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Examining Food and Nutrition - Research Paper Example

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This research will begin with the statement that according to Ridgwell, “food and nutrition are all about understanding of diet, health, food choices and food processing.” She also claims that all living animals require food for survival and good health…
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Examining Food and Nutrition
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Nutrition Related Disease According to Ridgwell (4), “food and nutrition is all about understanding of diet, health, food choices and food processing.” She also claims that all living animals require food for survival and good health. To justify this, she asserts that living animals require food in order to gain energy so as to be active, to keep them healthy as well as help them fight diseases. Additionally, she argues that animals need food for growth and repair of worn out tissues and to stop them from feeling hungry. According to her, people also eat in order to enjoy. In her writing, she also relates food and nutrition. According to her, all foods provide human beings with nutrients that are essential for keeping them alive and healthy. In tandem to her argument, it is evident that foods provide humans with nutrients such as proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins as well as minerals which are very essential for the normal functioning of the body. Nutrients play different roles in human’s body. For instance, carbohydrates and fats supply human’s body with energy whereas proteins are body-building and also aid in repairing worn out tissues. Unlike carbohydrates and proteins, vitamins and minerals play many diverse roles. Some of the roles played by them include protecting and keeping human’s body healthy. Food-borne illness also referred to as food poisoning takes place when a human being gets sick from consuming food that has been contaminated or infected with disease causing micro-organism (Ridgwell 156). In most occasions, the microorganisms responsible for the illness are bacteria, viruses, or parasites. On the other hand, nutrition related diseases are diseases that are caused by either deficiencies or excesses of specific foods. Good examples of such nutrient related diseases include obesity, chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, cancer and diabetes mellitus. Hypertension is also a nutrient related disease that affects mostly the elderly people. Nutrition related diseases also comprise developmental abnormalities that can be averted by observance of good eating habit. Thus, food-borne illness results from disease causing micro-organisms whereas nutrient related diseases are caused by either deficiency or excesses of particular foods. In her book, Ridgwell (156) postulates that advancement in food technology as well as changes in eating habits led to the enforcement of the Food Safety Act in 1990. According to her, changes of eating habits as well as changes in technology led to the increase of cases of food-borne illness. The Food Safety Act was introduced to ensure humans consumed safe food. In connection to this, Hoffmann and Taylor claim that safe food plays a significant role towards reducing the incidence of food-borne illness (Hoffmann and Taylor 23). According to them, “consumers can be prevented against many health hazards through careful handling of food” (Hoffmann and Taylor 23). Thus, safe food is very crucial; it reduces the incidence of food-borne illness. According to Altug (53), “contaminants are undesirable materials that exist in food before, during or after processing.” He also claims that a contaminant is any substance that finds its way into the food unintentionally through processes such as production, manufacturing, processing, packaging, and transportation. Unfortunately, accumulation of contaminants results to diseases because of their toxicity. Food additives on the other hand are substances that are added to food in order to preserve flavor or boost its taste and appearance. However, they have also result to some health complications. For instance, Ridgwell (62) claims that food additives results to food intolerances that produce diverse symptoms. To justify this, “she asserts that symptoms that result from consumption of food additives range from minor irritations to the skin through vomiting and abdominal cramps” (Ridgwell 62). She also argues that over 7% of the people she interviewed in her study claimed to react to food additives. Apart from food additives, pathogens also cause diseases. Pathogens are organisms that have the potential of producing diseases on other organisms. According to Hoffmann and Taylor, pathogens are responsible for many hospitalizations and deaths. To justify this, they claim that most pathogens portray complex transmission. Food-borne illnesses are diseases that result from contamination of foods or beverages. In most occasions, the contamination is caused by