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Breast Cancer Screening and Management in AL Noor Hospital - Essay Example

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This essay "Breast Cancer Screening and Management in AL Noor Hospital" discusses breast cancer management, diagnosis, and treatment at Al Nor Hospital based in Abu Dhabi’s Airport Road. The hospital boasts of highly specialized staff and technologically advanced medical equipment…
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Breast Cancer Screening and Management in AL Noor Hospital
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Breast cancer screening and management in AL Nor Hospital Airport Road, Abu dhabi UAE al affiliation Introduction The essay discusses breast cancer management, diagnosis and treatment at Al Nor Hospital based in Abu Dhabi’s Airport Road. The hospital boasts of highly specialized staffs and technologically advanced medical equipment, required in the treatment of breast cancer. The cancer health condition results out of uncontrolled development of abnormal body cells. The cancer abnormality is easily managed if it is detected early, through techniques such as breast screening. Breast screening is among the most frequent services provided at the hospital. Women patients continuously undergo x-ray examination on their breasts area, so as to protect themselves and their children. The hospital also participates in the World Cancer day, so as to create awareness on the management of breast cancer. Organization Overview Al Nor Hospital is based along the Airport road in Abu Dhabi. The hospital is state-of-the-art, and it was developed in 2008. The hospital provides diverse services in the areas of; in-patient and out-patient services, diagnostic services, surgical procedures, and medical services. Most importantly, the hospital boasts of 24 hours GP and emergency procedures or services. The hospital has five operating theaters, with 103 bed capacity that has VIP and royal suits. Staffs of the hospital are highly trained in tope hospitals and medical schools in the USA and Europe. The medical facilities are most advanced, with latest diagnostic and treatment procedures and equipment. The hospital has specialized departments in the areas of surgery, cancer treatment, and nuclear medicine. The hospital thus has competent staffs and superior medical facilities, to handle the treatment of breast cancer. Financial Reporting The Al Nor Hospital has put adequate financial investments in the management of cancer. In 2014, the hospital entered into a contract to acquire the Gulf International Centre that is valued at US$21.8 million. The centre is the only cancer treatment facility that is found in Abu Dhabi. The land for the cancer centre was additionally leased at US$2.7 million for 25 years. An extra payment of US$2.2 million was made, and it is based on performance. The acquisition process was accomplished on February 10, 2014 (Al Noor Hospitals Group PLC., 2014). Question 1 Cancer is a health condition that results from the uncontrolled growth of abnormal body cells. This condition occurs when the body’s control system fails to work properly leading to the persistence of old cells that grow abnormally into new abnormal cells. These new abnormal cells may form a mass of cells called a tumor (Bleyer, 2012). However, some strains of cancer such as leukemia do not manifest through tumors. Al Noor Hospitals Group provides exemplary cancer screening services to the Emirates of Abu Dhabi and the wider United Arab Emirates. Moreover, Al Noor Hospitals has provided over twenty-five years of private healthcare through its diverse portfolio of hospitals and medical centers. The group remains one of the best avenues with a wide coverage compared to the National Hospital services of the United Kingdom. Al Noor Hospitals are legally operational under the accreditation by the Joint Commission International. The hospitals are equipped with advanced medical technologies explicit med and are equipped with advanced medical technologies. The hospitals provide primary, secondary, and tertiary healthcare services at the considerably highest quantity through innovativeness, collaboration, collaboration, excellent services, and commitment to the safety of patients. The three Al Noor group hospitals that are along the Khalifa Street, Airport Road and in Al Ain, have advanced medical technology for clinical and surgical facilities in cardiology, bariatric-advanced laparoscopic surgical procedure for obesity, nuclear medicine, cosmetology, neonatal intensive care, gynecology, and several other important complications. Indeed, this makes the hospital one of the best areas for seeking comprehensive medication. The cost of cancer treatment is very high in most of the hospitals where such services are provided. Nonetheless, cancer treatment is conceivably easier when the detection is done earlier before the cancer advances to acute stages. It is implicit that any treatment or screening facility embraces the technologies that aid earlier detection and treatment are of primary importance in order to prevent cancer related deaths. Recommendations for Al Noor Hospitals and their implications for cancer screening and treatment Recommendations Implications for cancer treatment Cancer is an abnormality that cannot be detected by any simple medical tests. Furthermore, the only viable cancer treatment and management options are through early detection hence the urgent need to focus on cancer screening attendance. Enhancing screening cancer screening attendance can be achieved only through a well-coordinated delivery of better healthcare. Additionally, there is the urgent need to improve healthcare quality through information infrastructure, training, and certification. The government’s role is to put in place a legislative framework that supports efforts to build information infrastructure The area of information infrastructure is important because the lack of updated and readily available patient records leads to delays in care, misdiagnoses, and mistakes in filling prescriptions. The costs of healthcare is increasing progressively partly because of the increased rates higher rates of chronic diseases, such as diabetes, mental, respiratory and heart