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Nutrition Related Disease - Research Paper Example

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The paper "Nutrition Related Disease" names lack appropriate observance of food nutrition as a cause of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, osteoarthritis, and loss of body weight. Unluckily, the majority of UAE citizens suffer from cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, and osteoarthritis…
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Nutrition Related Disease
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Introduction NUTRITION RELATED DISEASE Food is the main thing that enhances living thing’s existence. Through centuries, human beings have known that food enhances growth of children and youths, maintenance of good health, meeting crucial requirements of pregnancy as well as enhancing recovery from illness. For food to meet all these factors, it must have some nutritional values. Thus, food composition involves nutritional elements such as fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, and proteins. The above information about food grants one the freedom of defining food as an element that nourishes the body. Nutrition on other side can be defined as food that works in the body; components that are required in the body so as to grow, reproduce, and live a normal healthy life. Foodborne illness also known as foodborne disease is the term used to refer to symptoms associated with consumption of contaminated foods (Duggan, Walker and Watkins 179). Food poisoning entails eating contaminated foods as a result of poisons, or disease causing micro-organisms. On the other hand, nutrient related diseases are diseases that result from deficiency of some nutrients in the diet or over-consumption of some nutrients. According to Berdainer, Dwyer and Feldman, safe food is the major concern of all living things as well as food industry. Safe food contributes immensely towards protecting living things from foodborne illness. Additionally, observance of food safety contributes immensely towards reducing the rate of immortality as a result of consumption of contaminated foods. Safe food also entails taking in good diet. In tandem to this, consumption of safe food lowers the cases of nutrient related diseases. Food contamination is among the key elements that contribute to health problems. In most occasions, it is caused by the presence of unwanted micro-organisms, chemicals and physical elements in food. Food contamination is very crucial because it leads to occurrence of food borne illness. For instance, it is through consumption of bacteria as a result of food contamination that one develops gastrointestinal problems. Food contaminants have also the potential to cause death if not controlled in time. For instance, it is evident that typhoid leads to death if not treated effectively. Food additives are ingredients added to the produced food in order to increase its shelf life, enhance its flavor or change its physical appearance. Despite their contribution to successive maintenance of the quality of food, it is evident that they also cause some problems to people who are sensitive to them. For instance, it is evident that they cause diarrhea, hives, respiratory problems like asthma, as well as other digestive complications. Pathogens are disease causing microorganisms. They range from viruses, bacteria to fungi. Food borne pathogens are not selective in their activity, they can affect anyone. However, pregnant women and their young children are the one most susceptible to pathogens. This is as a result of their low immune system. Food borne pathogens are known of causing many deaths in the world. In their book, Duggan, Walker and Watkins also claim foodborne illness is used in elaborating the symptoms associate with consumption of contaminated foods. They also claim that foodborne illness has got diverse agents, and among them include biologic, chemical and physical agents. Biologic pathogens entail bacteria, fungi and viruses. Biologic pathogens also include viruses and prions. Pathogenic chemicals associated with the causation of foodborne illness include pesticides and herbicides. Toxins produced by living organisms such as bacteria and mushroom, mycotoxins by fungi, as well as heavy metals such as arsenic and zinc also cause foodborne illness (Duggan, Walker and Watkins 180). Trends of foodborne diseases in the U.S. Retrieved from In their work, Duggan, Vatkins and Walker claim that “Bacteria are small, single-celled organisms that possess no distinct nucleus” (Duggan, Vatkins and Walket 179). They can be found in extreme climates, a reason as to why they are the common agents of foodborne illness. It is also evident that bacteria are the leading cause of hospitalization and mortality. Some of the leading diseases causing bacteria are Campylobacter jejuni, Salmonella spp, Escherichia coli, Clostridium perfringens, and Listeria monocytogenes. Campylobacter jejuni is caused by consumption of raw and undercooked poultry. The intake of unpasteurized milk as well as contaminated water has been found to result to this disease. Salmonella spp on the other hand is as a result of consuming raw or undercooked eggs, poultry and meat. It is also associated with the consumption of unpasteurized milk or juice. Consumption of cheese as well as contaminated raw fruits and vegetables can also result to this disease. Just like Campylobacter jejuni and Salmonella spp, Escherichia coli are also caused by consumption of some certain types of foods. For instance, it is evidenced that undercooked beef, unpasteurized milk and juice as well as consumption of raw fruits and vegetables can cause E. coli. Intake of contaminated water has also been found to result to this disease. Listeria monocytogenes on the other hand results from consumption of unpasteurized milk as well as food products made from unpasteurized milk (Duggan, Walker and Watkins 35). Consumption of ready-to-eat deli meats also result to this disease. Many types of viruses can be transmitted via contamination of food by faeco material. However, fooborne illness as a result of viruses mainly affects individuals who are unhealthy. Some of the foodborne illnesses as a result of viruses include viral gastroenteritis that is caused by consumption of any food