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Dietary Guideline for the Americans - Coursework Example

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The present work "Dietary Guideline for the Americans" comments on the purpose of the guideline that is to diminish the health risks for the citizens and make them aware of the lifestyle required to remain healthy. Admittedly, the Americans have proved to be taking too much food…
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Dietary Guideline for the Americans
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Nutrition and Wellness Assignments Dietary Website The Department of Agriculture and the Department of Health and Human Services publish the Dietary Guideline for the Americans every five years. The purpose of all these projects is to diminish the health risks for the citizens and make them aware of the lifestyle required to remain healthy. As far as the need of calorie is concerned, the Americans have proved to be taking too much food to generate excessive calories. How, nutrient number remains low in their food habit. This even hampers the natural growth of the American children. On the other hand, obesity is a burgeoning problem in this country. Increase of physical activity is the main way out of this problem. It is always better slow down the rate of gaining weight for the adolescent children and youths. The Journal of Nutrition has also given some charts comparing to which I have come to realize the basic problems that are shared by most of all. We do not undergo even the commonest physical activities like cycling or walking. Therefore, rapid gaining of bodyweight has become obvious. People, whose workplace is limited to a certain place, must practice little bit of exercises. Stretching is recommended for all of them. The journal also presents a chart concerning how intake of calorie depends on bodyweight. This is very helpful for people who want to understand to what extent they should intake calorie and maintain a healthy diet chart. Body Mass Index is also a major factor behind all these. The BMI formula shows how we can exactly measure and compare between the ideal and actual growth of our bodies. There are certain food groups, which have been encouraged by this journal. Fruit is something, which we miss, in our daily life, but it is very good for energy consumption. Milk should be fat-free and other milk-products should not contain high amount of fat, too. The food habit certainly varies according to the age group. After reading this, I realized the problem I have with milk products. I never notice whether they are fat-free or not. Henceforth, I will be cautious about it. The journal gives us clear idea about the necessity of various food ingredients according to which we ourselves can plan balanced diet for everyday. ( 2. Gastrointestinal Illness (GI) Gastrointestinal Illness is a disease, which is seen among people belonging to any age group or any gender. Main cause behind this illness is improper food habit. Vomiting and diarrhea are believed to be two of the main symptoms of this illness and according to the survey it has been noticed that meals, which are taken outside home, are the factors behind Gastrointestinal Illness. Another survey shows that 33% of the college students fall ill to this disease very recurrently. This happens to them as they are in the habit of eating outside. ( Some of the common symptoms of Gastrointestinal Illness have been found so far. Among them the mentionable ones are headache, nausea, cramps, dizziness and many others as well. Cramps are mainly felt in the abdominal region of the body. All these symptoms are visible among more than 60% of the patients of this disease. School children are also seen in a great number among the sufferers of Gastrointestinal Illness. ( This disease is also known for the permanent damage it can bring about in one’s body especially in the digestive system, and it future can even cause death of the person. Irritable Bowel Syndrome is one of the main outcomes of the Gastrointestinal Illness. Abdominal pain is the main thing, which can be felt by the patient suffering from this case. The patient can feel a continuous discomfort in the stomach. In most of the cases this is mistreated for stomach upset. ( G.E.R.D. on the other hand, is another outcome, which has the full form of gastrointestinal esophageal reflux disease. The disease is also known by the short name of acid reflux. Esophagus is the part in the human body, which is largely damaged by the influence of this disease. This dysfunction takes place because of the imbalance in the pepsin enzyme, which plays a vital role in the digestive system. In most of the cases the situation of the patient turns chronic and may lead to the person’s death. ( Apart from all the dysfunctions mentioned above, there are some others caused by Gastrointestinal Illness too. Among them we can mention the names of Leaky Gut Syndrome, ulcers, rectal cancer, Diverticulosis and many others as well. Hiatal Hernia is also a common factor among the patient if the illness is not diagnosed at the appropriate stage. Balanced diet with disciplined lifestyle where the person takes his/her meal at right time and does not stay with empty stomach for long hours is the prime prevention that can be taken against this illness. 3. Evaluation of Fluid Products Fluid Hydration Products are the substances which we all intake from time to time although we know them by their most common name – health drinks. There are many controversies, which surround the health drinks. Notions about whether there are stimulants in the health drinks have not been cleared yet. Proper evaluation of the fluid products is very much necessary. A lion’s share of the drinkers of these products is the children. Hence, we should be very careful of what we are giving them to drink. Stimulants coming from outside the body may cause permanent health damage to them stopping the normal pace of bodily functions. Apart from the health drinks, there are cold drinks, i.e. aerated water. We are hardly careful of what are the ingredients, which are used to process them. Generally we all know that carbon dioxide is one of the gases, which are used to aerate them. But, there are other materials, which are used for bringing the taste and color to the substance. So, as it is stated above, proper evaluation of all these liquids is much needed. Are there stimulants in these drinks? What