the disease causing microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, parasites as well as fungi. The common food-borne illnesses as well as their common food sources are discussed below. Pathogens causing food-borne illness Retrieved from Retrieved from Botulism (Clostridium botulinum) is a bacterial illness that results from consumption of canned foods. It is one of the illness that affect infants after consumption of honey. Campylobacteriosis (Campylobacter jejuni) is also a bacterial illness that affects humans after consuming raw or undercooked chicken as well as unpasteurized milk. Campylobacter jejuni also originate from drinking non-chlorinated water. Just like Campylobacter jejuni and Clostridium botulinum, cholera (Vibrio cholerae) is a bacterial disease that originates from consumption of shellfish and contaminated water. Escherichia coli are also bacterial illnesses that result from consumption of undercooked beef, unpasteurized milk, contaminated water, and fruit juices. Other illness that are caused by bacteria include listeriosis (Listeria monocytogenes) that originate from unpasteurized milk and soft cheeses, Clostridium perfrigens that result from consumption of improperly cooked meat products and Salmonellosis that originate from raw eggs or undercooked poultry, fish or other types of meat. Salmonellosis is also caused by taking in unpasteurized milk. Just like salmonellosis, Shigellosis also originates from salads, raw vegetable and dairy products. Additionally, shigellosis also originates from consumption of contaminated water. Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella typhi, Yersinia enterocolitica, and Vibrio vulnificus are also bacterial illnesses that originate from consumption of undercooked meals and dairy products. Illnesses caused by viruses include hepatitis A and Norwalk-like virus. These two diseases originate from consumption of contaminated water, salad ingredients and shellfish. On the other hand, amebiasis is a protozoan disease that originates from consumption also of contaminated water, raw vegetables and fruits, and dairy products. In addition to food-borne illnesses caused by bacteria, viruses, and protozoans, there are also illnesses that are caused by natural toxins. Illness caused by natural toxins include ciguatera fish poisoning that result from warm water fishes such as barracuda and snapper, scombroid poisoning that originate from spoiled fish such as mackerel and tuna, and shellfish poisoning that result from oysters and scallops. The signs and symptoms of food-borne illness are very unique. For instance, majority of illnesses caused by bacteria result to diarrhea that is watery or bloody. Individuals also suffering from the bacterial illnesses also vomit occasionally in addition to feeling fever, nausea and abdominal cramps. Dizziness and muscle pain are also common symptoms that individuals suffering from bacterial illnesses portray. Unfortunately, excessive loss of water through diarrhea dehydrates persons suffering from bacterial illnesses. It is also very common from individuals suffering from the bacterial illnesses to experience nausea, weakness, fatigue, constipation as well as headache. Some of the bacterial illnesses such as typhoid result to splenomegally. Fatigue as a result of food-borne illness Just like individuals suffering from bacterial illnesses, people suffering from illnesses caused by viruses also experience fever, malaise, abdominal pains. Apart from diarrhea, jaundice is also one of the common symptoms of individuals suffering from viral illnesses. Parasitic protozoans also result to gastrointestinal distress, abdominal pains, and bloody diarrhea. However, unlike other illnesses, it also leads to intestinal ulceration. As expounded above, it is evident that most food-borne illnesses are caused by bacteria and consumption of their toxins. Prevention of such food-borne illnesses involves proper storage of foods as well as disinfecting water supplies. It is also crucial for individuals to pasteurize milk as well as observe food safety practices in order to reduce the cases of food-borne illnesses. For instance, it is very crucial for people to ensure that they have cooked meat very well before consuming. There are diverse methods of preserving foods. However, they are divided into two: commercial methods and traditional methods. Traditional methods include processes such as smoking, sun drying, fermenting, salting, and storing foods at very low temperature by exposing to foods to low night temperatures. On the other hand, commercial methods of preserving food include canning and bottling, machine drying, freeze drying, cold storage, pasteurization, irradiation, and use of antibiotics and other chemicals. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), over 48 million cases of food-borne illnesses take place every year. It also claims that approximately 128,000 people get hospitalized annually, and 3, 000 people die from food-borne illnesses (Gleason and Hunting 157). CDC also found out that majority of the food-borne illnesses are mild, and as a result are not reported. According to it, “the most common pathogens that result to food-borne illnesses are Campylobacter, Salmonella, and Escherichia coli (Gleason and Hunting 157). From this, it is evident that health agencies play a significant role towards identifying the common pathogens that disturb man as well as their prevalence in the society. Additionally, it is also evident that agencies aid in identifying the common foods that are associated with food-borne illnesses. For instance, CDC found out that raw foods such as raw meat products, poultry, seafood as well as unpasteurized milk resulted to food-borne illnesses. According to CDC, processed foods such as sausage and ground beef also expose humans to food-borne illnesses. Vegetables and fruits are also prone to contamination because of unsanitary processing conditions such as washing with water contaminated by fecal materials. Thus, health agencies also aid in informing people on how to prevent the occurrence of food-borne illnesses by observing hygiene as well as cooking food well. Majority of the states and health departments also employ food safety inspections so as to prevent illnesses that may result from food contamination. For instance, majority of the states as well as health departments employ food safety inspection system as outlined by Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP): “HACCP system work towards ensuring that it has prevented the occurrence of food safety issues” (Gleason and Hunting 158). HACCP achieves this by assessing the intrinsic hazards correlating to a process or product. It also identifies the necessary steps that ought to be employed in order to control the identified hazards. It also ensures that the managerial control practices have been employed in order to control the occurrence and spread of food-borne illnesses (Gleason and Hunting 158). Food and Drug Administration on the other hand is also a health agency that ensures violations are not made in the processing of foods. Additionally, FDA carries out routing food inspections as part of its food regulation programs so as to prevent the occurrence of food-borne illnesses in retail shops. This is evidenced by the role played by FDA in the U.S. “FDA is responsible for the inspection and oversight of over 1 million food establishments- restaurants and grocery stores, as well as vending machines, cafeterias, and other outlets in healthcare facilities, schools, and correctional facilities” (Gleason and Hunting 158). Just like FDA, HACCP, and CDC, Abu Dhabi Food Control Authority also plays a significant role towards minimizing the occurrences of food-borne illnesses in Abu Dhabi. It achieves this by looking into problematic areas that result to food-born illnesses. Additionally, it monitors the activities of food businesses that are associated with the occurrence of many food-borne illnesses. For instance, ADFCA reduced the occurrences of the diseases by starting strict actions against the errant food businesses that had resulted to over 262 complaints in early 2013. ADFCA also carries also reduces the occurrence of food-borne illnesses by carrying out intensive scrutiny of food products during summer season because of the association of food spoilage with increase in temperature. Nutrient related diseases as introduced above are diseases that are caused by either deficiency or excesses of specific foods in the diet. In most occasions, they are as a result of eating disorders or lack of access to some types of foods due to lack of resources. Some of the nutritional diseases include obesity, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, and diabetes mellitus. Cancer is also one of the diseases that result from nutritional imbalances. Carbohydrates are examples of nutrients consumed by humans. They are made of three elements, that is, carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. Carbohydrates are the best sources of energy. However, excessive consumption of carbohydrates has a negative impact to a human’s body. An increase in carbohydrate intake correlates with the increase in intake of calories. Unfortunately, excessive consumption of calories has the potential of increasing one’s body weight, which leads to a very serious health repercussions. Child suffering from obesity as a result of excessive consumption of carbohydrates For instance, the breakdown of excessive carbohydrates in the body results to increase of blood sugar level. Accumulation of excessive body mass as well as high sugar content in the body results to type 2 diabetes (endocrine disease associated with blood sugar regulation). The excessive use of insulin in the removal of high sugar content from the blood as a result of overconsumption of carbohydrates also leads to occurrence of cardiovascular disease. It is also evident that excessive consumption of carbohydrates leads to accumulation of fats in the body which eventually block arteries and veins which serve the heart. In connection to this, it is also evident that