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One of the most important observations that I made an as FNP student is that health centre patients are more ethnically and racially diverse compared to national patients (Kronenfeld, 2013). In addition, health centre patients are highly likely to be publicly insured or uninsured.
Disparities in primary care settings are based on appropriateness, access and use of care. These disparities are caused by factors such as sex, income, health condition, race or ethnicity and geography. Patients with care-sensitive conditions in low-income groups from rural areas are highly likely to indicate that their visit to the emergency department was because of a medical condition that was treatable by a primary care provider. Women with care-sensitive conditions have a low probability of receiving information regarding medication side effects. In addition, they did not receive the four recommended tests required for chronic condition monitoring. They were also denied the right tools required for the self-management of their condition. People in low-income groups also did not receive support from their primary care provider. These people reported that their providers did not involve them during clinical decision-making (Kronenfeld, 2009). They were also not involved in the creation of a treatment plan that would help in the management of their medical conditions.
I am preparing myself to address these disparities by conducting studies on disparities in primary care settings. In addition to the studies, I have interviewed healthcare professionals to gain insights into the causes of the disparities and the likelihood of avoiding them (Buttaro, 2013). I have performed a literature review of relevant literature on disparities in primary care settings. Most importantly, I have identified the most vulnerable demography and scheduled a survey with them to collect their views on the disparities experienced.
If awarded the scholarship, I will use the funds to finance my studies on how the disparities in primary care settings can be addressed. This is an important area of study because the country should have a healthcare system that does not discriminate against people because of their race or social-economic background. Other developed countries have universal healthcare systems that serve all members of the population regardless of their background (Buttaro, 2013). The study will provide strategies for addressing the disparities and frameworks for preventing a reoccurrence of the problem.
Disparities in primary care settings are caused by factors such as sex, health condition, income and race. Disparities are evident in differences in use, access and appropriateness of care. To address the issue of disparities in primary care settings, I am preparing myself beyond the classroom by visiting healthcare centres and interviewing healthcare professionals to gain insights into the problem. In addition, I intend to conduct interviews with patients who have experienced disparities in service delivery. Read More