kind? Yes, there are stimulants in most of the drinks. Caffeine is undoubtedly a main ingredient which is present in most of them. It is true that variation in the amount of stimulants is seen from one company to another. ( Could you make your own electrolyte drink? If so, how? It is very hard to process electrolyte drink in the home. However, lemonade is one of the few energy drinks, which can easily be made by all of us. Amount of carbohydrate present in these homemade drinks remain low and hence they are harmless to human body. ( Do the claims made by the manufacturer seem realistic considering what you have learnt? The claims are partially true like all other business products. Some of them who claim to make calorie-free drinks contain fewer calories in reality. Drinks with excessive amount of stimulants present in them have to be avoided. Other than this, one has to be sure about the other ingredients, which have been used to manufacture them. What about soda? Consider the phosphorus content and the sugar or artificial sweeteners. Evaluate the effects of soda on your body. Soda is a main ingredient in many of the soft drinks which we intake. Soda water itself is a popular drink. Doctors say that excessive drinking of soda water may cause damage to our bones and osteoporosis is a fatal disease which is caused by it. Another side effect boron deficiency which, too, ultimately leads to osteoporosis. On the other hand, large amount of sugar is never good for the patients of diabetes and the alternative sweeteners have their side effects too. I have noticed the rapid weight gain after drinking soda frequently. As a consequence, I have felt pain in my knees and after this realization I have decreased the frequency of drinking it. ( What do you think the best water product is and why? I think Ultima is the best known water product which is used even by the Olympic athletes. The full name of the product is Ultima Replenisher. The main feature of this drink is zero amount of sugar. There are also water soluble vitamins which are used as ingredients and they are really valuable for the people in day to day life. The drink is also good for the pregnant women as well as for the immune system in the human body. ( 4. Researching Types of Eating Disorders   Anorexia Nervosa Bulimia Binge Eating 1) Website(s) accessed 2) Definition of the eating disorder  Maintaining ideal bodyweight and height becomes a matter of refusal for the patient. He/she also gets afraid of becoming fat. Even in the time of emaciation, the patient fears of getting overweight.  The patient raises hunger by excessive dieting and cannot hold control while eating. He/she vows to deprive him/herself from eating any more as the patient starts to believe that being thin is ideal.  The patient gropes for food. He/she may search for food secretly. In most of the cases the patient shows a history of failure in diet. Depression is also a symptom of the disease. 3) Diagnostic criteria  Hospitalization of the patient is very necessary. Family therapy along with group therapy both is required for the patient. Considering it as malnutrition may cause a wrong diagnosis.  Early diagnosis is much needed. Lack of control while eating is the main symptom of this disease. Hence, noticing this symptom is the main path of diagnosing the patient.  Duration and frequency of binge eating are the main things which are to be observed for the purpose of diagnosis of this disease. 4) Physical characteristics and health risks  The patient becomes emaciated unendingly. Excessive lack of nutrition stops all the normal body functions leading to the death of the person.  Emaciation of the body does not stop and patient suffers from depression. Among women, abnormal menstrual cycle is noticed. Problems in glands, teeth and heart are also seen.  Rise in blood pressure. Rise in cholesterol. Obesity. Diabetes. Suicidal tendencies. Arthritis. 5) Psychological dimensions  The patient considers him/herself to be a fat person even when the reality shows just the opposite. Continuously refuses to intake food in the fear of becoming fat.  Environment is believed to be an influential matter for the patient’s psychology. He/she thinks too much about bodyweight and starts dieting on a dangerous level.  Patient suffers from acute depression. He/she may take the decision to commit suicide if the patient is not counseled at proper time. 5. Personal Stress Responses I have come across many incidents which have made me tired both physically as well as mentally. Some of them have been experienced long ago when I was in my school life. Days before the examinations were really difficult. I used to cram hard as I used to avoid the normal course of study meant to be followed before. The penultimate moment was more than important for me. So the last minute preparation took its toll upon my mind and body. Once I fainted out of excessive stress in a history test. Nervous breakdowns were also common among the other students during the exam days. All these had a negative effect on my mind during that period driving me more and more away from the world of study. The same thing took place when I got my first job as a freelance journalist. Pending of too many assignments made me afraid of losing nerve. Another dimension of stress was added in all the journalists’ life with the competition between print and electronic media. Unhealthy competition increased the work pressure and the employees were helpless. Relaxation was something out of their dictionary. But now, I am happy to come out of that horrid world. The main thing, which has helped me, is to be regular with all my works. Pending works build up pillars of worry for a normal person. And it is also true that everyone has not got the same nerve. Being regular and sincere to your works helps you to avoid the congested situations. This is the main learning, which I have got from my past experience. Recently I have also come to know that media companies are learning the fact that they have to focus on the power of medium – be it electronic or paper. This has waved off the unhealthy competition, which caused huge stress on the people working in that sector. Therefore we can conclude that change in lifestyle and basic understanding of things can reduce stress. 