contaminated with the virus, Hepatitis A and E that are caused by consumption raw shellfish captured from polluted water, contaminated sandwiches as well as salads. Poliomyelitis on the other hand is caused by consumption of any food contaminated with a virus. Unlike other viral caused diseases, Rift valley fever is caused by consumption of any food contaminated with either aerosols or blood from infected domestic animals. Parasitic worms are also good causing agents of foodborne illness. In most occasions, they alter with the digestive system of an individual. Their presence in the body also causes obstruction leading to emergence of some critical diseases. Some of the common parasitic illness include Taenia infection that result from consumption of raw beef and pork, Amoebiasis that result from consumption of food soiled with faeces, and Trichinosis that is caused by consumption of undercooked pork and its products. Ascariasis is also a parasitic foodborne illness that results from eating foods contaminated with soil. Fungi have also been found to be very effective in causing foodborne illness. Some of the fungal foodborne illnesses are caused by Aspergillus, Penicillium, and Yeasts. Fungal foodborne illness result from consuming cereals, dried meat as well as supermarket foods. Signs and symptoms of foodborne illness The signs and symptoms of bacteria foodborne illness are many diverse. For instance, it is evident that bacteria foodborne illness results to diarrhea, abdominal pains, constipation, indigestion, and vomiting. It is also evident that bacteria foodborne diseases also result to loss of appetite, nausea, abdominal cramps, blurred or doubled vision, muscle weakness as well as respiratory failure. Individuals suffering from bacterial foodborne diseases can also experience stomach cramps, slight fever or substantial loss of weight. Just like the victims of bacteria foodborne diseases, the victims of viral foodborne diseases also experience nausea, abdominal cramps, diarrhea, headache as well as fever. Vomiting is also more common to individuals suffering from viral foodborne diseases. The parasitic foodborne illnesses are also associated with digestion complications, accumulation of gas in the stomach, abdominal pains, vomiting, fever, and loss of body weight. Additionally, it is evident that parasitic foodborne diseases cause protrusion of body parts as a result of obstruction. Preventing foodborne illness Prevention of foodborne illnesses is very crucial; it leads to the reduction of the rate of hospitalization as well as mortality. There are diverse ways of controlling foodborne illnesses, and among them include storing food at cool places, cooking food effectively, reheating food adequately, handling food with clean hands. Food preservation Food preservation can be defined as the treatment of food so as to reduce the rate of spoilage, loss of nutrients as well as to stop food from spoiling. Preservation inhibits growth of microbes which are the key causing agents of food spoilage. There are two common methods of preserving food; that is, traditional methods and commercial methods. Traditional methods include salting, heating, smoking, drying, cooling, and application of honey. Commercial methods on the other hand involve refrigeration, freezing, vacuum parking, pickling, canning, irradiation, and application of high pressure. Role of Health agencies in preventing food borne illness Health agencies play very significant roles towards reducing the occurrence of foodborne illness by not only creating awareness among people, but also monitoring the methods and quality of food produced by food industries. For instance, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) creates awareness in people through listing foodborne illness as one of the contributing factor for many hospitalization and death cases in the U.S. in listing the number of deaths as well as hospitalizations caused by foodborne illness, FDA manages to alert the citizens on the essence of observing food habits as well as food hygiene (DeBryune, Pinna and Whitney 130). Center for Disease Control (CDC) is also a food agency that plays a significant role towards reducing the occurrence of foodborne illnesses. It achieves this by gathering data pertaining foodborne illnesses, investigating foodborne illnesses and the causes of their outbreak. It also attributes illnesses to specific foods and food settings alongside monitoring the effectiveness of prevention and control in containing foodborne illnesses (DeBruyne, Pinna and Whitney 130). The CDC also assists states as well as health departments to come up with their epidemiology, laboratories as well as environmental settings for managing foodborne illnesses. It also serves as a benchmark for controlling the the incidents of foodborne illnesses. Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) also plays a very crucial role towards reducing the occurrence of foodborne diseases in the world. It achieves this by controlling very critical points in handling of foods. It also enhances the prevention of foodborne diseases by identifying specific hazards associated with foodborne diseases as well as their control measures (DeBruyne, Pinna and Whitney 133). Like the other agencies, Abu Dhabi Food Control Authority (ADFCA) is ensures food safety is observed in Abu Dhabi emirate. It achieves this by ensuring that it has created awareness among consumers on the essence of food safety and hygienic practices. Additionally, ADFCA offers effective training to animal keepers and veterinarians so as to reduce the occurrence of foodborne illnesses. Health Authority-Abu Dhabi (HAAD) is also a health agency in Abu Dhabi that deals with foodborne diseases. It assists hospitals with information pertaining to foodborne illnesses, thus, enabling doctors to deal with food poisoning effectively. Nutrient related diseases Nutrient related diseases are diseases as a result of overconsumption or deficiency of specific minerals in the diet. In most occasions, they are as a result of loving specific types of minerals at the cost of others. Nutrient related diseases as a result of overconsumption of specific minerals are very common in children because young children have a tendency of eating junk foods. However, adults are also victims of these diseases; majority of the adult people suffer from