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Diabetes Treatment - Research Paper Example

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This paper focuses on Diabetes Treatment. Diabetes is malfunctioning of metabolism within the body. It has been observed that the incidence of diabetes is greater in the cities than in villages. Lifestyles in the cities, consumption of junk food are some of the reasons…
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Diabetes Treatment
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Diabetes Treatment Introduction: The wise saying goes, “Half the cure goes to the credit of knowledgeable doctor’s medical research ….and half to her magical touch!” With the very mention of the word, and with the diagnosis that one has diabetes, a grim picture is created within one’s mind. This disease is incurable—and things like that! The disease has come from somewhere; only you need to know from where it has come, why it has come so that it can be repatriated to the place from where it arrived. Knowingly or unknowingly, you extended a cordial invitation for its arrival. Now, it is your duty to send it back, by taking a promise that it will never return! There is no disease for which there is no cure! Only we need to know the root cause of the disease. This can be explained through an example. By spraying repellants, you kill the mosquitoes. You get some relief, and after sometime, within a day of two you find the mosquitoes zooming around again. Repellant is not the solution for eradication of the mosquitoes. The root cause of mosquito –breeding is filth. Remove the filth, and you will find mosquitoes getting eradicated permanently. Similarly diabetes needs to be treated by going to the root causes of is origination! Modern medical science is treading the path of research. Any incomplete researches will not provide with the complete search about the cause of diabetes. Today’s final versions on the disease may become outdated soon, and new findings may negate the earlier causes. On the basis of the present classifications made by the medical scientists, three main types of diabetes have been identified. What is diabetes? Diabetes is malfunctioning of metabolism within the body. In healthy persons, the body uses digested food for growth and energy. The food is broken down into glucose, and it is supplied to the blood. This glucose is the important source of fuel to the body. When glucose reaches the bloodstream, it is utilized by the cells for energy and growth. Insulin needs to be present for the glucose to reach to the cells. Pancreas, a large gland behind the stomach, produces this hormone, popularly known as insulin. “When people eat, the pancreas automatically produces the right amount of insulin to move glucose from blood into the cells. In people with diabetes, however, the pancreas either produces little or no insulin, or the cells do not respond appropriately to the insulin that is produced. Glucose builds up in the blood, overflows into the urine, and passes out of the body in the urine. Thus, the body loses its main source of fuel even though the blood contains large amounts of glucose.” (Diabetes….) Diabetes Type I. This is also known as juvenile diabetes. Mostly it appears in pre-adolescence or adolescent growth. This is insulin dependent autoimmune disease in which the body destroys its own beta cells in the pancreas. Body has a system for fighting infection. When this system malfunctions, it turns against a part of the body. Pancreas is unable to produce insulin. This is the reason why the patient must take daily doses of insulin for survival. Barnes writes, “You can think of insulin as the key to the door of the cell. When insulin is released from the pancreas into the blood, it comes in contact with cells in the peripheral tissues (muscle and fat); special pores (the doors) are unlocked, allowing glucose to flow into the cell, providing it with energy.”(p.1)With the present level of research scientists are unable to fathom why the body’s immune system attacks beta cells .Possibly genetic, and environmental factors like viruses are involved. Mostly children and young adults fall victims to this type of diabetes, but it appears in all age groups as well. Balanced diet, exercise and insulin are the controlling tools. Symptoms do not take much time to develop. Beta cells destruction, however, might have commenced years earlier. The symptoms are constant hunger, weight loss, extreme fatigue, increased thirst and urination and blurred vision. If not treated properly and well in time, this can be life-threatening and the patient will lapse in to diabetic coma, known as diabetic ketoacidosis. Watkins writes, “…patients taking insulin are barred from certain occupations such as driving trains or buses. All patients taking insulin whose diabetes is reasonably well controlled will experience hypoglycaemia at some stage.”