excessive consumption of fats results to accumulation of calories in the body. Unfortunately, accumulations of calories also lead to the blockage of the blood vessels that serve the heart. Apart from this, excessive consumption of carbohydrates also results to accumulation of gas in the gastrointestinal tract. Insulin failure as a result of excessive sugars in the blood Most people associate proteins with body building. However, excessive consumption of proteins is not good. Excessive consumption of proteins results to accumulation of toxic ketones in the body which harms the kidneys. They lead to the kidneys straining in order to get rid of their harmful end products. Most experts also associate excessive consumption of proteins with the occurrence of different types of cancer. This is as a result of digestive disorders that emanate because of the body system failing to address the excessive proteins in the body. The accumulation of toxic materials in the blood and tissues leads to formation of cancerous cells. It is also evident that proteins play a very significant role towards repairing of worn out tissues. In connection to this, it is also evident that majority of the elderly people suffer from tissue breakdown. Thus, deficient consumption of proteins by the elderly people can result to health complications such as osteoarthritis because of their high demand for proteins to aid in the repairing of the worn out cartilage tissues in their joints. The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is one of the areas in the world that has a very significant advancement in terms of economic development. Its health sector is comparable to that of successive nations in the world. It has succeeded in containing many infectious diseases that are associated to high mortality rates. However, diabetes poses great challenge to its health sector. Approximately 32% adults of the age between 20 and 79 suffer from diabetes in UAE. Some other findings also associate 44% of the adults between the age of 18 and above with diabetes in the UAE. From this, it is evident that the UAE is greatly challenged by diabetes. Although osteoarthritis is also present in the UAE, its prevalence is not comparable to that of diabetes. Osteoarthritis prevalence is about 20%, and only 6000 people have been diagnosed with the disease. Unlike diabetes and osteoarthritis, the prevalence of cardiovascular disease correlates with educational level. The prevalence of it is very high among the non educated people (39%) and very low among people the educated people (1%). Cancer is also one of the diseases that cause many deaths in the UAE. However, UAE lacks the specific data of people suffering from cancer. According to what took place in 2007, it is evident that the cases of cancer are increasing in UAE with time. This is evidenced by the number of those suffering from it rising from 389 in early 2007 to 823 in late 2007. As introduced above, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer, and osteoarthritis are diseases that are caused by imbalances in nutritional intake. To combat them therefore involves observing god eating habit, which is, eating a recommendable amount of each nutrient. Families have also a role to play towards ensuring that these diseases do not affect their members. They can achieve this by formulating a timetable as well as controlling the eating habit of some family members. It is also evident that the community has also a very crucial role towards ensuring the community members live healthy lives. The community can achieve this by advocating observance of good eating cultures. Apart from these diseases affecting the immediate victims, it is also evident that they alter with the economic advancement of a country. In order to succeed, a country is also obliged to ensure its citizens access safe foods through use of food agencies. In conclusion, food and nutrition is about understanding diet and adhering to good eating habits. All foods are essential to humans; they provide nutrients that are essential for keeping them alive and healthy. However, consumption of contaminated foods can cause food-borne illness. Many states however have some agencies that aid in preventing the occurrence of food-borne illnesses. Examples of such agencies include CDC, HACCP, ADFCA and FDA. Overconsumption of some foods as well as deficient consumption of some foods can also result to some diseases and abnormalities. Some of the nutrient related diseases include Diabetes, Cardiovascular disease, Cancer, and Osteoarthritis. Works Cited Altug, Tomris. Introduction to Toxicology and Food. New York: CRC Press, 2002. Print. Gleason, Brenda and Hunting Katherine. Essential Case Studies in Public Health. New York: Jones & Bartlett Publishers, 2011. Print. Hoffmann, Ann and Taylor Michael. Toward Safer Food: Perspectives on Risk and Priority. New York: Resources for the Future, 2005. Print. Ridgwell, Jenny. Examining Food and Nutrition. New York: Heinemann, 1996. Print. Read More
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