diabetes, hypertension, and cardiovascular diseases. Excessive consumption of some minerals such as carbohydrates leads to accumulation of glucose in the bloodstream, and as a result leads to the increase of the blood sugar level. Accumulation of excessive sugar in the blood makes the pancreas to stop producing glycogen, and start producing insulin so as to regulate the blood sugar level. Unfortunately, excessive blood sugar level hampers with the effectiveness of insulin and as a result leads to diabetes type II (Ensminger A and Ensminger M 564). Excessive consumption of curbs is also associated with accumulation of fats that leads to obesity. On the other hand, deficiency of carbohydrate in the diet leads to low energy production. Low energy production is associated with weakness and loss of body weight. Proteins are the building blocks of tissues. They are also essential for repair of worn out tissues. Despite having these advantages, when consumed excessively they lead to some health complications. For instance, it is evident that accumulation of calories from excess protein can lead to weight gain. Apart from causing cardiovascular disease, excessive consumption of protein can also lead to cancer. This is a result of accumulation of red meat protein in the body. Additionally, it is evident that cooking meat at high temperatures leads to formation of carcinogenic compounds that are associated with the occurrence of cancer. As introduced above, proteins are very essential nutrients for formation of body tissues. Their deficiency in the diet therefore can lead to muscle wasting and frequent infections such as osteoarthritis. Fats are also very essential minerals, they make humans healthy. However, when consumed in excess, they result to health complications. For instance, it is evident that excessive consumption of fats lead to atherosclerosis. Fats are also associated with occurrence of cancer if consumed excessively. Just like carbohydrates, excessive fats in the body lead to obesity. Additionally, it is evident that accumulation of fats in the vessels that serve the heart can result to cardiovascular disease (Ensminger A and Ensminger M 345). Deficient consumption of fats can also hurt one’s heart; the heart depends on fat for support and protection. Additionally, low fats in the diet can also lead to loss of body weight. Osteoarthritis is one of the painful joint diseases that affect the aging people. In involves wearing out of the cartilage tissue and loss of joint fluids. Vitamins have been found very effective in managing the pains associated with this disease. Excessive administration of vitamins to the victims of osteoarthritis assists in relevance of pain. Thus, deficiency of vitamins in the diet can result to diseases. Prevalence of Diabetes, Cardiovascular disease, Cancer, and Osteoarthritis in UAE, Globally Diabetes is the major health issues it the UAE. Currently, over 300, 000 people suffer from diabetes in the UAE without knowing that they have the disease. The statistic shows that 745, 940 people know that they are suffering from diabetes in the UAE. This high number of victims of diabetes makes the UAE to be ranked the fifth state in the world with cases of diabetes. Cardiovascular disease is also common in the UAE. This is evidenced by the fact that over 30% youths are vulnerable to cardiovascular disease. It is also evidenced that a third of the youths have diabetes whereas 20% of them suffer from obesity. Additionally, it is also evident that over 20% of the residents of UAE suffer from arthritis (20pc of UAE residents suffer from arthritis, 2012). This high number of victims of cardiovascular disease, arthritis as well as diabetes makes UAE one of the nations in the world that leads in terms of suffering from nutrient related diseases. Steps to be taken to prevent Diabetes, Cardiovascular disease, Cancer, and Osteoarthritis Good eating habit is very crucial in life. People need to learn on not only what to eat, but also the quantity of the food they require for health survival. Thus, it is crucial for every person to ensure that he or she has consumed safe food by observing FoodPlate system practiced in the U.S. It is also important for the community to assist other people in choosing the right types of foods so as to reduce the occurrence of diseases and other healthy complications. The community can achieve this by advocating good eating cultures among its members. Additionally, it is appropriate for the state to take part in creating awareness on the essence of observing good eating habit. This could be achieved through holding rallies as well as employing the use of local administrations in advocating the essence of eating smart. Retrieved from Conclusion In conclusion, food and nutrition is a very crucial topic that needs to be inoculated in human lives. People need to eat the right foods that constitute of important minerals. Deficiency minerals as well as poor handling of foods and food pathogens cause diseases. Appropriate handling of food as well as preservation can assist in controlling the occurrence of foodborne diseases. Traditional methods as well as commercial methods of preserving foods are very crucial in eliminating disease causing microorganisms. Lack of appropriate observance of food nutrition have been found to cause diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, osteoarthritis, and loss of body weight. Unfortunately, the UAE is among the nations in the world that majority of its citizens are suffering from cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, and osteoarthritis. However, amicable measures are being taken by health agencies such as ADFCA and HAAD in order to reduce the incidence of these diseases in the UAE. Works Cited 20pc of UAE residents suffer from arthritis. Khaleej Times. 2012. Web. 1 June 1, 2014 Bender, David. A Dictionary of Food and Nutrition. New York: Oxford University Press, 2009. Print. DeBruyne, Linda, Pinna Kathryn and Whitney, Eleanor. Nutrition and Diet Therapy. New York: Cengage Learning, 2007. Print. Duggan, Christopher, Walker Allan and Watkins, John. Nutrition in Pediatrics: Basic Science. New York: PMPH-USA, 2008. Print. Ensminger, Audrey and Ensminger, Marion. Foods & Nutrition Encyclopedia, Two Volume Set. New York: CRC Press, 1993. Print. Read More
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