(2002, p.32) Diabetes Type II The onset of the disease is generally after 40 years of age. About 90 to 95 percent of with diabetes fall into this category. The main reasons have been identified as poor life styles as for diet, and lack of exercise, old age, obesity, genetic history etc. Consumption of fast food items is certainly one of the contributing factors for this disease amongst the teenagers. This is non-insulin dependent. The body is producing enough insulin but can not use it due to a condition known as insulin resistance. Over a period, the insulin production decreases. The net result is the one like in type I diabetes. Glucose is present in the blood but the body is unable to make efficient use of it. The onset is not sudden and the symptoms are common as that of Type I diabetes with the additional one—slow healing of wounds or sores. In some cases, symptoms are not experienced at all. It is reasonable to assume here that if one maintains proper diet control and the regular regimen of exercise, one may not need insulin to control blood sugar. It is not crucial to maintaining life. Gestational Diabetes This occurs late during a woman’s pregnancy. This form of diabetes disappears after the birth of the baby. The problem is in digesting carbohydrates. Unless one takes proper care, this type of diabetes may develop into type 2 diabetes within 5 to 10 years. Control body weight and involve in physical activities. Another condition is named as Pre-Diabetes. The patient has elevated blood sugar levels, but does not belong to a well-defined category. The medical practitioners perform tests on the pregnant women in the first trimester. Watkins opines, “Good results in diabetic pregnancy can only be achieved in centers where appropriate expertise exists. Joint clinics where care is shared between diabetes physicians and specialist nurses working alongside obstetricians with their team of midwives should be the norm.”( p. 77) Managing diabetes: Any type of diabetes needs to be tackled both at the physical and mental levels. Wrong diagnoses of the disease may lead to further complications. Approach a diabetes specialist for periodical checkups and follow a disciplined line of treatment. According to Watkins, “Complications screening program detection of the earliest signs of diabetic complications is an essential requirement of diabetes care leading to early preventive and treatment strategies which can abort progression of some of the most serious consequences.”(p.45) “….Many patients do not have an adequate grasp of their medical condition and thus have not been able to optimally participate in their own health care...”(Barnes, 2004,p.1) Fear and agitation, the traits normally found in an ill-informed patient of diabetes, are unhelpful to treatment. Understand the disease, and develop a proactive attitude towards its management. Take control of the blood sugar with a disciplined approach. Understanding, managing and preventing hassles associated with the disease can substantially decrease the chances of the necessity of insulin injections. Each one needs an exercise-based plan as per the requirements of the body, to boost the energy level. If one is overweight, the goal is to lose weight and feel stronger. Drastic measures to reduce the weight are not recommended. Lose weight gradually. Also study the pros and cons of supplement medications so that abrupt swings in blood sugar levels can be controlled. “Diabetes is a condition in which the amount of glucose in the blood is too high because the body cannot handle it properly. This condition results from the inability of the pancreas to produce sufficient amounts of insulin. Insulin is the hormone that enables the body to properly use glucose and directing it to the cells where it is used for fuel. Glucose comes from carbohydrate digestion.”(Types of….) The conclusion is simple and straightforward. Assist the body in properly digesting and metabolizing glucose. Difference in the strength of a body at the age of 25 and the body at the age of 45—there is going to be a marked difference. Respect this inevitability of the aging process and do reorientation in your lifestyles according to the need assessed by you and on the advice of your medical practitioner. When your mindset and lifestyles are changed you are already on the first step of the ladder of controlling diabetes. Adopting a healthy lifestyle is necessary at the middle age, 40-45, even for those who do not suffer from diabetes. But for the diabetes patients it is absolutely essential. Commit yourself to a healthcare professional. He knows many facts related to diabetes, than your imaginings. He will firstly decide the severity of the disease to decide whether insulin injections are required. In the ordinary course, he will prescribe pills to assist the body’s use of glucose. His sole aim is to control