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Evaluation Questions on the Impact of Big Brothers Big Sisters Programs Evaluation questions on the Impact of Big Brothers Big Sisters ProgramsIntroductionIt is not easy to determine whether an organization is meeting its set objectives by just relying on its daily operations. As such, it is vital that procedures be instituted to establish from stakeholders who directly have an interest in the organization whether their requirements are being met. This can be achieved by employing an impact evaluation, which seeks to answer the cause-and-effect questions.
That is, “what is the impact of an outcome of interest?” (Powell, 2006).The objective of this paper is to highlight the evaluation questions that I would pose concerning the impact of Big Brothers Big Sisters program. The paper will also explore data collection methods that would be used to answer these questions. Finally, the essay will provide a summary of this information in tabular format, with evaluation questions and corresponding data collection method.Typical Impact Evaluation Questions on Big Brothers Big Sisters Program1.
Are the objectives and goals of Big Brothers Big Sisters being met?2. Does the program have beneficial effects on the youths?a. Has the program reduced antisocial activities among the youths under the program?b. Has the program improved academic outcomes of the youths?c. Has the Big Brothers Big Sisters improved the relationships between the youths and their parents?d. What is the impact of the program on youth’s self concept?e. Has the program created any cultural and social enrichment on the youths?f. What are the effects of the program on drug and alcohol usage among youths under the program? 3. What are the effects of the program on the mentors?4. Are there any adverse side effects of the programs on the youths?5. Are the youth problems being solved made any better?
Data Collection MethodsQuestionnaires: In order to get these questions answered properly, the first data collection method that would be used in the questionnaires. In this case, youths under the program would be given a questionnaire to fill regarding these questions. Here, the youths will answer the questions according to how well or bad the program has impacted on their lives (Tierney, Grossman, and Resch, 2005). The questionnaire will also be given to the parents of the youths under the program to give their view regarding how they feel regarding on the impact of Big Brothers Big Sisters program on the lives of their children by answering the questions.
Schools attended by these youths will also be required to fill in the relevant part of the question rewarding the changes they have experienced on the youths since they began attending the program.Interviewing: Interviewing in this case will involve taking a sample of the youths and parents who are part of the program and interviewing them directly using the questions set. (Tierney, Grossman, and Resch (2005) note that they will be required to answer the questions as the responses are being entered.
SummaryEvaluation QuestionData Collection MethodAre the objectives and goals of Big Brothers Big Sisters being met?QuestionnaireHas the program reduced antisocial activities among the youths under the program?QuestionnaireHas the program improved academic outcomes of the youths?InterviewHas the Big Brothers Big Sisters program improved the relationships between the youths and their families and friends?InterviewWhat is the impact of the program on youth’s self concept?QuestionnaireHas the program created any cultural and social enrichment on the youths?
QuestionnaireWhat are the effects of the program alcohol and drug usage among youths under the program? QuestionnaireWhat are the effects of the program on the mentors?InterviewsAre there any adverse side effects of the programs on the youths?QuestionnaireAre the youth problems being solved made any better?QuestionnaireReferencesPowell, R. R. (2006). Evaluation Research: An Overview. Vol. 55, No. 1, University of Illinois. Tierney, J. P., Grossman, J. B., & Resch, N. (2005). Making a Difference: An impact study of Big Brothers Big Sisters: Public/Private Ventures.
Philadelphia, PA 19103.
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