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Elidel Cream: New Treatment and for Eczema - Essay Example

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"Elidel Cream: New Treatment and for Eczema" paper focuses on a new treatment option that relieved many sufferers of Eczema. It is well tolerated in patients as it reduces significantly the adverse effects of eczema such as itching and several flares. …
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Elidel Cream: New Treatment and for Eczema
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This paper will look at Elidel® cream (pimecrolimus 1%) as a new treatment option for eczema. Many adults endure a significant physical and psychosocial struggle caused by highly visible Eczema (Zuberbier et al., 2006). Elidel® cream (pimecrolimus 1%) will now relieve thousands of people who are reactive to alternative medication that has steroids. Studies by Kemp (2003) showed that the treatment of eczema was a burden for patients. A patient spent approximately $1,200 annually on treatment (Kemp, 2003).

According to Public Summary Document (2006), Pimecrolimus 1% cream was indicated “for patients 3 months of age and older with atopic dermatitis (eczema) for short term treatment of signs and symptoms; and intermittent long-term treatment of emerging and resolving lesions in atopic dermatitis where the use of a topical corticosteroid is not yet warranted, no longer needed, or is inadvisable” (Public Summary Document, 2006). This treatment is beneficial for a patients whose treatment with steroid drugs was contraindicated or could not relieve eczema symptoms because of potential risk.

Cork et al. (2006) reported that a defective skin barrier, which can allow the entry of irritants and allergens into the skin, is a primary cause of eczema (Cork et al, 2006). According to Public Summary Document (2006) & Weise-Riccardi et al. (2006), a new clinical trial involving Elidel® use in adults with facial eczema who were intolerant of steroid cream, or used large amounts of steroid creams, has shown a significant decrease in eczema severity, as well as an improvement of skin thinning on the face (Public Summary Document, 2006; Weise-Riccardi et al., 2006). The report indicated that Elidel® offered eczema control significantly reducing; the number of flares and the need for steroid creams. The eczema control plan is focused on promoting the education of patients on the management of eczema using a multi-therapy treatment approach. Elidel® is a boast to this approach. 

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