the patient’s blood sugar levels. Injections or pills are taken at regular intervals, so that the glucose level remains controlled. Medical intervention is the first step. Review and change your lifestyle. This is very important and the various aspects of the changes need to be understood carefully. Those who work in institutions like banks, multinational organizations, hardly have any physical activity. You need to budget your time for physical activity according to the need, without postponing the issue. The objective of changing the lifestyles is not to let the condition of diabetes worsen further. Physical activity, like morning walks for a minimum period of 45 minutes daily have been universally accepted as one of the factors contributing to the control of blood sugar levels. The optimum sugar levels vary from individual to individual and a qualified dietician will determine what food is ideal for you. He takes into account various factors like sex, age, occupation and the family history. In managing the diet-chart, elimination of certain types of food like junk food can not be ruled out. It’s time that the demands of the taste-buds are controlled. There are certain universally accepted diet standards. Have a fixed time to eat. Wholegrain varieties (not polished) of breads, cereals and pasta are welcome. Fruit and fresh vegetable intake should be increased. Fruits should be taken at fixed intervals. Reduction in salt and fat intake is part of the good diet program. Sugary foods should be cut to a minimum. Keep a proper control of carbohydrates. Weight management: Your dietician will tell you what needs to be your ideal weight. In most of the type 2 diabetes, the body doesn’t produce adequate insulin or the insulin produced is not utilized properly and hence the individual gains weight and soon become overweight. Besides, overweight invites hosts of other diseases, prominent among them being cardiovascular diseases. Physical activity: No two opinions about the need for the diabetes patient to increase the physical activity. The change of lifestyle assumes importance here. Besides the regular regimen for morning walks, develop the habit of walking in other areas, hitherto neglected by you. Use stairs instead of the lift; never take the vehicle out for covering short distances. Besides, walking is good for heart, joints and lungs and you feel fresh and rejuvenated after a brisk morning walk. Eating habits: Bernard Shaw said, “Your food is your grave!” What you eat is no doubt important; but how you eat, what you eat is more important. Apart from regular medication, food habits matter a lot. Eat wisely, eat the appropriate and never relax your food-discipline. You certainly can not afford deterioration in the state of your health. When the thoughts are changed… You have a problem and any problem can be solved only by finding a suitable solution. Brooding over the fact that you have diabetes will not help in any way. Do not invite emotional difficulty over an issue, over which you should not worry at all. You are doing your best. Physical exercise, changed food habits, proper medication—this is the best one do under the circumstances. Worrying will not help your cause. Be strong-willed and maintain your poise. If you are spiritually-inclined person, you will have lots of inner strength. Diagnosis “Two different tests can be used to help determine what type of diabetes a person has. The fasting plasma glucose test (FPG) is a blood test that measures blood glucose or blood sugar levels after fasting for at least eight hours. For the oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT), the blood sugar level is tested after drinking a standardized glucose-rich drink. Blood sugar levels are then tested several times over a few hours. The results of both these tests are measured in milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL).” (Managing …) Keeping Blood Sugar Levels under control: Discipline is the watchword for diabetes patient. Keep the blood sugar under control. More than the diabetes, risk of collateral diseases needs to paid attention. Eye, kidney and nerve diseases are waiting in the wings, and therefore tight blood sugar control is important. “Almost everyone knows someone who has diabetes. An estimated 23.6 million people in the United States—7.8 percent of the population—have diabetes, a serious, lifelong condition. Of those, 17.9 million have been diagnosed, and 5.7 million have not yet been diagnosed. In 2007, about 1.6 million people ages 20 or older were diagnosed with diabetes. Source: 2003–2006 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey estimates of total prevalence—diagnosed and undiagnosed—were projected to year 2007.” (Diabetes overview….) Researchers have identified many causes for diabetes. Some of the important ones are, diabetes caused by genetic defects of the beta cell, genetic