevalent. These diets appear to offer a manageable solution for the many Canadians who are overweight or obese. According to the 2004 Canadian Community Health Survey, almost two-thirds of Canadian adults have an unhealthy body weight. These people are at risk of developing serious chronic conditions such as high blood pressure, certain types of cancer, Type 2 diabetes and heart disease. There is also evidence that being overweight or obese can have a negative impact on quality of life in other ways. Research has shown that people who are overweight or obese are more likely to suffer from reduced self-esteem and mobility. These people also face more challenges related to employment and mental health. To add to the complexity of the problem, many of us are time- and sleep-deprived and may be facing stressful situations in our lives. So, who has the time or the motivation to cook breakfast and exercise? Fad Diets Are Not the Answer Still, we have to face reality. Nutrition and health experts will tell you there is only one way to effectively manage your weight: it’s the traditional route of reducing calories and being more active. This may be difficult, but there is really no alternative. Data from the U.S. National Weight Control Registry indicate that the following approaches can help to achieve and maintain a healthy body weight: eating breakfast weighing in regularly to monitor weight loss exercising reducing TV time lowering fat and calorie intake Karolina Sekulic, a registered dietitian, says her experience in working with people who are overweight confirms these findings. “People like to try fad diets,” she says, “so it doesn’t work to say, ‘Don’t do that.’ However, any diet plan that is really regimented and restricted is not sustainable. The weight will stay off as long as the diet is maintained but comes back when you return to normal eating. Also, the more quickly you lose, the more quickly it comes back—a lot of the weight you lose in these cases is water. The end result is that the person is disappointed and dejected.” The bottom line for Sekulic: “Diets fail; lifestyles work.” Read More
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