ailments, and cancer. Additionally the traditional healthcare relies on the finance by an activity-based payment model. This model of payment rewards providers for the quantity of healthcare they provide instead of quality of care. It is important to embrace the performance model to healthcare, which rewards for the quality of the intervention. Activity-based payment model of healthcare management inherently compromises the quality of healthcare. Replacing this system with a performance model would ensure that quality healthcare is maintained at all costs since it rewards medics based on the quality of the intervention for a particular ailment. Furthermore, collaboration and networking with healthcare institutions with up to date technologies would ensure that patients receive good medical care even when the facility itself does not have the necessary medical technologies. The quality of healthcare is an important aspect of proper Medicare. Consistency in the quality of care is determined by availability of proper patient records such as electronic health record that facilitates the capture of valuable patient information required to improve quality. Consistency in the provision of Medicare should be replicated in the medical staff quality. The reliance on an expatriate health-care workforce, which is made up of multiple nationalities and backgrounds. Improved healthcare information infrastructure has several benefits. Some of the benefits include higher quality Medicare, minimal cases of unforced errors, and greater efficiency. Moreover, when a patient’s data is comprehensively available, it avails provider performance in which patients, and healthcare consumers become empowered participants in their healthcare. The healthcare recipients are also able to make informed decisions. The medical staff does lack the requisite skills or goodwill. Rather, the medic usually gets different sets of skills and medical taxonomies from their diverse countries of origin. This lack of coherence in medical practice leads to impaired coordination of care that compromises quality care. The quality of healthcare in hospitals varies dramatically since the hospital operators variably define the standards of care. This difficulty is motivated by the fact that there is no standard definition of what is expected of hospitals and the medics. To deal with the healthcare cost and quality issues, Abu Dhabi should to explicitly identify the areas where the private sector can fill capacity or quality gaps. Where the private networks are appropriate, Abu Dhabi will also need to consider the extent of private sector involvement healthcare provision. The private sector absorbs all the risk of running and financing an asset, such as a hospital, during the lifetime of the collaboration. In return, the public sector pays a lease or fees to the private partner. The private sector has the potential of contributing technology solutions and expertise in knowledge management, interaction of patients and the capacity of healthcare delivery. Healthcare consistency in Abu Dhabi is affected by the diversity of education and training backgrounds of healthcare professionals. The private healthcare sector can build on the early successes of Abu Dhabi’s Knowledge Engine for Health. This Knowledge Engine gathers and analyzes information from healthcare Providers, and insurers to ensure quality healthcare to all patients. Question 2 The purpose of a field practicum is to elevate students to a position where they can integrate, apply, and build knowledge important for facing the outside world. It provides a platform for enhancing skills and identifying professional problem-solving capacity needed for potential development. During my field practicum, I was exposed to practice my class initiatives in various health programs. Despite the diversity, breast screening and management acted as a central learning sphere. Scope of breast screening and management AL Nor Hospital Airport Road Breast screening and management plays an important role in streamlining reduction of complicated diseases (Jatoi & Kaufmann, 2010). It is one of the initiatives that has served well in facilitating early diagnosis and treatment of cancer. At AL Nor Hospital Airport Road, breast screening has been one of the highly sought services. Apparently, many women in the United Arab Emirates have passed through the x-ray examination process not only to protect themselves, but also the children dependent on the breasts. In ordinary circumstances, women over 70 years are not encouraged to have breast cancer; however, all women are encouraged to have breast cancer awareness. The hospital encourages women to go through breast cancer screening every 3 years. Certainly, this acts as a follow-up technique for ambient treatment. Evidently, the hospital used mammograms, which have the ability to detect breast cancer at an early stage. Notably, this is at an early stage where doctors have a difficulty in detecting such diseases. Mammograms work within a short time and have the ability to detect even the slightest amount of cancer (Morrow & Jordan, 2003). During my practicum, I was also able to learn that the radiation involved produce much benefits, which outweigh the risk involved. The hospital has held various campaigns aimed at improving cancer awareness. During “the world cancer day”, the hospital held a two-day awareness activity aimed at building the capacity of people. The hospital lobby has ample space for cancer detection and prevention. For example, it is adorned with different cancer awareness colors raising awareness about the disease. During the awareness program, I was privileged to be part of the workforce who provided advice to patients. I also extended breast cancer tests through screening vouchers and medical education. Additionally, the institution also prepared a series of meals for controlling the spread of breast cancer. Some of the meals that the hospital recommends include tea, flaxseeds, legumes, kiwi, tomatoes, and berries. After screening breast cancer patients are encouraged to incorporate such foods in their diets. I was particularly in charge of passing down information to both patients and visitors regarding the nutritional value and health benefits. In as much as good exercise