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Methods of Abortion - Essay Example

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The paper entitled 'Methods of Abortion' presents the three common abortion methods which consist of surgical, medical, and chemical. Surgical abortion entails the introduction of instruments into the body. Surgical abortion is divided into suction aspiration, dilation, and curettage…
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Methods of Abortion
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Medical abortion involves the use of specific drugs to kill the unborn child. The commonly used drugs include mifepristone, methotrexate, prostaglandins, and salt poisoning. Mifepristone is an inhibitor of the progesterone hormone and disrupts the lining of the uterus. The disruption deprives the fetus nutrition, as well as protection, and eventually, the unborn child dies (American Life League). Methotrexate affects the growing cells of the fetus and other support systems. Injection of the salt to the amniotic fluid renders the child lifeless through dehydration, bleeding, and convulsion (American Life League).

The possible complications of medical abortion include hemorrhage, infection, and severe pain (State of Alaska). Chemical abortion procedures entail the use of drugs that disrupt the implantation of the baby. The method causes the death of the fetus. The common methods of chemical abortion comprise of Ortho-Evra, NuvaRing, Depo-Provera Contraceptive Injection, and Plan B. Ortho-Evra and NuvaRing suppress the gonadotropins and make the implantation of formed baby impossible by disrupting the uterus lining (American Life League).

Similarly, Plan B and Depo-Provera Contraceptive Injection cause thinning of the endometrium. The potential risks and complications consist of headaches, drug reactions, inability to conceive, vomiting, and nausea (State of Alaska).

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Methods of Abortion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 351 Words.
“Methods of Abortion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 351 Words”, n.d.
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