defects in insulin action, diseases of the pancreas, endocrinopathies, medication or chemicals, infections, rare immune-mediated types of diabetes, genetic syndromes associated with diabetes such as Down syndrome, Huntington’s chorea, Klinefelter’s syndrome, porphyria, Prader-Willi syndrome, and diabetes insipidus. Diabetes management: With the discovery of insulin in 1921, diabetes patients have good hopes of recovery. This is true of Type I diabetes; most of the patients died within a few years of its diagnosis. Insulin is not the guaranteed cure but it is an essential medication in the package of curative procedures prescribed by the medical practitioners. Healthy eating and regular physical activity are the essentials. Insulin is the supportive medication, though important. Doctors advise the patients to constantly have the blood sugar levels tested and that laboratory test is called the A1C. Quarterly checks are recommended. As for Type II diabetes, physical activity and healthy eating is the mainstay. One or more diabetic medicines such as insulin, pills and any other type of inject worthy medicine as per the recommendations of the doctor are needed to control the blood sugar levels. Other precautions for the diabetes patients as a whole are, smoking cessation and more emphasis on natural food items in the diet. Blood sugar control alone will not serve the purpose. A person must work to remain fit and fine, physically and mentally. Adults with diabetes have a high risk of cardiovascular disease. It is estimated that about 65% of the deaths of the diabetes patients is due to heart disease or stroke. Blood glucose levels should not shoot up nor go too low. When it goes too low a condition known as hypoglycemia develops in which a person suffers from tension-related problems and he becomes nervous, confused and shaky. His normal level of judgment is impaired. One can faint. Natural diabetic control treatment: With due regard for the allopathic branch of medicine, some of the natural diabetes control treatments methods have proved very successful. Though accurate research is not yet available on this subject, the experience of the oriental wise-men recorded in spiritual texts has proved very effective, and many success stories are reported often.“Some of the most useful Herbs for the Treatment of Diabetes are:Bitter Gourd (Momordica charantia),Bael (Aegle marmelos), Gurmar Leaves (Gymnema sylvestrae)Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum graecum), Turmeric (Curcuma longa), Onion (Allium cepa),Nayantatra (Vinca rosa),Neem (Azadirachtha indica), Garlic (Allium sativum),Sagar gota (Ceasalpinia crista).” (Diabetes treatment….) Some special types of vegetables have direct bearing on blood sugar levels. The bitter gourd is regarded as one of the best remedies for diabetes. One tablespoon of bitter gourd juice daily will reduce the sugar levels in blood and urine. Bitter gourd cooked in ghee is also taken regularly for a period of three months to control the sugar level. Another combination of bitter gourd juice is with a tablespoon of Indian gooseberry juice daily for a period of two months that will help pancreas to secrete insulin. Drink a glass of water on empty stomach with 10 each of tulsi leaves, neem leaves and belpatra leaves. Grind fenugreek seeds (100 gms.) turmeric (50 gms.) and white pepper. Take one spoon of this powder daily. Conclusion: It has been observed that the incidence of diabetes is grater in the cities than in villages. Lifestyles in the cities, consumption of junk food are some of the reasons. “Even though hereditary factors do play a role in the development of diabetes, to what extent and in what way these factors act is still a mystery. It can be said hat hereditary factors can become effective only when certain other exciting environmental factors like obesity, faulty dietary habits and inadequate physical exertion are at work.”(Dr. Gala, p.39) The challenge of diabetes can be squarely met with dietary control and regular exercises including some of the yoga exercises that an expert in that branch will recommend. *************** Works Cited: Barnes, Darryl. Action Plan for Diabetes (Action Plan for Health Series): Human Kinetics; 1 edition (April 22, 2004) Diabetes OverviewJump to Other Types of Diabetes‎: Cached – Retrieved on October 23, 2009 Diabetes Treatment and Diabetes Control and Natural Treatment... Cached-Retrieved on October 23, 2009 Gala, Dr. Dhiren. Diabetes, high blood pressure without any fear; Navneet Publications India Limited, Gujarat (India) (Year of publication not mentioned.) Managing Different Types of Diabetes - Retrieved on October 23, 2009 Types Of Diabetes - Are there different types of diabetes? Retrieved on October 23, 2009 Watkins, Peter J.ABC of Diabetes (ABC Series) BMJ Books; 5 edition (December 15, 2002. Read More
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