and nutrition may be important for reducing breast cancer, AL Nor Hospital Airport Road encourages regular screening as a sure initiative. Improvement strategies for AL Nor Hospital Airport Road Breast screening is almost at its peak at the hospital; however, there are various areas that can improve services. Notably, breast cancer screening does not only involve the screening process but other initiative. At AL Nor Hospital Airport Road, the screening department does a good work; nonetheless, it is vital to work on a comprehensive system. In the current system, a few lapses have in many cases led to delayed screening. Some of the Improvement strategies for AL Nor Hospital Airport Road, I would recommend include; Consistent awareness campaigns Apparently, the hospital is only engrossed in either national or internation awareness initiative with limited attention to limited objective. Paying attention to breast screening, the hospital has done little towards the type of cancer. In as much as many women stream in for screening, several cases are reported with extreme conditions. Undoubtedly, this is a clear sign that despite the ongoing screening, many women either have limited information or are ignorant about the need for screening. The hospital should conduct roadside campaigns, internet advertisements, live interviews, and bill boards. Through these initiatives, women have an opportunity to learn and know the effects of breast cancer. Comprehensive tests In as much as patients have the right to choose when to carry out tests; the hospital also reserves the right to provide quality services. At the AL Nor Hospital Airport Road, there is need to program tests that promote conclusive examination. Under the comprehensive test program, all women visiting the hospital should go through breast cancer screening. Nonetheless, this should only target breast feeding or pregnant women. Integrated medication and management Medical experts within AL Nor Hospital Airport Road perform different functions. One such important role in providing advise after consultation. Integrated medication should be encouraged at the institution with emphasis given to breast cancer. Arguably, any woman seeking medication should be given a privilege to get information about the nutritional meals. Therefore, apart from drugs, medical experts should initiate pertinent information that allows women escape the dangers of breast cancer. Operational plan for implementation of synthesized strategies The health fraternity is complicated and sensitive (Harmer, 2011). For this reason any program, which affect it should be handled with uttermost care. In many cases, change is inevitable, but faces opposition despite presenting various benefits. Implementing the synthesized strategies at AL Nor Hospital Airport Road can be challenging considering that it is a subsidiary. On the other hand, patients can resist the initiative for lack of information. It, therefore, is imperative to promote consistency, timeliness and proficiency in management. It is of importance to observe that breast cancer screening and management should be able to tackle the real problem. Strategy/activity Objective Institution/person responsible Outcome/indicator Time frame Consistent awareness campaigns To increase knowledge about breast cancer To promote defensive mechanisms for breast cancer The administration, medical experts and other stakeholders Increased breast cancer screening Reduced effects of breast cancer 6 to 12 months Comprehensive tests To promote integrated breast cancer screening To increase early detection The administration and tests Increased breast cancer screening 1 to 3 months Integrated medication and management To encourage Comprehensive treatment To reduce breast cancer severity The administration, medical experts and patients Increased awareness and reduced severity 1 to 2 years Advanced Best Practice in Cancer Management The advanced strategy for treatment of breast cancer utilizes gene therapy. The therapy hinders development of the tumors associated with breast cancer. Beneficial human genes are introduced in virus form to the tumor cells. The beneficial genes then produces signal that stops blood supply to the tumor cells, and thus growth of the tumor cells is hindered. The gene therapy is appropriate because it applies human genes instead of the viruses. Hence, a longer lasting therapy that is effective is realized. The gene therapy concentrates on the breast cancer tumor cell, with no harmful effect on the healthy cells (Irish Cancer Society, 2012). Conclusion Effective implementation of the recommendations on cancer management will result to high quality services, especially in the area of breast cancer diagnosis, medication and treatments. Early detection should be encouraged, through creating awareness on breast screening services available at the hospital. The private sector should be involved in the cancer management process. Private hospitals usually have high quality facilities that can be used effectively in cancer diagnosis and treatment. The private hospitals also possess adequate capacity to engage in research in the area of cancer management. The integrated medication ensures proper management of the cancer, through ensuring comprehensive treatment and also minimizing breast cancer severity. References Al Noor Hospitals Group PLC. (2014). Bleyer A, (2012). Effect of three decades of screening mammography on breast-cancer incidence. N Engl J Med 367 (21) 27-39. Fenton JJ, Rolnick SJ, & Harris EL, et al. (2007). Specificity of clinical breast examination in community practice. J Gen Intern Med 22 (3): 332-7 Harmer, V. (2011). Breast cancer nursing: Care and management. Chichester, West Sussex, U.K: Wiley-Blackwell. Irish Cancer Society. (2012). Jatoi, I., & Kaufmann, M. (2010). Management of breast diseases. Heidelberg: Springer. Morrow, M., & Jordan, V. C. (2003). Managing breast cancer risk. Hamilton: BC Decker Inc. Nelson HD, Tyne K, Naik A, et al. (2009). Screening for breast cancer: an update for the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force. Ann Intern Med 151 (10): 727-37. Welch HG & Black WC (2010). Overdiagnosis in cancer. J Natl Cancer Inst 102 (9): 605-13. Read More
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