6. Evaluation of Food Ads Targeted at Children We come across the several food ads almost in every media and a large number of them have children as their audience. Junk food items, health drinks, soft drinks and even corn flakes ads are sometimes very deceptive. It is a matter of utmost importance to be sure about the kind of ingredients, which are used to manufacture food items for children. For, once damaged in the childhood, the normal body functions in a child’s physique may never get restored. In almost all the food ads meant for children we see the parents involved in the business. Parents are, definitely, the people whom the children trust the most. Therefore it is a business strategy to convince the children about the safety of the food items. Once they see some parent handing over the food to his/her child, they crave to enjoy the same thing in their family too. Therefore, it is their parents’ duty to make them understand the difference between the real and the world which belongs to media. Internet has come in it too. Today, children can easily get access to a computer and thus go into the cyber world. Businessmen have all targeted the sites for children where continuous ads about various junk foods or soft drinks pop up before their eyes. According to a recent survey there are 30 and 75 food ads (hourly and daily respectively) which are broadcast on the television screen. This takes the number up to 22,000 every year. Risks caused by the advertisements are even more than these horrible statistics. There are some rules which have been issued by the Australian Broadcasting Authority about what should be the restrictions about the food ads which have children as their audience. Misleading or deceiving the children is now a punishable offence for the advertisement makers. According to the survey done by National Nutrition Survey of Australia in the year 1995, these foods and drinks are really bringing about damage on children’s health: Hamburgers Soft drinks Confectionery Pizza It is also said that family purchases depend a lot upon the child members in it. Many of these purchases depending on children are either breakfast or dinner items. Now, as a matter of fact a child cannot come to know about the merchandizes if he/she does not come across the advertisements shown on any media. So the media is definitely big factor acting in the child psyche. Some of the advertisements clearly display the message that fast and fatty foods are ideal for children. As a consequence, they are quickly drawn into it and then into the habit of having those foods now and then. Sugar, fat and salt – these three ingredients in foods are never ‘good’ for children as it is shown in the ads. The parents ought to be more serious about what they are providing their children to eat. Chocolate and confectionery – these are the best to be enjoyed rarely. Fruits and other healthy foods are required for the natural growth of theirs and not anything from the world of fast foods. ( 7. Changes in Nutritional Needs in Teens The world of the teenagers is rapidly changing with the gradual advent of science and technology. Depending on that their food habit and lifestyle – both are changing everyday. Today’s teens make it a point to update them with the world they are into. It is true that they have been robbed off the kind of freedom enjoyed by their preceding generations even a few years ago. The world is fast today and full of worries and stresses. Teenagers are not any exception to all these factors. Therefore, as a consequence, changes in nutritional needs have been noticed among the modern and upcoming generation Y. It has been a matter of concern for all the dieticians throughout the world how to cope with the balanced diet in a planet full of junk foods, which do nothing than to conjure obesity into someone’s body. Teenagers are the largest portion of the customers of these junk foods and soft drinks. It is always easy to influence their immature emotional mind and thus this has helped in the business strategy too. Teenage is the time to grow properly. This is why proper nutrition is an essential thing for them. Cholesterol level is something, which should be under control for the boys and girls within the age of 13 to 19 years. But, the main problem with junk foods lies there as they increase the amount of cholesterol in a great pace in the teens’ bodies. Obesity has become a major threat to the American teenagers only because of this reason. Now, as far as the adolescent athletes are concerned, junk foods are a strict no. According to the dieticians, only 30% of the needed calories come from the fat substances taken in by teenagers. Therefore red meat is something, which is not much needed for the proper nutrition among the teens. They can concentrate more on thin meat like chicken. Poultry meat without skin is also a good option. On the other hand, fish is always a safe choice for them. Moreover, nutritional needs also vary according to the gender. Adolescent male athletes have to be very cautious about how they are having their food habit. Only proper fluid and electrolyte drinks can be taken. There is presence of caffeine in many of the advertised drinks available in the market. They should never draw an adolescent athlete. They just taste good and nothing else in return bringing harm to their body fitness. On the other hand, it is sometimes seen that adolescent athletes are not that much aware of the requirement of fluids in their bodies. Therefore lack of fluid can lead them to dehydration. They should be sure that they have enough energy sources before they go for exercises. Level of nutrition is much more required for the gymnasts and sprinters than the skaters or swimmers. Relaxing the muscles from time to time is needed for allowing them to grow in their natural order. Fish, thin meat, fruits and vegetables are the best known safe parts of the balanced diet for an athlete in his teen years. References 1. Journal of Nutrition, American Society for Nutrition, 2008, retrieved on September 18, 2008, from 2. Green, Laura; Selman, Carol; Jones, Tim; Scallan, Elaine; Marcus, Ruthanne, “Beliefs About Sources of Gastrointestinal Illness: What Factors Are Associated with People’s Beliefs that a Meal Eaten Outside of the Home Made Them Sick?”, RTI International, 2004, retrieved on September 18, 2008, from 3. Read More
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Dietary Guideline for the Americans Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 Words.
“Dietary Guideline for the Americans Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 Words”, n.d.
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